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Plan E: How to Be Successful in Today's World
Plan E: How to Be Successful in Today's World
Plan E: How to Be Successful in Today's World
Ebook158 pages4 hours

Plan E: How to Be Successful in Today's World

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Owen Perry grew up in a military working-class family in a small New England town, packed into a three-bedroom house with his parents and five siblings. He didn't have any wealthy connecti

Release dateMar 14, 2023
Plan E: How to Be Successful in Today's World

Owen Perry

Owen Perry is a hotelier, developer, and Founding Partner in The Villa Group. With 38 years of development experience in Mexico, The Villa Group's impressive portfolio of twelve resort properties includes hotels, full-ownership residences, mixed-use properties, a championship golf course, and a variety of restaurants.Owen founded REmexico Real Estate to bring a new level of professionalism to real estate transactions in Mexico, serving clients with a strong understanding of property law, a commitment to due diligence and clear title, and premium support to foreign buyers and sellers. Learn more at

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    Plan E - Owen Perry




    Copyright © 2023 Owen Perry

    All rights reserved.

    First Edition

    ISBN: 978-1-5445-4056-6


    For all of you who are dedicated to an active and adventurous life




    1. Raised in Rhode Island

    2. Aloha, Hawaii

    3. Moving to Mexico

    4. Building a Unique Partnership in Puerto Vallarta

    5. Wins and Losses in Cabo San Lucas

    6. All My Learning Comes Together in Loreto



    About the Author



    Until I was an adult, the only vacation I had ever been on was riding five hours in a station wagon to visit my grandmother in Binghamton, New York.

    In the summer, when my dad got time off from his job in the Navy, my whole family piled into that car: my parents in the front, my dad driving and chain smoking the entire way, my older sisters on the bench seats in the middle rows, and the rest of us in the back with our dogs Cricket and Fifi.

    Eight of us in one station wagon, ten if you count the dogs.

    Those of us in the back stretched out across our bags, no seatbelts in sight. We left early in the morning, so we made ourselves comfortable and watched the scenery go by out the back window.

    Finally, we pulled up to the farm. We had been on the road for hours and hours, but it was still before noon. It was a working farm, so they’d been up for hours too.

    My father showed me how to milk the cows by hand, pulling the milk out in steady streams—and then he squirted me in the face with it! He took advantage of my city-slicker innocence. I never saw it coming.

    I had my siblings to play with, and there were two other kids there—maybe cousins. We enjoyed being more feral for those few days, and then we all loaded back into the car for the long ride home.

    We went twice, my whole childhood, and those were the only times I’ve ever seen my parents travel. When we were kids, they never went to dinner, to the movies, or on vacations. (Later on, after we were all grown, they would go to a chain restaurant for dinner every once in a while.)

    That was our family vacation.

    My life now looks pretty different: I own and operate twelve resorts in Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, and Loreto. The latest resort we designed and built won World’s Leading Family Resort 2021 from the World Travel Awards—even beating out Disney’s Aulani resort in Hawaii. My golf course has been rated one of the top three in the world, winning World Golf Awards’ Best Golf Course in Mexico (2021) and Latin America (2022).

    My vacations look different too. Since becoming a developer, I’ve traveled all around the world. I’ve been to the Great Wall of China and to Tokyo; I’ve ridden my Harley-Davidson all throughout Europe. I’ve been on luxury yacht cruises through Turkey, Greece, and Italy. I’ve been to Switzerland, Russia, Amsterdam, Sweden, and Bora Bora.

    I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to take my kids on vacation, and they love going to Hawaii. I hope to someday go back to Bora Bora because the people and sea life are just amazing.

    And I bet you’re wondering how I got from there to here.

    A Lion or a SHEEP?

    When I was younger, I tried to compartmentalize how I grew up from my adult life. Whenever I thought about how I started out, I would lose confidence. In my mind, I could hear a voice saying, What the hell do you think you’re doing? Who do you think you are? You have no pedigree. You didn’t even go to college!

    As I got older, however, I gained more perspective and realized that there was no before and after; it’s all me. I gained more confidence as I kept working hard and found success.

