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From bestselling author S. Usher Evans comes a brilliant urban fantasy series about a demon hunter struggling to reclaim the man he once was and the demon who might just save him. Fans of Jim Butcher and Kim Harrison will enjoy this unique take on overcoming demons - both real and imagined.
Demons are real - and walk amongst us every day. At the International Coalition for Demon Management, agent Jack Grenard knows this better than most. The scion of a demon hunting family, his career was on an upward trajectory until demons brutally murdered his wife. Three years later, he's restarting his life in Atlanta with his partner Cam, dealing with low-level demonic lords and keeping the peace. But looming in the distance is Demon Spring, the breaking of the barrier between our world and the demonic one that occurs every four years. No one knows when or where it will occur exactly, but the unlucky city will be ravaged for a fortnight by monsters and mayhem.
Jack has it on good authority that the schism will occur far from Atlanta - that is, until he comes across a human-saving demon who seems to be keeping a secret. She's enigmatic and dangerous, but Jack is inexplicably drawn to her. But as the days tick closer to Demon Spring, Jack wonders if she's simply a distraction or something much more deadly.

Get swept away in an intricate world of monsters and mayhem that RT Reviews calls, "a brilliant start to a promising urban fantasy series."
Content warnings for adult situations, violence, domestic abuse, and depression/suicide.
Praise for the Demon Spring Series
★★★★★ "As good or better than most of the urban fantasy you'll find on [the bestseller lists]" - Robyn Bennis, author of The Guns Above
★★★★★ "Perfect blend between urban fantasy and real life struggles." - Chelsea Coats, Goodreads Reviewer
★★★★★ "The personal and professional drama of the main character drew one in and set the reader up for fascinating read with an explosive ending." - Kristin W., Goodreads Reviewer
★★★★★ "It is very easy to get sucked into the Demon Spring world and I can’t wait to crack open the second in the series." - Katrina M., Goodreads Reviewer

Release dateNov 1, 2021

S. Usher Evans

S. Usher Evans is an author, blogger, and witty banter aficionado. Born in Pensacola, Florida, she left the sleepy town behind for the fast-paced world of Washington, D.C.. There, she somehow landed jobs with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Television before finally settling into a “real job” as an IT consultant. After a quarter life crisis at age 27, she decided consulting was for the birds and rekindled a childhood passion for writing novels. She sold everything she owned and moved back to Pensacola, where she currently resides with her two dogs, Zoe and Mr. Biscuit.Evans is the author of the Razia series and Empath, both published by Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing.

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    Book preview

    Resurgence - S. Usher Evans


    Demon Spring Trilogy

    Book One

    S. Usher Evans

    Pensacola, FL

    Version Date: 5/24/24

    Copyright © 2018 S. Usher Evans

    ISBN: 978-1945438356

    All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Cover Design by Covers by Christian

    Line Editing by Danielle Fine, By Definition Editing

    Sun's Golden Ray Publishing

    Pensacola, FL

    For ordering information, please visit


    To Nicole

    A warrior woman

    Who can slay any demon


    The night was still, except for a lone shadow with two swords strapped to her back. Blood marked a crimson trail behind her, the nick in her leg taking much longer than usual to heal. Overall, it had been a successful night, but she wasn't sure she moved as fast as she used to.

    She stopped in front of a large metal door, lifted it just enough to slip underneath, then let it clang behind her. The small room contained an air mattress, some overturned boxes doubling as tables, and two cartons of half-eaten Chinese food. Off to the side was a utility sink with a few dirty dishes and a black duffel bag underneath.

    After unstrapping her weapons, she set them against the sink, then peeled off her bloodstained clothes down to her white bra and underwear. Her fingertips brushed her bony ribcage, careful not to mess the ten dark marks along her left arm.

    Stark naked, she crossed the room to a wall covered in the same black marks. Retrieving a marker from the floor, she carefully ticked off ten of them. Ten innocent lives saved that night. Too many to count remained.

    She returned to the sink, turning the water on to begin the process of hand-laundering her clothes. A flash of silver in the mirror caught her attention.

    A gray hair.

    Mortality was a bitch. As was this stark reminder her time was running out.


