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The Song of Wrath
The Song of Wrath
The Song of Wrath
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The Song of Wrath

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Penny Dreadful meets The Gilded Wolves in this captivating young adult historical fantasy sequel to the “bloodily spectacular” (Chloe Gong, #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights) The Bones of Ruin that follows immortal Iris as she desperately tries to thwart her destructive destiny.

Iris Marlow can’t die. For years, she was tormented by her missing memories and desperate to learn her real identity. So when the mysterious Adam Temple offered to reveal the truth of who she was in exchange for her joining his team in the Tournament of Freaks, a gruesome magical competition, it was an offer she couldn’t refuse. But the truth would have been better left buried.

Because Adam is a member of the Enlightenment Committee, an elite secret society built upon one fundamental idea: that the apocalypse known as Hiva had destroyed the world before and would do it again, and soon. But what the Committee—and Iris—never guessed is that Hiva is not an event. Hiva is a person…Iris.

Now, no matter how hard Iris fights for a normal life, the newly awakened power inside her keeps drawing her toward the path of global annihilation. Adam, perversely obsessed with Iris, will stop at nothing to force her to unlock her true potential, while a terrifying newcomer with ties to Hiva’s past is on the hunt for Iris.

All Iris wants is the freedom to choose her own future, but the cost might be everything Iris holds dear—including the world itself.
Release dateApr 18, 2023
The Song of Wrath

Sarah Raughley

Sarah Raughley grew up in Southern Ontario writing stories about freakish little girls with powers because she secretly wanted to be one. She is a huge fangirl of anything from manga to sci-fi fantasy TV to Japanese role-playing games and other geeky things, all of which have largely inspired her writing. Sarah has been nominated for the Aurora Award for Best YA Novel and works in the community doing writing workshops for youths and adults. On top of being a YA writer, Sarah has a PhD in English, which makes her a doctor, so it turns out she didn’t have to go to medical school after all. As an academic, Sarah has taught undergraduate courses and acted as a postdoctoral fellow. Her research concerns representations of race and gender in popular media culture, youth culture, and postcolonialism. She has written and edited articles in political, cultural, and academic publications. She continues to use her voice for good. You can find her online at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Song of Wrath is a nicely written sequel to The Bones of Ruin. The storyline flowed smoothly, from cover to cover, and tied up some storylines from the first novel. Great character development, especially with Iris. Teens, and adults alike, will enjoy. Highly recommend!

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The Song of Wrath - Sarah Raughley

Cover: The Song of Wrath, by Sarah Raughley

Book Two in the Bones of Ruin Trilogy

The Song of Wrath

Sarah Raughley

The Song of Wrath, by Sarah Raughley, Margaret K. McElderry Books



November 22, 1884

Strange fruit and the culling of the sowers


"What you doing over there, boy?"

It was the sheriff who’d spoken. After one flick of his head, two men in plain shirts and short black ties grabbed Tom Fables around the neck and dragged him out from behind the tree that was hiding him. He had to run. The entire town was in this forest clearing with full bellies from their dinners. The dying rays of the evening light sifted through leaves onto the women’s fine dresses and the jackets of their cherubic children.

Don’t be shy; join the fun! taunted one of the men, carting Fables toward the crowd. As Fables tripped over his feet, he felt other hands touching him—his waist, his back, his buttocks—pulling him past policemen and city officials, housewives and laughing children, photographers and excited teenagers. All the way to the stage.

Fables liked stages. As a child, he’d make up his own stories and act them out in the parlor room, hoping the smile on his father’s face meant he wouldn’t get a drunken beating that night. It didn’t. And later that night, when he was broken and bruised and alone in his room, Fables would create another story, one just for him. One where he had his own king to protect him. A king with an attack dog as big as Cerberus that would tear his father limb from limb at the slightest provocation. He’d act it out alone, making the room his stage.

This was not a stage. It was real. The trees, planted centuries before these townsfolk ever set foot on this soil, were never meant to bear this kind of fruit.

Fables didn’t want to be here. He wanted to be with his king. After chancing upon him days ago in a lonely Kansas bar, the two had promptly left on their heroes’ journey.

Hiva was a king not of this world.

Fables was less a damsel and more a dog, following his leader all week down to Oklahoma and then to this celebration in Okemah. Hiva was searching for someone. A woman. Someone important to him. And Fables? Fables was nothing more than his guide through this new, twisted world. The thought made Fables seethe with jealousy.

