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Lost by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #3
Lost by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #3
Lost by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #3
Ebook399 pages6 hours

Lost by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #3

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

One thing I've learned as the breeder for the Alpha King—no one is what they seem.


I'm pregnant with the king's baby, but he still doesn't want to tell anyone, afraid something will happen to the baby, and all of the other Alphas will be disappointed. So we wait. In the meantime, war is on the horizon, and the other Alphas want him to take a Luna Queen.

They just don't want it to be me.

Maddox is actually considering a queen consort? Then, why am I still here? I thought he loved me.

When my cousin shows up from Maatua and asks me to go with him to the islands to break the curse, how can I say no? It's not as if Maddox will even miss me.


Problems with the other Alphas continue to persist. This firestorm Zabrina's mother is bringing upon me won't just go away. It's going to lead to war, and I'm ready for it.

But the Alphas want results now. They want a queen. They want an heir. The only way to appease them is to tell them I'll consider it.

When my dead wife's cousin shows up as a potential match, I'm shocked—and so is Isla.

How am I supposed to keep the Alphas happy and not drive Isla away? I don't know, but I'm afraid I'm about to lose her.


Find out why over 1 million Radish readers love The Alpha King's Breeder!

Release dateFeb 17, 2023
Lost by the Alpha: The Alpha King's Breeder, #3

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    Book preview

    Lost by the Alpha - Bella Moondragon



    Water laps at the boat as we glide across the water. The larger waves we encountered a couple of days ago, waves that made me question my decision to do this and think that there was a good chance I was going to end up in the ocean, have died down, and now, it’s just a calm, rolling motion that makes me want to fall asleep.

    But I can’t do that.

    I haven’t been able to sleep for days, weeks, not since I had decided that this was something I had to do, even when Maddox had forbidden me to leave the castle.

    Fighting with him absolutely breaks my heart, but I have my reasons for being here. He didn’t understand that. He didn’t want to listen to me.

    I’d taken advantage of the problems he was having, and now, I am here… even though he may never forgive me for what I’ve done.

    Rubbing my hand along my abdomen, I stare out at the ocean, pressing my aching back to the bench behind me. Traveling while so very pregnant is just as uncomfortable as Mystica had warned me that it would be stressful, difficult, unpleasant, even painful.

    She hadn’t been wrong, but to me, the importance of coming was far more important than staying at home. I will survive being uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to my baby.

    Are you still sitting up here? Ben asks me as he comes up from the lower deck. The ship we’ve hired isn’t large, but it’s big enough for the five of us and the two crew members. The sleeping quarters downstairs are pretty comfortable, not that I’ve actually slept any at all, but my youngest brother has seemed cozy enough.

    I am still sitting here, I tell him, as if he hasn’t figured as much out. Captain Dave says we should be spotting land within a few hours.

    Captain Dave has been spotting the gin for a few hours now, Ben mutters, and I chuckle, but it takes a lot of effort, so I don’t let it linger. Is your back still bothering you?

    Yeah, I tell him, arching it so that I can try to stretch out some of the lower muscles in my back, but it’s hard because the baby is so big these days.

    Do you want me to rub it? My brother has been nothing but kind to me ever since he snuck out of the house to come with me.

    No, thank you. I give him a half-smile. I’ll have Mystica give me some more of those herbs when she gets up. Everyone else is still sleeping this early in the morning. I wish that I was, too, but I’m still fretting, hurting, and wondering what’s about to happen to us.

    I can go get them if you want, he offers.

    No, it’s okay. I’m all right. I’m not sure what I would do without Ben. He’s helped me so much, getting away from the castle, to the train, to the dock, and now… here on the boat.

    It’s been a whirlwind week, and I’ll be happy when we get this over with and can get back home, but I have to take it all one step at a time.

    I hear footsteps echoing off the stairs again, and I can tell by the footfalls who it is. I grimace a bit and brace myself. Ben slides over and holds my hand. I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to talk to him. I wish he wasn’t even here, but there was no escaping him, not from the moment he’d shown up at the castle and began making demands.

