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The Lycan's Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna
Ebook214 pages3 hours

The Lycan's Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna

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"She is a murderer!"

Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf.

Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons.

Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack.

But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go.

With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated.

Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows.

Can Anaiah survive the evil thrown at her and finally, find happiness with the man that she chooses? Or will she succumb to the darkness and lose herself, and everything she knows completely?

Release dateFeb 27, 2023
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: His Lycan Luna

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    Book preview

    The Lycan's Rejected Mate - Sunshine Princess

    CHAPTER 52 My Love, You're So Good

    Anaiah's POV

    I have been talking to the Alpha on the council seats or at least the wives who have supported my cause in letting a woman have more rights and say in the supernatural community. I didn't have time to prepare so, Leon requested the meeting to be pushed to three months which they accepted.

    I am having lunch with three Lunas of the nearby Lycan packs at a resort that my mate owns. I invited these beautiful ladies because their husbands are been stubborn to give me their support, just maybe they might use their charms to convince their men.

    We discuss matters of the pack first, How is it going with the motion you proposed? Do you think they'll approve? Luna Betty off the light moon asks.

    I don't know ladies, that is why I need your help with this matter, I sigh. Luna Jeanet reaches out to touch my hand,

    Of course, dear, tell us how we can help,

    After telling them everything and how they can help, the ladies agree.

    I have children and they are all girls, I can't imagine them being shipped off to men they don't love and my first married off to some brut just so that we don't lose our pack and power,

    That won't happen, if they approve my motion, your first daughter will lead her pack as it should, it's her birthright after all, I smile in reassurance.

    My husband is only Alpha because I was born female, Luna Betty sighs, gulping her wine.

    Michelle, the Luna of the wood pack turns to me with a grin.

    Speaking of children, when are you planning to have kids?

    I blush at that topic and smile, drinking my red wine before answering.

    The Alpha and I are taking our time honestly, there is no haste, I respond, the women giggle, and all bring out their experience.

    Alpha Jamal, wants so many kids but I'm scared, Luna Betty confesses.

    Well, better you than the man, that's a different topic, Michelle adds. What she says sparks an interest in me.

    What is there for a man to fear, shouldn't us who carry the pups worry? I ask, the other two Lunas turn their attention to Luna Michelle as well. Wanting to learn more.

    Oh dear, Alpha Lycans are possessive as hell and they don't like to share. Some think that all the love will be taken away from them if their woman especially who is their mate has a child,

    I gasp and a small smile makes its way unto my lips. Is that what Leondre is worried about, he quickly dismisses a topic that has the word kids in it. I could have never imagined that would be the reason!

    Hmm, that smile Luna Anaiah, I see our king isn't too keen to have children, Michelle chuckles, lifting her wine glass sensually before taking it to her red lips. I nod

    I see it's the same for me,

    We laugh about it.

    But it's dangerous for a wolf to carry a Lycan pup, not only that but a royal one, Luna Janette informs me. I swallow, there has been no record in the books that a werewolf has birthed a royal Lycan before, I sigh inwardly, understanding where Leondre's insecurities are coming from. He's just worried about my safety.

    The brunch with the girls went well and I'm now heading home. Jake opens the door for me and to my surprise, I find Mutinta in the passenger seat. The two mates can't get enough of each other.

    Hello Luna, She chimes, looking back at me.

    Hi, Mutinta, I see he marked you, She nods, proudly touching her mark.

    We drive home and I get out of the car.

    Hey, Arya, She was lost in her thoughts.

    Ana, you look cute, where did you go?

    A meeting with the Lunas, I invited you but you didn't show, I scowl. She covers her mouth with her hand, fudging hurt. I shake my head. I don't know why I even try because she hates such things.

    Okay fine, I didn't come because I'm not perfect Luna material like you all, She rolls her eyes and motions her hands. I laugh and bid her goodbye.

    I mentally prepare myself to tell my mate that I'll be going to Erickson's pack. I already made an appointment and he invited me there.

    I open the study door and find him working, Hi, my love, He greets me without looking up at me. I frown and go to his side, trying to get his attention but he's busy working. I abruptly close his laptop and sit in front of him, my legs spread and he smiles.