I sense her, his king had said. I can feel her. Smell her… Then he stealthily disappeared into the trees to search for her, leaving Fables to contend with the townsfolk alone.

But what could Fables do alone? He was nothing. And when the gruff, stinking man forced him to the front of the crowd, telling him to stop being a little sissy and have fun, all Fables could do was look up helplessly and see the reason he’d been hiding.

It was an odd feeling, knowing that the only thing keeping him from suffering the same brutal death as the three corpses hanging from the Okemah trees was his light skin tone.

Come save me, Fables prayed, because somewhere deep inside he felt like his king could hear him. I’m scared. Come save me! He prayed like he’d always had as a child.

His mother had passed too, which was why his green-eyed father had married her without knowing. His grandmother, however, hadn’t, causing her to flee West all those years ago. For this family of three, passing was not an option.

A mother, a father, and a young son. The photographer took their photos to sell as postcards later.

Fables fell to his knees, his heart pounding in his chest, his lungs heaving in air—but not too fast, because he was supposed to be one of the townsfolk, not one of them. His skin had saved him, his brown eyes and curly brown hair just neutral enough to keep him part of the crowd and not part of the evening’s entertainment. Strange fruit these Southern trees were never meant to grow.

Behind him someone was talking. Charles Guthrie. Townsfolk called him mister with an emphasis, so he was probably one of those important types, like Fables’s father. The officer was Alistair Griffith. The photographer, Johnny Ryals. Fables heard their names, but the three Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze—what were their names? No one mentioned them.

Just make some up then, he figured: Tulip, Lily, and the young man could be Magnolia. Since their bodies would be returning to the earth.

This was just an evening in Okemah. Something to commemorate with photos and postcards. Fables often saw quite a few such postcards in shops for sale. WISH YOU WERE HERE.

All would return to the earth soon. It was the fate humankind deserved.

Fables’s heart grew cold. Hiva was right. Humankind was wicked. Fables had always known it. Meeting his king only proved that he wasn’t crazy for thinking it. That he had never been crazy, not even when secret dreams of bloodshed had slipped into his mind throughout his life: His father skewered on a long stake. The men and women he slept with for pennies, being stretched to pieces in torture chambers. His own body wasting away once this wicked world was done ravaging his soul.

This world was evil. But justice existed. Noah’s flood. God’s righteous vengeance. Fables just needed to see him one more time. Needed to hear his calm, steady voice amid the beautiful, sparkling laughter of these children who’d one day grow up to be killers themselves.

Please. Fables clasped his hands together and prayed. Come back, Hiva….

Hey, we found the other one!

Fables looked up quickly. Someone was pulling a horrified girl out from the gathering of trees behind her dead family. She couldn’t have been more than ten years old.

Idiot! Why hadn’t she run away? If his grandmother could run, why couldn’t she? Indeed, Fables did see his grandmother in this girl’s dark skin. He’d never seen her, but he imagined her in this girl’s frightened doe eyes, in her black hair parted down the center, gathered in two big braids at the base of her neck. It bothered him. Made him want to stay far away from her.

Men mobbed her with rope, hands grabbing at her white dress.

Fables jumped to his feet but, as expected, did nothing as the rope went around her neck, as she pleaded for mercy and the crowd cheered. As they lifted her up while she screamed, staring at the corpses of her family, her sanity escaping through her red lips. The air was heavy with the taste of blood and evil sport. Had this girl been born just to die? Well, at least it wasn’t him.

Do something. He couldn’t. Do something, you coward! He wouldn’t. He was too scared. He felt sorry for the girl, but Tom Fables was never supposed to be the hero of this story.

Where was his king?

"Tie her up good!" Guthrie cried again, the man’s laugh too big for his body.

Fables was ready to run. But if he ran, they’d ask why.

They released the rope. The girl’s body dropped. An excited hush fell over the crowd.

A gunshot rang out. A single bullet cut through the rope with expert precision. The girl fell to the ground, trembling but alive. The crowd turned behind themselves to the part of the forest where the shot had come from. They were given just a moment to be confused before trampling hooves brought a mighty horse out from behind the trees.

Hiva? Fables cried, hopeful.

Not a god, but a human. Not a man, but a girl in a black, wide-brimmed gambler’s hat and a red bandana shielding half her face. Her leather gloves gripped the reins of the horse as she plunged into the crowd, her gun still smoking.

