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A Twist of Fate
A Twist of Fate
A Twist of Fate
Ebook408 pages6 hours

A Twist of Fate

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This is the story of a young college-aged woman, Gwendolyn Grace, and how she gets caught up in the troubles of the magical world of Hevana. She is swept away by the wizard, Thrax, to his world. They find out that while he was in her world, a whole two weeks had passed in that time. During that time, another wizard attacked the kingdom, killing

PublisherEmmarie Bee
Release dateMay 1, 2023
A Twist of Fate

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    A Twist of Fate - Emmarie Bee

    A Twist of Fate

    By: Emmarie Bee

    Dedication: To my beloved family that stood by me through my journey (and requested a house when I became successful), my best friend, Anna, who have dealt with my nonsense for all these years, and my beloved partner, Nick, who has inspired me to keep going and follow my dreams.


    Thrax made his way down the spiral staircase, muttering spells to himself.

    "Míthas simo laúdas." He murmured, and tiny tongues of green flames danced between his fingers. The fires sputtered and died, shedding him in semidarkness. The candles flitted softly around each bend of the stairs, casting them in dim light. He scowled and repeated the spell until his hand cradled a large flame that bathed the area around him in a warm glow. He held the flame close until he reached his master’s workshop.

    Master? He called, knocking softly, in case she was deep in concentration.


    Thrax pushed open the door to his master’s workshop. Majora was slightly taller than him, with a slender body. Her long straight black hair went down to her waist, and her mage’s clothes, a deep purple dress accented with gold, were decorated with chains and belts that held pouches of powders, herbs, and notes for spells. The dress was form-fitting at the bodice and loose in the skirt, with sleeves rolled up to her elbows and tied off with ribbon to keep them from slipping and getting in her way. She was leaning over a table, softly whispering a spell. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as the drawn-on runes glowed bright blue, illuminating her almond-shaped gray eyes.

    There you are, Thrax. I was wondering when I’d hear from you. She said, not looking up from her work.

    I wanted to show you, master - I think I got that spell right!

    She stopped her spell and turned to him, rubbing her sore wrists. Ah yes, the portal spell! Well, it’s a good thing I’ve never been to the Black Forest of Hevaña! Let’s start somewhere close, though, and work our way there. She gripped his shoulder and closed her workshop door behind her.

    Thrax grinned as he led her upstairs to his workshop. "I think I was writing the runes all wrong; it wasn’t ‘ayu,’ it was ‘ayú’!"

    She nodded wisely. Runes can be quite tricky. They never were your strong suit.

    He pushed open the door to his workshop and bedroom, littered with books, papers, potions, spells, and a few scorch marks from his failed spells. The furniture had been shoved to the walls to make room for the significant rune mark drawn on the floor, surrounded by other failed marks and black charcoal notes he wrote around it.

    Thrax, how many times have I told you to keep your room clean? You’ll have an accident here. She scolded lightly.

    It’s only to make room for the spell! I promise I’ll clean it up later. He said and ran to kneel before the rune.

    Majora stood over him, looking it over. She slowly broke into a proud grin. This looks excellent, Thrax! Well done! You’ve become a fine wizard.

    Thrax felt his chest swell with pride. Thank you, master!

    Her hand gently pushed back some loose strands of his thick, black hair. I know you’ve been working hard for so long…but it won’t be much longer…you’ve gone eighteen long years working for this, but I think you will be a full wizard soon.

    Since I was four, but who’s counting?

    She laughed, and her gaze scanned his face for a moment before she turned back to the rune. Now, the question is, does this work? Try going just outside of the tower. I don’t want to go all over Hevaña to find you. She laughed.

    Thrax gave a sheepish grin, thinking of the many times he had tried this spell and ended up miles from the castle. He put his hands on the floor and began chanting, "Loñim herod, loñim herod," The rune began to glow faintly, and the wind started picking up. The loose papers rustled quietly, and Thrax’s black cloak flitted in the breeze. As the light increased, the two wizards quickly realized something had gone wrong. Thrax’s eyes widened as the light changed to red, with scarlet lightning crackling too close around his body. He cried out in shock and tried to jump away. As a blinding light filled the room, he put his hands out to protect his face.

