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Dreamers in Cheshire Bay
Dreamers in Cheshire Bay
Dreamers in Cheshire Bay
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Dreamers in Cheshire Bay

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Mia MacDonald loves Cheshire Bay more than she loves herself – just ask her former fiancé. Between the landscape, the people, and the idyllic setting, it’s her whole world. She’s happiest showing the area to people looking to enjoy a less-hectic, peaceful way of life and she’s not just Cheshire Bay’s number one realtor, she’s also their unofficial ambassador.

On the hunt for a fresh, new property, recently divorced Zachary Newton-Garcia discovers the small town hidden gem nestled along the Pacific coastline on Vancouver Island. Offer accepted sight unseen, he’s finally ready to see the place in person and move forward with his future business plans.

Until the effervescent Mia eclipses his heart and soul.

Expecting someone older, Mia is pleasantly surprised by the dashing, handsome man who takes in every animated word she speaks. It’s an instant and intense connection, filled with a swept-off-her-feet steaminess she reserves for dreaming.

Everything was perfect until she finds out the real reason Zachary bought a home in her utopia. The last thing she wanted was to declare war, but no one would change Cheshire Bay. Not even the charismatic man with two last names.

PublisherH.M. Shander
Release dateFeb 16, 2023
Dreamers in Cheshire Bay

H.M. Shander

USA TODAY bestselling author H.M. Shander is a star-gazing, romantic at heart who once attended Space Camp and wanted to pilot the space shuttle, and not just any STS – specifically Columbia. However, the only shuttle she operates in her real world is the #momtaxi; a reliable electric car that transports her two kids to school or work and all their various sporting events. When she’s not commandeering LeBolt, you can find the elementary school librarian surrounded by classes of children as she reads the best storybooks in multiple voices. After she’s tucked her endearing kids into bed and kissed her trophy husband goodnight, she moonlights as a contemporary romance novelist; the writer of sassy heroines and sweet, swoon-worthy heroes who find love in the darkest of places.If you want to know when her next heart-filled journey is coming out, you can follow her on Twitter(@HM_Shander), Facebook (hmshander), or check out her website at

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    Dreamers in Cheshire Bay - H.M. Shander




    Dreamers in Cheshire Bay

    Published by H.M. Shander

    Copyright 2022 H.M. Shander

    Dreamers in Cheshire Bay is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used factitiously. Any resemblances to actual people, living or dead, events or locals, are entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored, in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written consent of the author of this work. She may be contacted directly at [email protected], subject line ‘Permission Requested.’

    Cover Design: H.M. Shander

    Editing: PWA & IDIM Editorial

    Shander, H.M., 1975—Dreamers in Cheshire Bay

    To Kelly G, Rachel C, and Shawna W.

    Thank you for your feedback and thoughts.

    Hope you fall in love with M&Z even more now.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    The Cheshire Bay Series

    Other Fabulous Reads

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    The bakery tantalized the tastebuds and got the salivary glands working overtime with the rich cinnamon aroma and the aromatic scent of melted butter. With two freshly made cinnamon buns on my tray and two mugs of steaming black coffee with just a smidge of cream, I set the tray on the dainty bistro table by the window.

    Compliments of Aunt Sylvia, I said, sliding into the seat across from my best friend, Ashley.

    She cupped her hands around her mouth. Thanks, Aunty Sylvia.

    The bakery was deserted, for now, as it had only opened five minutes prior. The upcoming lunch rush would surely pack the place.

    Aunt Sylvia, who was everyone’s adopted aunt, poked her handkerchief-covered head out from behind the glass display, and practically clucked at Ashley. You’re most welcome, darling. You need to come visit more often.

    Yes, ma’am. Been busy working.

    Never too busy to come and grab a takeout. Aunt Sylvia put her hands on her ample hips. In a minute, there was going to be a finger waving about.

    No, ma’am. Next week, I promise.

    Always room for you, darling.

    Thank you. Ashley faced me and took a sip of her coffee, and then set it on the saucer.