Nobody had expected a cowgirl with long, dark-brown curls to break up their celebration—especially one so fast and vicious, with seemingly no care about who she trampled over to get to the front of the stage. Black suspenders held up her pants over her white blouse, her long, half-buttoned blue coat fluttering open. The sheriff reached for his gun, but she shot him first, putting a hole in his head with barely a flinch. Then, with one slender but muscled arm, she picked the trembling girl up off the ground and threw her onto the horse.

It was like a play. Except in the plays Fables had seen when he was young, the savior would have been one of the sheriffs in the crowd and the evildoers the victims dangling from the tree. An offhand thought. Fables watched this new play, mouth agape in awe.

Get that little bitch! someone cried, but the ones not stomped on by horse hooves were staring at the spectacle, confused, terrified, even excited. Some ran.

The rest should have.

Fables’s king finally emerged from the forest behind the hanging corpses, his bronze body cut like a statue. Golden, pupil-less eyes sparking with alertness. Beautiful and terrible as the falling dusk. The man had first appeared to Fables naked, with nothing but his curling brown hair to cover his manhood. Now he wore the shirt, pants, and worn smoking jacket that Fables had stolen for him. It was a shame. His body was glorious. But the straw hat upon his head was probably the most necessary for him to wear: it hid the band of sharp emerald-green laurels across his head, the white crystal shining at the center. A crown his king had once told him was imperative to completing his two missions. The first: to find her—whoever she was.

And the second: to wipe out humanity.

This was the Hiva.

The lynch mob stood affixed, baffled by this otherworldly creature, as they should be. Baffled by the weeds and flowers growing out of his glorious mane. But they were of no concern to Hiva. His golden eyes were trained on the girls riding away on the horse.

I’ve found you, Hiva said. Before they could get too far, he lifted his hand.

And the horse vanished in a swirl of ashes.

The gunslinger and the girl she’d just rescued fell to the ground. Women and children were screaming. The photographer stumbled over his tripod trying to escape. Only one officer stepped forward to attack, pulling out his pistol and shooting Hiva in the neck. The bullet cut cleanly through his flesh and out the other side.

Then the bullet hole slowly closed.

The officer fell back in shock as a city official stepped forward and asked the question all were too terrified to ask.

W-what the hell are you? The officer’s eyes were bulging in fear, as if he weren’t a murderer himself. What are you doing here? Answer me!

He’s here to punish the wicked. It was Fables who answered—under his breath, of course, because even with his confidence suddenly skyrocketing in the presence of his king, he still didn’t have the stones to draw attention to himself. It soon wouldn’t matter.

Hiva lifted his hand.

It had only happened once before, at the Kansas bar Fables had met him in. But he hadn’t gotten to witness it that time. This time he did. The sound of townsfolk screaming as they were burned from the inside out made Fables double over and throw up. He shut his eyes until he felt dust riding up his nostrils with each shaky breath. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by piles of ash. The townsfolk were gone. Only their toys, guns, and photography tools had been left behind. And the smell of burning flesh.

A sheen of black snow littered the grass. There was nothing left even for the crows to pluck. They really should have run when they had the chance.

Men, women, and children had vanished, their remains staining the earth as a reminder of the savage lives they had led. Justice. A beat of exhilaration electrified Fables.

But then he looked up. Three empty ropes hung silently from the trees, ashes flitting off the cords and into the wind. The weight of a life.

Fables shook his head. He’d decided long ago that everyone in the world could be divided into only one of two categories: perpetrators and victims. The perpetrators deserved punishment. The victims deserved release. Both led to death.

This family had already been killed. Maybe it was better this way.

But what about those two girls?

Several paces in front of Fables, they scrambled away from Hiva as he approached them. He was graceful and sure of each step, like a ballerina on stage. The red bandana slipped off the gunslinger’s face just before she lurched over and threw up. Fables was shocked. She was so young. Not as young as the girl she’d saved, but young nonetheless. A face soft and round. A stubby nose and a pair of small lips. Mexican, perhaps. Her hands were small, but her eyes were hardened. Wiping her mouth, she jumped to her feet and smiled wickedly as if daring Hiva to come get her.

What a fool. But Fables recognized the look in that girl’s eyes. The look of someone with nothing to lose. Maybe she’d saved the girl just for the thrill of it.

Hiva, three heads taller, walked up close enough to grab her. Without even blinking, she took out her gun and shot him in the chest. Smoke wafted from the barrel, but Hiva stood firm nonetheless. Fables could see the slight shiver of her body.

