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When Karma Is at Its Strongest
When Karma Is at Its Strongest
When Karma Is at Its Strongest
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When Karma Is at Its Strongest

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This book keeps you engaged while following Shirley and her children's journey after her husband is killed. She has to take several jobs in order to maintain a home for her children. Her neighbor and friend, Rita, was playing the Ouija board one night. Shirley's dead husband comes through and tells Rita to give Shirley a message . . . a message where to find the large amount of money he had been stashing away for many years. Rita tricks Shirley into giving her the dead man's clothing, and the money. Rita begins to use the money and her life changes quickly. The dead man torments Rita in order to get her to return the money. Shirley's family is given another tragic blow and is left homeless. Unexpected help comes from Ms. Alice, the old crabby, fowl–mouthed heathen. Rita's good times quickly change to horrific. The humor, anxieties and tragedies keep you reading to find out how Karma makes the villain redeem herself with a very unexpected end.

Release dateMay 6, 2019
When Karma Is at Its Strongest

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    When Karma Is at Its Strongest - Beatriz Domech


    When Karma Is at Its Strongest


    Copyright © 2019 Domech

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2019

    ISBN 978-1-68456-041-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68456-043-1 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 1

    Levron Williams is a thirty-three-year-old African American. He’s husband to Shirley and father to fourteen-year old Marcos, nine-year-old Patricia, and five-year-old Michael. They both are good people and make sure that the children respect their elders, get good grades, and attend church every Sunday.

    Levron has a tenth-grade education. His parents died when he was only seven. His father died in a drive-by shooting when he was four, and his mother died of cancer three years after. His maternal grandmother raised him. When he was fifteen his grandmother’s health began to fail. Levron quit school so he could get a full-time job and be able to pay for her expensive medicine. She taught him how to cook. They would have their most memorable times over the stove. When Levron turned eighteen, his grandmother’s health took a turn for the worst and passed away. For the first time, he felt alone.

    Levron met Shirley at a party when he was nineteen. They shared a passion for food and music. They dated for six months and were married. Levron found employment with a grocery store. He didn’t make a lot of money, just enough to pay rent, have food on the table, and a small amount to set aside for a rainy day. At first, he took the bus to work. The first child arrived a year later. A year after that, he had saved up enough money to purchase a bicycle. He felt pride over this accomplishment. After his firstborn, he decided to save more money. He got a second job working at a convenience store during the third shift. Within six months, he saw the difference in his nest egg. The other two children arrived within the next several years.

    Levron and Shirley live in a poor neighborhood in the inner city of Miami. His neighbors are all friendly, God-fearing folks. One of their neighbors, Rita, comes over regularly to visit with Shirley. Rita has lots of things to complain about. She doesn’t have enough to pay the rent. Her kids need shoes. She has no food in the fridge; however, she doesn’t ever look through the want ads. Rita has learned how to use her sweet disposition to win people over. She would play the victim card well. Shirley and Levron feel bad for her kids and try to help her with the little they had although, the two of them are struggling themselves. Shirley invites Rita and her children to church all the time. Rita and her kids went two or three times. Levron and Shirley don’t own a vehicle, so Shirley and the kids walk to church. Shirley considers it a nice Sunday stroll to church. During the sermons, Rita’s mind would wonder off to other issues. After a few times, Rita would come up with excuses why she couldn’t go to church. After a while, she began vocalizing that the Lord didn’t care about her or her kids.

    Levron’s workday never seems to begin because it never seems to end. Shirley would wake up with him and prepare his coffee with a splash of milk and two slices of buttered toast. She would hand him his lunch box, which contained a sandwich, one hard-boiled egg, one banana, and a bottled water. He looks forward to his lunch every day because when you are starving, you want to eat.

    She would kiss him goodbye and say a prayer for his safe return. Shirley would be glued to the TV during the news because lately, there had been many pedestrians and cyclists who have been killed by cars. Every time she would hear the news of a hit and run, she would feel the pit of her stomach.

    When Levron finishes with his 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. job, he’d go home, take a shower, eat, and go to bed. He would wake up at 10:00 p.m. and get ready for his 11:00 p.m.–7:00 a.m. job. Sometimes, the grocery store was disposing produce that was not fresh enough to sell, as well as other items. They would allow him to take those items home. Levron and Shirley always had something to give to Rita and her children.

    It was their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Levron had been saving some money to treat his wife to a nice dinner.

