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Now Is the Time: Returning to Your First Love
Now Is the Time: Returning to Your First Love
Now Is the Time: Returning to Your First Love
Ebook124 pages2 hours

Now Is the Time: Returning to Your First Love

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Now Is the Time-Returning to Your First Love is a beautiful love story between the Creator and creation. Creation chose creation, breaking the Creator's heart causing separation, loss, and death.

But the Creator fights for the love of His life, setting off a chain of events to occur until the Creator and creation are reunited in the place where it all began.

Through the use of story, experience, knowledge, and scripture, we can follow the author as he demonstrates how much love the Creator has for His creation through the giving of Himself, His Son, and the Holy Spirit for restoration of creation.

God is love, love is God, and giving of one's self makes love beautiful for the world to experience and see!


Release dateJun 23, 2021
Now Is the Time: Returning to Your First Love

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    Now Is the Time - Davis Holt

    Table of Contents

    Stop Disobedience to God

    Look to the Hills from Whence Cometh My Help, 

    Look to Jesus

    Listen to the Word of God

    Change by Applying the Word of God Daily to Your Life


    Now Is the Time

    Returning to Your First Love

    Davis Holt Jr.

    Copyright © 2021 by Davis Holt Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    ALL Scriptures references not noted came from these Bible versions

    The Holy Bible-King James Version

    Thomas Nelson Publishers-Nashville

    Copyright 1994 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.


    The Holy Bible-New King James Version

    Copyright 1994 by Thomas Nelson, a division of HarperCollins Publishing, Inc.

    Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson

    Printed in the United States of America


    Now is the time that God has given inspiration for mankind to return to its First Love. I thank God for utilizing me to bring forth His powerful message unto His creation. I realize that He could have chosen anyone, but He chose me. What an honor! For God so loved the world, He gave, and now it is time for us to give back to Him. Please join me in this great opportunity to please Him because God deserves our best and because He has given us His best.

    For mankind, it is not easy to stop, look, listen, and change because we believe that we are self-owned, self-driven, and self-motivated, which causes us to do what we want when we please. We love greed, money, power, and status, more than we love our brothers and sisters. Now is the time that will hopefully change the hearts of mankind, so love will reign over the earth once again.

    Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law. And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. (Romans 13:10–14 New King James Version)

    Based on God’s word in Romans 13:10–14, we will explore these five verses and break them down so everyone can understand God’s desire for His creation. Each one of us is uniquely made, and He knew us when we were in our mother’s womb. This is how Psalm 139:13–14 expresses it to us, For You formed my inward parts: You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well. Our Creator loves us unconditionally, and He has proven it since the beginning of creation. How many individuals do you know will create something and allow someone else to name it? Well, that is what our Creator did. He loved us so much that He created everything and allowed us to name it. What an awesome display of love!

    Returning to our First Love will not be easy, but God is all-knowing and all-seeing, and utilizing these four simple God-given words, we all will be traveling in the same direction of fulfilling the two greatest commandments given by our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Stop disobedience.

    Look unto the hills from whence cometh my help; look to Jesus Christ.

    Listen to the Word of God.

    Change by applying the Word of God daily to our lives.

    These four simple words will not only have a huge impact on mankind but will redirect creation back to its First Love.

    Chapter 1

    Stop Disobedience to God

    Stop is a simple word that everyone understands. But it is one of the hardest things for mankind to do on a consistent basis. Therefore, with that said, let us look at it a little deeper. In the world, as we know it, stop refers to bringing something to an end. So why is it so hard for mankind to stop being disobedient to God? Disobedience caused the fall of man. Disobedience allowed sin in the world. Disobedience causes spiritual separation from God. Disobedience eventually causes death. Today, disobedience is running rampant in our world, causing destruction as we have never seen in our lifetime. We are facing biblical times, but we refuse to understand who is in control. We are relying on creation to sustain us rather than on the Creator.

