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Dragon Knight Witch Fight
Dragon Knight Witch Fight
Dragon Knight Witch Fight
Ebook461 pages7 hours

Dragon Knight Witch Fight

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About this ebook

How do I (a seventeen-year-old witch) tell my soul mate (a two-hundred-year-old dragon prince) that Nessie (the Loch Ness monster) says I'm destined to die unless I discover the secret my ancestor hid centuries ago? I also discovered that witches and dragons are at war with each other. (Good thing he doesn't know I'm a witch.) We are also fighting a darkness that is evil and vile.

On top of all that, fulfilling a prophecy that was written hundreds of years ago, and all this before my eighteenth birthday.

Prophecy Part 1:

She is the one that starts it all,

as her powers begin with the call.

The mother of the line that starts.

She must realize not to keep them apart.

Until the time a dragon falls in love with a witch,

it will all change, there will be a switch.

Until the fourth witch brings the end,

life as she knows it will finally begin.

Prophecy Part 2:

The daughter of a daughter with air,

with water must prepare.

Her time is now,

She must not bow.

She must learn control,

or never have her soul.

Find the dragon that holds her heart,

do all this or forever be apart.

Looks like I'm going to be very busy, huh?

Release dateJul 21, 2021
Dragon Knight Witch Fight

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    Dragon Knight Witch Fight - D.L. Cornwell



    I was so excited, I could hardly breathe. How can I feel this way with only a glimpse of a man from a year ago? I didn’t know how to answer that because I can hardly contain my excitement. I felt as though I should be able to fly with the electricity that ran through my body.

    I could fly all the way to Lossiemouth, Scotland, straight to Moray Golf Club and Hotel. My family needed to hurry; my excitement knew no bounds. I had to look for him. I needed to feel that jolt to my heart when I saw him. There was no question I will see him again; my heart said I will.

    My parents, Alastair and Bridget McMillan, were having a private party with their best friends here every May 1. They told me it’s not specifically for my birthday, but we never seemed to vary from the date or the place, which seemed unusual since none of their friends had children. My parents always teased me and said they were all my family; they wanted me to have a wonderful birthday. So at the age of seventeen, I became an adult for the evening. I wasn’t legally an adult, but I felt like I should be.

    The first time I saw him was implanted in my mind, as if a movie were playing on the back of my eyelids. It was an unusual feeling and felt so vivid, as if it happened before.

    I was on the dance floor with my dad when I felt an overwhelming need (a pull of sorts) to look up and to my right. As I did, my eyes connected with a pair of navy blue eyes with a silver ring around the edges.

    I felt an electrifying warmth pass over me. I jolted as if I touched pure lightning itself, the sensation taking my breath away. It was so hard, but I finally looked away. I acted as if I stumbled so my dad wouldn’t know how that look affected me. He asked if I wanted to sit down because I looked a bit flushed from all the excitement.

    We left the dance floor. As I sat down, I began to look around frantically. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of him again. To make sure he wasn’t a figment of my imagination. That what I felt was real. I never saw him again that night but vowed, if I ever did see him again, I would make a point to introduce myself.

    Because of that look, I dreamed of him almost every night for the next year. I felt my life was changing, and I had no explanation for it.

    I couldn’t wait for my seventeenth birthday. I felt the need to find him. I also was looking forward to the gathering of my beloved aunts and uncles (my family).

    My birthday had finally arrived. I can’t be sure, but I felt in my heart this will be my chance. I can hardly contain the excitement that was running through my veins (almost like a low electrical current) as I dressed for the party.

    I had no idea if he even knew I existed, but for me, it’s like I can’t breathe properly, as if I was not complete unless he was near me. I was in a constant state of second-guessing if he will even notice me or if I will get that feeling of warmth in my heart. A warmth like a smoldering coal just waiting to burst into an uncontrollable flame. All this emotion from one look a year ago.

    I’d discussed some of the feelings I felt with my mother after it happened. She thought I was too young, so I only felt an infatuation or a girl’s crush (you know a mother’s thoughts), as he was a very handsome man.

    He stood about six feet seven inches tall with the body of a gladiator, but with the face of a Roman god. His hair was blonde and wavy, a little longer than was fashionable but looked as soft as satin. (How I wanted to run my fingers through it.) It surrounded a square jaw and an aquiline nose. Navy-blue eyes with that silver ring around them and long dark lashes that would make any girl weep with envy.