    Majora turned and shielded her eyes. She heard her student’s cry of fear as the light swallowed him. Once it died away, she was horrified to see nothing left of Thrax or the rune but a black burn mark scorched into the floorboards.

    Majora stood there momentarily as a loud silence filled the room. She felt her heart begin pounding as she slowly sank to the ground.

    Thrax…? She murmured, her hands beginning to tremble and her breath quicken. She slowly reached out and touched the mark, running her hands over it as though she could summon him back. As Majora tried to assemble her racing thoughts, she heard a guard open the door, looking panicked. Majora! The king needs you! It’s an emergency!

    She tried to force her heart to settle down. All right…I-I’m coming. She got up on shaky legs and slowly backed up, staring at the scarred floor.

    Chapter 1

    Gwen kicked the door to her flat closed behind her as she tossed her book bag onto the couch.

    Dad! I’m home! She called. No answer. Heaving a great sigh, she approached the kitchen, where the fridge bore a note.


    I’m going to be home late tonight. The leftover soup is in the fridge to heat up, and I got you some of your favorite ice creams. Be a good girl; please, don’t try to build another fire in the fireplace.



    Gwen groaned and rolled her eyes. That was one time, dad. She jerked the fridge open for a can of pop. She let the door close, clicked the can open, then flopped onto the couch. Her gray cat, Billie Holiday, gave a loud purr as she hopped onto her owner’s lap and pushed her head against her.

    Hello, Billie, love. Gwen scratched her cat’s ear before turning on the tv and going to the newest episode of Coronation Street she’d recorded the night before. Let’s see what’s happening, shall we?

    Gwen held her cat close to her chest as she watched the episode, enraptured, occasionally breaking between advertisements to look over her work for her Latin class. I’m not ready for this exam, Billie. She sighed. Whoever decided to make end-of-term exams a thing needs to be burned at the stake.

    Gwen struggled through her studies between watching tv before giving a resigned sigh. I’ll finish this later tonight. Come on, pretty girl! Let’s get a snack! She cradled Billie like a baby and carried her to the kitchen. The cat gave a grumpy meow and batted at her owner’s face with her paw. She opened the fridge and reached for a can of tuna, clicking it open before grabbing an apple. She slapped the tuna into her cat’s food bowl before tossing the can and biting into the juicy apple. She held the apple in her mouth as she pulled some clean clothes from the dryer and began to sort through them.

    I can’t wait to be done with school, she muttered as she pulled on some clean jeans and a mustard yellow off-the-shoulder sweater. Why did I decide to go with a Classics degree, Billie? I’m not too fond of all these readings. Latin alone will be the death of me.

    The cat merely meowed in response, too focused on her treat.

    Yeah, I don’t know either. All right, let’s see what we have for dinner. Gwen began walking back to the kitchen when she heard a loud thump down the hallway.

    The twenty-year-old woman froze at the fridge as goosebumps ran up her arms. The front door had been closed and locked, with no signs of forced entry, and they had no back door; they were on the third floor of the apartment building. Was there a burglar in her flat? If there was, they were doing a terrible job at being quiet.

    Gwen made her way to the silverware drawer as silently as possible, grasping the biggest knife she could find. She slowly crept down the hall to her dad’s bedroom. She opened the door and saw no one. Nothing was disturbed; the window was still locked and intact.

    There was another soft thumping noise, noticing the sound was coming from her bedroom. Her eyes widened in fear as she made her way slowly toward the door, her sweaty hands tightening around the knife. She silently grabbed the handle and slowly turned it. Raising the blade in her hand, she threw open the door, preparing for the worst. There were no signs anyone had been in there, however. No busted windows, nothing disturbed; everything was just as she had left it that morning. Billie approached her owner, purring softly and rubbing Gwen’s leg.