You look like you’re from hell, the gunslinger said, lowering her gun and cocking her head to the side. Her cowgirl accent was aggravating. She’d clearly spent years imitating it until every inflection came naturally to her. But Fables was an expert at telling tall tales to survive, so he could smell another fake from a mile away. Don’t know what to make of what you just did. She gestured to the ashes. But since I seen it with my own eyes, guess it’s true, so that’s that. What a pragmatic girl. Well, I’ve been to hell myself, so do your worst, El Diablo.

It’s ‘Hiva’! Fables cried before he could stop himself. Who did this girl think she was, talking to Hiva like that? Did she not see how beautiful he was? Did she not feel his divinity? Fables gripped his hands tight. He hated her.

But Hiva only shook his head. "You’re not her. I can already sense that. His golden eyes glinted. So why you have her scent, I’m not quite sure. Lightly, Hiva gripped the gunslinger’s chin. Have you met her? The Hiva of this earth?"

Hiva of this earth? Fables narrowed his eyes. But there was only one Hiva. There could only be one Hiva, one celestial savior to end humankind’s wickedness. There couldn’t be two.

The gunslinger yanked her chin out of his grip. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. If you’re going to kill me, do it. Who cares? I’ve killed enough deadbeats and bastards to deserve it. But the girl, she’s innocent. Leave her alone. Let her go back home.

Home…, the brown girl behind her whispered—a word that must have sounded so suddenly alien to her. But I don’t have one.

She hadn’t the strength to get to her feet, but she grabbed the cowgirl’s legs and nuzzled her face into them. Then, with a feeble voice hoarse from screaming, she whispered, Please. Please… please stop.

The gunslinger looked back, but the girl was already crawling on her knees, brown hands dirtied from the soil. Crawling toward Hiva.

It’s okay. I want to go to where Mama, Daddy, and Joey are, she said.

Her sweet voice was so serene, like the low notes of a flute. But when she smiled, Fables noticed something wrong. Her trembling smile was wide—too wide. Like her unfocused eyes.

I’ve heard of you. Pastor Mike talked about you. She looked up, mumbling under her breath as if trying to remember her school lessons. Then she nodded, sure of herself. You’re one of the seven angels in the book of Revelation. I-I’m right, aren’t I?

Without standing, she gestured to shake his hand. My name is Lulu. Lulu Jones. You’re here to save me, right? Take me away? She sounded hopeful.

Hiva quirked his head to the side. I’m here to punish the wicked.

And who’s the wicked? The gunslinger folded her arms, glaring at him. She put up a tough front, this girl, Fables had to admit. She was tough. And once again, he was jealous.

Hiva lifted his head. For a moment, it seemed like he would answer. But Lulu did instead.

You saw it, didn’t you? She surveyed the ash-filled clearing. The wicked. They’re gone. They disappeared like dust. Like a bad dream. The Lord really does listen to our prayers. She looked up. The Lord hasn’t abandoned me. Lulu brought her praying hands up to her forehead, squeezed her eyes shut, and laughed while tears slipped down her cheeks. You haven’t abandoned me!

Lulu… Fables saw this girl crumpled, praying and pleading on the ground, newly orphaned as the ashes of her family mixed with those of their killers and drifted up into the moon. She was hoping for solace. For someone that would give it to her. Anyone…

All would die soon. All were wicked. Humanity was a mistake. They all needed to disappear. But not now. Fables wasn’t the giving type. But as a reward for this girl’s suffering, at the very least, he thought it’d be kind if she survived long enough to understand just how glorious it would all be one day when it ended. How much sense Hiva’s righteous dogma made. A reprieve from her grief…

Uh… Fables squirmed awkwardly, because he still didn’t like being around this girl. Hiva here’s on a mission. I’m Fables, his guide.

A mission. Lulu looked up at Hiva with hopeful eyes. To punish the wicked and take the faithful?

Hiva took off his hat. Lulu and the gunslinger both gasped. The emerald crown and white stone sparkled in the dying light. Lulu took to her feet and placed her hands on it so suddenly that Fables’s heart jumped into his throat. For one moment, he thought she’d collapse, dead for the mere sin of touching him, but she didn’t. Nor did Hiva move.

She felt his crown and cried tears of happiness.

You really are an angel…. We’re really not alone down here…. She wept and fell to her knees again. We deserve someone looking out for us too. Pastor said the Lord wouldn’t forsake us, and he was right. He was right…. Mama, Daddy, Joey… you shoulda seen this. You should be here… you should be here!

She screamed and wailed bitterly for what felt like days, inconsolable, while all looked on in silence. It pierced Fables’s soul until he couldn’t take it.

