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The Day I Came Back: A Story of Hope
The Day I Came Back: A Story of Hope
The Day I Came Back: A Story of Hope
Ebook30 pages23 minutes

The Day I Came Back: A Story of Hope

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It should have been the beginning of a beautiful life with the man she had been praying for, for years. In the beginning, it was. But as the days, months, and years went by, it seemed that there were more trials than joy. This wasn't what life was supposed to be, and she longed for more.

She had not been in trouble in her adult life; however, in an eight-month period, she went to jail not once, but two times. She found herself isolated and alone. Her husband stayed gone most of the time, and when he was home, he was cold and distant. How had life gotten so out of control?

Hopelessness crept in. Bitterness arose. Life turned mundane, and there appeared to be no light at the end of the tunnel. When bargaining with God showed no relief, she turned from Him, no longer believing in his goodness.

She was hurt, numb, lonely, and knew she needed more in her life. She knew what was missing, but she had grown so hard-hearted that she could no longer hear the loving voice of the Father or the whispering of the Holy Spirit. She was in a dark desolate place both spiritually and emotionally.

Then on that crisp November morning, she made a decision that would forever change her life. Alone, hopeless, bitter, and empty, she drove to that little church on the corner. Gaining the courage to enter, she opened the door.

The pastor was preaching, so she sat in the back. After the sermon was over, a single prayer prayed over her reminded Mary that she was loved and that she was not alone. Hope restored, she knew she had found a place where she could find truth, healing, and peace.

In God's perfect timing, she came back.

Release dateJun 30, 2021
The Day I Came Back: A Story of Hope

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    Book preview

    The Day I Came Back - Mary D. Boland


    The Day I Came Back

    A Story of Hope

    Mary D. Boland

    Copyright © 2020 by Mary D. Boland

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    This Is Where I Came Back

    Early On

    Lost and Alone

    The Fall

    Hope Restored


    Eyes that See

    It was a crisp morning, November 3, 2019. I had to get up early to take my deer to the processor. I knew when I woke up, I needed something more. I was lost, hurting, yet numb. I was emotionally and spiritually spent. The last two years had been so trying. I felt defeated.

    As I was driving, I questioned everything in life. It wasn’t one event that lead me to this point. It was the everyday mundane, same ole things weighing me down.

    Bitterness had crept in, suffocating me. I knew it, but I could not shake it. For two years, I had just gone through the motions. I went to church, faithfully at first, then slowly began to miss a Sunday here and there. Then I missed more frequently. I was angry—angry at my life, angry at God, angry at everything.

    I made the decision that morning when I got into my truck that I would probably not go to my home church. I told myself, If I get home in time, I will check out that little church on the corner just a few blocks from our house. Taking my time, I drove back roads home. I really had no reason

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