    Another thump came, this time from her wardrobe, with a voice cursing.

    Gwen bit her lip as she approached and threw open the door. Instead of a burglar, she got a very strange-looking young man.

    He had shiny black hair, beautiful brown skin, and emerald-green eyes, wide and wild with fear. He was dressed oddly, too. He was wearing a chain with a gemstone and a hoop earring with a small green gem in his ear. His clothes looked like something out of a fantasy movie. They were dark green and black, trimmed with silver. Billie hissed and took off under the bed.

    The boy’s eyes locked onto the knife as she began to bring it down to him. He quickly leaped to his feet and held her wrist, his hand glowing with green flames. He grabbed her other arm, and a feeling of electric shock ran through her body. She yelped, dropping her knife and rubbing her wrists which were now red and raw from the flames and shocks.

    The man grabbed her wrists in one hand and held them above her head. The other hand was filled with green flames that he had under her chin. Where am I? What’s going on here? What is this place?

    Gwen’s eyes were wide with terror. I think the question is, who are you, and what are you doing in my house? she cried and threw her knee into his stomach.

    The stranger fell, hunched over, gasping from the sudden attack. Gwen took the opportunity to grab the knife from the ground. She rolled over her bed, pointing the knife straight at him. Stay back! she cried.

    He raised his hands, giving her a stern look, trying to stay calm despite his fear. Listen, let’s be sensible here. I’m just as confused as you are, okay? I have no idea where I am or why I’m here.

    Well, how did you get here, then? she cried. Thrax paused and took a hard look at the girl. She was a short, curvy woman with long blonde hair in a braid. Her blue eyes reminded him of a deer frozen in place from fright. Her pink cheeks were flushed, and her trembling hands clutched desperately to her knife. The skin on her wrists was quickly becoming an angry red and swelling.

    I suppose I should start from the beginning. I’m Thrax Nightingale, the apprentice to the royal wizard of my kingdom. I was demonstrating a spell I thought I’d mastered, but something must have gone wrong, and now I’m here. His brow furrowed. He then turned to her. Please, you must help me get back.

    She jumped at his movement, holding the knife higher. You’re mad! Stuff like that doesn’t happen in the real world!

    Do I appear fake to you? Am I a specter? he snapped. I’m as real as you are, lady…?

    Gwendolyn. she snarled through clenched teeth.

    Lady Gwendolyn. I am real. he moved to the wardrobe and began looking around, hitting the roof, sides, and floor. Strange…you call this the real world. Does that mean you’re not from the continent?

    W-what the hell are you doing? She said, lowering her knife only slightly.

    The continent. The land that my kingdom is in. He repeated. Are you from there?

    No, this is not the continent. Guess that means you’re not some weirdo from France. And what are you doing to my wardrobe?

    I’m checking for some magic mark that might explain why I was brought here…but there doesn’t seem to be one…very odd. he stood straight and turned to her quickly.

    Gwen’s heart leaped to her throat, and she raised her weapon threateningly again.

    Calm down; there’s no need for that. he waved her away like he couldn’t be bothered. Now…there must be a reason I was brought here…why on earth was I brought to the room of a girl?

    She felt a twinge of irritation. Girl? I’m at least as old as you!

    Thrax ignored her, continuing to think. Slowly, his eyes widened in realization. He looked to Gwen, examining her for a long moment. Come with me.

    What? Hell no! she cried, taking a hurried step back.

    I’m giving you about as much chance to decide as I was given, Thrax said sternly. Look, I need to get back. My master might think me dead, and I can only assume I’m here for a reason, and you must be that reason. You are coming with me. he stepped closer to her.

    Stay away from me! she shouted, pressing the blade’s tip to his chest.

    Thrax stopped and looked down at it mildly. He gave a resigned sigh and looked at her with an unreadable expression. Lady Gwendolyn, I’d rather not have to act in a way that I will regret, so please, just cooperate, and come to my realm with me.

