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English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4: Your Quest Towards C2
English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4: Your Quest Towards C2
English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4: Your Quest Towards C2
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English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4: Your Quest Towards C2

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About this ebook

The main purpose of these book series is to provide you an impressive and invaluable collection of English Grammar multiple-choice exercises.
This book comprises different items and will take you on a beautiful journey towards improving your English.
The following subjects have been specially crafted for you, with regard to word order, articles, tenses, phrasal verbs, prepositions and many more topics.
There will be many levels of difficulty in my English Grammar Exercises books: Beginner, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced.
This book deals with Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels.
Please keep an eye on further releases. Good luck!

Release dateNov 30, 2022
English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4: Your Quest Towards C2

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    English Grammar Exercises With Answers Part 4 - Daniel B. Smith

    English Grammar Exercises with Answers

    Your Quest Towards C2

    Part 4: 3300 multiple-choice items

    Upper Intermediate and Advanced (B2&C1)

    Daniel B. Smith

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, excepting the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Copyright © 2020, Daniel B. Smith

    Table of contents


    PART I: Intermediate level

    PART II: Advanced level

    PART III: Consolidation items




    The main purpose of these book series is to provide you an impressive and invaluable collection of English Grammar multiple-choice exercises. This book comprises different items and will take you on a beautiful journey towards improving your English. The following subjects have been specially crafted for you, with regard to: Word order, Articles, Verb tenses, Active and passive voice, Phrasal verbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Relative clauses, Prepositions, Nouns, Conditionals, Reported speech, Confusing words, Word formation and many more...

    The table of contents provides you with a wide range of exercises and you can easily choose what to practice and how hard the subject will be.

    There will be many levels of difficulty in my English Grammar Exercises books: Beginner,

    Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced.

    This book deals with Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels.

    Please keep an eye on further releases.


    Good luck!