    Jack Grenard set a box of his office supplies down. The small, glass-enclosed office seemed cramped with two desks facing each other, but it would do. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting on his first day back after a three-year hiatus from the Division, but so far, the slow pull of grief hadn't come. It would eventually, but for now he was too preoccupied with learning where the break room was and how the Atlanta office differed from the one in Washington, D.C. For one, there was only a tenth of the staff. For another, there were no memories here.

    Except, of course, for the photo of their wedding day, found at the bottom of his personal effects. He cradled the frame in his hand, memories of how happy they'd been tainted by how their story would end.

    A knock on the door drew his attention from the photo. Cam Macarro, Jack's partner of almost a decade—and best friend for even longer—stood in the doorway with a soft smile on her face. Came to check on you.

    Jack held up the framed photo. Found this.

    Look at you two, she said, placing a hand on the small of his back and pointing to the figure of herself in the photo next to her sister. And look at how skinny I was.

    You're still skinny, Jack said after a too-long pause. He put the photo down, ready to not look at it for a while.

    The rest of the box contained his professional accolades—awards, photos of him with presidents and congressmen, and the photo with his father and grandfather on the day he'd graduated from the Academy for Demon Management in Denver. Mementos from a life that seemed a thousand years in the past.

    It was weird working cases without you, Cam said after a moment. But I'm glad you're here. I think it'll be good for you to get back to work.

    Jack had to chuckle at that. Accounting wasn't real work?

    You're not an accountant, Jack. You're a demon-killer. It's in your blood, same as mine.

    That was an understatement. Jack's family had been involved in demon hunting since the first lilin arrived in Germany around 100 AD. Cam's family, too, could trace their lineage back to the Aztecs who'd battled the original nox demons in Mexico in the fifteenth century.

    Jack smiled. So, what are the cases like down here?

    She chuckled and took a seat at her desk across from his. "To be honest, there really isn't a lot to do. The demons are very…southern, she said, dipping into the Charleston drawl favored by Jack's mother. Most everyone in Atlanta has sworn fealty to the same lilin demon, so it's a pretty easy job."

    And you like that? What happened to All-Action-Cam?

    A smile curled onto her face. Action doesn't get you promoted anymore. Now it's all about which demons vouch for your fairness and which Division leaders are gonna retire. I hear the bureau chief in Pensacola is getting up there in age.

    You're going to drag me down to Pensacola next? Jack snorted. Good thing I like the beach.

    As if I could ever think of getting promoted without my partner by my side. I'll make you deputy, at least. Deputy Director Jack Grenard.

    Director Cam Macarro, Jack replied, knowing full well Cam would be a director someday. As much as I'd love to be your deputy, that means I'd have to implement all your crazy efficiency ideas. And you know as well as I do those never go the way you want them to.

    That was D.C. This is different.

    So you say.

    They stared at each other for a moment, knowing full well how different it was going to be.

    Well, Jackie, are you ready to head to your first staff meeting? Cam asked, breaking the awkward tension in the room. I know how much you missed those.

    Jack chuckled and grabbed a pen and pad from the drawers in his desk. We had staff meetings in accounting.

    But they didn't involve how many heads got cut off, did they?

    Sometimes they did.

    She threaded her arm through Jack's. I'm glad you're back.

    Truth be told, Jack was itching to get back to helping people. After Sara's death, it had been an easy choice to walk away from demon-hunting. He'd thought a boring job would help dull the guilt and quell the nightmares. But all the lack of action had done was make things worse.

    Cam had been asking him to join her in Atlanta ever since she'd transferred two years ago. She seemed to think they both would get back to normal as soon as they were up to their old tricks. For his sake, Jack hoped she was right, because he was starting to forget what normal felt like.

    Cam led him into a Division-standard meeting room. Like everything in Atlanta so far, it was familiar, right down to the paintings on the wall. The logo for the International Coalition for Demon Management (ICDM), the overarching world governing body, hung prominently at the front of the room. The crest bore fifteen swords, representing the fifteen Council seats.

    Jack tried to sit in one of the chairs lining the room, but Cam grabbed him by the wrist and forcibly sat him down next to her.