W-why don’t you come with us, Fables said all in one breath, giving a quick glance to Hiva to make sure he wouldn’t object. He didn’t. Fables supposed it was all the same to him. Everyone would have the same fate in the end. "This is a movement. A reckoning. The people who did this to you… there are people like that all over this country… all over the world. We’re gonna punish ’em all. They’re gonna get what’s coming to ’em. And the faithful will be taken to a better place. It’s all part of God’s plan."

Whether it was part of God’s plan or not didn’t matter to Fables. It was an opportunity he needed to seize on, and it was enough to keep the girl going for now. The gunslinger looked skeptical as all get-out, but when she and Fables exchanged glances, she kept her mouth shut.

Meanwhile, Lulu nodded her head. The faithful will be taken, she repeated. They were just taken, that’s all…. And she continued sobbing on the ground.

But before that, we need to find someone…. Fables looked at Hiva.

And you thought that someone was me? The gunslinger picked up her bandana off the ground. I smell like her or something? Guess she hasn’t bathed in a few days either.

Her anima is faint. It may be that you’ve met her… or have come into contact with someone who has.

Hiva’s speech was measured and without feeling. He was as calculating as an abacus and had the same level of passion. He didn’t seem emotional about his desire to find this person. He was like a machine built to check two items off the list. This just happened to be one of them. He was the complete opposite of Fables’s father, who’d fly off the handle after hearing the wrong word. Fables didn’t know how to feel about his king’s empty coldness, but he had to admit—it did help him seem more trustworthy. What he said he would do, he did. When Hiva spoke, Fables believed him. And Fables had had enough of overemotional idiots for a lifetime. Hiva stood like a god who could not understand the preoccupations of human beings. He did not want to and did not need to. He was better off not knowing.

That means you’re a clue, said Fables helpfully, looking to Hiva for the kind of approval Fables knew he wouldn’t get from someone like him. Whoever Hiva wants to find, you’re the clue to finding her. This second Hiva. So you’re coming with us.

The gunslinger laughed. And if I don’t? You gonna kill me?

The girl seemed to welcome it. Behind the veneer of confidence was shattered glass. What this girl had been through, Fables had no idea. But it was the same for him. The gunslinger, Lulu, and himself. They’d all been broken by this vile world.

Dunno, Fables said. But if you do, you get to kill some assholes and get away with it.

I’ve already been doing that, she answered, a wicked smile on her lips. It’s kind of my raison d’être.

He’d figured that would entice her, though, and he was right. After a moment of thinking, her hand twitched on her gun. Sure. Why not. Nothing else to do.

Hiva wasn’t listening. He was already peering through the treetops as if he’d seen something. When Fables’s eyes followed Hiva’s gaze, for a moment he thought he saw something too. Something that disappeared in a flash.

A grinning mask. But it couldn’t have been.

What? the gunslinger said. We being watched?

Perhaps, said Hiva. By something not so human.

"Ironic of you to say that," she scoffed, and helped Lulu to her feet.

But Fables could have sworn he saw it. A harlequin mask covering a man’s face. A black top hat. He shook his head. That didn’t make sense. Then again, what about any of this made sense? He squeezed his eyes shut and looked again. Nothing.

Looks like you killed half the town, said the gunslinger. The place is going to be swarming with officers soon—I mean, the ones you didn’t burn to a crisp. Wanted posters gonna go out. Newspaper articles. The gunslinger stretched her neck. I know a place to hide if you’re interested. A ranch a few miles west of here. Just gotta get on that road. She pointed to her right. Could have gotten there sooner, but you killed my horse, she added with a sting of anger.

Hiva had already started off. I guess we’re going, Fables said. He hadn’t intended on sharing his king with anyone else, but sometimes unexpected things happened.

Then, just for a second, Hiva stumbled. He regained his footing quickly, but that alone was enough to send Fables into a panic.

Hiva! He ran up to him but didn’t dare touch him. Are you okay?

Need a nap? said the gunslinger, and Fables cast her a dirty look. Hiva continued as if nothing had happened.

His machinelike focus was truly something to behold. But what worried Fables was the fact that Hiva was walking a little slower than usual, his steps labored. After his massacre in the Kansas bar, Hiva had needed some time to recover. Fables had kept him hidden in the woods nearby while he went to steal clothes for him. Fables remembered returning to see him lying against a tree trunk, birds nesting in his hair, his long lashes fluttering as he slept. The most glorious sight Fables had ever seen. As if he were one with the earth.

