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Baysnatch: The District Detectives, #2
Baysnatch: The District Detectives, #2
Baysnatch: The District Detectives, #2
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Baysnatch: The District Detectives, #2

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"Boss, we have a problem…"


It's never good when a party gets interrupted by those five words.


Olivia Wainwright, Big Town's District Detective, has a target on her back. Not from her own doing, but simply because of something Alan did before she even worked at Wainwright Detective Agency. Not used to being followed everywhere, Olli has to try to adjust to her constant body guards while she tries to track down a heavily insulted professional kidnapper.


Dallas Stowe, Olli's new partner, fresh off their first case together, has to figure out how to navigate Olli's reactions to what's happening. Playing catch up, trying to smooth feathers and make Olli feel less smothered is already a full time job.


It was already difficult to track a high-dollar kidnapper with a vendetta—and a head start—but when worst fears are confirmed and Olli disappears off the street, Dallas' job gets a whole lot harder.


A taunting phone call, daffodils everywhere, bias cut dresses and locked rooms.

A shadow watching every move.

An old enemy bent on revenge, no matter the cost.

A revival of a long-past partnership.


When a reservation can't be missed, enemies become unlikely friends.


Don't miss the next book in The District Detective series.

Release dateMay 1, 2023
Baysnatch: The District Detectives, #2

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    Book preview

    Baysnatch - J. Arens


    J. Arens


    Big Town Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or places are entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2023 by J. Arens

    Cover Art by Med Foxx

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission

    of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

    First edition 2023

    ISBN: 979-8-9856642-9-4 (hardcover)

    ISBN: 979-8-9878005-0-8 (paperback)

    ISBN: 979-8-9878005-1-5 (ebook)

    Published by: Big Town Publishing



    1.The One With The Problem

    2.The One With The Backtrack

    3.The One With The Surprise Visit

    4.The One With The Con Man's Lair

    5.The One With The Mirror

    6.The One With The Rookie Mistake

    7.The One With The Butcher

    8.The One With The Fight

    9.The One With The Tossed Place

    10.The One With The Disappearing Act

    11.The One With The Daffodils

    12.The One With The New Lodging

    13.The One With The Florist

    14.The One With The Break

    15.The One With The Nabbing

    16.The One With The Blame

    17.The One With The New Location

    18.The One With The Grumpy Cowboy

    19.The One With The Dinner Date

    20.The One With The Blood Reports

    21.The One With The Reporter

    22.The One With The Rule Breaker

    23.The One With The Prison Run

    24.The One With The Room Service

    25.The One With The Learned Behavior

    26.The One With The Girl Detective

    27.The One With The Gambler Ring

    28.The One With The Has-Been King

    29.The One With The Reunion

    30.The One With The Inside Man

    31.The One With The Sabotage

    32.The One With The Deal With The Devil

    33.The One With The Beginning Of A Plan

    34.The One With The Little Girl

    35.The One With The Smoke Break

    36.The One With The Meet Up

    37.The One With The Office Call

    38.The One With The Good News

    39.The One With The Renegotiation

    40.The One With The Cage Rattling

    41.The One With The Firming Up Of Plans

    42.The One With The Fake News

    43.The One With The Work Day

    44.The One With The Last Captive Day

    45.The One With The Raid

    46.The One With The First Pick

    47.The One With The Little Girl’s Return

    48.The One With The End

    The One With The Review Reminder

    The One With The Next Book

    The One With The Other Books

    Join The Big Town Mafia

    The One With The Author Bio

    To James:

    I never thought that I would meet a man like you.

    You are the

    Calvin to my Hobbes,

    Clyde to my Bonnie,

    Hutch to my Starsky,

    Castle to my Beckett,

    and, more importantly,

    the Dallas to my Olli.

    I know no higher praise to give you.

    I am forever yours.

    Chapter 1

    The One With The Problem

    He was well over six feet. Broad shoulders encased in the latest, most-expensive suit. A huge diamond ring sat on the ring finger of his massive left hand. An expensive, hand-rolled Cuban cigar was cradled in the fingers of his left hand. He slowly brought it up to his lips and took a sigh-full of the tobacco and blew the bluish smoke toward the ceiling. His piercing blue eyes surveyed the room and his mouth broadened into a large smile. This will do perfectly. Absolutely perfect. He took another puff on his cigar. The light in his eyes was cunning. Make it happen. Not an expense spared. He turned to go, but turned back after a couple of steps. Oh, and daffodils are her favorite flower. Make sure there are at least two vases.


