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Chloe -- Manipulative on the best of days, my mother hooked up with the president of a powerful MC. When he retired, she decided to give me to a man I’ve never met. Guess she thought she’d still be able to keep her status if I became the ol’lady of the new president. I have no idea what the men in the club are like and I’m not judging, but they wear the 1% patch and I know enough about MCs to know that can’t be good for a girl like me.

Deadeye -- I’m a patient man. Pride myself on that. So when I find a girl camping out under a rock watching the club, I camp out to watch her. The more I watch, the more I like what I see. Before I can make her mine, though, I need to find out why she’s here. No one’s more surprised than me when she tells me who her daddy is. Except maybe her daddy. Now I’m pitted against one of my own brothers. But the more I get to know the spunky little minx, the more I want her. And the more I realize I may have kill my own MC brother and tear apart a rival MC looking for the woman meant to be their new president’s ol’lady.
Release dateOct 27, 2022

Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Want to see what's up with Marteeka? Website Facebook Facebook Page: E-mail at [email protected] Blog: BookBub: Amazon:

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    Book preview

    Deadeye - Marteeka Karland

    Chapter One


    I was tired. So fucking tired. I’d only been on the run for five days, but it was five days of backwoods hell. Finding the place I needed to get to had been hard enough. Actually getting there without anyone seeing me had been a feat like I’d never undertaken before. Still don’t know how I managed it without getting hopelessly lost. But here I was.

    The name of the club was Bones MC, Somerset, Kentucky. I’d walked all the way from Jeffersonville, Indiana to find this place. Compared to the club I’d come from this one was relatively small. But from what I’d learned, they were very close-knit and incredibly dangerous.

    I was currently hiding under a rock overhang just tall enough for me to lie flat on my belly and watch the place. I’d covered myself with leaves and sticks, camouflaging my hiding spot as best I could. So far, no one had spotted me. If they had, they hadn’t busted me yet. I should have just gone into the clubhouse, but I wanted to scout the place out first. If there seemed to be too much shady shit going down, I’d just move on without wasting my time. Or putting myself in a worse position than I’d been in when I ran.

    So far, there had been parties that got pretty loud and wild, similar to what I’d seen at Iron Tzars MC. The guys at Bones partied hard, but they worked hard, too. Beyond the large clubhouse was a neighborhood. There were what looked like high-end, double-wide mobile homes, but also a smattering of houses, with more going up. The two days I’d been hiding out, I’d seen several of the club members working throughout the day. If there were drug deals or arms sales going down, it wasn’t anywhere near their compound. There were women all over the place, but none of them seemed to be there against their will.

    The weather was turning. Autumn rain was coming, if the sky was any indication. It was cold and damp, and I had no desire to spend another night under a rock. If I’d judged this place wrong, I was in trouble. Of course, if I didn’t get some decent shelter soon, I’d still be in trouble. I’d heard good things about this club in the community. They might not be law-abiding citizens, but they weren’t so bad they were feared by the whole city. I was counting on the reputation they’d apparently worked hard to build. If Bones turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I was fucked, because I had nowhere else to go. And the one man I needed to see here, the one man who could help me in a way I could live with, had no idea I even existed.

    Knowing there was nothing else I could find out without getting inside the place, I decided to quit being a pussy and stop stalling. I stood, looking down at my clothes. Having been outside under a rock for the better part of two days, I was filthy. Probably stank too. There was a creek just below my hiding place on the other side of the hill between me and the compound. I could wash there and change my clothes before trying to get inside. If I was lucky, they’d stop me at the gate and take me straight to the man I needed to see. I could only hope he remembered my mother. If not, I was probably screwed.

    The wind had started to pick up, and there was a cold bite to it. I knew I needed to hurry, but not bathing and changing clothes simply wasn’t an option. If I came to their doorstep looking like a hobo, I was afraid no one would take me seriously. Or, worse, tell me to get the fuck on before they got rid of me.

    I stripped, tossing my filthy, damp clothing to the ground. I kept the long-sleeved T-shirt to use as a washcloth, so I didn’t have to actually get in the creek. While it was still warm most days, the nights in this part of Kentucky were chilly this time of year. Shallow water, like the lazy stream here, had started to cool, making this bath seriously uncomfortable.