    I'm working, baby, He murmurs. I bend down to shower kisses on his neck and he's growling and nodding in approval. He grabs my bottom and I straddle him. Leondre lifts my dress, a smile forms on my lips and I unbuckle the buttons on his pants, his hard erection is already poking me and I take it on in me. He smiles and bites my collarbone, I begin to move up and down his cock slowly, looking him in the eyes, his eyes have dilated to pitch black.

    Oh, my love, you're so good, He murmurs, our breathing is erratic.

    Faster, He is about to cum and I oblige, moving faster and wilder. My walls tighten around his dick and he grips my waist, swaying me hard. I'm screaming his name and my eyes roll in immense pleasure when my juices spill on him and soon, he reaches his peak as well. I lay my head against his chest and he is stroking my hair. We are catching our breaths, that was the quickest we've both cum.

    Baby, remember the women's rights campaign I'm doing? I ask, getting off him and straightening my dress.

    I want to speak to Alpha Erickson, His expression darkens but lets me continue. I need his support, he's of influence, and I... I think others might follow his lead,

    His expression is stoic and I bite my bottom lip, waiting for an outburst from him,

    No, He simply says. oh, boy.

    May I ask why?

    Because the bastard wants you, He says.

    Please put your political rivalry aside and think-

    I fucking said no, no, no, He shouts, startling me.

    I am not asking for your permission, I'm just informing you, my voice is calmer, I know we won't resolve anything if both of us start shouting. I was not going to waiver, this is something I was determined to do and he would not stop me.

    He saunters to me and grabs my arms, not in a way that hurts.

    I don't want you five feet near that man, He says and leaves the room, growling. But I wasn't going to let what I worked hard for go to waste because they are foes.

    CHAPTER 53 Welcome Back

    Arya's POV

    Jacob stopped answering my calls so, here I was going to his apartment like an idiot, wanting to see what was wrong. I went to the company first and grilled the secretary to give his location.

    Getting in the building, I go straight to his apartment, I ring the bell and wait, to my shock a heavily pregnant lady opens the door. She smiles at me, waiting for me to talk.

    Um... I'm at a loss for words,

    I think It's the wrong apartment, My gaze roams over the beautiful lady in a maternity dress. The woman nods, seeming friendly while I back away slowly when I hear his voice.

    Rosa, where is it?!

    There was no mistaking that deep voice, it is Jacob's. My heart crashes into a million pieces, is this his other woman? Were they fucking before or after? Rosa as he called her waves at me and closes the door but I hold it open, moving past her into an apartment.

    Hey Lady, what do you think you're doing?

    Ignoring the woman, my heart was thumping in my chest. Coming out of the kitchen into the salon, my heart pounded. He looked very handsome. Jacob is shocked to see me.

    Is this why you haven't been responding to me? I was shocked that my voice was calm.

    Arya, what are you doing here? He asks.

    Is she carrying your child? When did this happen? Are you married? I fire him with questions, the woman behind me laughs softly and I turn to her with my angry gaze.

    Hi Arya, I'm Rosario, and to answer your questions, Yes, he's the father of my child but we are not in love or married,

    One-night stand, Jacob finally manages to answer.

    When we were together? Did you break our promise of not seeing other people, Jacob shakes his head.

    That was before you and I got together but.. but, My eyes are back on the woman, she is now watching from a distance. Jacob holds my hand

    Arya, we've had a moment, it wasn't sex but- I turn to leave to want to hear any further how they made out or pleasured each other but just as I turn to leave, he grabs my wrist and I turn around. I slap him in the face. Tears dance in my eyes but I'm too proud to let the tears roll down my cheeks.

    Should I commend you for not putting your dick in her pussy? Should I thank you? I yell, angry.

    It was just a moment of weakness, and I was drunk, He whispers. I swallow thickly, not knowing what to say, my heart is beating erratically and I'm trying to calm my breath.

    Let go of me, I growl, he reluctantly releases my hand and I turn on my heels when he calls

    You betrayed me too so don't go judging me, He hisses. I narrow my gaze back on him and confusion arch my face.

    What do you mean by that,

    He snorts and runs a hand through his hair.

    I saw that man kiss you in the club, I squint my eyes in confusion until it dawns on me. He saw it when Stefan kissed me. Why didn't he say anything? Is this why he avoided me because he thought I cheated?