    Alan Wainwright paced the floor of his office, his arms folded behind his back. He was in his office on the third floor of Wainwright Detective Agency-WDA-well after everyone had gone home, including the reluctant Jake, whom he had kicked out nearly two hours before. Not that it was a strange thing for him to keep long hours, but the deep worry lines that zigzagged across his face were as unusual as the pacing he was doing. Stacks of paperwork that should have been done days before piled up haphazardly across the top of his desk. He hadn’t shaved in two days, and he had barely left his office.

    Things had gone from bad to worse in the past month or so. An old enemy had resurfaced long before Alan thought he would have to worry about him, and was now wreaking havoc on Alan’s life with relish.

    Alan rolled his neck and rubbed his temples. ‘What is he trying to prove? How can I get a step ahead of him if he’s playing like this?’ he demanded of himself, for the hundredth time, but no answers made themselves available.

    Alan stopped pacing for a moment and scooped up a half-full cup of black coffee. He tossed it down his throat. The long-cold liquid triggered a coughing spasm, squeezing tears out of his eyes. Alan wiped away the drops on his face viciously and slammed the cup down on his desk angrily. Some of the brown liquid sloshed out and stained nearby papers. What is there to do? he demanded of the empty room. After he made a few more passes in front of his desk, Alan’s shoulders slumped.

    The image of a man in a silk smoking jacket with a tumbler of what looked like brandy in his left hand and a Cuban cigar in his right hand appeared next to Alan’s desk. I’m sure you’re not talking to me, Sir, but I felt it necessary to appear anyhow. His British accent addressed Alan.

    Archie, Alan turned to look at his assistant, less frustration on his face than there had been just a moment before. You startled me. No, I was just talking to the room. You may go back to whatever it was you were doing. Alan dismissed Archie with a half wave of his right hand, narrowing his eyes when he saw the coffee-splashed papers.

    Pardon me, Sir, but isn’t it a bit late for you to be here? Archie asked, a dark leather smoking chair appearing behind him. He sat down, took a quick sip of the liquid in the tumbler and stuck the cigar between his lips.

    Alan turned to start pacing back toward the windows of his office, but quickly stopped when he saw his assistant sitting, smoke trailing off the burning end of his cigar. Archie... Alan’s voice trailed off.

    Archie simply put the tumbler on the corner of the desk, on top of a leaning stack of haphazard papers. Alan, he returned.

    What am I supposed to do? If I go home, I’ll just pace there. I might as well be here, where I can do some good, Alan snapped.

    Archie took a puff of his cigar and then took a deep drink of his liquor. With all due respect, Sir, there’s nothing you can do at the moment. You have to wait until he makes the next move.

    Resigning himself to face the fact that Archie was right, Alan nodded slowly. I just want to be able to tell her that I was looking the entire time she was missing. His voice was pained.

    Archie smiled slightly and puffed on the cigar that was back in his mouth. I highly doubt that she’ll blame you if you take a couple hours to sleep, Sir, he pointed out around the cigar.

    But every minute that I sleep is a minute that I’m not looking for her. What if I miss something? Alan protested.

    Archie glanced over at the model of Big Town that took up nearly all of the room near the windows. It was almost knee high on Alan, and each of the roofs and separate floors came off individually so the buildings could be examined without leaving the office. Three inch tall flags were stuck in the peaks of six scattered buildings that the invisible Line for The District had been drawn just shy of. Indicated on Alan’s floor with a strip of off white tape stuck to the floor. Sir, you’ve been over it, both alone and with Master Jake, more times than should be healthy. You haven’t missed a single detail. Go home, get some sleep.

    Alan glanced at the mini city and frowned. Archie was right. There really wasn’t anything else that he could do at this point. Which left him with going home and trying to force himself to sleep. I suppose you’re right.

    That I am. Archie nodded and took another sip of the liquor that seemed to not have diminished, despite the fact that he had drunk deeply from it.

    Alan shook his head slightly and started for the coat stand where his black overcoat and fedora hung waiting for him to take them home. He slipped his arms into the coat and shrugged it on. The fedora settled onto his head; the brim was bent down with a habitual tug. He slowly pulled the door open. I’ll see you in the morning, Archie.