    Hopefully, to capture his attention, I wore a long off the shoulder dress with a heart neckline. The silver color looked like a waterfall as it flowed around me. It had violet hues that shone through to highlight my unusual violet eyes. My waist-length chestnut hair was pulled back with soft curls down my back to accentuate my face and to cover some of the skin exposure on my back. I was finishing the look with black elbow gloves and black ankle-strap shoes. The three-inch heels gave a little height to my five-foot-three-inch petite frame. Mother hoped this outfit won’t make me appear too old as I was still a teenage girl, even though I was more mature than most. I guess that came from being around all adults when I was not in my all-girls boarding school.

    As a birthday gift, my family gave me amethyst hair clips and a teardrop necklace to match. My mother told me these were precious stones for the women in my family. I just liked them because they matched what I was wearing.

    While average people were suffering the hardships of WWII, I wasn’t. The children of the rich felt no hardships at all.

    Some of the girls at my school were so haughty, while others, the girls that their parents sacrificed all to get them there, tolerated it just to be there. I always tried to treat them all equally. The haughty ones said this made me weak. I wasn’t weak though. I was just more compassionate than most.


    I’d made it through dinner with my family, and we were headed to the ballroom for dancing. I can’t believe the number of people present. Some of the men were from the Royal Air Force base that’s nearby. I guess I won’t be short of partners if someone does ask me to dance.

    I was trying to have a good time even though I hadn’t seen him yet. I knew there was the possibility it was my imagination. Maybe I should just forget about him and move on with my life. I didn’t know how though. I can’t imagine what that would feel like. It just felt wrong.

    I just decided I would not worry about seeing him and just have fun. A handsome captain asked me to dance. His name was Alexander Cole, Xander for short. As we reached the dance floor and began, I felt him, that same warmth and electrifying jolt. This time I didn’t stumble; I gasped. I didn’t mean to; it just happened. Xander looked at me strangely, so I smiled and hoped that would keep him from questioning that gasp. I felt like I was walking on electrified air. He wasn’t a figment of my imagination because I could feel him, as if he was the one holding me in his arms.

    When the dance finished, Xander started escorting me back to my parents.

    My mystery man (as I thought of him) stepped in front of us and asked me to dance. I thought he was a high-ranking officer because Xander stepped away from me. I think it was because my mystery man towered over us. With his navy-blue eyes penetrating my violet ones, I was having a hard time just breathing. When the band began a waltz, a dance I was forbidden to dance (not exactly sure why), I asked if he would escort me to the refreshment table. I had to think of something fast. I didn’t want him walking away. He agreed and offered me his arm to navigate the crowd. When I touched him, there was such a jolt of electricity. I gasped loud enough for him to hear. I knew my face flushed with embarrassment. When I looked up, I noticed a flash of uncertainty in his eyes before he controlled it, and they returned to normal. He gave a small chuckle and squeezed my hand lightly.

    I was overwhelmed. I might now get to put a name to the magnificent face that I’ve dreamed about nightly. As I looked into his eyes and opened my mouth to introduce myself, a waiter interrupted us. A scowl came across his face, with a look in his eyes that said, I don’t want to be bothered right now. As quickly as it came, the look was gone, almost like it never happened and I shouldn’t have seen it.

    I was so excited that it bothered him to be interrupted while he was with me. Yet I could see the regret in his eyes and feel the frustration he was feeling as he made his excuse to leave me.

    I couldn’t let him leave just yet. I needed to at least introduce myself, and I desperately needed to know his name. The man whom I was destined to dream about. I felt for some reason knowing his name was life changing.

    I’m sorry, I know you must go, but please let me introduce myself. My name is Scota. Could I please know your name?

    His smile was enchanting as it came from his eyes. It made my heart flutter just a little bit more. "My name is Turac, and this won’t be the last you see of me, mo chridhe (my heart). I don’t want to, but I really must see to this. I will do everything in my power to return to you tonight."

    Please don’t feel bad. I’m sure it is important. I don’t want to keep you from anything. I can return to my table without an escort. It’s just right here. I released his arm and walked toward my family, not knowing they could see how he was affecting me. He had just walked away, yet I felt so bereft, as if I would never find happiness again in my life. I knew he said he would see me again tonight, but my heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces, and he was walking away with most of them.

    When I reached the table, my mother gave me a questioning look. I mouthed the words it’s him to her. I think she finally realized he was more than a passing fancy or a figment of a young girl’s imagination, a crush.

    I didn’t even remember what happened after that except I felt like my life had a dark cloud hanging over it, and it was never going away. He was my burning flame, but I would forever be cold. My warming coal had slowly fizzled out.