    You're not going to deny that you've been sleeping with that man? He growls. I close my eyes momentarily, containing my temper.

    You assumed I was cheating on you and you allow her to suck your dick? I ask, bewildered. And that man is my ex, he rejected me years ago and if you stayed long enough, you would have seen me slap him,

    He stays silent. His intense eyes are on me, looking through me. He is silent and I turn on my feet and leave the room


    Anaiah's POV

    My heart was palpitating as I enter the Northern territory.

    I came here against my mate's wishes and I will be facing his wrath later on but I don't care right now.

    Are you sure about this, Luna? Asks Jake, he's uncomfortable coming here.

    Yes, I reply, looking at the scenery.

    The Northern pack is just as impressive as other packs I've seen, they are clean and nice with modern buildings. Jake turns to a secluded area where he drives for another five minutes and stops in front of a mansion. Erickson and the man I saw recently is waiting for me.

    Jake opens the door for me and I gently walk towards them, greeting them both but Erickson leans in to kiss my cheek.

    Welcome to the Northern pack, Luna Queen Anaiah, It's a great privilege to have you, He says, standing close. I nod and his brother, Alpha Jacob welcomes me in the same manner. The gentlemen guide me back into the spacious house, up to the huge Den where most of his meetings happen. Jake is standing just outside the door. Erickson is sitting in front of a huge mahogany table, his brother, the Alpha of his new pack is standing next to him and I take a seat in front of them.

    So, Ms. Altamirano, you requested a meeting with the Alpha, Starts Jacob seriously, and his brother scowls. I clear my throat.

    Firstly, I want to say Thank you for having me, and congratulations to you, Alpha Jacob for your new pack,

    He nods with a small smile. My gaze is riveted on Erickson who watches me intently but my expression is stoic I say,

    I'm here on official pack business,

    He fixes his suit, seeming impressed, and motions me to go on.

    It's about women's rights. There are laws that we wish to introduce, I tell him, he tilts his head as I continue to talk more about my movement.

    So you want my support at the next council meeting? He asks. I nod.

    I love your motion but I'm not part of the council yet, Luna Altamirano, Says Jacob. I smile and nod. His phone rings and he excuses himself, not forgetting to tell me how well I'm doing and how much women from all over the packs will be helped if it goes through.

    Alpha Erickson this is important and your vote will be appreciated, I start, now, feeling a little nervous as we are alone. I peek at the door, hoping his brother will come back but it's been a while now.

    You're nervous, He says, amused. I don't bite without permission," He adds. I would roll my eyes if I could. I glare at him but he only smiles. Erickson stands up,

    Now that you're here, I'd like to discuss our future, I squint my eyes.

    What do you mean 'our'?

    you know I want you, Anaiah, He says without flinching. A smile comfortably sits on my lips.

    Firstly, it's Luna and I don't see a future with us, I have a mate who I adore, His face twists into a frown. I get on my feet and turn to leave but he pulls me and kisses me, my eyes bulge and I don't think twice to push and slap him across the face, the slap was so hard it left a red mark on his cheek. The door burst open and Jake is by my side, pulling me behind him and growling fiercely at the Alpha. He is ready to attack him but I don't need saving. I can tell Erickson's ass off myself.

    Next time you kiss me like that, I'll kill you, I warn, he looks taken back but I can see the pleasure in his eyes.

    You've changed, for the better,

    I know, I answer, patient.

    You're not as frail or timid as you were months ago. You're stronger and bolder,

    Be warned. I'll never be yours and have respect because I'm your fucking Queen. I can easily have you killed for treason and no one will question me, I turned on my heel and leave the house, angry that the man can't be reasoned with and is still determined to have me. I thought after all these months, he will have stopped. On my way out, I bump into a white-haired woman.

    Sorry, She says, a small creepy smile growing on her wrinkled lips. She has a weird aura around her. I nod and walked away, I could still feel her watching me and muttering something incoherent.

    'You directly went against me,' A cold voice mind links. It is my mate. I close my eyes and sag into the car seat.

    How are you feeling Luna? Asks Jake. As he drives, I notice that a few Northern warriors are running beside us.

    He's a prick,

    I know,

    Getting out of their turf, I was shocked to see how many of our warriors were waiting, I rolled down the window as the car stopped.

    "They were just worried. The Northern pack and ours don't get

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