    Of course, Sir. I’ll get the lights. The lights were switched off as Alan slowly stepped through the door and closed it behind him. Archie sat where he was, smoke slowly seeping between his lips and curling from the burning end of his cigar. After a couple minutes, Archie, his chair, and the tumbler on the desk shimmered slightly as they disappeared.


    A sharp ring came from under a few papers on the less-messy corner of the desk. A second ring demanded attention.

    The door burst open and the lights switched back on as the third ring complained. Alan seemed to appear at the desk as he jerked the receiver up to his ear, scattering the half dozen papers that were close enough to be caught up in the wind he created.

    Hello? he demanded.

    Hello. Came the self-assured voice from the other end.

    What do you want?

    The caller clicked his tongue. Alan, you really shouldn’t be at the office. Do you know what time it is? Sleep is important.

    Alan’s hand tightened ever so slightly on the receiver. What do you want? he repeated.

    Oh, always with the questions, the voice admonished.

    Tell me! Alan’s knuckles popped under the pressure he was applying to the receiver.

    Don’t worry, they have a little cabin fever, that’s all.

    Alan forced himself to calm down. The longer he stayed upset and demanding, the more drawn out the conversation was going to be.

    You’re quite worried about them, aren’t you. It must be eating at you that you can’t do anything about the situation.

    Alan smiled grimly. Your ransom call is lacking, to say the least. Good to see prison had some effect on you.

    The chuckle from the other end was taunting. I see where she gets it now.

    You better have not hurt her, Alan’s voice dropped as he growled.

    Alan, relax, the voice soothed. I would never hurt her. She’s the star of the show. She’s too important.

    What do you want? Alan sighed.

    That should be easy for you to figure out, the grin informed him.

    Why don’t you tell me and save us both some time? Alan suggested, trying to keep his anger under control.

    All business, hm? Well, if you insist. What I want is simple. I want you.

    Alan had expected the demand, and he was ready. Where do I have to be?

    Oh, not so fast. I want you to come alone, and you might as well plan on not running that agency anymore. I’ll let them go after you get here.

    Alan shook his head. No. You let them go, then I’ll come in.

    And let you have time to double cross me. Oh no.

    Alan sighed. All right. But I want them released the second I arrive.

    I think that can be arranged.

    Another thing. They aren’t to be harmed, Alan ordered.

    Oh, they won’t be. As long as you play nice. I’ll send the address to you in the morning.

    With that, the line went dead in Alan’s hand.

    Chapter 2

    The One With The Backtrack

    Months Before...

    The door snapped open with such force it bounced off the wall and came back for a crack at Dallas Stowe as he followed his partner Olivia Wainwright into the District Detective office.

    He stopped it, his elbow locked, and slowly closed it behind him. Dallas shook his head. Someday she would learn to let him open the door for her.

    Dee appeared and looked at Olli like she was crazy. You know, if you don’t let go of the door when you come in that fast, it won’t bounce off the wall like that.

    Olli stopped dead in her tracks, mere inches from Dee. Her hands slowly settled to her hips and she eyed her secretary with something that resembled boredom. But when it seemed like she was struggling to come up with words Dallas stepped up and smirked over her shoulder.

    Miss Dee, I think she’s tryin’ to figure out how it is that you didn’t see this excitement comin’ from you callin’ us in from Eminences. Dallas’ smile was teasing as he gently pulled on Olli’s stole.

    Olli glanced back and quickly loosened the stole and rolled her shoulders. The fur melted into Dallas’ hands. Under the stole was a dark green dress suit that drew out her eyes like blazing green gems. She pivoted on her heel and looked at Dallas, hands returned to their former place on her hips. There’s nothing pressing going on.

    Dallas turned from making sure that the beautiful fur would stay on the coat stand and glanced at her while taking off his own overcoat and suit coat. Hanging them on a separate hooks, he began to unbutton his cuffs and roll them up to the middle of his forearms. He looked at her for a moment quietly.

    Olli folded her arms. You don’t believe me, do you?

    Dallas finished rolling up his right cuff and loosened his tie. He slipped his hands in his pockets. I was simply waitin’ on you to expand on that statement. It took him a second to realize that he had focused on the double strand of pearls around her neck before he looked up to her eyes.