    To try to change the sorrow on my face, my dad made an announcement. Apparently we were going on a road trip tomorrow. He was thinking of investing in some property in Inverness, which happened to be about forty-four miles from Lossiemouth. Inverness was also the home of the Loch Ness monster Nessie. Mentioning Nessie helped to lighten the darkness.

    It was supposed to be a surprise, but I think he hoped it would cheer me up. He knew I have always felt a pull toward Scotland. I think that’s why we’ve always come here. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.

    The only thing I really heard was it was a Victorian town house, and it is called Heathcote. We have an appointment to view it tomorrow. I didn’t really listen to the rest.

    All I could think was of course they made plans. I didn’t want to go now. I needed to stay here. I needed to see if I could find Turac.

    He had to be here somewhere.

    I didn’t want to disappoint them though. After all, they were doing it for my benefit. Besides, if they purchased it, we would spend more time in Scotland. It would increase my chances of finding him—even getting to him.

    My heart lightened as we discussed our trip. I was looking forward to seeing the Loch, maybe even seeing Nessie.



    All time stood still as I watched the girl of my dreams dancing in the arms of another man. My heart was beating madly, like I was a hormonal teenager on his first date with the girl of my dreams. I can’t even explain what I feel for her. Where did she come from? There was no way I hadn’t seen her before. It had to be destiny, and she had to be mine.

    She was absolutely gorgeous, with her waist-length hair and violet orbs that you could get lost in forever. A tiny little thing reaching only to my chest. When I looked into her eyes, it was like I couldn’t catch my breath. She had the most amazing eyes. It was like I could see through them into her soul, and she was all goodness.

    At first, I didn’t even notice her luscious little body that went along with all that goodness. I overlooked it when I realized I would do everything within my power to get an introduction to this goddess.

    When our eyes met across the dance floor, I felt like I should know her as she felt very familiar to my heart, like they were acquainted somehow.

    I watched almost in agony as she went from partner to partner on the dance floor. I couldn’t resist any longer. I needed to be the one on the receiving end of that dazzling smile. It was my destiny to meet the keeper of my heart.

    I strode toward her with purpose. I wasn’t taking no for an answer. Looking directly into her eyes, I said, May I have the pleasure of the next dance? Since they were starting a waltz, I thought I would get to hold her in my arms, at least for a little while.

    She gave me a sad smile and said, Would you care to walk me to the refreshment table for a much-needed drink instead? Of course I agreed to, a little disappointed but ecstatic that I might learn more about this enchanting goddess who affected me so much.

    Shall we? I said as I offered her my arm to navigate the crowd. When she touched me, there was such a jolt of electricity like lightning touching me. I heard her gasp and flashed a look of uncertainty at her. I now knew I affected her in the same way she affected me. Quickly so as not to scare her, I gave a chuckle and gently squeezed her hand.

    We got her a drink and headed toward the table where her family sat.

    I watched her open her exquisite mouth to say something when we were interrupted by a waiter with a message. I was not happy, but I opened it and read it anyway. It said, Meet me out front. Urgent. King is requesting your presence. I scowled. I really didn’t want to deal with this right now. I pulled myself together because I knew I could never ignore the summons of my father no matter how fleeting it could be. I felt frustrated that I never even got the name of this enchanting creature, and she wouldn’t know mine.

    I’m sorry, I know you must go, but please, let me introduce myself. Could I please know your name? she said unexpectedly.

    I was thrilled she wanted my name. My smile broadened, reaching my eyes. "My name is Turac, and this won’t be the last you see of me, mo chridhe (my heart). I don’t want to, but I really must see to this. I will do everything within my power to return to you tonight."

    Her eyes were downcast as she spoke. Please don’t feel bad. I’m sure it is important. I don’t want to keep you from anything. I can return to my table without an escort. It’s just right here.

    When she released my arm to walk away, I felt it—a sadness that left such an ache in my heart. It was so strong I almost stumbled with the weight of it. I had to hurry. I needed to be with her at all costs. She had to be mine.

    (Destiny was not going to cooperate with me tonight.)



    As I raced out of the clubhouse, I noticed my father’s insignia on one of the men standing around outside. It was so minute, but I knew where to look for it.

    Golos, my good friend, what brings you here on this fine evening?

    Ah, Turac, King Lothor has requested your presence. I opened an otherworldly portal as close as I could, and then I flew here immediately to retrieve you. You know how your father can be.

