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His Toy is Trusting Him: Mind Games, #4
His Toy is Trusting Him: Mind Games, #4
His Toy is Trusting Him: Mind Games, #4
Ebook142 pages4 hours

His Toy is Trusting Him: Mind Games, #4

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About this ebook

Dr. Jacob White shattered Katelyn's unremarkable existence when he wields his hypnotic charm to lead her down a path of passion and control that she could never have imagined. But just as Katelyn feels she's found true love and fulfillment, Jacob drops a bombshell - Katelyn must pass a test to join a secret society, where hierarchy and control reach unimaginable levels, and failure means the end of their relationship as if he never existed.


The emotional fallout from Jacob's revelation and the demands of the society force Katelyn to confront her deepest fears and desires. As she grapples with the emotional fallout of his revelation and the demands of a secret society where hierarchy and control reach unimaginable levels, Katelyn must decide whether to take the ultimate risk for the love and power she's found. The bombshell revelation and fall out leaves her questioning everything she thought she's learned about desire and power. 


But as she delves deeper into the secret society, Katelyn is forced to confront the true extent of its power and control. She must decide whether to take the ultimate risk for the love and power she's found, or to opt for the safety of the life she has always known.


Will she trust him enough to risk everything for the love and power she's discovered, or will she choose the simple familiarity of her old life?



This is the final book is the continuation of His Toy Collection. It should be read after all the other books in the collection and not as a standalone.

Release dateApr 13, 2021
His Toy is Trusting Him: Mind Games, #4

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    Book preview

    His Toy is Trusting Him - Sappharia Mayer


    Ilooked up at the tall three-story brick townhouse and stared at the familiar red door standing behind the glass entryway. The well-trimmed topiaries added a hint of elegance. Ivy, which was grown up on the edges of the brick stairs, was now cut back. 

    The door opened, and a woman stepped out onto the small landing at the top of the stairs.

    Good evening, Katelyn. Welcome back, she said with a smile. I’m Caroline. We met when you came to the hypnosis demonstration with your friend.

    Recognition flooded me with memories.

    Please come in, Caroline said as she nodded toward the door. Dr. Drake is waiting for you inside. You’re safe here, no matter what you choose as your next step.

    With a forced smile, I nodded as I ascended the stairs.

    Breathe. I know this process is unnerving, but passing out won’t help you through it, she whispered. Her voice was soft and helped bolster my waning confidence.

    Thank you.

    She led me through the house until we reached the double doors of a large office.

    Do you have the postcard?

    Yes, I replied and held it up in shaky hands. 

    When Dr. Drake asks you to enter, go to his desk. Do not speak until he asks you a question. He will ask you for the postcard; only then do you hand it to him. Wait in silence and do not fidget, she advised.

    I nodded, and she knocked lightly on the French doors. 

    Come, a male voice answered from the other side. 

    Good luck, she said as she pushed the door open and stepped out of the way. 

    I took a deep breath to calm the rising nausea and stepped into the large office. For two steps I shuffled forward before I heard Jacob’s voice reprimand me in my head. With all the confidence I could muster, I continued into the office until I was standing in front of a large imposing wooden desk. 

    Dr. Drake did not look up at my entrance, and for several long minutes he continued to type. The click of the keyboard echoed in the stark silence. Each press of the key punctuated the edge of my nerves until I thought I’d jump out of my skin.

    His hand lifted from the keyboard and stretched out toward me. 

    Postcard, he said without a change in his gaze. 

    My hand shook as I handed him the piece of paper which could change my fate.

    Dr. Drake picked up his phone and scanned the QR code. With a couple quick taps of the keyboard, he continued to look at his monitor. Only the slightest changes in micro-expressions gave an indication of his thoughts.

    Do you know why you are here, Katelyn?

    I presume this is the next step in my… I said and shrugged. ...recruitment process with something vaguely known as the Society.

    Dr. Drake huffed but did not look at me. 

    Tell me, with succinctness, what you know of the Society.

    From the information I’ve been given, I gather that the Society is an organization, I started. 

    I said with succinctness. I presume you understand the meaning of the word, he said. 

    The terse tone sent a shiver down my spine.

    Yes, Sir. The Society is an organization based on power-based relationships enforced by contractual obligation and monetary power with overwatch from a governing body. 