    Glowing amber eyes meet mine as I glance over to see him standing there, his blond hair messy from sleep. His clothing is wrinkled, and he has a scowl on what some women may describe as a handsome face, though I can’t think of him that way.

    Not after everything he’s said to me.

    Oh, good. Look who’s awake. Mr. Sunshine. Good morning, Antony, Ben mumbles.

    He glares at us and walks over to the railing, staring out at the ocean. We’ll be home in an hour or so, he says. Then, the real work begins. If you think you’re uncomfortable now, on this boat, Princess, just wait until you hit the jungles.

    I am not looking forward to it. I’m not looking forward to seeing the destruction of our homeland, trekking across uneven land, dodging who knows who might be out to get us. No, nothing about what lies ahead of me has me excited to disembark.

    But I am curious to see the land of my birth. Mystica insists that there’s nothing there we can’t handle. I’m not so sure. I might have some sort of magical powers that allows me to heal people and maybe even bring them back from the dead, but that doesn’t mean I’ll always be in a situation where I can do that if something happens.

    And what if something happens to me?

    I doubt I’m going to come back to life again.

    Poppy’s tone is almost as disagreeable as Antony’s when she emerges from down below deck. You’d better have some sort of an idea where the hell your mother is when we get there or else, you’re going to be the next who has to rely on that damn waterfall to bring you back to life.

    Antony turns around and glares at her, and I say, Poppy—that’s not very nice, considering what happened there.

    I know! she spits, coming over to sit next to me, folding her arms across her chest. That’s exactly why I said it. Your cousin is an asshole, and I’m tired of putting up with his shit. If he’s going to keep being so fucking rude to everyone, I’m going to be rude right back to him.

    Poppy, has anyone ever told you that you need to be more assertive? my brother jokes, and I backhand him in the bicep.

    Antony doesn’t even turn around. His eyes are fixed on the horizon.

    I can’t imagine how all of this is for him. Sure, he’s a bit of an asshole, like Poppy just said, but he’s been through so much in his life. It’s no wonder he’s bitter and angry at everyone.

    But his attitude had almost been enough reason for me not to come with him either.


    Now, as he mumbles, Land, ho…. I take a deep breath. We will be there soon, and he’s right… that’s where the real trouble begins.

    I stand, my back aching, as I walk over to the railing near my cousin and look out.

    I can hardly see it, but it’s there, off in the distance. It’s just a green dot on the horizon, my first glimpse of Maatua in almost twenty years. From here, it doesn’t look as big as I expected, but then, perhaps it will get bigger when we are closer. Then, perhaps I’ll get a better indication of exactly what it is I am getting into here.

    I just hope we don’t end up having to travel to that other island, my Aunt Mary’s homeland, KiloKilo, the land of wizards and mages, according to everything I could find in the library in the castle before I left home.

    We’ll be arriving at Maatua in two hours, Jude, the captain’s assistant, says, coming around from the other side of the boat. We will drop all of you, but as we stated, we will not be staying. We’ll be back in two weeks.

    Two weeks. My hand runs over my abdomen. I’m not due for another month. I hope they aren’t late. I really don’t want my son to be born on the island.

    Jude continues, We will stay for five hours. If you are not there, you will have to hope another ship drops by.

    And how often does that happen? Poppy asks him.

    He looks her up and down, something I’ve noticed him doing before. He’s probably ten years older than her, but it’s pretty clear, the short sailor with greasy black hair is interested in Poppy.

    A grunt from next to me makes me wonder if he’s not the only one, though I can’t imagine Antony being interested in anyone but himself—and his mother.

    Not often, Jude tells Poppy. That being said, we have seen another boat on our radar that seems to be headed in the same direction. It’s a couple of hours behind us now, so it could change courses. At any rate, be ready to get off when we land because we will not be hanging around.

    Another boat? Ben repeats, turning to look at me. My breath catches in my throat. Surely, he doesn’t know already? We have been so careful….