But it made one thing clear to him: every time Hiva brought down the hammer of justice upon the evil, it sapped his energy. Even Hiva wasn’t infallible.

Even gods had weaknesses.

Lulu didn’t seem to notice. She wiped her face and cast one last look toward the ropes that had taken her family.

"A real, living angel sent by God. If only you could have seen it, she sniffed. Mama, you always said things happen for a reason. Things happen for a reason. She nodded and repeated it a few times under her breath. You’re not really gone. You’re all watching me, aren’t you? Then watch me make things right. She nodded again, her eyes brightening. I’ll make things right. With a little smile, she sucked in a breath and followed behind Hiva, humming quietly to herself. Battle Hymn of the Republic." Fables had played it enough times in saloons to recognize it.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord….

That was when her little body gave out in exhaustion. The gunslinger wasted no time hoisting Lulu up on her back. Fables wasn’t sure Lulu was ready for what was to come, but in her state, letting her believe what she wanted was the only humane thing he could do for her.

You seem awfully nice, Fables said to the gunslinger. What’s your name?

Berta, she answered simply. Berta Morales.

Lulu’s weight didn’t seem like it was much, but Berta did huff a bit as she bolstered her body a little higher on her back.

Got any family?

Does it look like I got family, twiggy? But there was an awkward pause before Berta’s sharp response. Fables could only wonder.

My turn. This person y’all want to find. Berta’s question was for Hiva. " ‘The Hiva of this earth.’ The girl I smell like. It is a girl, right? So why you wanna find her?"

Hiva answered just as simply: I’m going to kill her.


Dark Specters

No brown specter pulls up a chair beside me when I sit down to eat. No dark ghost thrusts its leg against mine in bed.

The game of keeping what one has is never so exciting as the game of getting.




November 23, 1884

On the other side of the world…

TWO HOURS PAST MIDNIGHT, A woman with too many names broke into the British Museum while the streets of London burned.

In her grip was the collar of the museum’s director, still in his white nightshirt because she’d kidnapped him from his bed.

You! You… The director devolved into whimpers as he stumbled over his ankle-length shirt and struggled to keep his nightcap on.

The woman grimaced. She had become used to calling herself Iris, but she’d collected too many aliases during her immortal life to be satisfied with you.

This hidden hall below the basement of the museum was one of the secrets she’d wrangled out of the eccentric Riccardo Benini. The hall existed solely to lead the Enlightenment Committee, of which Benini was a member, to a secluded room tucked away from the prying eyes of visitors.

The Library of Rule. The secret room was home to a mysterious collection of artifacts curated out of the remains of the civilization she’d annihilated millennia ago.

It was why she needed the director and his key. It was why there were guards standing by in their silver-buttoned black jackets and pants, ready to bash in the heads of intruders. And here the intruders were. The guards’ custodian helmets lifted a little as they began attacking with batons.

Iris didn’t need to lift a finger.

Wha’s ’at? cried one guard, pointing in terror. Wha’s ’at?

He was referring to the white crystal sword emerging out of the chest of the young warrior trailing her. A girl with brown skin not quite as dark as Iris’s and a damaged right eye. Olarinde. The frills of her yellow dress billowed behind her as she leaped out from behind Iris.

Hold fast, boys, she’s one of those freaks we’ve been told about. Bloody—

The guard could not even finish his sentence before Rin sliced his lifted baton in half. There had to have been more than a dozen guards in this darkly lit hallway. Rin took them down one by one, clearing a path for Iris.

L-let me go, you beast! the director demanded to Iris in terror.

Beast. That was not one of her names.

Sweat dripped down his snow-white beard as she dragged him along behind her.

Men like him had given her names before. Isoke: She Who Does Not Fall. Given by the king of Dahomey, who’d forced her to fight as one of his warriors fifty years ago.

Iris Marlow. Given by the slave trader who’d kidnapped her and taken her to England. The name that the people she loved knew. If not for that, she would have thrown it away.

The Nubian Princess. Given by her old circus boss, George Coolie, before he’d tried to auction her off on the black market.

The cataclysm known as the Hiva. It was the first name she’d ever been given, long ago when the One who’d created her first molded her inside the earth. She didn’t remember those days. Not clearly. They were too far away.

She knew that she was Hiva. She knew that every few millennia, the One would call her into existence to cause the fall of a wicked civilization. Only after she fulfilled her purpose would the One allow her to return to the earth.

But each life cycle she’d lived since her first was a blank page—no, a red page. Because pools of blood in ash were all that was left from those memories. Maybe something inside her wouldn’t let her remember anything else.