    Good. Do you understand what that means on a personal level?

    Not fully, I admitted and shifted my weight as my head dropped. 

    No one said you could move, nor did I say you could drop your gaze. Admitting you don’t know or understand is an honest answer. Such will serve you far more within the Society, should we choose to accept you. Now sit down, Katelyn, and let’s begin, Dr. Drake said as he turned the full weight of his stare toward me.


    With as much grace as I could muster, I sat down in the chair to my left and stared at my hands folded in my lap.

    I’m up here, Katelyn, Dr. Drake said. That’s your last warning.

    My head shot up, and I stared into a pair of the most intense eyes I’d ever seen.

    I am a gatekeeper. As a doctor in psychology, and a couple other fields, it is my job to note your mental and emotional suitability as part of the Society. Some people are only suited for part-time exchanges of power. Relationships where they play with the imbalance in the bedroom for sexual thrills or in their lives for the mental and emotional ones. It takes a different point of view to accept it as a lifestyle. To know your rights are being handed over to another person once you sign your name to the bottom of a binding contract. In that moment, you are under the control of the person who owns said contract. Based on the terms negotiated, your life will be subjected to that person’s whim and control, he said. 

    His words assaulted my senses. The concept of being under the control of another person in such completeness was both tantalizing and terrifying. Yes, the control Jacob exercised over me was for the pleasure of both of us, but when the session ended, I was once again in charge of my life. What would it be like to no longer think about certain parts of my life? Could I trust that he’d keep me safe no matter what he asked?

    I didn’t move. Nothing in me acknowledged Dr. Drake’s words. 

    Today, we will go through a series of oral and written tests to see your long-held moral beliefs, your suitability and acceptance. These tests will run for the next three days. Do you have any immediate personal issues which need your attention?

    The lump in my throat made it hard to swallow. 

    Yes… yes… I mean, I have things… people… appointments… I can’t…, I stuttered.


    I took a deep breath and worked to hold his gaze. 

    Thank you for telling me, though I will note your inability to communicate with conciseness when nervous. What do you need to clear from your world so that this is your only focus? he asked as he rose from the desk. 

    He walked over to a sideboard and poured a glass of water. Then he turned, walked toward me, and set the glass on the table to my left before returning to his chair. 

    Drink. Give yourself a moment to acclimate. This situation will need to be remedied before we accept you into your position, he said and turned toward the keyboard. 

    What position is that? 

    The words flew out of my mouth before my brain could put the brakes on them. Dr. Drake looked up and quirked an eyebrow before returning to type his notes. I grabbed the glass of cool water and drank it in deep gulps. With each swallow, I ran through my calendar for the next three days.

    I need to contact my friend Justine. She’ll worry if I disappear for several days. There’s also a matter of my writing deadline for two blog posts for my clients.

    He nodded but said nothing.

    Everything in me wanted to scream my frustration, but each time the edge came close enough to send me over it, I imagined Jacob’s hand running through my hair or the whisper of his voice as a breath across my ear. The thoughts stilled my inner turmoil until I found my center. 

    What were you just thinking about, Katelyn?

    Jacob, I said without thought. 


    There’s a peace I find in his presence, I said as I closed my eyes and let the words evoke the memories. His hand as it grabs my hair or the words of praise when I’ve followed a particularly hard command. The way he… holds me in the palm of his hand and sets me free in the boundaries he creates.


    "I see, he said as he picked up a pen and wrote in a file. Once finished, he lay the pen on his desk, steepled his fingers and watched me. For the next three days, you will stay here. As you are under my roof, your protection is my responsibility. Once you sign the non-disclosure agreement and house rules, then you are under my authority until it is relieved by someone else. Your phone will not be accessible throughout your stay. Every meal, activity, session and free time will be scheduled by my household or myself. These are non-negotiable terms. If at any time you choose to stop this process, you will be given a way to do so; however, it also means your relationship with Jacob will be terminated. Do you have any questions?"

    Why is this lifestyle so important that either I bend or it breaks the relationship? I asked as I try to stop the tremor creeping into my voice. 

    Every member joins for their own reasons. Besides, I believe Dr. White already answered this question for you. If you can’t believe his own words, then you may find this process difficult, if not impossible, he said gravely.

    I’m trying, I whispered. 

    "No, you’re not. In the outside world, we are often given proof of

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