    I say nothing in response, and neither does anyone else. But my cousin mumbles, So fucking stupid. Everyone is so goddessdamn scared of the island. There’s nothing to be scared of. I keep telling all of you, the war is over. There’s hardly anyone even on the island!

    While that may be true, you can’t say that it’s not dangerous, I say to him. If it was safe, you wouldn’t have come for me.

    I already told you, Princess, my mother refuses to speak to anyone but you. That’s the only reason I had to track you down. I want this over with more than anyone, but you won’t be in any danger. My father’s dead; he has been for over a decade. The war is over. Most of his followers are dead. Those that aren’t have left the island and moved to areas of the mainland like your family did. We’ll be perfectly fine.

    I want to believe what he’s saying, but I can see in his eyes that even he doesn’t fully believe that.

    Two weeks, I repeat. And four days until the Blood Moon.

    That’s right, he says. We’ll have time.

    I shake my head but focus my eyes on the green dot in the distance that is growing bigger by the moment.

    I hope he’s right. Otherwise, I’ve potentially ruined my relationship with the king to try to save my family’s homeland from permanent destruction based on second-hand information from the son of a mad woman. My own family didn’t even know Antony had survived the earthquake. They thought he’d been killed all of those years ago. His showing up to speak to me had been shocking.

    My agreeing to this mission had been a huge risk, and a hundred times a day, I ask myself what the hell I’m doing.

    When Maddox finds out what I’m up to, I have a feeling he’ll be asking me the exact same thing—if he will ever even speak to me again….



    Six months earlier…

    I am two months pregnant, and I can tell when I look at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

    Poppy says I’m glowing. I’m not sure about that, but I think my hair looks a little thicker, and maybe my eyes are a little shinier. I swear my nose is beginning to change shape.

    And then there’s my abdomen. It’s not noticeable to anyone else, I don’t believe, but I can see a slight change. It’s kind of like when I’ve eaten too much, or I’m bloated. I smooth down the front of the sequined red dress I’m wearing and stare at it for a long moment. Yes, I can definitely see a change.

    I haven’t gained any weight yet. Mystica says that’s typical since I’ve been having a bit of morning sickness. Anything I eat or drink tends to come right back up. She gave me some medicine, and that helps, but I am leery of taking anything since I don’t know how the baby might be affected by the poison I was given when I was just barely pregnant with him.

    Satisfied that I look good, I take a deep breath and head across the room to sit in the chair by the window and wait. Maddox should be here any time.

    He’s been away a lot recently. With everything going on with Zabrina’s mother, as well as the other packs that are threatening to rise up against Maddox because Zabrina somehow tricked their Alphas or their Alpha’s sons into thinking she was their fated mate, he has a lot of negotiating and peace talks to make.

    The last thing he wants right now is a full-fledged war. But everyone knows it may be impossible to avoid. It seems that even when he is here, he’s with Seth, in what they’ve dubbed the war room, which is next to his office. They always have their heads together in there, bending over a table laden with maps, talking about what they should do next, who to talk to, who they can trust, who they can’t, where to gather troops from, where to amass them. It’s exhausting for me just thinking about it, and I don’t know the half of what’s going on with them.

    He’s been gone for a few days, and I miss him terribly. I wish that he was here now, but I will wait patiently. He’s planning to take me to dinner and then to the ballroom for our own private dancing session. I still remember dancing with him at dinner that first time. It was so romantic. That was the first time that I knew I wanted to be with him no matter what.

    I take a deep breath and focus my eyes out the window. I’m looking in the direction of my parents’ pack. My father is the newly appointed Alpha. Maddox insisted when he realized who he really was that he take over Willow pack. Dad had said he didn’t really want to be a leader anymore, but Maddox said he was the most qualified. I know that Dad was afraid that someone from Maatua will hear about where he is and come after him, not to cause any harm but with questions, questions neither of my parents can answer or want to try to answer….

    I have a million of those types of questions myself. But no matter how I beg them to tell me more about what life was like for them there, they refuse. I think they are under the impression that I will somehow fall in love with the idea of Maatua and want to go there even more than I already do. In all honesty, though, my wanting to go there has nothing to do with curiosity.