Don’t engage! said the director as Rin slammed another guard against the wall. Go to Club Uriel! Check on the patrons—

Iris yanked his collar to silence him, but then, as her shoulder grazed the purple ribbon by her ear that tied her braids in a beautiful bow, she thought of Jinn with a pang of guilt. She, Rin, and Jinn had escaped Club Uriel by the skin of their teeth only because Iris had knocked out her old circus partner. His fire was already spreading across Pall Mall Street. If she hadn’t tied him up and kept him in a safe house, he’d still be fighting that ghoul Gram now. They didn’t have time for that. They were to escape London tonight. But there was something Iris needed to do first.

One man smashed into another, hats and clubs flying into the air. Another crashed against the ground with a quick, feeble gasp. Blood from the tallest guard’s mouth spurted across the lamps fixed to the mahogany walls. Iris expected nothing less from Rin, the sixteen-year-old warrior once prized as the youngest talent among the Dahomey military’s Reaper Regiment.

Rin, don’t kill them, Iris reminded her, even though she had far more blood on her hands—lifetimes’ worth. Iris spoke in the newfound authoritative voice she hadn’t had back when she was just an amnesiac tightrope dancer searching for the truth behind why she couldn’t die. Back in those simpler days, before she realized she wasn’t an eighteen-year-old West African girl, despite how she appeared to the world—despite her youthful round face, full red lips, big brown eyes, and skin dark and shining as coal.

Iris had lived for eons. And this room, the Library of Rule, opened by the terrified director’s little silver key, confirmed it.

A ghostly chill touched Iris so subtly that she almost lost her grip on the director’s collar. Rin closed the door behind them and guarded it with her sword as Iris threw the museum director onto the floor, taking away his key. There were no windows in this room. The only source of light was from the candelabras affixed to the wall. Still she could see the magnificent displays of tablets and stones, tools and artifacts placed delicately behind reflective glass cases, symbols etched into their surfaces.

Ruins of a civilization she’d once destroyed.

She shivered as one by one, the static marks broke through the haze of jumbled memories clouding her mind, the signs becoming more familiar to her. Each mark engraved in stone drew out images of green lands and quiet seas… and of a murderous people….

The Naacal. Her breath hitched, the word a treacherous spider crawling up her spine. Iris’s gaze fell upon a stone tomb propped up vertically against the wall in the rightmost corner of the room. It smelled of death. The ruinous bones inside called to her….

How did you know about this place? The director’s question broke the spell. As she walked to the front wall, she glared at the man cowering in his nightwear. Only the Committee knows, he said.

The Enlightenment Committee? Her temper rose at the sound of that vile organization’s name. And where’s the Committee now to save you?

He withdrew with a squeak, covering his mouth to muffle his breaths.

After a while, he lowered his hands and muttered, Just what do you know, girl? The director clearly didn’t want to speak to her again, but he chanced it anyway. If he knew about this place, he must have been a member of Club Uriel, the death cult that had worshipped the apocalypse. Like everyone else in the club, he was obviously loyal to the Committee, the top seven members within the club. He was their glorified pet.

I know that the Enlightenment Committee believes the world is coming to an end, just like the rest of you disgusting, decadent fools. The grand cataclysm: the Hiva. Iris wasn’t looking at him. She was looking at the few stones made of pure gold behind the front glass display. And at the carvings that depicted faces in anguish.

Anguish she’d caused. The red page had begun to tell a story. The longer she stood inside this mausoleum, the clearer that story became.

I know you all thought it’d be fun to toy with people desperate for a way out of poverty, Iris continued. People with abilities.

Rin held out her mystical crystal sword.

The Enlightenment Committee gathered us together and made us fight like cocks to see which one of them would ‘win’ the right to guide the next phase of humanity after the apocalypse. And you all relished it like sick spectators placing your bets. Iris’s eyes were blazing. Anything to add?

But what was worth adding wasn’t anything he would know. Club Uriel certainly didn’t.

The Hiva wasn’t an apocalyptic event. It was the bringer of the apocalypse itself.

The Hiva was Iris.

The director remained silent, sweat beading across his forehead.

The Tournament of Freaks. Iris squeezed her hands into a fist. Tonight was to be the grand finale, only things didn’t go quite as planned, did they? She remembered the pile of bodies on the second floor of Club Uriel—the corpses meant to be the audience for their final fight to the death—and shivered. Lucky you, director. You decided to skip the festivities.

