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In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 27
In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 27
In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 27
Ebook239 pages3 hours

In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 27

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With eight children in tow, Touya’s putting in more work than ever to keep his family under control! But when word reaches him of his ninth child, he has to drop everything he’s doing to go and get her... Unfortunately for him, she’s embroiled in a foreign succession crisis! What chaos will his youngest, wildest daughter unleash upon the world? Just what is the truth behind the Golden Crown? Will Touya be able to avoid being repeatedly headbutted?! Find out in this gripping tale of swords, sorcery, and dandy dresses!

PublisherJ-Novel Club
Release dateJun 9, 2023
In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 27

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    Book preview

    In Another World With My Smartphone - Patora Fuyuhara

    Chapter I: The Golden Gollem and the Littlest Lady

    The situation with Tatsuma had been resolved. The one who attacked him, as well as the one responsible for his original death fifteen years ago, had been stripped of their statuses and exiled from the nation.

    Since neither Tatsuno nor Tatsuya were bad people, I offered them refuge in Brunhild. They refused my offer, however. Apparently, they had some friends in Triharan that would help them build their lives back up closer to home. And so, I figured the very least I could do was open up a [Gate] and send them off to Triharan safely.

    The day of the exile came, and Tatsuma saw his brother off with a smile. He handed off a pouch of money into his brother’s hand.

    I know the two of you will make it, no matter where life takes you. But if you need anything from me, please write. Exile or not, you’re still my brother, and I love you.

    Tatsuma... Thank you...

    The two bowed their heads to the former ryutei, then bowed to the current houtei, before joining hands and departing for Triharan.

    Despite the fact that they’d been stripped of everything, they smiled gently as they walked through the portal together. It was plain as day that they felt more free than they’d ever been.

    ◇ ◇ ◇

    Sorry, say that again?

    Of course. We received a report of an enormous monster, one resembling a winged cow. It was spotted in the northern region of Xenoahs.

    As soon as I’d returned from my business, Tsubaki had a report waiting for me. According to Fam’s investigation from up in the library, the creature was known as a Zagan and was believed to have died out completely around two thousand years ago.

    So, uh, what happened?

    The first prince of Xenoahs reportedly went out and killed it himself.

    Seriously?! He didn’t just leave it to the adventurers?

    Prince Faron definitely had that kind of gung-ho personality, so the report made sense to me... He was Sakura’s older brother, and her family wasn’t exactly weak... He certainly wasn’t out of place as my brother-in-law, at least.

    Still, what was he thinking? The second prince, Farese, had no succession rights to the throne. Faron was the only heir! It was far too reckless to put himself in harm’s way. That said, the overlord had a long life ahead of him... It wasn’t like he couldn’t just have another kid or something. Though, he didn’t have a partner at the moment.

    In the worst-case scenario, maybe Yoshino would have to take over. I wasn’t exactly a fan of that idea, however.

    Xenoahs didn’t really have much in the way of adventurers, unfortunately. Foreign adventurers didn’t usually plant their roots in that country, and the people who lived there were stronger than ordinary humans. Nobody put in requests for dealing with monsters they could easily crush by themselves, so there weren’t many quest listings in Xenoahs as a result. From what I’d been told, even youngsters from backwater villages in Xenoahs were about as strong as your average blue-rank adventurer.

    One of the big reasons why adventurers from other nations didn’t really stay in Xenoahs was their cuisine. Unless you were already used to it, it was generally considered hard to stomach. That said, there’d been some recent improvements to the culinary scene over there. Lu’s cooking blog had a part to play in that. Though it would be more apt to call it a development rather than improvement, as it wasn’t exactly my place to say their food culture was bad. Food was said to be a reflection of the culture surrounding it, so it would make sense that the people of Xenoahs would eat things as inhospitable and hardy as the lands they lived in.

    But back to the main point, the appearance of another extinct species meant a time distortion had happened. It was an echo of the broader timequake that my kids had gotten caught up in, and Granny Tokie’s time spirits were hard at work repairing it already.

    Still, I had to count my blessings. We were only getting the occasional monster rather than a full-on displacement of beasts through time. Then again, the average extinct monster was way stronger than any of the monsters that existed in the current day, so was that really a blessing to be counted?

    What happened to the prince?

    Some minor injuries, but he’ll live.

    Injuries, huh...? Well, they’ll be fine. We already sent some of those alchemy lab potions over to Xenoahs for emergencies.

    The issue this time around has less to do with the appearance of the beast, and more to do with the stampede it ended up causing. From what I hear, an entire village was reduced to rubble...

    Damn it, again?!

    It was only natural, since these monsters from the past were suddenly appearing in different areas. The modern monsters didn’t know how to respond to the sudden territorial dispute, so they ended up fleeing. This act sent other animals fleeing, creating a chain that resulted in a stampede. In fact, there’d been a lot of stampedes all over the world lately, all presumably caused by yet-unreported ancient monsters.

