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The 100 Best Books of all History
The 100 Best Books of all History
The 100 Best Books of all History
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The 100 Best Books of all History

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The 100 best books of all history (2021). Historical review of the texts that for centuries have remained in force in the taste of readers.
Release dateFeb 22, 2023
The 100 Best Books of all History

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    The 100 Best Books of all History - Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares


    100 best books in the history of universal literature

    Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

    P A G I N A L E G A L

    100 best books in the history of universal literature

    Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

    © 2022 Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

    All rights reserved.

    Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares

    [email protected]

    Thank you for downloading this e-book. The copyright is the exclusive property of the author and therefore its reproduction, copying or distribution is not allowed for commercial or non-profit purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please invite your friends to download their own copy. Thank you for your support.

    Luis Fernando Narvaez Cazares


    August 13, Monterrey, Nuevo León. Mexican.


    To date, he has published more than 100 books, standing out in various areas: Law (Basic Legal Dictionary, Labor Law Manual, Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, Introduction to Civil and Constitutional Law); Education (Pedagogical Terminology, Didactic Resources for Secondary and Baccalaureate); in Poetry, with titles such as From the city at Night, Ceremonies to Your Body, Mint Green, You arrived late; as well as in History Mexican Lines – Historical Characters Curiosities about world leaders The 100 best books in history; Story, Novel and Teaching of the foreign language.

    He has several national and international awards and his texts have been published in Mexico, the United States, Argentina and Spain.

    He is the Founder and President of Knowledge and Intercultural Innovation Armando Hart Dávalos, A. C. who currently works teaching courses, workshops and conferences on topics related to inclusion and social participation, promotion of values and legal and pedagogical intellectual development, among other activities of a community and social.

    This book was written in 2022.

    You may find the spanish versión in diferents platforms.

    Just type Luis Fernando Narváez Cázares on Google

    1.- One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez.

    Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. With this quote begins one of the most important novels of the 20th century and one of the most fascinating literary adventures of all time. Millions of copies of One Hundred Years of Solitude read in all languages and the Nobel Prize for Literature crowning a work that had made its way by word of mouth - as the writer liked to say - are the most palpable demonstration that the fabulous adventure of the Buendía-Iguarán family, with its miracles, fantasies, obsessions, tragedies, incest, adulteries, rebellions, discoveries and convictions, represented at the same time the myth and the history, the tragedy and the love of the whole world.

    2.- The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy), by JRR Tolkien.

    The evil Sauron, lord of darkness, wants to get the One Ring to completely dominate Middle-earth.

    A hobbit named Frodo will have to destroy the ring on Mount Doom, helped by the Fellowship of the Ring, made up of four hobbits, an elf, two men, a dwarf and a wizard named Gandalf.

    A masterpiece of fantasy literature that Tolkien originally developed in an attempt to expand on his previous The Hobbit story.

    The conception of this work stems from his erudition in medieval times, and his deep study of legends, religions and various myths. In its essence, it is still a medievalist epic-heroic fusion of Catholic values and Norse mythology. The literary influences of William Shakespeare's historical dramas are also clear, from his monarchical itineraries of Richard and Henry to the Scottish Macbeth.

    3.- 1984, by George Orwell.

    London, 1984: Winston Smith decides to rebel against a totalitarian government that controls every movement of its citizens and punishes even those who commit crimes with their thoughts. Aware of the dire consequences that dissent can bring, Winston joins the dubious Brotherhood through leader O'Brien. Gradually, however, our protagonist understands that neither the Brotherhood nor O'Brien are what they seem, and that rebellion, after all, may be an unattainable goal. For its magnificent analysis of power and the relationships and dependencies that it creates in individuals, 1984 is one of the most disturbing and attractive novels of this century.

    4.- Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.

    Brave New World is a classic of 20th century literature, a grim metaphor for the future. The novel describes a world in which the worst predictions have finally come true: the gods of consumption and

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