    I do. Can’t this wait until tomorrow? I’ve met the most enchanting girl, and I would like to get better acquainted. I think she will be very important to me. What could be so important that it can’t wait a few more hours? I don’t like being at his beck and call. After all, two hundred isn’t old enough to know how to run a kingdom. His words, not mine, by the way. I actually do have a life outside of the kingdom.

    Turac, do I hear some resentment towards your father? What have I really interrupted?

    I’m sorry, my friend. I just feel that if I leave, I am leaving the most important thing in my life. I know I can’t disobey. I knew this, but it still bothered me. Let’s go see what he requires of me.

    I got that feeling of sadness again plus one of abandonment passing over me. I now knew I won’t be returning to my goddess tonight. I thought this will be a long night.

    Golos and I took off in my new car, an Austin Wasp 8 hp, 4 speed. I knew it was an extravagant vehicle, but she was such a beauty, and the closest thing to flying you could get without being caught.

    We will leave the car at Scrannach Stables in Nairn, which was about forty minutes from Lossiemouth. We can take the portal near my house to the Dragon Kingdom.

    We were catching up on everything when Golos said, Turac, I heard something today. Your father is trying to arrange a marriage between you and one of the prominent families in the west. A sort of insurance for peace with our kingdom.

    Do you think that’s what this summons is about? I will not be dictated to when it comes to the woman that I will spend eternity with. I will choose because she has to be someone that loves me for me, not for a kingdom that I can give her or the riches that come with it. It must be love. Nothing else matters. Little did I know that those words would be so important.

    I don’t know. I just thought I should tell you what I heard. I know how you feel about such things. Maybe this is just something small that needs to be attended to. They could just want you to come home for a visit. It’s been a while.

    I hope so because my king [or my father] and I will never agree on my mate.

    We drove on in silence, nearing the gates of the stables. We agreed I should hide the car in one of the sheds, not wanting anyone to see us fly out immediately afterward.

    We had to be extremely careful because we didn’t want our enemies finding me, a dragon prince, living away from the kingdom. I would be in great danger. We sneaked out to the woods to transform and fly out.

    We looked like normal humans when not in dragon form. We were a little more muscular, taller than most, and lived for eternity. Sometimes it was hard to blend in with humans but not very often.

    Since I made a business in the human world, I had learned to blend in quite nicely.

    When we flew through the portal and headed east to my father’s castle, all I thought about was Scota, the exquisite creature who grabbed a hold of my soul when I wasn’t looking. She was absolutely perfect. If I had to spend eternity with someone, I wanted it to be her, not someone my father chose for me. I’d decided in this he will not dictate to me whom I choose, no matter what. I can’t believe I was thinking about spending my eternity with one woman (not that I’m a ladies’ man).

    As I entered my parents’ solar, I thought about how happy my mother always seemed to be. She always smiled, and her eyes lit up when my father entered the room. I realized just then that’s what I wanted. Can the woman I just met be that for me?

    Turac, my son. How wonderful to see you. I didn’t know you were coming today. It’s been so long since I last saw you.

    Good evening, Mother. If I want my stables to be a success, I’ve had to be gone since the warhorses have risen in popularity, especially with the gas shortages. It gave me an opportunity to experiment with different breeds.

    Glancing in my father’s direction, I asked, What was so important that I had to come immediately? Surely it could wait until tomorrow?

    It’s good to see you too, son. I would like to hear about these experiments. If they are sturdy, maybe we could bring some here. If you don’t mind, I would like to just enjoy your company tonight. We can meet in the library tomorrow morning to discuss business.

    I wanted to protest. I could’ve been back at the dance with Scota. Right now I just wanted to be with her, not discussing horses with my father.

    What breed of horse were you talking about? Are they large enough to carry us in human form? We mostly only used horses for show, when we had parades, but they had to be large.

    They are called Friesians. They are normally about seventeen hands tall and are descendants of the horses used to carry knights into battle. The ones I have invested in are mixed with Andalusian blood to lighten them, making them more suitable for general riding and showcasing. I do have a stallion of the stockier breed which I intend to breed for our warriors to ride. They are a high stepping horse with an extended trot which make them beautiful to show and watch. As you can tell, I am quite taken with them. I know they will be a good investment.

    I see the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about them, son. I think they will be good for you too. Now if you would just find a woman to cause that sparkle, I would be happy. I’m sure your mother thinks the same.

    I intend to make them a worthwhile investment. As for a woman in my life, we will just have to wait and see. Now if you will both excuse me, it has been a long day, and I would like to retire. I wanted to give my mother a hug before I left her. I didn’t want her to think I was mad about being summoned. (Well, not at her anyway.)