    I decided that the various nations needed to be made more aware of the threat they faced. There were some warning signs that a stampede was about to begin, after all. You could tell by the absence of certain animals, or flocks of birds flying off together in the distance. If the various countries could see those signs in advance, then they’d be able to take better precautions to prevent damage.

    Just as I was thinking about ways to implement that, the phone in my pocket began to vibrate.

    ◇ ◇ ◇

    Hoh. They’re larger than those Gollem warriors of Brunhild, it seems, Indigo muttered quietly as he looked over the contents of the Ark’s hangar.

    The dull gold bodies of the massive Gollems contained within gleamed in the dim light of the lightstones above them. The golden machines were engraved with black lines running through them, which was some manner of magical circuitry. The angular mechs were lined up in a row, completely unarmed, with a somewhat heavy, rugged air about them, like they’d been crafted coarsely. Indigo had a feeling that design was to the preference of the plague-masked man that stood before him.

    It’s a shame, but I couldn’t really make them any smaller. Well, I could’ve, but that would’ve reduced the output quite a bit. And at that point, why even bother? the plague-masked man, Scarlet, casually shrugged as he offered a half-baked apology.

    The dull gold Gollems in front of them were far bigger and sturdier than the massive Chevaliers of Brunhild. The design wasn’t all that different from Brunhild’s standard-issue Frame Gears, it was just bigger and their heads bore a single large eye.

    The performance on these isn’t bad at all, though. I’d say they could give Brunhild’s machines a run for their money.


    Indigo was somewhat impressed by Scarlet’s confident musing. Scarlet wasn’t one for empty boasting, after all, so that had to mean he was sure about what he was saying.

    And we can begin mass-producing these?

    We’ve already begun. Though we’ve only managed to make a few dozen with the materials we recovered from the underground dock in Gandhilis. I imagine we can harvest plenty of raw materials from the seabed, however.

    The Ark was currently deep beneath the world’s oceans, trawling and mining the very bottom of the depths for ore. The wicked god’s divinity shrouded the entire vehicle, preventing it from being traced by conventional search magic. They were well-hidden indeed.

    Scarlet... I was wondering something.

    What’s that?

    Indigo walked over to a gap between two of the giant Gollems, his diving suit clunking as he walked.

    What happened to the machine that presumably stood here?

    That idiotic Orchid took it for a joyride. I’m not entirely sure what became of it.

    Scarlet clicked his tongue as his explanation elicited a sigh from Indigo’s mouth. Despite what Scarlet had said, Orchid wasn’t necessarily an idiot. It was more that he had a one-track mind when it came to doing certain things. He worked intuitively rather than using his head, and his happy-go-lucky approach was rooted in embracing his wild side and disregarding groundwork. In short, he was a hedonist who preferred feeling over thinking.

    There was no way a person with that kind of personality could resist taking a giant robot for a spin. The first moment he saw one of them, he decided he needed to take it on a rampage.

    Indigo didn’t necessarily think a rampage was a bad idea, but he saw the tactical disadvantage of revealing their hand too early. That was why he quietly resolved to go and bring Orchid back before he drew too much attention to himself.

    Where did he go, then?

    If it’s Orchid you’re after, then the Kingdom of Rhea is where you will find him.

    Indigo turned toward the source of the voice, spotting a woman in a domino mask lined with fancy feathers. She was remarkably tall and slender, and wore a flamboyant outfit coated top to bottom in blue and green plumes. That appearance had led to Orchid nicknaming her ‘bird lady.’ She also held two metallic-green chakrams in her hands. They were remarkably oversized when compared to her slim build.

    Peacock... You know where he went?

    Isn’t it obvious? My Viridian excels at both seeking and destroying. It’s a truly magnificent gift from above. Tracing my fellow devout is as simple as breathing.

    Peacock let out a strange, haughty laugh. Threads of light weaved through the holes in her chakrams. Peacock could pull on these lights and measure their intensity to find whatever it was she was looking for. Thus, there was no doubt in Indigo’s mind that Orchid was over in Rhea.

    He’s there, eh? I’ll go recover him, then... We can’t have these Gollems of ours being public knowledge just yet. And on that note, do we have a name for them yet?

    We certainly do. Kyklops.

    Kyklops? Sounds kinda like Cyclops, doesn’t it?

    It’s what they called the Cyclops five thousand years ago. Isn’t that right, Gold? Scarlet asked, grinning over at the small shadow that lurked by the hangar’s entrance. The shadow then stepped forward, revealing a small golden Gollem with glowing red eyes.