    No! Stay away! Leave me alone! she repeated, causing him to sigh.

    Very well, you’ve left me with no choice. He grabbed her wrist, and a red flame engulfed their hands. She cried out in pain, dropping the knife. Thrax pressed her to the wall to restrain her, holding her wrists. His glare was full of fierceness. Look, I don’t want to have to act like this, but there must be a reason! Something has brought us together, and I must act on it, so just come with me! he said, holding her wrists.

    Gwen’s heart pounded wildly as she jerked in his grasp, her mind racing. You’re not going to leave me much choice, are you…?

    I’m afraid not, Thrax admitted.

    A-alright, then…I’ll go…let’s just not go crazy, okay?

    Good. he looked around for a moment before turning to Gwen again. Do you happen to have a piece of charcoal? Something for me to mark the floor.

    Um…yeah, sort of… she kept her eye on Thrax as she walked to her desk and grabbed a sharpie, undoing the cap and tossing it to him. Here. It’s not charcoal, but it should do the trick for whatever the hell you’re trying to do… she rubbed at her hands which were starting to blister from all the fire that had been burning them.

    Thrax fumbled before grasping the marker firmly in his hands. He stared and prodded at it before managing to wiggle the cap off. What a strange quill…but it should work.

    He turned to the wardrobe and knelt, marking the floor with the teleportation rune.

    What are you doing? Gwen peered over his shoulder curiously.

    This is the rune I used when I was brought here. It stands to reason that if I use this rune, it should get us back.

    Or you send us somewhere completely different.

    Well, that is a possibility, but we don’t have any other options, do we? At this point, I imagine there must be some magic link connecting our two worlds here. What that means or how that works, I frankly don’t know, but it’s worth a try. There, done. he handed Gwen the marker and sat back to admire his work.

    Gwen capped it and tossed it on the bed, staring down at the markings he had made. Are you certain this will work?

    I can’t be certain of anything right now. Now, to be teleported with me, you’ll have to hold on to me. Don’t let go, no matter what, all right?

    And what if I don’t? she stuck out her chin.

    Unless you want to be stuck in a magical void or appear in some other world, I’d suggest you get over it and hold on. You don’t have a choice anyways.

    Gwen scowled as she hesitantly wrapped her arms around his bicep.

    Good. Now, let’s begin. he put his hands on the rune and closed his eyes. "Loñim herod, loñim herod,"

    The rune began to glow with bright red light, lightning crackling around. Gwen pressed her face into Thrax’s shoulder as it grew brighter and screamed, squeezing his arm as a white-hot light engulfed them.

    Chapter 2

    Gwen yelped in pain as she and Thrax tumbled into a pile on the wooden floor of what looked like a bedroom in a tower. Or at least what had once been a bedroom.

    It was partially demolished; burnt papers, broken flasks, strange liquids splattered across the walls, vials filled with odd substances spilled to the floor, and a tipped cauldron, dripping an orange-pink concoction, which held what looked like some animal horn. Looking around, she saw overturned bookshelves, a desk with partially torn, burnt books, and a simple bed in the farthest corner of the room, broken in half. The walls were covered in deep gashes and burns. In the center of the room was a significant, black scorch mark. Thrax looked around and slowly got to his feet.

    What…happened here? My room…my work… it’s…gone. Thrax gasped. His voice came out choked as his eyes began to turn red. Everything…everything I’ve ever worked on…destroyed… he touched some of the remaining papers, which crumbled to ash in his fingers. Slowly, he walked to the burn at the center of the floor, running his fingers over it. This couldn’t have been from the spell…something else caused this.

    What is this place? Gwen asked tentatively.

    My workshop and room…this was where I lived… he murmured. Just out that door, down the spiral stairs, is my master’s workshop. he knelt to scoop up what was left of one of the liquids into an intact vial. This is my work. My…this was my life…this was…everything I knew… his eyes slowly welled up with tears.