His fingers twitched. M-my wife and child were sick, he confessed.

Loved ones. She wanted to calm her anger, but what about her loved ones? The club hadn’t cared when they’d gossiped and giggled over who died during the tournament. They hadn’t cared what the cost was for their entertainment. They thought nothing of the players’ pain….

She closed her eyes, only to find the cheeky, lopsided smile of a Salvadoran boy mocking her. Maximo Morales. The thought of his curly brown hair and tanned skin nearly sent Iris into a whirl of despair. He’d joined the tournament just so he could one day find his sister, and died because of it. The golden pocket watch he’d stolen for her ticked silently in the pouch of her dress….

Max, she whispered. Her arms dropped to her side, but she could no longer feel them. A panicked tingling rushed from her face, down her neck, and to her now wildly beating heart. It took great effort to raise her hand to clutch her chest, and when she did, her palms felt like sand.

Max… She gritted her teeth to force the word back down her throat. She wouldn’t show weakness. Not in front of a man like this. That was what she thought. That was what she demanded of herself. Then she tasted the wet saltiness that began pooling between her lips. She turned and hastily wiped the tears from her face, but an ugly sob gave her away.

Max was dead. The Tournament of Freaks had killed him.

Iris dried her tears and faced the director once more. Thank your family, Iris told him hatefully. Otherwise you would have been among the club members slaughtered tonight.

With a shaky hand, Iris opened the glass case and touched the stones. Perhaps memory was tactile. The electric buzz that prickled her fingers was like a direct transmission of knowledge. She didn’t want to remember, but she began to, bit by bit. The stones. The symbols. Together they wove a tragic story, the story of a fallen civilization: the Naacal.

And as her fingers slid across the grooves, suddenly, in her mind’s eye, she could see the lush greenery overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The hills upon which glorious cities were built. Humans in green robes and gold sashes walking across paved paths, silver bangles around their necks and ankles. Ah, yes. The Naacal had used an especially strong substance to build the tall pillars of their shrines and the perfectly portioned white bricks of their homes: Naacalian orichalcum. An advanced, mechanical mix of quartzite, copper, ocher, and other substances.

The Naacalians had wondrous technologies humans now could only dream of. Among the most advanced of their tech were crowns known as meridians, powered by technology smaller than the eye could detect. With these special bands, the Naacal could teleport anywhere they wished as long as they could see it in their mind’s eye—quite similar, Iris noted, to the supernatural abilities of a young man she used to know, Lawrence Hawkins.

A young man who just tried to kill me, she remembered bitterly, her hands squeezing into a fist. Tried, yes. But killed Max in her place.

The meridian had still been in its prototype stage at the time Iris murdered them all.

A shock of pain split through Iris’s skull.


Iris could hear Rin by the door worryingly calling her by her Dahomean name as she crumpled to her knees, gripping her head. No, Isoke wasn’t her name. Neither was Iris. But her true name—she didn’t want it.

Hiva, the cataclysm. She didn’t want it.

The name was written on the tablet in front of her, symbolized by the Naacal through two overlapping circles, one bright, one dark: the sun and its shadow. The ancient pictographs told the story of their demise. Five simple lines that belied the true horror of those days:

And so Hiva laid waste to the world.

With a mighty hand and unforgiving eye, everything that fell upon Hiva’s sight became dust.

And in the same way, Hiva will rise again.

For it is Hiva’s fate to destroy mankind forever and ever.

Misery unto eternity…

Even now, as her recollection slowly returned, Iris couldn’t remember every detail of her time with the Naacal. Inside the Crystal Palace just hours earlier, she finally remembered who she was, but… that was eons of history pouring into her all at once. Eons. Whatever details hadn’t been lost by now were still clumsily sorting themselves out.

The Naacalian civilization was her most recent memory. As that had been the previous life she’d lived before this one, it was easier to recall their cities crumbling, the civilians and soldiers burning from the inside out. She remembered the One calling her back to the earth once she’d fulfilled her mission. Darkness. The peace of nothingness.

Then she was summoned again fifty years ago to eradicate the new civilization that had sprung up in the Naacal’s place. This civilization. And so she was reborn.

But that was Hiva’s mission, not hers. Hiva was the name that had cost her everything: the trust of the newfound friends she’d met during the Tournament of Freaks. The life she’d carved out for herself in this world as an innocent circus performer…

Granny…, she whispered. She’d almost forgotten she was still wearing the clothes Granny had sewn for her: a peach blouse with a high collar. A long skirt the color of green moss. Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered the old

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