    Good night, son, would you have breakfast with me in the morning? Before your meeting with your father, I would be pleased.

    I would love to, Mother. Good night. When I walked away, I saw a sparkle in my mother’s eyes. I wondered what that was about as I walked out the doors.

    I didn’t think I would sleep at all that night. All I thought about was her. I dreamed about her, my soul mate. I now realized that’s what she was to me. In my dream, she kept asking me to return to her and make her whole. Return the pieces of her heart that I had stolen when I left.

    I awoke with a jolt, knowing I had to complete my father’s business and return to her as soon as possible. Even if I didn’t know where she was, I had to find her and begin our destiny.



    The dance held no sparkle for me anymore. I felt so dejected, I needed to get away and think. I said good night to my family, and I headed to my room. I had a slight headache, but I’m sure it’s from frustration more than anything. I’d requested to be left alone so I could dwell on what happened. I knew my mother thought it was all infatuation this last year. I think she now realized the depth of my feelings for him.

    I can now put a name to that gorgeous face. I will always think of him as my knight in shining armor. I can’t fathom my life without my soul mate in it. I realize that’s what he is to me.

    When I drifted off to sleep, I dreamed of us. I saw him riding a black horse toward me as if my life was in danger. He had a look of fear on his face. I think I should run. All at once, a shadow swooped down and latched on to me. I went to look at my captor when I felt a pain on the back of my head, and everything fell into blackness. I awoke in a cold sweat to realize I was in my bed; it was only a dream. Actually more of a nightmare. I remembered everything that happened vividly, as if I just watched it happen.

    The next morning at breakfast, I proceeded to tell my mom all about my nightmare. She had a look of sheer terror on her face as she listened to my story. She quickly calmed herself, as if she didn’t want to scare me, then she lightly touched my forehead and whispered, Calm her now. Calm her today. Let this calm take her pain away.

    I knew I looked at her funny as I asked, What was that? What were you doing?

    That? Only something my mother used to do for me when I had a headache. That’s what’s bothering you, isn’t it?

    Well yes, it is. Obviously I didn’t sleep well with that nightmare.

    I saw a strange look pass between everyone before they got their faces under control. I couldn’t think about that now. I didn’t have the energy either. My dad spoke up and asked if we were ready for our road trip. Because there were so many of us, we would have to take two cars to Inverness. There was no way thirteen people would fit in one car.

    Bridget, maybe if we get done early, we could visit the Loch. We could search for Nessie together. I didn’t know why, but my dad always sought my mother’s opinion.

    That’s a wonderful idea. We can’t stay in Inverness tonight, but we can search for Nessie for a while. We have a meeting planned in the morning for the women. I thought you would want to play golf with your father and uncles, Scota. I don’t believe you’ve played for a while, not since you left boarding school.

    I haven’t. A little sightseeing and some golf tomorrow might be just what I need. I didn’t really want to play golf. I wanted to search for Turac. I will just hold those thoughts though.

    I climbed in the car with my parents, Uncle Eachann and Aunt Greer Lockhart, and Uncle Alban and Aunt Ailith Shaw. The Lockharts were my favorite set of aunts and uncles. They owned a horse farm in England, and I’m staying with them in the fall. I helped with training the horses.

    We were on the way. The rest of my family talked among themselves about the house as I watched the scenery go by. I rested my head on the window; it’s cool to the touch, and it reminded me of how cool my heart felt, reminding me I was leaving something behind.

    I didn’t even realize an hour had passed—the time it took to go from Lossiemouth to Inverness. We were on the edge of Inverness already. It’s not a huge city but large enough. It was the home of about twenty-two thousand people. As we entered the city limits, I felt a calming effect. Where that feeling was coming from, I had no idea. Since my emotions were all messed up, I will take all the calm I can get. (I didn’t realize my mother’s calming spell was working.)

    The house was exactly as described, a Victorian town house. The owners disappeared mysteriously, and no one local wanted the property. Rumors were it had been owned by two witches and a prophetess. I didn’t really listen to the talk as I explored the rooms. Wandering through the house was a balm to my broken heart.

    Listening to my father discuss specifics, I knew he would purchase the house. I felt like it would be the beginning of something extraordinary. When he finished, we headed for a local pub for lunch. Our conversation while we ate centered around the house.

    We drove as close to the Loch as we could get and started getting out of the cars. I felt a strong pull to the water, as if I needed to be down there. I was so anxious I didn’t want to wait for everyone else. Obviously, I couldn’t just run off like a small child, so I anxiously waited.

