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The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today
The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today
The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today
Ebook165 pages1 hour

The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today

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About this ebook


Women are central to some of the most critical events, powerful encounters, and transformative moments in the Bible. They change the course of history. These extraordinary women rose above because God was their refuge, and now you can join them.

Based on the #1 New York Times bestseller, The Women of the Bible Speak, this workbook connects the stories of old to each of our modern experiences. In these 16 lessons, you’ll be challenged to consider the parallels between each woman’s story and your own. You’ll reflect on how God worked in their lives and uncover how He’s working in yours, today.

Each lesson in the workbook will take you through these exercises:

  • REFLECT invites you to read key moments of each woman’s life in the Bible and connect with her story.
  • CONNECT asks you to consider how God in the Old Testament or Jesus in the New Testament responds to each woman and what this discloses about His character and how He responds to you.
  • REVEAL provides an opportunity to identify specific character traits, responses to God, and acts of faith, as well as your similar traits, responses, and acts of faith.
  • PRAY asks you to prayerfully consider how the woman’s story ties into the work God is doing in your life right now.

BONUS SECTIONS: PAIRS where you’ll be asked to consider the women in pairs, finding the commonalities in their callings and challenges. Some of the women knew one another. Others were connected simply by a thread of common purpose, one that becomes clearer by studying the women side by side.

Lessons include:

  1. Sarah
  2. Hagar
  3. Rachel
  4. Leah
  5. Tamar
  6. Ruth
  7. Deborah
  8. Jael
  9. Hannah
  10. Miriam
  11. Esther
  12. Rahab
  13. Mary
  14. Martha
  15. Mary, Mother of Jesus
  16. Mary Magdalene
Release dateSep 20, 2022
The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook: The Wisdom of 16 Women and Their Lessons for Today

Shannon Bream

Shannon Bream is the author of the number one New York Times bestsellers The Women of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, the anchor of Fox News Sunday, and the Fox News Channel’s chief legal correspondent. She has covered landmark cases at the Supreme Court and heated political campaigns and policy battles from the White House to Capitol Hill.

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    Book preview

    The Women of the Bible Speak Workbook - Shannon Bream


    Women are central to some of the most critical events, powerful encounters, and trans-formative moments in the Bible. They change the course of history.

    In the upcoming pages, you’ll explore the stories of sixteen women and dig deep into their lives. You’ll find that these aren’t just characters from an ancient book. These are real people who lived and breathed and hoped and prayed. They cried and celebrated just like you.

    They offered themselves as voices of truth and reason. They stepped boldly into impossible situations and played critical roles in saving countless lives and even nations.

    We must remember that these aren’t fictional superheroes. They faced challenges much like the ones we face today: the pangs of loneliness, the sting of rejection, and the quiet ache of the soul. They, too, battled the disappointment and depression that comes with unfulfilled expectations and personal loss. Yet these extraordinary women rose above because God was their refuge.

    In Him, they found hope and healing.

    In Him, they found power and provision.

    In Him, they found strength and sustenance.

    And the same God who worked mightily in their lives is at work in yours, too. May you find comfort and hope as we make this journey together.

    How to Use This Workbook

    This workbook is a companion to the #1 New York Times bestselling book, The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream, and it’s designed to make your experience richer and deeper. In the upcoming sixteen lessons, you’ll be challenged to consider the parallels between each woman’s story and your own. You’ll be asked to reflect on how God worked in their lives and how He’s working in your own.

    If you join with friends or neighbors to complete this workbook, consider answering the questions personally before you meet up. That way you’ll be the most prepared with insights, reflections, and thoughts to share.

    You’ll notice that each lesson has four components:

    REFLECT invites you to read key moments of each woman’s life in the Bible and connect with their stories.

    CONNECT asks you to consider how God in the Old Testament or Jesus in the New Testament responds to each woman and what this discloses about His character and how He responds to you.

    REVEAL provides an opportunity to identify specific character traits, responses to God, and acts of faith, as well as your similar traits, responses, and acts of faith.

    PRAY asks you to prayerfully consider how the woman’s story ties into the work God is doing in your life right now.

    Every other lesson features a bonus section:

    PAIRS reveals that individually, every woman’s story is powerful. Here, you’ll consider the women in pairs, finding the commonalities in their callings and challenges. Some of the women knew one another. Others were connected simply by a thread of common purpose, one that becomes clearer by studying the women side by side.



    The facts of Sarah’s life sound like an adventure story, full of twists and turns: She was settled into her life when her husband suddenly announced they’d be upending everything they knew to move way out of their comfort zone. She managed a wealthy household with a very complicated blended family—and that’s not all. She bore no child of her own, and even when God made her a specific promise, she laughed it off as impossible. How surprised she must have been when the wildly unthinkable finally came true for her—but oh, how far off track she’d already gotten by taking matters into her own hands.

    —From The Women of the Bible Speak, page 1

    In looking at women of the Bible, it’s easy to think we’ll find stunning portraits of perfection, flawless creatures of valor. More often, we find people—just like us—with strengths and weaknesses, people who can make great sacrifices and yet exhibit great selfishness.

    Sarah, the wife of Abraham, demonstrates that despite our flaws, we can be used by our Heavenly Father to weave together His highest purposes. Sarah is the perfect illustration of this beautiful, complex truth.


    One of the most important details to pay attention to when studying the Bible is the first moment a person is introduced. This often reveals something profound or insightful about the person’s story or character.

    Read Genesis 11:27–32. What details about Sarah’s life are revealed at her introduction? (Hint: v. 29–30) Why is this important to know early on?

    [Your Response Here]

    If you were being introduced in the Bible, what detail about your life would be listed first?

    [Your Response Here]

    Read Genesis 12:1, 4–6. What does God call Abraham to do?

    [Your Response Here]

    What impact did this have on Sarah?

    [Your Response Here]

    If you were Sarah, how would you have responded?

    [Your Response Here]

    Which of the following best describes how you would feel?


    each that apply.

    Which of the following best describes Sarah’s response?


    each that apply.

    God’s call for Abraham and Sarah to leave everything is also accompanied by powerful promises.

    [Your Response Here]

    Read Genesis 12:2–3 and Genesis 17:15 and fill in the chart below.

    What do the promises have in common? How do they differ?

    [Your Response Here]

    What stands out to you about God’s promise to Sarah?

    [Your Response Here]

    Though Abraham and Sarah are a power couple, they also share deep flaws and weaknesses. Both are sometimes fearful and tempted to take matters into their own hands. Read Genesis 12:9–20. How do you think Sarah felt being placed in potential danger because of Abraham’s decision to lie?

    [Your Response Here]

    How did God protect Sarah? (Hint: v. 17)

    [Your Response Here]

    Read Genesis 20:1–18. How do you think Sarah felt being placed in potential danger because of Abraham’s decision to lie again?

    [Your Response Here]

    How did God protect Sarah? (Hint: v.

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