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Nobody Wants Your Sh*t: The Art of Decluttering Before You Die
Nobody Wants Your Sh*t: The Art of Decluttering Before You Die
Nobody Wants Your Sh*t: The Art of Decluttering Before You Die
Ebook168 pages2 hours

Nobody Wants Your Sh*t: The Art of Decluttering Before You Die

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About this ebook

Free yourself and your family from the f*cking clutter before you croak!
Inspired by The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Nobody Wants Your Sh*t will light a fire under your untidy ass with humor and helpful organizing tips that you’ll actually want to use.
Like a delightfully foul-mouthed best friend, this book dishes out the funny, unpretentious advice you need to hear most. You’ll discover how to deal with your sh*t like there’s no tomorrow, live in the moment without the f*cking mess, and make your life and your eventual death a hell of a lot easier. With this witty guide, you’ll learn how to:
  • ditch the d*mn indecision
  • get your sh*t together and feel fantastic
  • give your busy family a f*cking break
  • and more!

Whether you’re getting ready to move in, move on, or just move your ass, Nobody Wants Your Sh*t will help you take control of your f*cking life.
Release dateMar 7, 2023

Messie Condo

Messie Condo is an organizational savant and devoted swearer. When her favorite label-maker broke, she tossed it the f*ck out and never went back. She lives in New Jersey, where she writes and organizes sh*t on the regular.

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    Nobody Wants Your Sh*t - Messie Condo


    Why You Need This Sh*t Now


    Death cleaning isn’t depressing—it’s empowering as hell. (You’ll see.) Downsizing, on the other hand, can be a real bitch. We usually associate it with hard times or old age, and it’s almost always done out of grim necessity. But that’s not death cleaning. If you confuse the two and come at this process thinking you have to get rid of all the things you love, and do it fast, you’re not going to lift a pinky finger to do it. And I don’t blame you. That sounds awful.

    Death cleaning does not mean getting rid of your beloved belongings. All it asks you to do is weed out what’s not working for you. The older you get, the more stuff you accumulate. Odds are, a lot of it isn’t working for you anymore, and you know it. That’s why you’re here.

    If you’ve read Tidy the F*ck Up, then you know the right perspective makes all the difference. In that book, I asked you to focus on what makes you happy and get rid of whatever brings you down. (Within reason. There’s nothing exciting about a trash can, but you’d be pretty screwed without one.)

    I maintain that, first and foremost, your home should be your happy place. Everything in it should light you up. Death cleaning invites you to go one step further. It makes you ask yourself not only Does this make me happy? but also What happens to it when I’m gone? And here’s the good news: that type of thinking makes things even easier. All that stuff you’re on the fence about? The stuff that makes you smile but doesn’t really feel like you anymore? The stuff that you feel guilty getting rid of? When you think about it becoming a burden to someone else, ditching that stuff becomes a no-brainer. We’re here for a good time, not a long time.

    Maybe that stuffed animal your mom gave you makes you smile, but the grown-ass adult in you never knows quite what to do with it. When you realize that all your stuff is going to belong to someone else someday, it removes any lingering guilt. Gift that stuffie to your niece. You get to enjoy bringing a smile to her face and save someone else from feeling guilty about throwing Mr. McButtons in the trash in the future.

    That’s a win-win. You’ll find there are a lot of those throughout this process. In fact, it’s kind of the entire point of the process. By the end of it, you’ll have a home that makes you happy and a clear conscience.


    The whole idea behind death cleaning is dealing with your shit now so strangers and begrudging relatives don’t have to do it later. But this isn’t a completely altruistic process. The person who stands to gain the most from death cleaning is you. How, you ask? Let me count the scientifically proven ways:

    1. Better sleep and overall mental health

    2. More energy and creativity

    3. A deeper appreciation for what you have

    4. More control over your life

    5. Easier decisions

    6. Clearer priorities

    7. Less laundry

    8. Fewer things to dust (and, therefore, fewer allergens)

    9. Fewer arguments with loved ones

    10. The ability to quickly find what you need

    11. A connection to your space

    12. A sense of accomplishment

    13. More self-confidence

    14. A clutter-free space you can be proud of

    15. More time, room, and money for what you want

    So, basically, death cleaning makes life easier and you happier. (Plus, it gets you off your ass once in a while.) Not a bad trade-off for a bit of decluttering, now is it?

    Pick whichever benefit calls to you like a siren to a seasick sailor and zero in on it. This is your why. Sure, you picked up this book for a reason. Maybe because you’re starting to feel the too-rapid passage of time. Or maybe because, like me, you saw your parents’ garage and started panicking about the too-rapid expansion of your own collection of miscellaneous crap. In other words, your reasons for death cleaning so far have been fear based. And fear is a damn good motivator. But it’s not the best.

    The best motivator is the one that makes you feel good. And that’s entirely up to you. Is it not having to dust a dozen fucking mermaid figurines every week? Being able to pick out an outfit in under five minutes? A sense of having your shit together like a proper adult? Whatever your why is, really sit with it. Imagine what it’ll feel like when you’ve achieved your goal. That’s the stuff of decluttering magic. Come back to your why whenever you start to get sick of sorting. And you will get sick of it. But your why is going to keep you going—after your well-deserved break, that is.

    If all you’ve got right now is fear, I get it. Decluttering feels like this massive, amorphous task on your already overwhelming to-do list. Don’t worry, by the time we’re done here, it’ll feel like slathering on a mud mask and sipping a margarita. This is just stepped-up

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