    Sylvia’s Bakery was quaint in that respect, mugs with saucers and tiny butter knives to go with any personal loaf.

    She loves you like the daughter she never had. I raised my own cup and tipped my head in the direction of where Sylvia was loading a tray of goodies into the display case.

    Sylvia had two grown boys, who took off out of our small town as fast as their legs could carry them. They had huge dreams in the big city, and sadly, for Sylvia’s broken heart, they never ventured home very often. Once they were gone, she practically adopted her regulars as family, and in her books, I was practically a full-blooded niece, aside from the differences in our skin tones; her’s a gorgeous ebony colouring which contrasted with my pale peach.

    Ashley tucked a strand of her beautiful chestnut-coloured hair behind her ear, punctuated with seven earrings, including a helix and a tragus, which I was never brave enough to get done. So, what’s on the agenda today?

    I crossed my legs, picking off a few cat hairs from my nylons. Well, I’m meeting an old-sounding man who’s interested in the ole Lowell place. I picked the edge of the cinnamon bun, the thick layer of frosting coating my fingertips. He’s a bit of a grump.

    A grump?

    Yeah, he sounds real likeable on the phone. I rolled my eyes. All business, but at least he avoids the small chat. Quickly gets down to the bullet points and is gone. His emails are just as quick. If they contained fifty words, I’d be shocked. Anyway, he just wants to see the property in person before he signs off on it.

    So, he’s taking it?

    I’m assuming today’s meeting is just a formality. He’s had the inspector through, and nothing was out of place. It is a lot of money, so I’m guessing he just wants to make sure his investment isn’t a total waste. Shrugging, and after picking another piece, I licked the gooey cinnamon spread from my fingertip. Damn, Aunt Sylvia had the market on these bad boys.

    Fingers clean, I continued. That’s too bad the town couldn’t buy it, and it had to go onto the market. Would be great to put a museum or something wonderful on the land.

    In my dreams, I could imagine a thousand different scenarios for the place, but instead, the family listed it, and it sold to the highest bidder, not that there had been a lot of interest.

    Ashley cut her cinnamon bun with a fork and knife. I shook my head at the lunacy of it.

    You know, she said, Cheshire Bay is pretty tapped out for money, but there is that bronze bust in the central park from last year.

    I shrugged, as if that made it all better.

    We can barely fix sidewalks and roadways. Ashley was part of the three-person part-time town council. Or install a flashing pedestrian crosswalk. And you know where we could get an influx of surplus cash? Outsider brands and franchisers. We need them to buy the vacant lands and turn them into something amazing.

    Hey, I’m on board for a little more money, since I know our tax dollars are stretched pretty thin, but that would ruin our little corner of the world. Adding in the kind of businesses you’re talking about; it opens the doors to needing to add stoplights. Corporations will take away from our charm, and we don’t need that shit here. They can keep it in Stewart Surf.

    We need a stoplight, or at minimum a flashing pedestrian light. Thankfully, no one’s been hit. She lifted the cup to her mouth.

    And let’s hope it stays that way. I don’t want our town to change. Ever.

    Ashley stared out the window of Sylvia’s Bakery onto Main Street. You’re getting your wish, for now. Aside from a few business facelifts, this place hasn’t changed since the late seventies. We’re due. Overdue, in fact.

    Which, for the most part, was true. The majority of the shops in town were original, although only a handful still had original owners. Most though had passed the business down to other family members.

    The right influx of business… She led off and stopped herself from saying more by stuffing in a huge piece of cinnamon bun.

    I shook my head. Please don’t tell me town council is tinkering with the idea of letting the franchises in?

    Well, it’s on the table. Maybe even something more. She leaned closer after scanning the area. We were still alone. This is on the down low, but recently, an investor has teased us with the possibility of setting up a new motel, something that caters more to the tourists, and less to the transient residents.

    No. I shook my head. I hope you told them to shove it.

    While it was true the only motel within walking distance of the beach was in dire

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