    Olli glanced over at Dee, who was now standing next to her, completely missing Dallas’ appraisal of her entire outfit for the hundredth time that day. Tell him, Dee.

    She was going to put her foot into her mouth if I left the two of you in that formal setting too much longer. Olli and high society dinners mix well only for small amounts of time, Dee explained, an almost sheepish tone in her voice, calmly taking in Dallas’ almost inability to tear his eyes away from Olli, a small smirk on her face.

    Dallas took in the smirk and jumped to his own conclusions about its meaning. Were you kicked out of finishin’ school before that class was taught?

    Olli snorted and walked toward the windows, watching the street below her for a moment before she turned to look him. They didn't let me in. The green embers glided over to Dee.

    There is something...besides your small tolerance for gossip, Dee answered before Olli got the chance to ask.

    And what would that be, exactly? Dallas asked, managing to get his eyes away from Olli before she noticed that he was still looking at her.

    Dee folded her hands in front of her and her eyes settled on Olli’s. Cross Bay Louie is out on good behavior.

    Dallas watched the color drain out of Olli’s face so fast that if he had blinked he would have missed it. Who?

    Cross Bay Louie? Olli’s voice sounded strangled. On good behavior?

    Dee nodded slowly. I didn’t think that it was possible, either.

    Does Al know? Olli asked, some color slowly beginning to seep into her cheeks.

    Dee nodded. Archie will be informing him when he comes in after he arrives from Eminences.

    Excuse me, ladies, but who? Dallas asked, watching the procession of expressions on Olli’s face. Ranging from sheer panic to determination.

    Olli’s green coals took his breath away slightly when they focused on him. Cross Bay Louie. He used to be the leader of the toughest kidnapping ring in the area.

    Kidnappin’ ring? Dallas repeated.

    Olli nodded. High profile. Everyone knew who was behind it when someone expensive or important went missing. But he finally made a mistake, and Al brought him in. He’s been in the state pen since ’25. And now the snake has convinced someone to let him out long before he was supposed to go up for parole. Her eyes rolled dramatically. And on good behavior. Will wonders never cease.

    So we should pick up the welcome mat before he gets here. Dallas slowly folded his arms.

    Oh, it’s too late for that. I only found out just now, but he’s been out for three days, Dee interjected.

    Three days! Olli's cheeks flushed with anger. How did we not know until now? she demanded, turning back to look out the windows, as though seeking answers from the passing pedestrians and cars below her feet.

    Dallas stood where he was for a moment, unsure of what to do. Olli’s shoulders were tense, which meant that she was about to do something at a mind-numbing speed. He didn’t have to wait long.

    Olli spun on her heel and ran the two feet to Dallas’ desk where she swiped the phone receiver up, almost knocking the base off the desk. She managed to make a lucky snag at the cradle and slammed it back on the desk. Get me the police station! she snapped into the phone, probably terrifying the poor operator, who must have managed to push through the terror to ask for the information to be repeated because

    Olli rolled her eyes. The. Police. Station! she growled, pronouncing each word like a separate sentence. The toe of her right shoe tapped impatiently while the phone rang. Harrison, Olli’s mouth was still open while he said something, yes, thank you. Harrison, listen to me, I need a tail on my father from the edge of town to WDA…I’m well aware that you don’t owe me any favors, but I would really appreciate it if you just sent a couple of boys to make sure that he made it back here. The snap and snarl had faded from her voice, which had turned to diplomatic after Harrison had said something that had pursed her lips together in the middle of her sentence. Why? Olli sighed and rolled her shoulders. I’m worried about him, Sir.

    Dallas blinked and had to make sure that he kept his mouth shut. That was first time that he had heard Olli refer to the police chief by anything other than his name, not to mention the respectful tone in which she said it.

    Dee sighed next to him. She must be really worried. She wouldn’t ask for his help otherwise.

    She has good reason to be, Dallas’ voice hovered above a mutter, his eyes still plastered to Olli’s shoulders.

    Olli slowly replaced the phone receiver on its cradle. She turned, smiled slightly at Dallas and looked at the wall behind him. Could I see a map please? One with street names.

    The wall separated and the computer blinked on, its screen fading from the picture of the sunset over The Harbor into a black and white street map of Big Town.

    Yes, we’re starting now. Olli answered Dallas’ unasked question, her eyes never leaving the screen. Could we get a little closer? And the street names a little bigger? She nodded in approval as the map obliged her.