    I haven't earned a spot at the table, he whispered.

    Never stopped you before, Cam retorted

    All right, all right. A short Korean woman walked into the room—Deputy Director Patti Kim, if Jack had to guess. Everyone take your seats. We've got a lot to cover today.

    Cam cleared her throat and nodded at Jack.

    Yes, Macarro, I see him, Kim said. Team, the world-renowned Jack Grenard has graced us with his presence after a three-year hiatus from active duty. The look she gave him was frosty. We all hope your reputation is as sterling as Agent Macarro says.

    Before Jack could answer, Cam did for him. It is.

    Yes, well, Kim muttered. Cam had always walked a fine line between teacher's pet and teacher's thorn, and based on the way Kim was avoiding her gaze, Jack wagered that hadn't changed. Demon activity in the southeast has been steady, although we've seen lilin spikes in Mobile and New Orleans as of late—

    Mardi Gras? Cam said.

    The corner of Kim's mouth twitched. Yes. That's our guess. We've dispatched a few agents down there to keep an eye on things.

    Cam made a noise, and Jack nudged her gently. They were both thinking the same thing: less a spate of demon activity and more a paid vacation for a couple of demon-hunters.

    Sadly, the word from the higher-ups is that we'll have to keep our resources close to home this month. Seismologists are predicting Demon Spring will happen sometime in the next two to three months, and we've got to start our preparations.

    Demon Spring. Jack had almost forgotten all about it. Although hundreds of thousands of demons lived amongst the humans, there were still thousands more in the demonic realm. Once every four years, the barrier between two worlds grew thinner in areas with heavy earthquake activity. One lucky city then became ground zero for the influx of demons.

    Jack and Cam had been sent to Los Angeles four years before, during the last event. While most demons who lived amongst humans still resembled them, Underworld demons were disfigured and grotesque after spending years in their own magic—and less inclined to spare human life. For Division resources, it was a feat to keep the human casualties at a minimum.

    I should've waited a few months to come back, Jack noted dryly under his breath.

    It's not Demon Spring without you, Jackie, Cam replied with a smirk.

    Headquarters has already started preparing. They've put together a task force to monitor the traditional breach sites. Kim turned to the PowerPoint behind her and zipped through the slides, landing on a map of the US. The map was sectioned into five pieces, with the southeast division skimming the bottom of Virginia and cutting Texas in half. Within the southeast, there were three red zones, areas where schisms had occurred in the past. Memphis was highlighted, as was the border between Tennessee and North Carolina and the entire state of South Carolina.

    My money's on Asia this year, Cam said. We've never been there. Could make a fun vacation.

    Might sit this one out, Jack said quietly.

    Like hell you are. I didn't drag you down to Atlanta to be my partner for us to sit things out.

    Macarro. Kim's sharp voice cut through their conversation. With a warning look, Kim went back to the presentation. We have unconfirmed reports this year… Bael might make an appearance.

    A shudder rippled through the room, and even Cam grew somber, although she said, They say that every time.

    It's more than the usual chatter, I'm afraid. Headquarters wants us to be on our toes. I don't have to remind you what happened the last time Bael came to this world.

    Jack had heard stories from his great-grandfather. The so-called King of the Demons had last appeared in Charleston during the summer of 1886. Thousands of humans dead, chaos across the southern half of the United States. It made the carnage he'd witnessed in Los Angeles look like a day at the park.

    I'm not saying we should panic, Kim said after nervous murmuring erupted in the room. Just remain vigilant until the chaos dies down. She paused, flipping to the next slide with more information on what to do if Bael should show up. We're hoping this will be a routine Demon Spring, so no need to worry about all this. Even so, the tension around her eyes was an unmistakable omen. That's it for today. Please make sure to submit your timesheets on Thursday.

    We're all going to die. Don't forget to submit your timesheet, Jack whispered to Cam, who chuckled.

    You know they hype us up every time, she said, although it sounded more for her own benefit than Jack's. So, partner, what are your plans for the day?

    Paperwork, then presumably unburying myself from emails. I haven't checked in over two weeks.