    PART I: Intermediate level

    1. Don’t talk to him about politics because that’s like a ... rag to a bull.

    a) blue  b) red  c) white

    2. She takes the optimistic view and talks about a ... skies scenario.

    a) blue  b) red  c) white

    3. She hasn’t worked here very long and is therefore a little ... on matters of procedure.

    a) white b) red  c) green

    4. Now that they have read the document in ..., they believe me.

    a) white and black

    b) red and blue

    c) black and white

    5. The reason why I feel so ... today is because it’s my birthday and no-one has sent me any congratulations.

    a) blue  b) white c) red

    6. He lost the company a lot of money and as a result has got a ... mark against his name.

    a) red  b) black  c) white

    7. In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily ... .

    a) red  b) white c) green

    8. As they turned round and ran away, people thought they were ... .

    a) yellow b) black  c) red

    9. As him to help you with your task because he’s ... hot at literature.

    a) white b) green c) red

    10. I know she doesn’t like you because the moment you came in I saw her give you a ... look.

    a) white b) black  c) green

    11. She tend to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical ... professor.

    a) clear-minded

    b) cool-minded

    c) absent-minded

    12. This is a very expensive holiday and it involves a trip ... the world.

    a) along  b) around c) over

    13. The car is almost ready to be collected from the garage. There are just a couple of spare ... missing.

    a) extras b) pieces c) parts

    14. They were ... of having broken into the stately home.

    a) charged b) accused c) blamed

    15. The one thing my family will remember about him was the many ... of kindness that Steve showed us in his long life.

    a) deeds b) feats  c) acts

    16. If you had bought a property about twenty years ago you would find that it had considerably ... in value.

    a) increased b) developed c) heightened

    17. If you’re not careful they will start taking ... of you.

    a) part  b) prominence c) advantage

    18. There’s a huge ... in the paper about the special offers.

    a) notice b) display c) advertisement

    19. The dog will jump up and show its great ... for them.

    a) affection b) protection c) infection

    20. Some believe that the films on show today have created a generation of very ... children.

    a) afraid b) fearful c) frightened

    21. There are no problems because I find those questions very ... .

    a) soft  b) easy  c) straight

    22. Are you going ... for your holidays this year?

    a) abroad b) absent c) external

    23. They ... him for his brave actions.

    a) praised b) flattered c) congratulated

    24. She is very lucky to have got herself a ... job.

    a) banana b) plum  c) apple

    25. They ... from the fire unhurt.

    a) evaded b) avoided c) escaped

    26. After some bell rings she suddenly ... in the doorway.

    a) looked b) seemed c) appeared

    27. She never spoke about herself and was always very ... about the good things she had done.

    a) meek  b) modest c) humble

    28. Brian has lots of money and ... three houses in the city.

    a) occupies b) holds  c) owns

    29. One of his teeth is very ... and will soon fall out.

    a) loose  b) lost  c) lose

    30. They worked hard all day without a ... .

    a) pause b) break c) breach

    31. You must decide and ... up your mind.

    a) get  b) do  c) make

    32. What time do you ... up in the morning?

    a) take  b) get  c) do

    33. At the moment we are trying to ... for the town centre.

    a) make  b) do  c) take

    34. After they had shouted at each other, they decided to ... it up.

    a) make  b) do  c) get

    35. They are good friends and ... on well with each other.

    a) make  b) take  c) get

    36. The firm has expanded and they want to ... on extra staff.

    a) do  b) take  c) get

    37. She is good at writing stories for children and is keen to ... up new plots.

    a) make  b) take  c) do

    38. As I don’t have much money at the moment, I’ve decided to ... without certain luxuries.

    a) make  b) take  c) do

    39. Today is when the new boss is going to ... over.

    a) get  b) take  c) make

    40. All lines were destroyed in the storm last night and so it’s impossible to ... through to anybody today.

    a) take  b) get  c) make

    41. He had two sons both of whom were not very ... and avoided work if they could.

    a) industry b) industrial c) industrious

    42. One day the old man knew that he was dying and called his two sons to his bed ... .

    a) side  b) wall  c) corner

    43. He wanted his son to pay as much ... to the cultivation of the farm as he had done many years before.

    a) care  b) thought c) attention

    44. She told him that there was a ... treasure in the land.

    a) unseen b) hidden c) obscured

    45. He told them that they would find the basket in one of his 5 vine ... .

    a) areas  b) spaces c) yards

    46. They assured him that they would work hard to ... out the treasure.

    a) sort  b) find  c) seek

    47. In the end their father died and been ...

    a) earthed b) buried c) confined

    48. We worked hard and dug every single ... meter of the land.

    a) square b) cube  c) block

    49. However hard we worked, we ... to find the smallest bit of treasure.

    a) missed b) lacked c) failed

    50. All the work they had done on the land ensured that they had the best ... for years.

    a) crop  b) production c) yielding

    51. Yesterday he ... to an archeological site.

    a) visited b) go  c) went

    52. The problems she has ... the language are to do with spelling.

    a) on  b) to  c) with

    53. If I want to pass my exams, I ... study very hard.

    a) can  b) must  c) will

    54. The ... thing of all difficulties in a language is vocabulary.

    a) bad  b) worse c) worst

    55. Ann has been ... English for 7 years.

    a) trying b) studied c) learning

    56. When I walked there, I saw that the students were working very ... .

    a) hard  b) easy  c) hardly

    57. Most people don’t want to study Latin because it is a ... language.

    a) old  b) dead  c) death

    58. I’ve forgotten the name of my teacher but I think it is something like ... .

    a) Brown b) john  c) smith

    59. What is the name of the ... you put tea into?

    a) think  b) thinking c) thing

    60. I ... a lot of presents for my birthday.

    a) became b) got  c) become

    61. I’m tired of waiting for buses, I’m going there ... foot.

    a) to  b) by  c) on

    62. Who said growing up was ...?

    a) joke  b) fun  c) humour

    63. If you want to have your central heating checked, you need a ... plumber.

    a) learned b) careful c) trained

    64. The moment the lights went out, there were scenes of ... .

    a) attack b) panic  c) insanity

    65. Don’t be put ... by his manner, he is really kind hearted.

    a) up  b) off  c) in

    66. When a movie is really boring I tend to nod ... .

    a) off  b) out  c) through

    67. Have you heard the latest? They are ... married.

    a) going  b) growing c) getting

    68. As she had made such an impression on her managers, she was soon offered ... .

    a) position b) promotion c) progress

    69. There’s a new software that should protect your computer from any ... .

    a) disease b) virus  c) illness

    70. As they always tell you, the value of shares can go ... as well as up.

    a) down b) in  c) across

    71. I dare ... you’re right.

    a) told  b) tell  c) say

    72. I’ve ... you not to do that many times before.

    a) said  b) told  c) saying

    73. That ..., they walked out of the room.

    a) said  b) told  c) saying

    74. You shouldn’t take any notice of that because it’s only hear ... .

    a) tells  b) say  c) says

    75. That’s what people are always ... .

    a) saying b) telling c) said

    76. What he ... and what he does are not necessarily the same.

    a) says  b) tells  c) saying

    77. It’s no good trying to persuade me because I’m not ... a word.

    a) saying b) told  c) telling

    78. Now that would be ... but my lips area sealed.

    a) told  b) said  c) telling

    79. ... us that story again!