    Dallas closed his mouth, swallowing the breath he had just taken and pulled his tie off completely. All right. Let’s start with what we know. He’s been out for three days. Not to mention the fact that he's already here. Dallas draped his tie over the back of the closest chair and leaned against it.

    Olli perched on the arm of the chair that she had pulled around. Her left foot came up and she started to work the shoe off her foot. He won’t be far from The Line, but not too close either. Kidnappers are despised by gangsters everywhere. It would be dangerous for him to cross The Line and go into The District. Now her right shoe hit the floor. She stood up and walked in stocking feet to the computer. Which means that he could be anywhere outside of downtown. She poked a few places on the screen that lit up with red dots, the map looking like it had an outbreak of mosquito bites.

    And those would be? Dallas wondered, completely unfazed by the fact that Olli had kicked out of her shoes.

    Olli turned and walked back to lean against the armrest again. The last five places that he kept his kidnappees.

    Dallas looked at the insect bite dots again. They’re nowhere near each other.

    I’m well aware. Olli muttered, her arms tightly folded across her stomach.

    You actually look nervous, Dallas looked at her shrewdly.

    Olli barely glanced at him. You would be too if you knew how good he was.

    I don’t doubt it. Dallas shook his head.


    The two of them didn’t notice almost a half hour later when the door closed silently. They were deeply involved with arguing whether the North side of Big Town would be better for a kidnapper than the East side.

    Would one of you kindly let me know why I was followed by two boys in blue? and man’s voice cut in.

    Olli’s face snapped around and she looked at him, relief washing across it. Harrison pulled through. She was smiling slightly, completely relaxed since there was no annoyance in her father’s face. Welcome back, Al.

    Dallas slowly unfolded his arms and slid his hands into his pockets. He could tell that his boss was not angry about the tail, but he was expecting an answer soon. Olli called them in, Sir.

    You called them in? Al’s eyes shifted from Dallas down to Olli. His eyes caught sight of the tie on the back of the chair and Olli's shoes laying haphazardly next to the far chair. Alan's eyebrows rose slightly but didn't say anything.

    Olli nodded. Yes. I had to make sure that you made it back here.

    Were you worried that I would get lost? Al’s eyes sparkled.

    Olli stood up, laced her fingers together and bent her hands backward, a nervous look descending onto her face. I was worried you might be picked up.

    By whom, exactly? Al didn’t miss the look or the unease that Dallas was trying to keep in check.

    Cross Bay Louie. Dallas answered, looking grim.

    I’m sorry? Al looked at him sharply.

    Olli nodded, looking like she was going to be sick. Good behavior three days ago.

    And I’m just finding out now? Al demanded, looking between them.

    Olli pursed her lips. We just found out ourselves.

    And no one thought to tell me because... Alan let it hang and looked from one to the other.

    Dallas was the first one to come up with an explanation. There was no way to get a hold of you, Sir. You were in the car drivin’ back when we found out.

    Al seemed to ponder the explanation for a minute. Jake, can I talk to you in my office? he turned and started out, just as Jake walked in. Nice work so far. He smiled over his shoulder at the younger detectives.

    Jake smiled a run-while-you-still-can smile and started after his partner. He poked his head back in the door after he left. Don’t worry about it. I’ll calm him down. He winked and with a smirk pulled his head back and closed the door. He appeared a second later, walked up to the computer screen and poked another building on the map. Forgot one. he walked out the door. Al and I are going to be in an important meeting for a while. We’ll come check on you when we’re finished. With that the door closed behind him.

    Olli shook her head. They’re deciding where their lunch is going to be tomorrow.

    Dallas’ quizzical look didn’t fade for a couple seconds longer. Good to see they've got their priorities straight, he mused, the playful spark back in his eyes.

    Olli grinned, the first one of the night, and shrugged. Welcome to WDA. Where we handle stressful situations by planning lunch for the next day.

    Dallas chuckled Well, thank you.

    …There is one person who might have an idea, Olli mused as she paced in front of the computer.

    Dallas stood next to Dee, his arms folded across his chest. His head moved toward the holographic girl. Do you suppose she realizes that she still doesn’t have shoes on? he wondered in a low voice.

    I doubt it. Dee giggled.

    And who might that be? Dallas asked when Olli looked at him.

