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The Lycan's Rejected Mate: The Epilogue
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: The Epilogue
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: The Epilogue
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Lycan's Rejected Mate: The Epilogue

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"She is a murderer!"

Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf.

Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons.

Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack.

But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go.

With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated.

Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows.

Can Anaiah survive the evil thrown at her and finally, find happiness with the man that she chooses? Or will she succumb to the darkness and lose herself, and everything she knows completely?

Release dateMar 1, 2023
The Lycan's Rejected Mate: The Epilogue

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    Book preview

    The Lycan's Rejected Mate - Sunshine Princess

    CHAPTER 101 Don't Ever Touch Me Again

    Rhea's POV

    I hadn't seen Jason since the day I accepted his rejection. He was looking at me with dark eyes, his Lycan's eyes. I swallowed and looked around, there was no one in sight. I held my breath.

    I moved away as he approached me, I hate how his eyes shone with malice. It wasn't a secret in the pack that Jason's Lycan was temperamental and that Jason couldn't tame him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

    I'm sorry for rejecting you, He whispers in my ear all while inhaling my scent. His touch repulsed me so I pushed him away with more strength.

    Well, It's done and I accepted your rejection, please move on, I snap, irritated by his behavior.

    Please just take me back, He begs and I glare at him, I have suffered at the hands of this man since I was in high school, he bullied and pranked me, called me names like I'm too skinny, he made me insecure in my own body! I grew up resenting my body because of him.

    Why are you regretting all you did to me since you learned about my status?

    Bullshit, I don't care if you're an Alpha or not, you're my mate and I want you back, He declares.

    Well, I DON'T, and don't ever touch me again. I spat, his face is dark and he has a sly smile on his lips.

    We'll see about that, one or another, I'll have you, He says, scrutinizing me. I left him standing there, suddenly a chill going down my spine, I wanted to be with my mate, I needed Dan right now, I made my way to the third floor of the packhouse but halted when I saw a figure come out o his room.

    Beta Danford's POV

    I was smiling like an idiot as I showered and hummed to a love song, what the fuck was my mate doing to me? First, she had me not just smiling like a fool alone in my shower but thinking of her all the time, I was wrapped around her little finger and I loved it! I'm glad Kind Leondre gave me a month off from my duties to bond with her.

    RHEA! I screamed her name. Yep, I was a goner. Leaving the shower and drying myself with a towel, I wrap one around my waist to go and get dressed. I was surprised to see Bailey on my bed, half-naked. She rose and came to me, this woman repulsed me so I moved away from her

    Hey, Beta Dan? She purred and I cringed, her manicured fingers were touching my lips so I held her wrist, retracting her hand

    Get the fuck out of my room, Bailey, I growled. She smirked at me, Bailey wanted to play but I'm not in the mood for silly games, I pushed her from me and she landed on the bed, touching her pussy sensually all while keeping her gaze on me.

    I marched towards her and drag her towards the door but she managed to slip out of my grasp.

    Oh, since when don't you like to play?

    I have a mate who I love and respect, Her expression darkened and she glares at me, wanting to say something sassy but my eyes darkened in a warning. Bailey sighs in defeat and lays on the bed facing the ceiling, her legs parted widely.

    Tha- The mate, won't know I promise, just fuck, Dan I miss you and I know you do too. she doesn't let you touch her the way you want, She tries, I sigh and pull her by the wrist, opening the door and throwing out without a care that she is naked.

    Honestly, you coming here naked to seduce me is next-level desperate and a turn-off, you're not the girl I thought you were Belz. Don't fucking come at me again, I'll never sleep with you again,

    Bailey was fuming in anger and embarrassment. Angry tears were rolling down her cheeks and I didn't wait for a second longer before slamming the door in her face.

    Rhea's POV

    I was smiling as I heard my mate tell off Bailey, I almost felt bad for her, standing there against Dan's door and banging it, asking for him to open it, I chortle, no I didn't feel bad, I loved that my mate humiliated her the way he did. The fucking bitch went there to seduce him and he didn't fall for her, it must be humiliating and insulting for her. Bailey thinks no man can reject her, well, mine did and my heart beamed with pride. I fucking love that MAN. I froze, realizing what I said. Did I love Dan? I don't know but I cared for him a lot.

    What the fuck are you looking at Cunt! bitch Bailey is glaring at me. I only smile and shrug my shoulders.

    She is about to attack me, and I was so ready to punch her in the first if she tried but the door opened, and my mate walked out.

    Hi, Sweetness, He says and I smile, going past her to give him a kiss but I'm pulled back by my hair. FUCK BITCH. I shrug her off me and punch and kick her, Bailey is no match for my strength, she has never been. I beat her up while my mate watched amused

    That's for fucking seducing my mate you bitch, I say every word with a punch. A few pack members leave their room to watch the fight. Bailey grabs my hair and pulls it, making me hiss. I kick her in the sides until she lets go and falls to the ground, passed out. I feel tingles over my body and before I know it, I'm lifted to Dan's room.