    I just want to make sure my baby is safe.

    And Maddox says that’s ridiculous and will put both the baby and me in even more danger than if I just have him here and use my own tears or blood to save him if something is wrong. Since we’ve discovered what I can do, Mystica has been drawing small amounts of my blood and administering them to sick people in the infirmary. They get better quickly, depending upon how much they are given.

    I know my blood and tears have magical qualities, but I’m not convinced it will be enough to save my son. I want to be near the same source of water that brought me back to life when he is born, just in case.

    I put my hands on my abdomen, protectively, something I do frequently. No one has confirmed to me yet that he’s a boy. Mystica says I can’t know for sure for a few more weeks, and then she’ll confirm it through ultrasound. But I already know. He may have only been with me for a few weeks, but we are already bonded completely. I feel like I know this little boy as well as I know myself. The thought of losing him, of anything ever happening to him, makes my heart ache.

    But I also don’t want to do anything to upset the Alpha King. If he says I can’t go to Maatua, I’ll just have to figure out another way to keep my son safe. Mystica and I have been doing some research about it, but it’s hard because no one else has the same history as I do. At least, if they do… they haven’t written it down and put it in a book, not one that we can access anyway.

    My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening slowly. I suck in a deep breath and practically leap to my feet as Maddox sticks his head in. His weary look gives way to a smile, and I grin back at him.

    I am concerned, though. He looks utterly exhausted. He’s wearing a white button-down shirt and black slacks, not the suit I expected him to be in when he arrived. The shirt is undone about halfway, and it's wrinkly. He hasn’t shaven, which makes him look even more ruggedly sexy than usual, but it’s not like him, and I know that something is going on.

    Immediately, I go to him, lifting a hand to his cheek as his arms go around my waist, pulling me close to him. Is everything all right? I ask, bracing for news that we’ve gone to war.

    Yes, yes, everything is fine, baby, he says, nuzzling against my ear. I’m just tired.

    I think back to how he couldn’t sleep before he met me, after his wife, Rebecca died. He had a terrible time of it. He’d told me all about it. But then… when I came to live in the castle, he was able to sleep as long as we were together.

    I imagine him being away from me while he’s been out on these trips to distant pack lands has made it nearly impossible for him to sleep. I pull him closer to me, and his head rests on my shoulder as his hands slip down to my bottom and squeeze, making my thoughts go fuzzy for a moment.

    When his lips sink into my neck, I have lost all thoughts about going to dinner. I’m not hungry for food anyway. The only thing I’m hungry for is this man.

    Maddox raises his face and looks into my eyes. I bit down on my bottom lip, and a crooked smile takes over his face. What do you say we skip dinner for now? I can have someone bring us something later.

    I respond without words by pressing my mouth to his.

    That is all the answer he needs….

    He lifts me and carries me to the bed, tossing me down and hopping on top of me. We shed our clothing quickly, and he accidentally tears my dress slightly when the zipper gets caught. It’s new, and I’d never worn it before, but I don’t even care. The only thing that slows him down slightly are the buckles on my shoes.

    Once he has me fully stripped, I spread my legs for him, welcoming him in. It hasn’t been all that long since we made love, but it seems like an eternity.

    His kisses are warm as they coat my neck and shoulder. He moves down to my breast, taking a nipple between his teeth and sucking as I feel his tip at my entrance. I lift my hips in anticipation of him entering me, but Maddox has always enjoyed teasing me, and it’s no different now.

    His tongue lashes out and thrums against the sensitive skin of my hardened peak. I tip my head back and moan a little which only encourages him. He switches and takes my other breast into his mouth. I run my fingernails up and down his back as he continues to drive me wild.

    Please, Maddox, I say, hearing the whining in my own whisper. Please.