    Chapter 3

    The One With The Surprise Visit

    I know I don’t have my shoes on. I took them off hours ago. She looked at him like she thought that he shouldn’t have sold her so short. Monte might have an idea. He was in town running `shine quite a bit then.

    We were just with him. Dallas pointed out. He didn’t know then; I feel like he might have said somethin’ if he had.

    Olli stopped, the corner of her lips turning up into a slight smile, her eyes dancing. So little faith you have in the man.

    Too much faith you have in the man, Dallas countered. You do realize that he doesn’t know everythin’?

    Olli shook her head. We’re going to have to settle this. He might not know about what’s going on right now, but he might remember something from before Cross Bay was put in the pen.

    Well, we better go talk to him and see who’s right, Dallas teased back, his crooked smile surfacing again. Don’t forget your shoes, Miss Olivia.

    Olli shot him a long suffering look. I wasn't going to, she retorted, rolling her eyes. She already had her right shoe upright and was wiggling her foot into it. Her right index finger pointed down to prove that she was doing it.

    Dallas chuckled to himself and walked over to the coat stand. He carefully lifted the White Fox from its hook. I never saw you with a fur, Olli. He turned to face her, holding out the expensive stole so she could slip into it.

    Olli had just stood up from putting on her left shoe, and was slipping on her left kid glove. She picked up the right glove and worked her hand into it her palm up, like a proper lady, and tipped her head to the right. Why do you say that? she asked, walking to him and smiling over her shoulder at him as he draped the stole around her shoulders. She clasped it and shrugged her shoulders, letting the stole fall unevenly almost to her right bicep. Olli turned to face him.

    Dallas found himself at a loss for words for a moment. It was amazing to him how thoroughly he could lose his train of thought when she fixed him with that slightly confused look. Her eyes sparkled in interest and the corners of her mouth turned up softly and made it hard for him to think about anything else other than her. I mean… Dallas closed his eyes for a second, waiting for the thought to come back. For the last few months I’ve seen you in that leather jacket and I guess my mind just decided that you were completely uninterested in something so tasteful and elegant as that. He nodded to her outfit as a whole.

    Olli looked down at what she was wearing. Her eyes came back up to him. I can see that. She cleared her throat. Forgetting something? She teased, holding up his tie.

    Dallas' shoulders slumped slightly, and he rehung his suit coat. He caught the tie when Olli tossed it at him, and quickly went about tying it.

    And you were worried I'd forget my shoes. Olli clicked her tongue, a teasing light in her eyes.

    Dallas shook his head and slipped into his suit coat and shrugged his shoulders into his overcoat. Well, won’t Monte be surprised?


    Montana Dirks wasn’t surprised at the two of them appearing in his garage only a few hours after he dropped them off, but he was slightly caught off guard at the questions the young detectives shot his way. You want to know about Cross Bay Louie.

    Olli nodded, perched in the front seat of Monte’s prized moonshine-running Pierce Arrow, Lightin’. You were in and out of that side of town before he was put away.

    Monte laid down the wrench he was still holding from when the two of them came into his barn. He slowly picked up the rag that had been draped over Lightin’s fender and started to rub his hands on it. Sorry, Kids. I really didn’ hear anythin’ abou’ him even when I was runnin’. Other than th’ death mutterin's.

    Dallas looked at Olli and his eyebrows slowly went up, his crooked smile and sparkling eyes taunted Olli.

    I said he might know. I never promised that he would have anything. Olli pointed out, standing up and out of the front seat. Thanks anyway, Monte. I sure hope nothing comes of it.

    Monte followed them to the door and waved them off. I doub’ I’. He muttered to himself.

    Olli and Dallas walked down the sidewalk, her right hand in the crook of his left arm, talking of lighter topics to try to avoid the fact that they were both still thinking about the kidnapper who was now on the loose and three days ahead of them.


    A tall, burly shadow followed the couple down the street. He paused in the overhang of a wide-growing shrub and watched them, his eyes narrowed in calculation. This was neither the time nor the place for what he had in mind. Not when the two of them were together. He would have to settle to wait for a while longer. Learning the patterns was the most important part in his business.


    Olli, you can’t keep ignorin’ me when I’m talkin’. Dallas informed, from across the room.

    Olli had made sure that Al always had at least a tail, if not someone with him, since they had found out about Cross Bay Louie. It had been nearly a week since

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