    Actually, Grenard, HR wants you to retake orientation this morning, Kim said. You've been out of the field for a few years and they want to make sure you remember protocols.

    Or learn them in the first place, Cam muttered.


    Jack felt like the oldest man in the room when he walked into the large meeting space. The attendees—new recruits probably fresh off the streets—couldn't have been older than nineteen or twenty. Most probably hadn't seen a demon, let alone fought one. Although most humans knew about demons and magic, the majority pretended it didn't exist—until a friend or family member was targeted. Then, they'd join the ranks of the demon hunters in whatever capacity they could with wide-eyed optimism.

    The kids at orientation reminded Jack of the person he'd been. They were excited about all the good work they could do. It had been a long time since Jack had felt anything; even being back in this room was like seeing the ghost of the man who'd died on the living room floor with Sara.

    A middle-aged black man walked into the room, carrying a leather briefcase and a tired smile that told Jack he was growing weary of giving the same speech every week. But after a sip of coffee, the man perked up. He introduced himself as Agent Jones, and breezed through several slides about what the orientation would be covering, from administrative details like forms and timesheet submission deadlines to the history of the Division and demons themselves.

    Any Academy graduates in here today? he asked, glancing at Jack when he raised his hand. Ah, Grenard, right?

    Jack nodded as heads swiveled in his direction.

    Excellent, and a few others, too. I apologize. Some of this information will be rehashing what you already know. We'll begin, as always, with the origin of demons. He flipped to a slide with photos of cave drawings.

    How the first demons were created is subject to much anthropological and spiritual debate. Generally, though, we know that at least five early humans were trapped in what we call the demonic Underworld. There, it's said the humans corrupted the world with an evil miasma—a magical atmosphere of sorts—that both gave them supernatural powers and turned them into the monstrous creatures we know as demons.

    Jones then displayed photos of a rather disturbing-looking nox demon with a muzzle, razor-sharp teeth, and blood-red eyes. A boy in the front row shivered as a girl raised her hand.

    Excuse me, Agent Jones, but every demon I've seen looks human.

    Yes, yes, I'm getting to that, Jones replied with a tight smile. Around 1400 BC, the first demon, known as Bael, emerged in ancient Syria. In that first Demon Spring, thousands of humans were slaughtered, most in a single village. Every four years, Bael would reappear and slaughter more humans. Sometime around 600 BC, the first kappa demon, Mizuchi, arrived in Japan. But unlike Bael, who simply killed humans, Mizuchi began transforming humans into kappa demons like him.

    He flipped the slide to an old canvas painting from Japan, showing men, women, and children drowning in a lake and a froggish-looking creature standing above them.

    When the Spring ended, some demons remained amongst the humans. Many of those early demons died from the lack of demonic magic. Others, however, realized they could live amongst the humans if they spawned—or created more demons. When a demon transforms a human, that neophyte becomes a source of miasma and power for the maker. The more demons created from a single maker, the more powerful that maker becomes. And if their spawn create spawn, who then create more spawn… He chuckled. "That's how you get a lilin demon like Nunzia, our local demon lord in Atlanta.

    There are five types of demons, Jones continued. "Bael is an athtar, or a void demon. Kappas, water demons, emerged in Japan in the sixth century BC, as I've said. There are also lilins, lust demons who appeared in Germany in 200 AD, and the eloko demons who arrived in the Congo in 400 AD. They use bells to hypnotize. The last demon type to appear is the noxes, the shapeshifting fear demons, around 1500 AD in Mexico.

    Although demon hunters had been in existence since the dawn of civilization, the first attempt to form a coalition happened in 820 AD at the House of Wisdom, the premier cultural and education center in the ancient Muslim world. The next such coalition happened in 1556, after a major earthquake in Shaanxi that released over ten thousand demons into China. The Chinese were the first to perfect a blade for severing the head of a demon, the descendant of which is used today.

    He changed slides to a photo of an ancient curved knife, molded to a red hilt. Jack had actually seen that exact sword before, as a boy, when he'd accompanied his grandfather on a council trip to the International Weapons Institute in Shanghai.