    ◇ ◇ ◇

    That’s it! That’s the thing that attacked the port! the elven soldier yelled out as he saw the illustration I managed to recreate using [Recall]. The soldier, a local captain, still had a bandaged head and a cast on his right arm despite my healing. After getting his confirmation, I showed the image to other soldiers who quickly said the same thing.

    I was in Khadan, a port town in the Kingdom of Rhea. I’d been summoned here after hearing news of the place coming under attack by something that greatly resembled a Frame Gear.

    King Rhea and Grun the green crown had accompanied me, along with an entourage of guards. I’d brought the king with me to assure him I wasn’t the one responsible for this attack, and also to help escort any refugees to Rhea’s capital through one of my [Gate] portals.

    Rescue teams from the capital charged into the billowing smoke in search of wounded survivors.

    King Rhea took a look at the illustration I’d generated and asked, Then you say this Gollem isn’t the same as your nation’s Frame Gears?

    That’s right. It’s not the same thing. I get what it looks like, but it really isn’t...

    At this moment in time, Brunhild was the only country in the whole world with access to Frame Gears. That was why I wanted to clear this situation up as fast as possible. Before I could say any more, four people by my side interjected.

    It’s obvious at a glance, isn’t it? It looks nothing like my Frame Gears. The fundamental design philosophy is completely different. To have such shabby construction compared to my product is absurd.

    Indeed. From the parts alone, you can see that whoever made these must be from the western continent. It’s not nearly as refined as Regina’s workmanship.

    Hmm... I do suppose I’d call it halfhearted, at a glance? Whoever engineered it was so focused on optimizing output that they didn’t spare a minute to consider rider comfort...

    As interesting as it is, it’s a design created in poor taste. I’d be pretty angry if I made the Frame Gears and someone compared this to them.

    Babylon, Elluka, the professor, and Quun all took turns dunking on the machine that had destroyed the port. They were so offended by the drawing that I almost hoped we’d never find the real thing.

    According to the townsfolk, it came shambling out of the ocean and started laying waste to the town. It trashed stuff at random, as if it was testing what it could do, then started to break more things until it seemingly got bored and went back into the water. The fact that it came from the ocean made me think that this fake Frame Gear was the work of the wicked devout.

    I remembered that the wicked god had created mutated Phrase variants that resembled Frame Gears, but that was more like a life-form imitating a machine. This thing was something completely different. It was a machine, created from Gollem tech and artifacts, which meant there was someone out there capable of producing war machines, and he wasn’t on my side.

    Do you think this could be something that was left in the Ark that the wicked devout found?

    Doubtful. The craftsmanship is far too crude for the genius behind the crown Gollems. There’s also new technology here mixed in with the legacy parts.

    Might it be a refurbished version of an older design?

    That’s not impossible, but...

    I think it would make more sense to just design a new robot from scratch if you had to modify an old one. Though supposing it actually is a legacy remnant, then...

    My offhand question prompted a flurry of technobabble that I wasn’t nearly equipped enough to understand. Clearly, I was just adding fuel to the proverbial fire in their hearts.

    Negative. Chrom Ranchesse never manufactured Gollems of this scale. This is someone else’s doing.

    The small green crown Gollem dumped a proverbial bucket of water on that fire, quelling it in seconds. Grun was created by the Ark’s creator, so its word was as good as anyone’s. In other words, this fake Frame Gear was not Chrom’s handiwork.

    That was probably worse, though, because it meant there definitely was an incredibly skilled Gollem engineer working with the wicked devout. Hell, he might have been one of the wicked devout with their blessings and everything.

    Man, this is really starting to be a real pain in the ass.

    After all you’ve done for Rhea, I can’t begin to suspect you as the culprit behind all this. I was only asking to be sure, you needn’t worry. Though if a country without our relationship were to be attacked, they might not be so understanding.

    The elf king was absolutely right. If a country without any friendly relations with Brunhild came under attack by this thing, they’d have no reason to believe me if I tried to clear things up.

    Was that the goal here? To besmirch my reputation? No, that couldn’t be it. If that was their intention, then they’d have made it look more like our Frame Gears instead of these hulking one-eyed monster robots. But in that case, why even make them? What was the endgame? It was too confusing.

    Now that we’re aware our enemies have access to something similar to my Frame Gears, we should probably let our allies know about it before we lose control of the narrative. I’d advise that we let countries that aren’t allied with us know that as well, since I’m sure we can communicate with them through the other world leaders.

    Yeah, you’re right.

    Doc Babylon was right on the money. If our allies vouched for us, it would be easier to smooth things over. The only way to prove this one-eyed Gollem wasn’t one of ours was probably to capture it. I tried using my search spell to trace it, but I didn’t get any results. Presumably, it shared the same protections the Ark had.


    What’s wrong?

    The professor grumbled quietly as he mulled over the image of the fake Frame Gear.

    "It’s nothing precise, but I do recognize the peculiarities of this Frame Gear’s design...

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