    I’d never done this before. Bathed out in the open. In fact, though I’d lived in an MC for most of my life, roughing it wasn’t exactly in my repertoire. I’d never been camping. Or hunting. I’d been fishing occasionally but usually on a boat or a dock at the lake. All I’d had to eat the last five days were some snacks I’d managed to sneak out and a couple bottles of water I refilled every chance I got. Now, I was cold, dirty, hungry, and so fucking tired I just wanted to sleep for a fucking week.

    Well, now. What do we have here? The lazy drawl made me jump and cry out. I tripped and landed on my ass, my naked body on full display. The guy smirked as he looked down at me, his big arms crossed over a powerful-looking chest. His shoulders were wide, stretching the fabric of his Henley, as did his biceps. He had a full beard reaching about halfway down his chest. Cold, assessing blue eyes were fixed squarely on me.

    I needed to warn him off. To keep him away from me. But my stupid mouth didn’t seem to want to work. I knew from experience bikers responded to strength. I was currently being judged. And probably found sorely lacking.

    Finally, I found my backbone. I scrambled to my feet, lifting my chin, making no move to cover myself. That would be seen as a sign of weakness after my hesitation, and I could show exactly none. I made what I hoped was a strong stance, trying to look as unsexy as I could while standing naked. Arms down to my sides, feet slightly apart, I met his gaze with a stern one of my own. I’m looking for Sword. Lars Gray. I was told he was a member of Bones MC.

    The man nodded slowly, still giving me that assessing look. He is.

    Take me to him.

    The guy grinned broadly. Might want to put some clothes on, little lady. Any woman parading around naked in this club might find herself bent over a pool table.

    I was in the process before you snuck up on me, I snapped. I was more afraid than put out, but I had to make sure I had a good front. I tried to think about how my mom acted in the club. She was the former Prez’s ol’ lady, and she didn’t take shit from anyone. I was so far from her status it wasn’t funny, but I had to act like the Prez’s daughter if I wanted to reach my goal. Now, as much as I’m sure you’re enjoying the view, I’m going to have to demand you turn around.

    He raised his hands. "All right, all right. But you are in our territory. Spyin’ on our compound."

    I never said I was spying.

    Honey, I’ve been watchin’ you for two days. Only came to get you now because the weather’s turnin’. Storm’s comin’ in tonight, and the temperature’s gonna drop. You can’t stay out here without protection. He shrugged. Be easier on everyone to just bring you in.

    Well. Since that was my goal to begin with, more the better. Now. Fucking turn around. I bit out the last between clenched teeth. The big bastard just chuckled but complied.

    Quickly, I dressed. I wasn’t truly clean, but my clothes were, and I’d gotten most of the dirt off. My hair was the only thing I hadn’t been able to give a cursory wash. No help for it now. I’d just have to wait until I found Sword. Hopefully, he’d let me have a place to clean up.

    Once I was dressed, the guy gestured for me to walk with him. Name’s Deadeye, he said. "My sniper team gave me that name because I never miss what I’m aiming at. Ever. If you’re thinkin’ of runnin’, don’t."

    Bones’s hospitality leaves a lot to be desired, I muttered. You threaten all your guests? I was starting to regret this. I might have jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

    Not when guests use the front fuckin’ door, little miss. This is what sneakin’ around gets you. He’d seemed like he had a sense of humor before. I was starting to realize that might have been more sarcasm than humor. When I looked up at the guy, there was deadly intent in his gaze. If I ran, I had no doubt he’d come after me.

    It wasn’t far to the front gate of the compound. Deadeye escorted me inside and straight to the clubhouse. As expected, the noise was deafening. Club girls were interspersed throughout the room, most of them naked. Several of the patched members were there with their women. If they were ol’ ladies or steady lays, I had no idea. But they seemed to congregate together away from the club girls and the brothers they were servicing.

    Sword! Deadeye called the man’s name from across the room. I scanned the sea of fucking huge men until I saw one look up at Deadeye. His gaze went from Deadeye to me, then back to Deadeye. The look on his face was bewilderment… then slowly morphed into rage.

    Sword stood up so fast he knocked his chair over. A woman beside him cried out softly, reaching for him, but he shrugged her off. Then he stomped toward us, his stride getting quicker with each step. The second he was close enough, his hand shot out, and he grabbed me by the throat, squeezing hard. The strength in his grip told me he could break my neck or choke me to death with little effort. It took every ounce of courage and presence of mind I had to stand there passively and not grip his wrist. Doing so would only show weakness. I stood there with my eyes fastened to his and didn’t resist at all.

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