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Kifo x Moto
Kifo x Moto
Kifo x Moto
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Kifo x Moto

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The lethal vigilante returns, with an even deadlier partner.

Jamal Weathers, a Black FBI agent was captured by America’s most notorious and killer, Kifo, a man who targeted cops as revenge for police murders of unarmed black citizens, a man who could not be seen by the human eye thanks to a cloaking suit called the 119.

Jamal took up the mantle of Kifo after the original was gunned down by the FBI in an attempt to kill them both. Jamal reveals himself and his plan to bring America to racial justice-- one death at a time.

The government panics, pulling out all the stops to find Jamal and silence him forever. But Jamal has completed work on another cloaking suit and has found an unlikely partner in his quest.

Cleo Capone is a brilliant girl traumatized by racial oppression. She cleverly tracks down Jamal, and he agrees to train her in the new unit called the 120. Together, they continue to bring retribution for racial murder, and the nation is paralyzed with fear.

But in the Black community the pair are revered and called Kifo x Moto, which in the native tongue means “Death and Fire.”

But Cleo harbors a terrible secret, and soon the power of the suit and the quest consume her, and she becomes more deadly than her teacher, and more dedicated to destruction than justice. Cleo plans a daring execution, one that will end the race question forever in America but at a bloody cost.

Jamal is caught between his protege’s horrific plan and his own obsession. Ultimately, the power they wield, determines there can only be one.

PublisherGary Hardwick
Release dateJan 26, 2023
Kifo x Moto

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    Kifo x Moto - A. A. Clifford




    Part Two of Kifo

    a.a. clifford


    © a.a. clifford All rights reserved

    ISBN Number 9798849768908

    Published by HardBooks Publishing

    First Edition

    Cover Design by Gary Hardwick

    This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events, except where indicated, are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to persons living, dead or yet to be born, is purely unintentional and coincidental.

    Without limiting the right under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior express permission of the copyright owner and the publisher of this book.

    also by a. a. clifford


    Escape To Sex

    The Enkantatum and Other Stories



    (Book One of the Numbers Trilogy)


    (Book Two of the Numbers Trilogy)

    For the innocence killed

    in the war against ignorance.


    Prologue: The Numbers Girl

    One : Closure

    Two: Living Ghost

    Three: Cleo

    Four: Equations

    Five: Mission

    Six: Elemental

    Seven: Phantoms

    Eight: Heat

    Nine: Real Genius

    Ten: Jamal x Cleo

    Eleven: Tupac & Biggie

    Twelve: Trust

    Thirteen: Lament

    Fourteen: Mother of Dragons

    Epilogue: Things Found In The Fire


    The Numbers Girl

    Naddie Carinthia Diaz had seen some very bad things in her life. And her life wasn’t even all that long at thirty-eight years old. She was a child in the eyes of this new century.

    One of those very bad things was case 15475. Jared Palicki, a construction worker and part time Über driver. He had a mental break, and strung the dead carcass of his beloved German Sheppard, Louie on a wire in his garage, his entrails packed into a plastic water jug.

    Even worse was the missing neighbor kids they found wedged in Palicki’s freezer, whom it took two days to thaw out.

    Then there was case 17341, Madeline Novalis, a customer service worker, who drowned her twins in a toilet, then dressed them in taffeta bed clothes, and slept with them for a month.

    When they found Madeline dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the babies here strapped to her breasts, brittle and desiccated, their eyes still open.

    These were kinds of things most people saw once, and made them their go-to shocking story, but Naddie had seen many of these sights working for California State Child Services.

    But even with her vast experience, case 23461, the Talhoe House murder was the worst thing of all.

    At 9:37 am, the police were called to the home of Richard and Karen Talhoe when the neighbors complained of a bad smell from the home in Sun Country in California’s upper San Fernando Valley.

    Naddie and her team had been summoned on a 246, which usually meant there was danger to a living person.

    They found two of the three foster kids dead. They’d been suffocated and had been drugged beforehand.

    And the one kid left alive, the reason for the 246 call, might as well have been dead.

    The bodies of the two dead boys were covered in sores and wounds from beatings and torture, and she would bet that all of them had been sexually molested as well.

    The corpses were malnourished and the house stank to high heaven, despite the place being doused with air fresheners of all kinds.

    The state had seen nothing like this since the 80s, when a cult killed a kid, and the state sent three people to death row.

    The thing that would plague them all for years to come was the foster parents were white, and all the kids were Black.

    Goddamned shame, said Naddie under her breath. Malditos demonios.

    We are almost done with the body retrieval, said Kali, a forensic worker. One of the parents' head is missing part of an ear. We can’t find it. We think an animal might have taken it.

    Naddie acknowledged the comment casually, then gave an order, but she was on auto pilot now, trying to maintain her composure.

    The thought of a rat feasting on an ear was pushed down into the depths of her mind with all the other bad shit.

    The neighbors, a collection of California’s diversity spectrum, gathered outside the home, watching and taking cell phone video.

    Naddie was certain that all of them knew something bad had been going on in the house for months.

    When she checked their statements, she would find that neighbors made calls to the state, but nothing ever came of them.

    Child Services was overrun and lacked manpower, but her division, the cleanup crew, were always well-funded, she thought dimly.

    The Talhoes themselves were dead in an apparent murder-suicide.

    Richard had beaten Karen’s head to a pulp, with, of all things, a cricket bat, then taken his own life in a bathtub, slitting his wrists after taking a copious amount of the same prescription drugs he’d given the two dead boys.

    The lone survivor was a girl of ten or so. She was found in the kitchen, just sitting at the table looking at the wall, muttering.

    On the table with her were pages and pages of complex mathematical equations, from algebra to calculus.

    At first, no one could explain these, but then it became clear that the girl was doing these equations herself.

    In one of the rooms, they found a shelf of books on mathematics, physics and other disciplines.

    The police and social workers questioned the kid for hours, but got nothing. A medical examination would show the girl was beaten and molested like the others, but had somehow survived.

    The Talhoes’ computer and social media accounts revealed that they were leading a double life, masquerading as a benevolent couple by day, but belonging to several violent hate groups online.

    The final police report would say that the

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