    Our US Division, as it stands today, was established in 1890, after the great Charleston earthquake that ushered in the last major demon rampage in 1886. ICDM, the larger international organization, was formally chartered in 1920 and has agents in every major city and country in the world. It is governed by a Council of Fifteen. Jones' gaze landed on Jack, who knew what was coming next. Grenard, isn't your grandfather the US representative?

    Uh, yeah, Jack said, as heat crept up his neck.

    Excellent, Jones said, turning back to his slides. Our goal here, ladies and gentlemen, is to prevent demonic transformation. First and foremost, it's our job to educate the population on the dangers of demonic coercion. For many humans drawn to the idea of immortality and power, they find out too late that it's a lot harder to get out of than get into.

    A girl up front raised her hand. Do demons ever turn back into humans?

    Only if the maker is killed, and the only way to kill a demon is to behead them, Jones replied. And even then, killing the maker doesn't always result in reversion, especially if the spawn have become powerful in their own right. To keep unwilling participants at a minimum, we work with our local demon lords to make sure every new spawn created is strictly legal with a binding contract. Some of you assigned to the field will be responsible for monthly audits and the like.

    Jack glanced around the room, spotting a few confused faces in the crowd. It was counterintuitive, on some level, to work with the very creatures who were hunting them. But it was how the Division exerted their (albeit limited) pressure on local demon lords and prevented an all-out buffet on humanity. Jack had never quite made peace with the part of his job that required him to kiss ass or work in moral gray areas.

    He hadn't had to kiss anyone's ass in accounting, but he also hadn't saved many either. And that, he supposed, was why he was sitting through the banal orientation so he could get back out there.

    By lunch break, Jack had nearly nodded off more times than he could count. But he perked up when he saw Cam waiting for him outside the orientation room, and even more so when she offered to take him to the best sushi place in town.

    Have you unpacked yet? Cam asked, grabbing one of the edamame and popping the seeds into her mouth.

    Nearly there, Jack lied. All the boxes in his apartment were exactly where the moving company had left them. So what are we working on right now?

    Cam smirked, reaching into her briefcase. I like the sound of that 'we.' Kim's been assigning me to a lot of politically delicate cases recently.

    You? Jack said with a snort.

    Fuck off, Grenard. I'm damned polite when I want to be, Cam said with a glare. Most of the agents down here don't know the first thing about strategic planning or earning favors. So I've been greasing the wheels, making friends, getting a roster of helpful demons when I need help.

    Jack chewed on an edamame. Helpful demons? Isn't that an oxymoron?

    She glared at him. "Anyway, about six weeks ago, there was a little dust-up between one of Nunzia's lesser demons and a trespasser from Montgomery. The Montgomery lord is an eloko, and he's testing the waters, seeing if Nunzia is willing to give up some of her domain."

    And Nunzia is…?

    The demon lord of Atlanta—lilin. Cam glanced around the sushi place and lowered her voice. I've heard rumors that she's a second to the original lilin herself. 'Course, that could just be her demons trying to play up her power. But I do know she's been ruling Atlanta since Sherman burned it to the ground.

    Jack nodded. Lilin demons were lust personified, using pheromones and glamour to trick their victims into sleeping with them—and then the victims would become so obsessed, they'd beg the lilin to transform them. Lilins also used this magic on Division resources whenever it suited them.

    "And she's southern, which means she'll bless your heart while tearing you apart. She doesn't destroy her opponents through nightmarish visions like a nox, but bankruptcy and character assassination. She found out that one of the best chefs in Atlanta had a cousin who'd been turned by a kappa lord in Chicago. So, she had her newspaper reporters slam his new opening and the health department shut him down before he even served one customer. Last I heard, he'd taken a job as a chef on a cruise liner in Norway."

    Jack whistled. I'd take the nightmares from a nox demon.

    But the good news is, as long as you play her game, you can get her to…well, do what you want. Cam glanced around again.

    Jack followed her gaze and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Does she own this place too?

    Yes, Cam said. But it's the best in town, so I don't mind eating here.

    Their sushi arrived, arranged spectacularly atop a wooden boat serving platter and the waiter placed it on the center of

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