    Gwen hesitated. She wasn’t sure how to comfort him in such a situation. Slowly, she reached up and gently gripped his shoulder. Hey…it’s okay…we can… she looked around. W-we can still save what’s left. she quickly began to move around the room. She grabbed the papers, and whatever wasn’t destroyed. She bottled up potions, gathered documents and books, and soon had everything she could save of his gathered into one pile.

    Thrax watched before quickly wiping his eyes. Gwen…thank you.

    Gwen became quite bashful and looked away. It’s…no trouble. she quickly tucked a loose hair behind her ear before cleaning up.

    Wait, he reached out and grabbed her arm. She gave a sharp hiss as her burns stung. Let me help with this first.

    He held her hands in his and began to mutter, "Sana akmad…incendit romar."

    Gwen winced under his touch until a wave of relief washed over her. The swelling began to go down, and the redness in her skin returned to its regular soft, pinky color. She held her hands to her chest when he released her, shifting awkwardly. Um…th-thanks.

    Suddenly, Thrax’s expression darkened. He grabbed her arm, putting a finger to his lips, looking toward the door. Gwen immediately fell silent, her heart leaping in her chest and her stomach somersaulting. Faintly, they could hear voices and footsteps climbing the turret tower’s steps.

    Quickly. Thrax hissed, shoving her under one of the halves of the bed. She dropped the contents in her arms and scrambled around so that she could see. Thrax quickly crawled in after, keeping his finger to his lips. Gwen momentarily wondered if these people could hear how hard her heart was beating in her chest and clasped her hands to her mouth to quiet her breathing.

    The door flew open, and a guard rushed in, breathing heavily, eyes wide. Who’s there? the guard cried, looking around.

    Thrax crawled from his hiding spot. Draeon! What’s going on? What’s happened?

    The guard whirled around and stared in shock. By the gods…! Thrax, it is you! he threw his arms around the wizard.

    Draeon, what’s going on here? Thrax repeated.

    It was an attack! After you vanished, a wizard came to our doorstep, claiming to be your half-brother! He killed the king and tried to attack the queen and prince!

    What? What happened? Is Majora okay? Where are the queen and prince?

    They’re fine; they’re hidden away! The queen and prince went east, I think. But we don’t know what happened to Majora. We assume she followed the queen, but we don’t know.

    Damn! he hissed.

    At this moment, the guard noticed Gwen getting to her feet from her hiding spot. Thrax, who’s this? Draeon asked, pointing to Gwen.

    A friend of mine. Lady Gwendolyn, he said, waving vaguely toward her, his mind more occupied with his master’s safety. You say the queen and prince went east?

    He nodded, still staring at Gwen, who blushed in embarrassment.

    Then we should go to them. Do you know where they are?

    Draeon pondered. I can’t say for certain, but I believe they could be in one of the fishing villages along the river.

    Thrax paused and began looking around frantically.

    What are you looking for? Gwen asked, ignoring Draeon as he jumped and cried, She spoke!

    A spell…I know a spell to control air, but I need to be sure I have it correct, or rather than floating to safety, we combust into a pile of ash.

    Gwen’s face drained. Yes, let’s not have that happen, please.

    Aha! Thrax held a half-charred scrap of paper. Here you are! He studied it for a moment before throwing it aside. Draeon, I’m going to find the queen and the prince. Don’t worry; I’ll find out what’s happening and fix this. Let’s go! He grabbed some of his saved materials and threw them into Gwen’s arms. He scooped Gwen up again, holding her bridal style.

    She cried out, one arm fiercely hugging his neck, the other clutching the saved materials and her things. W-what are you-? she gasped, but Thrax sprinted straight for the only open window before she could finish. What the hell are you doing! she screamed.

    Escaping! he jumped straight out of the window, and they plummeted from the easily thirty-story building, rushing towards the ground.

    Gwen closed her eyes, tightly clinging to Thrax, as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

    Thrax stuck out a hand and yelled, "Caeli!" A blast of air burst from his hand and slowed them as they approached the ground, landing safely.