    He lifts his eyes, still sucking on my nipple, his eyes wide and innocent as if he doesn’t know what I want. I buck my hips again, and he smiles at me before lifting his head, grabbing me by the hips, and pulling me toward him. I laugh, but a moment later, he’s plunged deep within me, and my laughter is erased by a loud exhale. Pleasure ripples through my core, and I tighten my muscles around his hardened shaft as we begin to move together.

    He drops his head again, his forehead resting on my shoulder, and I can tell he’s concentrating on the way my body feels wrapped around his. The pace is steady as he thrusts all the way in each time, grinding against me. Every time he makes contact with my swollen clit, I cry out in ecstasy. I want him to go faster so that he can send me tumbling over the edge more quickly, but I know that he is taking his time so that I can enjoy it longer.

    When he picks up speed, though, my cries become more desperate and hardly recognizable to my own ear. I am panting, lifting myself up off the bed, my fingers splaying across the bedding, looking for any sort of grip to keep me from falling.

    I fall anyway, teetering right over the edge and losing my grip on reality as my body goes into spasm, pulsing with his every penetrating blow.

    A few moments later, Maddox joins me, his warm seed bursting out of him with several guttural groans.

    He collapses on me, gasping for air as I hold him close, wrapping my knees around his hips and running my fingers through his sweaty hair.

    In this moment, I never, ever want to let him go. It is just him and me in this world, and nothing else matters. Not the war, or the island, or our families, or our history. Only Maddox and me—and our tiny baby.

    If only it can stay that way….

    Something tells me it will not.



    I need to get up and get back to work, but I can’t. Lying here with Isla cradled against my chest, the smell of our lovemaking still heavy in the air, is soothing, and the rest of the world is cold and angry.

    Going back out there seems senseless. Why would I do that when I can simply stay here with her?

    What is it, Maddox? she asks, her voice heavy with sleep. I know something is troubling you. More so than usual.

    I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips. She knows me so well. I was going to say, since when is there a time when something isn’t bothering me?

    She turns her blue eyes on me, and I smile at her, brushing my thumb across her cheek. Have you had any progress whatsoever?

    A sigh slips out of my mouth, and I tell her, Yes and no. It’s a slow process, baby. We have to go pack by pack, person by person, and convince them all that turning against me as the rightful king is a huge mistake.

    But there are so many packs that have been infiltrated in one way or another by Luna Elaine and her crazy daughter. How can you be sure that you’ve convinced them all that Zabrina was sneaking around behind each one of their backs, going to the next, and telling them the same thing they wanted to hear, that she was their mate? Isla wants to know.

    I can’t, I admit. She had fooled at least seven Alphas or Alphas’ sons. Austin was only the first of many men whom she’d used her back of poisons and tricks against. She’d managed to convince him that they were going to be together and rule the kingdom. The thought of all of the webs and lies the woman had woven made me sick, but the fact that it hadn’t been her idea or her choice also made me sick. I almost felt sorry for Zabrina, crazy as she was. Her mother had manipulated her in ways she never even realized before she died.

    And what about Alpha Geofrey? Is he still trying to convince the packs by Beach Front to join him? I nodded that he was. How many packs have pledged to fight against you with him now?

    Four, I tell her. All of them are coastal packs. My father did a lot of damage in their pack lands when he took a major port away from them and gave it to a pack that had been at great odds with all of them for generations, that didn’t set well with any of them.

    Why would your father do that? she asks me, resting her cheek back against my chest. I smooth back her blonde ringlets, distracted by how smooth and silky her hair is as it slides through my fingers.

    He was trying to punish the packs because he felt that they were out of line by keeping a majority of the profits coming in from the port for their own packs. My father wanted them to pay more taxes and spread the money they brought into other packs. They said that wasn’t fair, that the other packs didn’t share their resources with them. It was a constant debate.

    She takes a deep breath, holds it in, and lets it out slowly. It’s too bad that your father caused such a big problem for all of those packs, and now they’re taking it out on you.

    I agree. Leaning down, I press my lips to the top of her head. I don’t want to mention to her that this is just one of the many problems that my father had created in the packs that I am still trying to fix. We will sort it out, though. I’ve been trying to fix it since I became king, but now, obviously, it’s more imperative that I get it solved peacefully before it’s too late.