    That’s what I want to share with you.

    You are likely looking for direction in life. If you’re anything like I was as a young adult, you don’t know which way to go. You don’t have anyone inspiring you yet. You’re just in the river of life, aimlessly flowing through the days.

    But you’re passionate about finding something that you would enjoy doing, something that will give you the happiness you’re looking for.

    Let me ask you an important question, one that I was asked at a pivotal moment in my life: would you rather live your life one day as a lion or live a lifetime as a sheep?

    I can see part of the 5 freeway from my house in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Every morning around seven, it starts to get busy. Traffic stalls and backs up for two hours or so. Then every afternoon, from three o’clock until around six, it happens again. That’s what I call life as a sheep. Every day, five days a week, fifty weeks a year, every year for thirty or forty years until you retire, in a traffic jam, waiting for this, standing in line for that.

    I grew up Catholic, and I believe that our Creator (whoever you may believe that creator to be) gives you all the tools you need to independently manage your own life. You have your arms, your legs, your brain. You can learn anything you want to learn. You can take care of your body anyway you want to. You just have to be clearheaded and understand that it takes effort to get out of that river of life. To go into work the hours you want to work. To have the career you want to have, that you enjoy, and that is rewarding outside of just monetary rewards.

    The person who wants to do what I do and have the results I have wants to be a lion for a day. If this is you, I think you’ll be interested in what I have to say.

    A Clear Path

    This book will provide you with a clear path to finding success in today’s world.

    Everybody today grows up thinking that it’s going to be easy. Go to school, go to college, get a degree, and your life is set up after that. But then bam! Reality hits. It’s hard to find a job. Look at how many college graduates are working at Starbucks. A recent study showed that 66 percent of people with student loans wish they had never taken on that debt, that it wasn’t worth it. They went through college and found that they’re still not prepared for the realities of life.

    I recently saw a list of nine classes that should be mandatory learning in school:


    Money management


    How to build and keep good credit

    Picking the right career


    Self defense

    Time management

    Self confidence

    Those would be great classes…but they don’t teach you any of that.

    Every morning when I take my son to school, I pass by homeless people sitting on the sidewalk. I talk to my son and say, I doubt that when they were your age they said, Man, I can’t wait until I grow up! I’m going to live on the streets, beg for money, and do drugs for the rest of my life! Of course they didn’t.

    There’s a dark cloud over society these days, and I see that a lot of motivational speakers are becoming popular again. When I started working in sales, on commission, my manager told us to tape a picture of the car we wanted on our bathroom mirror. Every morning, we were supposed to tell ourselves how much we wanted that car…and that one day, we would get it. But after six months, I never came close to getting a car or understanding how it was supposed to work. The people who fall for that are going to go through that cycle and end up back on the highway four to six hours a day with the other sheep.

    That is not the path. Instead, having a goal and a plan is the real job.

    I’m going to tell you the stories of what I went through and teach you the lessons I learned. There’s not going to be one magic thing I can tell you to do that will change your life, and there’s no one secret to success. My story will show you that there are quite a few things you have to learn to do right in order to get out of the passive flow of that river of life. You have to have passion, want to change, and want something more—something better.

    Also what may have motivated me, may be different for you, but the reality of how to get it, remains the same. I haven’t met anybody yet who didn’t want to be financially independent, so let me teach you how I got here.

    Why Plan E?

    Life is rarely easy. As you’ll read, I had to start at the bottom and work my way to the top. There was no easy path for me to follow—no Ivy League schools to educate me, no money to help me get started, no mentor to guide me. I had to do it all.

    And you learn, going through this, that there are many challenges. But if you’re determined and committed, you can get through them with an attitude to win.

    Sometimes plan A doesn’t work out. In fact, most of the time plan A won’t work. So what are you going to do when your plan fails and you’re faced with another obstacle? Are you going to say, Poor me, I guess I was never meant to own my own business or work for myself? Or are you going to do what my friend and fellow Cabo San Lucas ambassador Sammy Hagar says and keep working hard until you find success?

    If plan A doesn’t work, move on to plan B. If that plan fails too,

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