    Gwen shook violently, her eyes still closed, refusing to open or get down. Thrax ran straight towards the forest, still carrying her. He could see people leaning out of the windows, yelling, and figures running through the castle to chase after them.

    "I will see you again, master…I will find you again." Thrax vowed to himself. He didn’t know why this had happened or why he was taken to this girl, but they knew they needed each other now for whatever reason.

    Chapter 3

    Put me down, now! Gwen smacked at Thrax’s chest once they were hidden amongst the trees.

    Suit yourself. He let her fall on her rump with a yelp.

    Ugh! Jackass! she spat venomously.

    How ladylike. Is this how women in your world act? he sneered, walking deeper into the woods.

    Gwen jumped up and brushed the dirt off her. Well, for your information, she jogged over to him. Most women in my world aren’t snatched up by wizards that fall into their wardrobes! I’ve been right peachy, compared to how most other women would have reacted! And slow down, damn it! she cried, trying not to trip over tree roots.

    No. Besides, it’ll do you good. People in your world must be terribly unhealthy.

    Gwen’s face went beat red, and she put a hand over her stomach. She was not overweight, but she had never been skinny, either. Her pudgy tummy and stretch marks were a constant point of contention in her childhood.

    Thrax stumbled forward as a branch slammed into his back. Ow! What the hell?

    Gwen stood there, holding the biggest branch she could get her hands on, with angry tears in her eyes. Take that back!


    I said take that back, you absolute jackass! she swung the tree branch again. You had no right to say that!

    Thrax quickly jumped back and used his magic to levitate the branch from her hands and toss it. Calm down, princess; I didn’t mean it.

    Gwen screamed in frustration and punched him in the chest. "Shut up! I don’t care if you didn’t mean it; you don’t get to say those things! I’m only here because of you, and you dare to mock me! This is all your fault! I hate you! I wish I had stabbed you!"

    The punch knocked the wind out of Thrax, leaving him coughing. He quickly grabbed her arms, trying to force her still. All right! I’m sorry, are you happy? I shouldn’t have said that. Now, if you calm down, we may be able to find a way to solve this mess and get you back. All right?

    She wrenched her arms away and wiped her eyes. Fine…

    The two fell silent as they started walking again.

    You know…you seemed pretty unbothered by that guy talking about another wizard.

    What? Oh, that…we can handle that later. The important thing is we find the queen and the prince.

    They must be important to you, then.

    Thrax looked away. It’s…complicated. I’ll tell you about it later.

    She studied him for a moment and just silently kept walking.

    Gwen leaned against a wall as she watched Thrax haggle with a horse owner, trying to ignore the curious stares she was receiving. Everyone looked like something from a Shakespeare play. She couldn’t have felt more out of place as she shuffled her trainers and awkwardly tugged on her jeans and sweater.

    Remember, when asked who you are, you’re a Gyrian traveler. Thrax had said before they got there.

    I don’t even know what that means. Gwen retorted.

    Gyrian travelers are people who travel to hundreds of kingdoms. They’re nomadic people who have split into multiple caravans with no homeland. So, no one will question your strange dress because they dress in different ways.

    Can we not just get me some normal clothes?

    Of course not. You could never travel properly in most of our kingdom’s clothes. It’s just too much fabric for such heavy traveling. You would need wizard’s clothes, and you also cannot produce magic. he looked scandalized at the mere thought. Wizards are often paid in exchange for their magical services. I can’t have you making a fool of my practice by dressing in a wizard’s garb and producing nothing. He also didn’t want to admit he didn’t have the coin to pay for new clothes and supplies.

    Gwen rolled her eyes. I promise, I was not intending to insult your wizardry. Gwen had grown a quick temper and a short fuse over their journey. It had taken them at least three days to walk this far. She was grateful when they had arrived at the small market to buy horses and restock on food for their journey as her feet ached like they never had before, and she was ravenous, adding to her irritability.