    The world is currently facing a pandemic, which has been named the coronavirus (COVID-19). Pandemonium is setting in. People are told to stay home, wash their hands constantly, not to be close to one another, and to self-quarantine. In addition, people are fighting over toilet paper, seniors are dying in massive numbers, people with underlying medical conditions are also dying at a massive rate, jobs are being lost, unemployment is at an all-time high, schools are closed, restaurants are not operating per usual, gyms are closed, doctors and dentists’ offices are canceling non-essential appointments, stores are running out of products, hospitals do not have the necessary supplies and/or equipment, doctors and nurses are being infected, first responders are also becoming infected, the government is passing a huge bailout plan, and, on top of all of that, the stock market is upside down.

    People are not prepared for this level of chaos or confusion worldwide. For once, everyone knows that we need a Savior because mankind does not have the answer. But I can assure everyone that if mankind continues with disobedience to God, we will continue to face famine, pestilence, wars, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and all other plagues of the Bible. The question is: How did we get to this point? Well, I am glad to answer that question. We must start from the beginning.


    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). He is called Adonai-Lord, Master. We live in a world created by a spiritual being with powers beyond human intellect. Therefore, we are followers of His structure instead of ours. The Creator established all rules and guidelines for us to follow. What is important is the word follow. Follow is another simple word to understand; it implies to come after and/or to move or travel behind. The Creator never gave mankind the authority to lead Him but gave mankind the authority to take care of what was given unto him.

    Looking a little deeper, God created everything before He created the first man. Once He created everything and said that it was good, He created the first man in His image. In Genesis Chapter 2, we discover how we were created. Have you ever taken a pottery class and learned how to make all kinds of different bowls, cups, and dishes from clay? Well, let me introduce you to the first potter, our Creator. Scripture says, He formed man from the dust of the ground. He used His hands and touched the first man, physically molding him into His image. Then after looking at Himself, made from dust, He decided to give life to His creation. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

    Can you even imagine how wonderful it was to God to see an image of Himself contained in a fleshly body made from the dust of the ground? Therefore, man was created for God’s pleasure to serve Him and to take care of everything that God had created. Revelation 4:11 says, You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will, they exist and were created.

    In the Presence of God

    Just like a firstborn child, the first man had it all. He had the total attention of the Creator with no outside interference, influence, or distractions. Man, oh man, what a wonderful opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest! Just like we do, God loves His creation so much. He spoiled the first man by giving him everything. He planted a Garden eastward in Eden (Eden in Hebrew means pleasure or paradise) that contained all the necessities imaginable.

    Have you ever taken a guided tour? The tour guide gives his insight about what will be seen. God is our tour guide of His creation. He knows everything and what is best for our success. God tells man, Look, trees are pleasant to the sight, good for food, and there’s a tree that contains the knowledge of good and evil. As they continue to explore the garden, man listens to the sounds of rivers. He also observes the vast, beautiful land that contains gold, bdellium, and the onyx stone, animals playing, and birds chirping. He smells the scent of the food provided by the trees and touches in amazement everything that God had created.

    Man was in paradise but was given a great responsibility to serve God and take care of His creation. Genesis 2:15 says, Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. Man was given his first job. Here, we see that man was not created for himself but to glorify God and love Him forever. In other words, man was created for service—first, service to God, and second, service to God’s creation.

    As parents instruct their children on the dos and the don’ts of their household, God does the same for His creation. While still on the tour of the garden, God implemented His rules for creation. For example, He commanded the man to eat freely of every tree, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he may not eat because if he does, he would surely die. The instructions were simple and to the point. What more could be asked of a parent or the Creator? But somehow, man could not follow them.

    Our Creator is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing and all-seeing), and omnipresent (all-present). When we are in the presence of God, He knows what is needed and what our heart desires. While still with man in the garden, God knew ahead of time that man was going to have trouble being alone. Genesis 2:18 says, "It is not

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