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Spiritual Than God
Spiritual Than God
Spiritual Than God
Ebook71 pages1 hour

Spiritual Than God

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This book, titled "Spiritual Than God," demonstrates how humans have acted, thought, or behaved as creators from the beginning of history. They frequently behave as though they are more intelligent and capable of making decisions than the Omnipotent. But Lucifer has previously traveled this journey before many others. He is the originator of "spiritual than God" in this regard. He is the one who taught humanity how to conduct itself and act in a way that is more spiritual than the Creator. Join me as we walk together to learn how they did it and how many people today are traveling the same path of self-destruction.

Release dateFeb 27, 2023
Spiritual Than God

Michael Yaw Tano

Michael Yaw Tano is a young man who loves the Lord. He is an Assemblies of God minister. Currently, he serves as the Associate Pastor at Calvary Hill Chapel, Asokore Mampong. He also loves to read the  Puritans and the reformers. Michael has a passion for writing. He loves to talk about his risen Christ and to learn of Him each day. Since he met the Lord Jesus, his life has changed completely and his affections and desires are to do the work of God and to give his very best to Christ who so went to the cross for him. This is his motivation in life, that is, to live each day serving the Lord with all his might. He holds a Diploma of Divinity and Associates of Divinity degree from Christian Leaders College (USA) and Bachelor of Religious Studies together with Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies from Nations University (USA). He is pursuing a Master of Theological Studies at Nations University. You can contact him on: Email: [email protected] Phone: +233542443585

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    Book preview

    Spiritual Than God - Michael Yaw Tano


    I’m grateful to God for leading and guiding me to write this book.

    Thanks to Reverend Jones Clifford Akosa.

    Thanks to Reverend Samuel Agyenim Boateng.

    Thanks to Rev. John Kofi Bosomtwe.

    Thanks to Rev. John Kwabena Boachie and all A.G.T.S. faculty members.

    Thanks to Rev. Emmanuel Darku and all pastors in the Asokore Mampong District.

    Thanks to my seminary mates, especially the A.G.T.S. class of 2020.


    Maybe you are shocked about the theme of this writing. I do not want you to be! In this life, we can trace from the outset when humankind fell from grace and see that humanity has tried so many times to be very spiritual than God. It is not a fanciful tale and a story to scorn after, rather a reality that should make us all mourn and re-examine our lives. It is very easy and common to live and behave as though you are more spiritual than God. How can one be more spiritual than his Creator, who is all-wise and all-powerful? It is up to you and me to figure out how we can act more spiritually than God in the pages of this brief discourse.

    Holier than thou was born because of behaving and acting spiritually superior to God. If we know God and respect his standards, we will never act spiritually superior to Him. If we understand the consequences of acting as if we are more spiritual than He is, we will never board the spiritual-than-God train. From the onset, the creation has acted as if it is more spiritual than the Creator. From the beginning of human history, the heart of man has been found in this place several times.

    Therefore, I wish to travel with you, as we will discover in this book what to be more spiritual than God means and how many in the past have boarded this heretical train. I have themed this book SPIRITUAL THAN GOD, because it is so rampant in human history, and even today, we see this going on in our lives. Let us find some people who lived before us and behaved and acted to be more spiritual than God and how some in our generation are walking on that same road. Though those who preceded us had many of them who behaved as though they were more spiritual than God, to be frank, I can only talk about a few to solidify my claim. I believe you will be blessed with this book. May the Lord help us in this endeavor! Amen.

    Your Servant,

    Michael Yaw Tano


    But He gives a greater grace. Therefore, it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6NASB.



    EVIL CAME OUT OF SATAN. He was not always Satan. There was a time when he was called Lucifer. He was a servant of God who was pure and holy and perfect before God, his Father. Satan was one of God’s cherubs. He obeyed God for some time until iniquity was found in him. The scripture expressly says: 

    How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground-mighty though you were against the nations of the world. 13 For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and rule the angels. I will take the highest throne. I will preside on the Mount of Assembly far away in the north. 14 I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’ 15 But instead, you will be brought down to the pit of hell, down to its lowest depths. 16 Everyone there will stare at you and ask, "Can this be the one who shook the earth and the kingdoms of the world? 17 Can this be the one who destroyed the world and made it into a shambles, who demolished its greatest cities and had no mercy on his prisoners?" Isa 14:12-17TLB.

    Concerning this text, one writer argues:

    These verses also have a double application. They are still part of the proverb against the king of Babylon. The language, however, shows that he is a type of Satan. Lucifer means Light Bearer. ... Satan was once an angel called Lucifer, who, in love with his own beauty, fell into pride and self-centeredness. (Nelson, 2002, p. 891)

    Although scholars are divided concerning this text, the popular opinion is what Nelson has suggested. To this end, I will follow the popular opinion regarding the above passage. The text applies to both the king of Babylon and Satan. As seen above, the sin that was found in Lucifer and brought about his demotion was pride. Satan thought he was more spiritual than God and thought of himself as holier than the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. His heart was lifted up because of his beauty and perfection. He decided to set his seat on high and make himself equal to God. He thought he could do better than what God was doing. He thought he could offer better judgment than what the Most High is doing. This deadly sin was found in Lucifer. The anointed cherub forsook his state and coveted things that belonged to God alone. He did not keep his place but rather wanted the seat of God himself. Isn't this clear evidence that Satan was

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