    a) Say  b) Tell  c) Says

    80. I’m afraid I can’t ... for sure but I think it’s safe.

    a) say  b) said  c) telling

    81. In the interest of safety the main valve on the machine had to be ... off.

    a) closed b) shut  c) closing

    82. In the ... moments of the symphony someone’s mobile phone started ringing.

    a) closing b) shut  c) shutting

    83. The detectives had no problems in solving the crimes as it was an open and ... case.

    a) closed b) shut  c) shutting

    84. The man warned us that the road ahead was ... .

    a) shut  b) shutting c) closed

    85. In view of the limited amount of information and evidence the case was now considered to be ... .

    a) shut  b) closed c) closing

    86. They are having a ... down sale.

    a) shutting b) closes c) closing

    87. After some years as a monk he decided to leave because he felt very ... in.

    a) closed b) shut  c) shutting

    88. After terrible experiences, the couple ... themselves away from the community.

    a) shut  b) closing c) shutting

    89. The new musical that has had many bad reviews will ... at the end of this week.

    a) shut  b) close  c) closed

    90. I’m afraid these trees will have to come down as they ... out the light in this room.

    a) close  b) shutting c) shut

    91. The food here is quite good although the menu is quite ... .

    a) elementary b) basic  c) easy

    92. Whenever I’ve eaten at this restaurant, I’ve always come away feeling ... satisfied.

    a) full  b) usually c) completely

    93. Dining here will be really an ... experience for you.

    a) excite b) excited c) exciting

    94. There’s something about the ... of that particular dish that makes it memorable.

    a) flavour b) flavoured c) flavouring

    95. It can be very irritating when the waiter ... to bring what you have ordered.

    a) forgot b) forgets c) forgetting

    96. If you are interested, I’m sure the chef will tell you the ... of that dish.

    a) contents b) composition c) ingredients

    97. As they’re special ... of the restaurant, they always get a good table.

    a) patrons b) visitors c) customers

    98. I got bad service yesterday and had to ... the waiter two times about the food.

    a) order  b) remind c) remember

    99. I didn’t know what to choose for main dish so in the end I made a ... choice.

    a) formal b) casual c) random

    100. The restaurant was listed in the guide as it had been ... to be of the appropriate standard.

    a) valued b) judged c) respected

    101. It was one of those plays where the ... moved at great speed.

    a) act  b) action c) actor

    102. There are different ways of ... Shakespeare’s plays.

    a) welcoming b) meeting c) approaching

    103. One of the greatest actors of the century ... an unforgettable character.

    a) moulded b) created c) developed

    104. Many people go to the theatre to listen to the brilliant ... between the actors.

    a) dialogue b) chat  c) comments

    105. You can’t compare the ... of watching live theatre with watching a film.

    a) experience b) knowing c) understanding

    106. Are you one of those people who never goes to see a movie until you’ve read the ... in the newspaper?

    a) notes b) reviews c) opinions

    107. The ... were so carried away with the acting that at the end of the play they all stood up and applauded.

    a) spectators b) watchers c) audience

    108. There are always special ... in her tragedies that move you to tears.

    a) particles b) elements c) constituents

    109. However well written the play is, it will never succeed without outstanding ... .

    a) creators b) workers c) performers

    110. As always her latest play has been a huge success and all tickets are ... until September.

    a) sold out b) put out c) taken out

    111. Lightning never strikes in the same place ... .

    a) thrice b) twice  c) secondly

    112. If you watch a kettle, it never ... .

    a) heats  b) stew  c) boils

    113. Look before you ... .

    a) leap  b) strike c) rush

    114. Don’t count your chickens before they are ... .

    a) fed  b) hatched c) born

    115. It’s all right to tell a ... lie.

    a) black  b) red  c) white

    116. There’s no fool like an ... fool.

    a) old  b) elderly c) ancient

    117. Let ... dogs lie.

    a) dreaming b) sleeping c) barking

    118. Strike while the iron is ... .

    a) soft  b) heating c) hot

    119. Politeness costs ... .

    a) much b) nothing c) a little

    120. Never look a gift horse in the ... .

    a) mouth b) nose  c) eye

    121. Never let the ... grow under your feet.

    a) weeds b) grass  c) bulbs

    122. The grass is always ... on the other side.

    a) longer b) further c) greener

    123. Everything is coming up ... .

    a) roses  b) lilies  c) tulips

    124. Poor Margaret was a bit of a ... at the dance.

    a) wallflower b) cornflower c) wildflower

    125. He led her up the garden ... .

    a) lane  b) street c) path

    126. Everything in the ... is lovely.