    Once again, she lifts her head to look at me. Do you think it will be too late? Do you think we’ll go into a full-blown war?

    Shrugging my shoulders, I tell her, I can’t say for sure, but I do know that I trust my people. My commanders and the other people that are working so hard to make sure that we are prepared should it unfold. I don’t want that to be the case, and I am hopeful that announcing that you are pregnant will be the catalyst we need to bring the kingdom back together, but I can’t make that announcement just yet.

    Her mouth opens and closes, and I know what she wants to say, but she doesn’t say it because she doesn’t want me to have to articulate what she knows I’m thinking.

    I’m not ready for it yet because I’m still not completely certain that the baby is all right. The child went through a lot shortly after conception. Until Mystica can verify for certain that the child will live, I can’t afford to announce the baby’s existence.

    If people believe that I’m just making it up to convince them that there’s no need to get worked up and everything will be fine, but then there’s not a baby, that could make the situation far worse.

    When are you leaving again? she asks me, and though I’m glad she’s changed the subject from the uncomfortable topic of the baby, I don’t want to answer that question either, but I find myself doing so.

    The day after tomorrow, I reply. I’ll be gone for quite some time, unfortunately, perhaps a month or so.

    What? she asks, her eyes bulging. Maddox, I’m not sure that I can handle that.

    Once again, I stroke her cheek lovingly. I know exactly what she means as it is breaking my heart to think of her back here at the castle without me. But I have to focus on the war efforts right now, and I’ve learned only moments ago via the mind-link that this is the best course of action.

    My generals in the field, primarily Commander Vember and Commander Givens, have determined I need to go to Beach Front myself. It’s the only way to convince our allies there that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that our kingdom stays strong.

    Isla rolls onto her back and places a hand against her forehead, staring up at the ceiling. I want to pull her back to my chest, so that she’s in my arms, nestled against me, safe and warm.

    When you’re gone, will Seth still be here? she asks me. Or will he be going with you?

    This time, he’ll be with me, I explain to her. Sometimes recently, when I’ve gone off to take care of these affairs having to do with the potential uprising, my Beta would stay behind in the castle. But this time, I needed him at my side.

    Who will be left in charge? she asks me, turning her head to look at me.

    It’s a good question. I’ve left a variety of different leaders in charge while I’ve been away. It seems like as one of them proved their value here at the castle, he’d be called into service elsewhere, so that it became a bit of a revolving door.

    It is time for me to give another leader a try, and I have recently met someone that I think would do a good job.

    His name is Commander Pepelos, I tell her. I think you’ll like him. I’ll introduce him to you tomorrow.

    Pepelos? she repeats. That’s an odd last name. Do you know much about him?

    I have worked with him a bit. Until recently, he was under Commander Vember. He did such a good job negotiating with Rough Bark pack, Commander Vember promoted him and introduced him to me.

    And… now he’s a commander as well? she asks me.

    That’s right. She rolls back to me, and I kiss her forehead. He’s not that old. I think the two of you will get along well. He’s very straightforward and to the point, and he’s also quite loyal.

    If you say so, she mutters. I know that she hasn’t liked any of the commanders I’ve left in charge while I was away. That is one of the reasons why I kept switching them. Usually, she felt they were too cold and distant, or she felt they didn’t do a good job of maintaining the status quo in the castle. I can understand that. I want her to be happy with whoever is in charge here because this is her home, and while she will need to leave the day-to-day running of the defense and other military aspects of the castle to the commander I leave behind, she is now in charge of everything else.

    She isn’t the Luna Queen, but she has taken on the same role that Rebecca had served in when she was alive. Whether she knows it or not. I hadn’t been so explicit when I’d asked Isla to do these things, but ultimately, that’s who she’s become.

    All right, she said in a sleepy voice. I would like to meet him tomorrow, though.

    Of course. I kiss the top of her head again and hold her against me. Within a few moments, she is

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