    CHAPTER 102 Seduce

    Rhea's POV

    I hadn't seen Jason since the day I accepted his rejection. He was looking at me with dark eyes, his Lycan's eyes. I swallowed and looked around, there was no one in sight. I held my breath.

    I moved away as he approached me, I hate how his eyes shone with malice. It wasn't a secret in the pack that Jason's Lycan was temperamental and that Jason couldn't tame him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him

    I'm sorry for rejecting you, He whispers in my ear all while inhaling my scent. His touch repulsed me so I pushed him away with more strength.

    Well, It's done and I accepted your rejection, please move on, I snap, irritated by his behavior.

    Please just take me back, He begs and I glare at him, I have suffered at the hands of this man since I was in high school, he bullied and pranked me, called me names like I'm too skinny, he made me insecure in my own body! I grew up resenting my body because of him.

    Why are you regretting all you did to me since you learned about my status?

    Bullshit, I don't care if you're an Alpha or not, you're my mate and I want you back, He declares.

    Well, I DON'T, and don't ever touch me again. I spat, his face is dark and he has a sly smile on his lips

    We'll see about that, one or another, I'll have you, He says, scrutinizing me. I left him standing there, suddenly a chill going down my spine, I wanted to be with my mate, I needed Dan right now, I made my way to the third floor of the packhouse but halted when I saw a figure come out o his room.

    Beta Danford's POV

    I was smiling like an idiot as I showered and hummed to a love song, what the fuck was my mate doing to me? First, she had me not just smiling like a fool alone in my shower but thinking of her all the time, I was wrapped around her little finger and I loved it! I'm glad Kind Leondre gave me a month off from my duties to bond with her.

    RHEA! I screamed her name. Yep, I was a goner. Leaving the shower and drying myself with a towel, I wrap one around my waist to go and get dressed. I was surprised to see Bailey on my bed, half-naked. She rose and came to me, this woman repulsed me so I moved away from her

    Hey, Beta Dan? She purred and I cringed, her manicured fingers were touching my lips so I held her wrist, retracting her hand.

    Get the fuck out of my room, Bailey, I growled. She smirked at me, Bailey wanted to play but I'm not in the mood for silly games, I pushed her from me and she landed on the bed, touching her pussy sensually all while keeping her gaze on me.

    I marched towards her and drag her towards the door but she managed to slip out of my grasp.

    Oh, since when don't you like to play?

    I have a mate who I love and respect, Her expression darkened and she glares at me, wanting to say something sassy but my eyes darkened in a warning. Bailey sighs in defeat and lays on the bed facing the ceiling, her legs parted widely.

    Tha- The mate, won't know I promise, just fuck, Dan I miss you and I know you do too. she doesn't let you touch her the way you want, She tries, I sigh and pull her by the wrist, opening the door and throwing out without a care that she is naked.

    Honestly, you coming here naked to seduce me is next-level desperate and a turn-off, you're not the girl I thought you were Belz. Don't fucking come at me again, I'll never sleep with you again,

    Bailey was fuming in anger and embarrassment. Angry tears were rolling down her cheeks and I didn't wait for a second longer before slamming the door in her face.

    Rhea's POV

    I was smiling as I heard my mate tell off Bailey, I almost felt bad for her, standing there against Dan's door and banging it, asking for him to open it, I chortle, no I didn't feel bad, I loved that my mate humiliated her the way he did. The fucking bitch went there to seduce him and he didn't fall for her, it must be humiliating and insulting for her. Bailey thinks no man can reject her, well, mine did and my heart beamed with pride. I fucking love that MAN. I froze, realizing what I said. Did I love Dan? I don't know but I cared for him a lot.

    What the fuck are you looking at Cunt! bitch Bailey is glaring at me. I only smile and shrug my shoulders.

    She is about to attack me, and I was so ready to punch her in the first if she tried but the door opened, and my mate walked out.

    Hi, Sweetness, He says and I smile, going past her to give him a kiss but I'm pulled back by my hair. FUCK BITCH. I shrug her off me and punch and kick her, Bailey is no match for my strength, she has never been. I beat her up while my mate watched amused.

    That's for fucking seducing my mate you bitch, I say every word with a punch. A few pack members leave their room to watch the fight. Bailey grabs my hair and pulls it, making me hiss. I kick her in the sides until she lets go and falls to the ground, passed out. I feel tingles over my body and before I know it, I'm lifted to Dan's room.

    CHAPTER 103 I Need Your Help

    Anaiah's POV

    I'm sulking as I escort my mate to the hangar, he and his gamma, Jack are going for a summit in Europe.

    Leon opens the door for me, and I hug him tightly, we pull apart when a man's voice speaks.

    Sir, the jet is ready for your departure, Leon nods and I kiss him longingly.

    "My love, the Grey Lycan Alpha will arrive tomorrow, and they'll stay for three days, I know you'll be

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