    a) roses  b) flowers c) garden

    127. Money doesn’t grow on ... .

    a) bushes b) trees  c) plants

    128. A bird in the hand is worth ... in the bush.

    a) four  b) two  c) one

    129. Come to the point and stop beating about the ... .

    a) tree  b) hedge c) bush

    130. Don’t trust him, he’s a bit of a snake in the ... .

    a) grass  b) plants c) weeds

    131. As there are so many dishes, would you like me to ... something to eat?

    a) decide b) consider c) suggest

    132. They took a vote and the ... decided to go on a Chinese restaurant.

    a) most  b) more  c) majority

    133. We waited one hour for the main dish to ... and then it was the wrong order.

    a) arrive b) deliver c) reach

    134. If you really want to enjoy the full flavour, you must remember to ... the right balance of sauces together.

    a) join  b) mix  c) stick

    135. It is more relaxing to eat in a restaurant where the faces of the staff are ... .

    a) familiarly b) familiar c) familiarity

    136. They reached a ... and settled on the traditional menu.

    a) compromise b) agreement c) compromising

    137. It doesn’t matter how late you arrive at this place. You can always ... on a warm welcome from the owner.

    a) believe b) trust  c) rely

    138. The place was so full of people and tables that the waiter had to ... us through the crowds to our table.

    a) show  b) enable c) guide

    139. The problem about writing on food is that however hard you try, you will end up being ... .

    a) objective b) subjective c) reflective

    140. The success of a good meal is that it should taste good and also look good and thus ... to your eye.

    a) appeal b) attract c) appear

    141. I’ve just received her latest book from the publisher, so it’s what you might call hot ... the press.

    a) from  b) off  c) with

    142. You can never tell exactly what she is thinking because she often ... hot and cold over some topics.

    a) changes b) flies  c) blows

    143. I’m not sure and I am getting cold ... about it.

    a) hands b) feet  c) arms

    144. Politicians talk a lot of hot ... most of the time.

    a) air  b) steam c) stuff

    145. My neighbours take no notice of me and give me the cold ... when they see me.

    a) hand  b) ankle  c) shoulder

    146. The deputy had to take charge and is currently in the hot ... now.

    a) chair  b) seat  c) position

    147. She had committed the murder in cold ... .

    a) blood b) feeling c) passion

    148. I ordered a tea from the waiter but by the time it had reached me it was ... cold.

    a) rock  b) stone c) tile

    149. The authorities have set up a special hot ... amid coronavirus pandemic.

    a) connection b) phone c) line

    150. He’s always very uneasy like a cat on hot ... .

    a) roads b) bricks c) roads

    151. I really can’t tell what’s ... .

    a) taking in b) going by c) going on

    152. The trouble is that somebody is ... .

    a) standing in front of me

    b) standing about me

    c) standing to me

    153. The best thing I suppose is to ask him ... .

    a) to depart b) to vanish c) to move

    154. That’s better I’ve got a clearer ... .

    a) view now b) picture now c) vision now

    155. It looks as if there’s been some kind of ... .

    a) event b) collision c) position

    156. There are two cars in the park that have ... .

    a) gone through each one

    b) gone into each one

    c) gone into one another

    157. There are some people in the car park and they are ... .

    a) driving their arms about

    b) waiving their arms about

    c) sailing their arms about

    158. I’m walking right up to the crowd now to see ... .

    a) what’s happened

    b) what’s happens

    c) what’s happen

    159. Now I can see quite clearly that the big red car has ... .

    a) struck the little green one

    b) stuck the little green

    c) stroked the little green one

    160. I’ve just discovered that the little green one ... .

    a) belonged to me

    b) has belonged to me

    c) belongs to me

    161. Do you know the difference ... ?

    a) between will and shall

    b) by will and shall

    c) from will and shall

    162. I can see from the expression on your face that you haven’t ... .

    a) got a view b) got a clue c) got a thought

    163. I think the best way is to tell you a story that ... the difference.

    a) clears b) explains c) exposes

    164. The main difference is that I will ... I want to.

    a) means b) says  c) signifies

    165. If you say I shall then you are talking ... .

    a) on the future b) to the future c) about the future

    166. I want you to imagine that a man is walking ... .

    a) on the countryside

    b) by the countryside

    c) in the country

    167. After a few minutes she ... a river.

    a) nears  b) attains c) reaches

    168. There is a man in the river fully clothed who is ... .

    a) in hardships b) in

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