    You seem to be feeling better, Scota. I’ll race you to the edge.

    Aunt Ailith, shouldn’t we wait for the others? I thought about it for all of two seconds. Fine, let’s go. They will just have to catch up. I felt like the water was whispering for me to come closer. I needed to be closer to the water.

    My aunt just smiled as we raced for the water. My gaze was drawn out to the west side of the Loch, almost to the trees in the background. I heard a voice in my head, Welcome, daughter of the white, we have been waiting for you. I was astounded. I looked around to see who was talking to me. My family wasn’t close enough for it to be them; they were off to my right, discussing the legend of the Loch. I must be delusional; there weren’t any voices in my head. They can’t be real.

    I heard it again. Oh, but you can hear me. You are the daughter of the only white high priestess in existence today. I am as real as you are. I only choose to reveal myself to a certain few.

    I answered in my head, Who is this? I looked around, hoping no one saw me. You can’t be real. My mother is no high priestess. She is just a normal housewife, with a good life and good friends. What is a high priestess anyway?

    I am Nessie. Now look up and see me.

    It really was Nessie I saw. Her neck was stretched toward the sky before she dove under the water, causing a huge splash. My family all gasped as they heard the splash. I asked if any of them saw Nessie.

    They all began speaking at once. They heard the splash but didn’t see anything.

    I knew I couldn’t tell them what I heard. I couldn’t ask my mom about it either. I’ll just keep this to myself. Who would believe me anyway? I think my emotions were affecting me differently. I now imagined I can talk telepathically to a water dragon. I knew she was a water dragon. I just didn’t know how I knew this.

    My dad shouted, Let’s go, people! We can have the rest of the day to relax when we get back to the hotel. It brought me out of my daze. I didn’t know what to think about any of this.

    That night, as I was preparing for bed, I thought my life was going to change drastically. When I drifted off to sleep, Nessie told me to ask my mother, the high priestess, about everything she said. It is your destiny to know what I am, what you are. You have to be prepared for what is to come.

    I awoke in a cold sweat, not because of the words but because of the dread they seemed to bring. This time I was not going to mention my dreams to anyone; they will only worry about me if I did.


    After we’re done with breakfast, we prepared for the day—me and all the men to play golf, Mom and the women to have their meeting. Mom kept looking at me with a worried look. Yet when I looked at her directly, she looked away. I’d noticed some of my aunts doing the same thing. Oh well, they must see the dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep.

    Let’s go, guys. We want to try and get in nine holes before lunch, and the women need to start their meeting. Someday maybe we’ll be invited to those meetings, my dad said wistfully as my mom and aunts stood to leave.

    My dad glanced at me before saying, All right, my angel, let’s partner up and see if we can beat your uncles.

    As everyone groaned, Uncle Callum said, That’s not fair. If you two team up on us, we won’t stand a chance.

    Giggling, my mom told my dad, Alastair, you and Scota play nice. We want everyone to be happy for the rest of the trip.

    Everyone chuckled as we split up. My uncles and I walked for the door. Dad stayed behind to talk to my mom.



    I rose early knowing the king awaited. First though, breakfast with Mother. Mother, what a wonderful morning. It’s nice that it doesn’t rain here all the time like it does in Nairn. She gave me a loving smile as she motioned for me to sit.

    Turac, is there something you aren’t telling me? You seem to have a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes. Something you haven’t done in a long time.

    You were always the astute one, weren’t you? I don’t know what Father would do without your wisdom. You’re right, there is more, but I can’t discuss it until I know for sure what this is. I will tell you I think my life is totally about to change, and it will be better.

    Whenever you are ready, just know I am here for you, and I’m always ready to listen. Let’s eat and enjoy our time together as your father will want you in the library soon.

    Indeed he will. Do you know what this is all about?

    I do, son. You need to hear it from him, not me though.

    Now I’m curious as to what he wants.

    We made small talk about the kingdom while we ate. When we were done, I excused myself and headed to the meeting with my father.

    When I walked in, I saw Golos had joined us. Good, that made me think it’s not all about me. My father wasted no time in getting right to the point.

    There has been a revolt near the village where Lord Ciym lives. I’ve heard a rumor that a witch was involved. I need you and Golos to go and investigate it. I just received word about it yesterday, that’s why you were summoned. I want them stopped. Lord Ciym will give you all the information when you arrive. You both will be staying with him until it’s done.

    "Father, I know the safety of the kingdom always comes first, as it should, but I can’t be away from

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