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Come Home, Lost Wanderer
Come Home, Lost Wanderer
Come Home, Lost Wanderer
Ebook76 pages56 minutes

Come Home, Lost Wanderer

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About this ebook

The world has advanced in many areas, but when it comes to knowing God, the world has retrogressed. Believers have been commissioned to reach the lost with the gospel. The wanderer needs a Savior. The believer must point the sinner to the Saviour. In this short book, the need and reason why we should go are elaborated. Will you heed the Savior's commission? Or, will you tarry for the wanderer to die in his or her sins? Won't you say to the wanderer, come home? 

Release dateFeb 24, 2023
Come Home, Lost Wanderer

Michael Yaw Tano

Michael Yaw Tano is a young man who loves the Lord. He is an Assemblies of God minister. Currently, he serves as the Associate Pastor at Calvary Hill Chapel, Asokore Mampong. He also loves to read the  Puritans and the reformers. Michael has a passion for writing. He loves to talk about his risen Christ and to learn of Him each day. Since he met the Lord Jesus, his life has changed completely and his affections and desires are to do the work of God and to give his very best to Christ who so went to the cross for him. This is his motivation in life, that is, to live each day serving the Lord with all his might. He holds a Diploma of Divinity and Associates of Divinity degree from Christian Leaders College (USA) and Bachelor of Religious Studies together with Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies from Nations University (USA). He is pursuing a Master of Theological Studies at Nations University. You can contact him on: Email: [email protected] Phone: +233542443585

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    Come Home, Lost Wanderer - Michael Yaw Tano


    It has dawned on me to write on this theme. This writing is only feasible because of the necessity of this commission and the drive to go make disciples. Brothers and sisters, if there was ever a time when Christians needed to spread the gospel, I think it is right now. We can no longer sit because of the change in our time. In many ways, the world has advanced, yet when it comes to understanding God, the world has regressed.

    Watch the news and you will see why we need to go and make disciples. Do we not see how many are committing suicide? Why are they harming themselves in these ways? Are they not fed-up with this world? If there was any hope, would they have left everything behind and suffered at their peril without thinking about the state of their immortal soul? Should we continue to sit and feel comfortable whiles our brothers and sisters live in this mess and chaos? This is why we must go and make disciples.

    Many do not see the state of the unrepentant sinner. For this reason, I do wish to write to you about how the sinner’s life is and the mess he is in. I do this with the hope that we will go and make disciples and again, that if one unsaved soul lays his hands on this material, he may see his state and run to where hope is and where security is guaranteed.

    If you hear me speak of ‘COME HOME, LOST WANDERER’, I do wish to mean that the unsaved soul should return whiles there is yet a time and as long as there is still a window of opportunity called today.


    Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.

    Rev 22:17NASB



    Let’s Pray: Gracious King, to You, do we trust to lead us in this endeavor. Help us to know You more through these pages. Open our eyes to see You, for we know that the unfolding of Your word gives wisdom and light. Be gracious and merciful to us, and we will praise You. We bless You in our Saviour’s name. Amen

    A LONG TIME AGO, THERE was a family of four traveling to a city. The members of this small family were the father, the mother, and their two children. The father was driving their family car, and it was he who knew the place to which they were moving. The journey was about fifty miles. After traveling twenty miles, they had an accident. Unfortunately, the accident happened around a forest zone, and it was very far from the city. Though no one died, the driver (the father) sustained injuries. His head was injured, and at the very instant, he could not see. He became blind and could not continue to drive. He was the only one who knew how to drive and not only that, he was the only one who knew where they were heading. What worsened their case was that the accident happened in a forest zone and their car somersaulted into the forest. The two children also went into unconsciousness. Their mother could not feel her legs and had a concussion. There was no hope for them. The father who could walk has now lost his sight. The woman who could have been the sight of the man couldn’t feel her legs, and their children were also unconscious. They are not on the road to be seen by men or cry for assistance because their car has been bounced into the forest. They were stuck in this no-mans-land

    Now, if you ask me, who is a lost wanderer, I believe I will tell you that he is worse than this family. A lost wanderer is stuck in the dungeon of sin. The lost wanderer is without God, hope, and light. Anyone who is without the hope of the gospel is a lost wanderer, and it does not matter how the person is viewed in the eyes of men. Many are religious and are yet lost wanderers. They do not have any hope in the coming age. They are yet staggering between opinions. They are without the assurance of God’s acceptance. They are in churches, yet many are still living in sensualities and in passions that they cannot control. They are going to and fro, seeking one thing, peace but they cannot find it. These are they that are the lost wanderers. The story of the above family is better compared

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