    Shirley argues they shouldn’t make that extravagant expense, but he wouldn’t have it. They both worked hard, and they should celebrate their marriage. Marcos was left in charge of the younger two. Since they don’t own a car, they hired a taxi. On their way to the restaurant, they are stuck in traffic. After crawling 1 mph and twenty minutes later, they finally approach the intersection. The cause for the traffic jam was a disabled vehicle. A woman and two children are trying to push the car across the intersection. They have obviously been pushing that car for quite some time. No one is stopping to help. Levron gets out of the taxi and helps them push the vehicle to the gas station at the other side of the intersection. The lady is very appreciative. She wants to give Levron money but has just pennies in her wallet. Levron asks if she ran out of gas, and she says yes. He gives her five dollars cash.

    The lady is beside herself. She is surprised that there were still people like Levron in the world. This makes Shirley and Levron arrive one hour late for dinner. The taxi driver was so touched by what he witnessed, that he just charged them ten dollars for the fare and told them that the ride home would be free. When they arrive at the restaurant, Levron mentions to the hostess that he and Shirley were celebrating their fifteenth wedding anniversary. She congratulates them and assures them a complimentary cocktail. The hostess sits them at a booth and immediately brought them two glasses of wine. Shirley is looking through the menu. She’s excited by the list of items. Levron tells Shirley to pick anything from the menu. After looking for five minutes, she decides on prime rib. Levron repeats the order for himself. They enjoy their dinner. Shirley looks at Levron. He didn’t have to do this as far as she was concerned. She was just grateful for his ability to keep their family sheltered, fed and clothed. She leans forward and looks at him and whispers ‘I love you, happy anniversary’. He returns the whisper. They are too full for dessert, and Levron asks for the check. The restaurant’s management had put a temporary promo in place. One lucky guest would win a complimentary dinner for two. Management would make this decision on a guest-by-guest basis. The server returns and explains the promo to Levron and Shirley.

    Congratulations! You have been chosen, and your meal is on the house tonight! Happy anniversary!

    Levron and Shirley are so surprised. They had never won anything in their lives before. They thank their server and hostess as they walk out of the restaurant. They are surprised to find their taxi driver waiting for them. They get in the car and they drive home. As they are exiting the taxi, Levron thanks the taxi driver and hands him a $20.00 bill.

    The next day, Levron is at work; and Shirley is hanging laundry out to dry. Rita comes out of her apartment and begins to chat with Shirley. Shirley tells Rita the amazing evening Levron and she had. How they helped a lady and her family who had broken down in traffic and the taxi in turn charged them very little and finally the free dinner at the restaurant.

    Rita is envious of Shirley. Rita has three children, and they have different fathers. She didn’t have a job, didn’t want a job. She was complacent with the government assistance she was getting and the child support for all three children. She lived in a two-bedroom apartment next to Levron and Shirley’s house. Although she didn’t have employment, her hair and nails were always done. Rita’s prettiest feature was her full head of beautiful curls. All the women in the neighborhood wanted her hair. Besides the failed relationships with the fathers of her children, she’s had numerous short-term boyfriends. Rita was unlucky and unfortunate in love. She wished she had a good husband or even a good boyfriend. Rita picked the same type of men—the love’m and leave’m type. She would always fall for the same song and dance. I want to take care of you and your children. Then a few weeks later, they would disappear. The failure of all these relationships had turn her off of men. She began frequenting gay bars and dance clubs. She now considers herself a lesbian with kids. Rita’s oldest son, Juan, is fourteen. Her second is Peter, who is twelve; and her youngest is Lilly, who is three.

    Juan had gotten in trouble and expelled for smoking pot in the school bathroom. Rita was asked to go to the department of children and family (DCF) because of Juan. They spoke about her son and his history. They asked about their home, if his father was involved with his life. The meeting was thirty minutes long. Before the social worker ended the meeting, she asked Rita to pee in the cup. Rita was not expecting that but wasn’t worried. She used to flunk pop-up drug tests. However, since she just uses prescription drugs, she can get a legal high now with no worries.

    Shirley & Levron’s kids arrive home from school with their report cards. They are all proud of their good grades. Shirley was very happy.

    Wait till your Dad sees these grades. He’s going to be so proud of all of you, she says.

    Marcos mentions that he’s going to buy a dictionary for his English class, and he is going to the store to buy one.

    Shirley asks, Do you need money? Shirley always had emergency money. She goes into a drawer in her bedroom and takes out an old sock. It is heavy with coins.

    Marcos answers, No, Mom, thanks. Remember, I make my own money.

    Shirley asks, How much money do you carry around with you?

    Marcos says, Usually around twenty dollars in singles.

    Shirley asks, How long have you been doing this for now?

    Marcos replies, A year.

    Shirley asks, "What are you doing with the money?

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