    Thrax turned over his handful of gold to the owner and took two horses by their reins. As he walked toward her, he saw how awkward and out of place she was. She dressed entirely differently, her blonde hair in a long plait, her blue eyes downcast and shifting nervously, while her fair skin was pink with nervousness under the watchful gaze of passersby.

    Lady Gwendolyn, he called.

    She turned and smiled at the horses. They’re beautiful. she gently stroked the nose of a dark brown gelding.

    Do you ride? he asked, tying their few belongings onto the horses’ backs.

    She nodded. When I was younger… she looked at the saddles. But I’ve never seen a saddle like this. They appeared to be something from the Middle Ages.

    Fear not. You will quickly be used to them. A true rider can adjust to any change, right? his eyes sparkled mischievously.

    I guess?

    Do you need a leg-up?

    Gwen shook her head stubbornly. I can manage. she slipped her foot into one stirrup and swung herself up.

    Well done, lady Gwendolyn. he nodded and mounted his horse.

    She sat up a bit straighter. I do know how to do some things, lord Thrax, she said the last part in an exaggerated posh voice.

    Thrax relented a chuckle, and the two began riding.

    By the way, you don’t have to call me lady Gwendolyn all the time.

    Do people not call you that in your world? he raised an eyebrow.

    Well, they used to, but not so much anymore. Most people call me just Gwen, and I prefer that.

    Thrax’s lips tugged slightly into a smile. Very well, ‘just Gwen.’ he teased.

    Gwen rolled her eyes but relinquished a smile. You know what I mean.

    Hey, it’s not my place to question your strange ways. he gave a wolfish grin. I’m just following your weird customs.

    She kicked at his knee, making him squeak in pain.

    Serves you right. she giggled.

    Thrax, I don’t know about this, Gwen murmured, holding onto his arm as he led her into a tavern.

    There’s no need to be frightened. A tavern is the best place for us to receive information. If we’re to learn of the queen and prince’s whereabouts, it’s most certainly here. he assured her.

    Yeah, and that makes sense, but can we not do that in a place that doesn’t make me feel like I’m going to be skewered by arrows…? she asked, looking around at the men and women dressed up in battle armor, scars, and war paint, with no less than three different types of weapons on each of them.

    What? Thrax looked around confusedly. I…don’t understand. What’s wrong with these people? They seem normal to me.

    Our definitions of normal are very different. In my world, when you go to a bar, no one wears body armor or carries weapons. You could be thrown in jail if you have a weapon with you. she explained.

    Thrax gave her a look as though she were mental. Your world is quite odd.

    Well, they’re just different… she murmured, eyeing a large man in full body armor, with a sword sitting on the table beside him. His eyes scanned her over his tankard, making her shiver with discomfort.

    Can we just get out of here?

    Before he could respond, someone cried out, Is that who I think it is?

    The two quickly turned the voice and saw a group of people in wizards’ robes and armor. Thrax? Thrax Nightingale?

    Thrax beamed to the group. Lady Midra! he cried and pulled a reluctant Gwen towards them.

    Oh, my dear lad, it is you! gasped a woman in long dark blue robes that hugged tightly to her waist and arms. Her skirt had a long slit, embroidered with silver designs. She had dark black hair pulled in a ponytail and glittering hazel eyes. She leaped up and hugged him close, stroking his hair. We took you for dead! After that accident with the spell!

    Come sit with us, lad! said a jovial man with vicious lacerations across his face. He grabbed a spare drink and slid it over to Thrax. And you can introduce us to your lovely traveling companion! He winked at Gwen, who felt her heart jump nervously. She forced a timid smile.

    Everyone, this is Gwendolyn! She’s a friend. Gwen, this is my master’s sister, Lady Midra! She’s a spectacular conjuration mage! She could summon anything by her side like that! he snapped his fingers.

    You’re too sweet. Midra smiled. So where are you from, Gwen dear?

    I-I’m-… she paused to remember what Thrax had called it. I-I’m a Gyrian.

    "My, my! You must have many

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