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The Alpha's Redemption
The Alpha's Redemption
The Alpha's Redemption
Ebook210 pages3 hours

The Alpha's Redemption

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A Steamy Fated Mates Enemies To Lovers Paranormal Romance

Being the alpha isn't always easy.

Keegan McRae is the leader of the Austin werewolf pack. And sometimes, for the good of all involved, a male has to make choices he wouldn't normally abide by. Like allowing the Faerie you're sweet on to be the main attraction in a rodeo. Not as the cowgirl, but as the livestock. Stubborn as a bull and just as fearless, Bitsy caught his interest the first time she flipped him off. But before he had a chance to make things right with her, she got loose. And though his wolf howled in protest at the loss, he had no choice but to let her go.

Bláthnaid (Bitsy) Dunn swore she would never again set foot in the hell hole that was Texas. Or anywhere near the arrogant shifter who was the main reason she hated it so much. The last time she'd seen him, his well-worn boots had stomped all over her hide—and her pride. Yet, here she was again. This time, however, she's here on her terms. Keegan needs her help to infiltrate the Fae world, and she needs him to help her find her father. His green eyes are full of remorse, and his easy smile is hard to resist, but forgiveness is not part of the deal.

However, Keegan is used to fighting for what he wants.
And he wants Bitsy.
This time, she won't be getting away.

Editor's Note

Fated Mates Paranormal...

Faerie meets wolf in Wilson’s “Kincaid Werewolves” series. This time, the pack's Alpha strikes a trade with the faerie he knows is his mate. Both characters are extremely stubborn, and their romantic journey is filled with sexy hijinks and anger bangs.

Release dateMay 9, 2023

L.E. Wilson

L.E. Wilson writes paranormal romance starring intense alpha males and the women who are fearless enough to tame them — for the most part anyway. ;) In her novels you'll find smoking hot scenes, a touch of suspense, some humor, a bit of gore, and multifaceted characters, all working together to combine her lifelong obsession with the paranormal and her love of romance. Her writing career came about the usual way: on a dare from her loving husband. Little did she know just one casual suggestion would open a box of worms (or words as the case may be) that would forever change her life. Lattes and music are a necessary part of her writing process, and sometimes you'll find her typing away at her favorite Starbucks. She walks two miles to get there, to make up for all of those coffees. On the weekends she likes to hike, garden, cook vegan food, and have date nights with her favorite guy. On a Personal Note: “I love to hear from my readers! Contact me anytime at [email protected]."

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Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Was going good, takes a short story approach. However the ending was very confusing.

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The Alpha's Redemption - L.E. Wilson

©2022 L.E. Wilson

Published by Scribd, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

On a cold, winter night,

When the wind gusts and the wolves sing,

Does their song call to the wildness in your soul?

Or will you run in fear?

L.E. Wilson


With the tip of his index finger, Keegan McRae slid the silver links of the necklace— her necklace— around on the polished oak table, watching as the morning light glinted off the bright metal. A soft growl rumbled in his throat, and he flattened his palm over the chain.

Resting his palms on his jean-clad thighs, he closed his eyes and rolled his head on his shoulders, trying to ease the tension. Then, with a sigh, he picked up the chain and refastened it around his neck. The tree pendant settled just below the hollow of his throat.

It was unusually cool for this time of year in Texas, and Keegan picked up his coffee, automatically blowing on the surface to cool it off.

He wondered if the Seattle pack would agree to his terms.

He wondered if she would agree to them.

After what had happened to his own father at the hands of a Fae—an obsession that had ended in his death—he wondered why he should even care.

Tilting the heavy mug up to his mouth, he took a good slurp. But as soon as the brew hit his tongue, he spit it back into his cup. The taste was bitter enough to make him pucker, and he craned his neck around, looking for Corrina. The only female in the pack, she was also the only one who could brew a decent pot of coffee.

But the kitchen was completely empty.

Removing his buckskin hat, he set it on the bench beside him and ran a hand through his hair. He needed a haircut.

Stone, his new second in command, closed the door to his room upstairs, and soon, the heavy tread of his boots thundered down the wood stairs. He pulled his shirt over his head as he descended and gave Keegan a grin, his teeth a shocking white in his ebony face.

You look like you’re having a bad mornin’, boss.

I’m looking for Cor. This coffee is downright awful.

That’s because Corrina didn’t make it. She went on a run last night, and hasn’t come back yet that I know of. Something must be stuck in her craw.

Keegan had a good idea what that something was—him. Or rather, what he was about to do. Corrina had been a part of his pack for a long time, was one of his father’s pack before this, and normally they agreed on how he chose to run it. But during one of their nightly sit-downs on the back porch the previous evening, she’d made it quite clear she thought he was following in the footsteps of his father.

But that wasn’t the case. He wasn’t under some kind of spell. It was just a normal, healthy attraction. An attraction he’d fought for as long as he could.

He picked up his buckskin hat from the table and slapped it onto his head. Yeah, she’s not real happy with me.

Stone grabbed the OJ out of the fridge and sat down across the table from him, not bothering with a glass. Whadya do now? Lifting the carton to his mouth, he chugged down some juice, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

Keegan raised one eyebrow as he watched him. Speaking of Cor, don’t let her catch you doing that. She’ll skin you alive and use your hide for her new rug.

With another grin and a wink, Stone said, She won’t know, unless you rat me out.

Keegan indicated for him to carry on as he was before he picked up the conversation where they’d left off. I’m putting myself at ‘undo risk’ according to her. He was careful to keep any emotion out of his tone. Being led around by the wrong head. This time he allowed himself to smile. And speaking of— he waited until Stone stuck the container back in the fridge and returned to the table—I’m gonna need you to come with me tomorrow.

Sure. Where are we going?

To meet the Seattle pack.

Understanding dawned across Stone’s face. Ahh. So, that’s what Corrina’s pissed about. He rapped the table with one knuckle. I have to tell ya, man, I’m in agreement with her on this here issue, especially after what happened the last time one of those shifters came to visit. I wasn’t a fan of Jace, as you know, but I respected his position in this pack.

Jace was an ass, and he got himself killed. I’m not holding that against Marc, or his pack. He was protecting his female. Any one of us would have done the same thing. Although not all of them did as good of a job at it.

Stone considered that for a second. All right, then. All right. But what about the rest of it? What changed your mind? I thought you didn’t want to agree to an alliance. Not until there was proof. Like the soul suckers actually knocking at our door. He paused, his sharp brown eyes penetrating Keegan’s skull in that uncanny way he had. Or is there something you need to tell me? Before Keegan could answer, Stone’s hackles rose, filling the air with tension. Did you hear something? Is it true? The Dark Fae are coming?

Keegan held up his hand, halting any more questions. I don’t know that for sure, yet.

Then what’s this meeting all about?

Keegan saw no sense in beating around the bush. Cedric Kincaid has something of mine, and I want it back. He took another sip of his coffee, grimaced, and gave it up. Getting up from the table, he took his mug over to the sink and rinsed it out before sticking it in the dishwasher. It took him a moment to notice the absolute silence in the room. Turning around, he found Stone staring at him with a strange expression on his face. What?

Stone cocked his head as he studied the Alpha. You’re going after her. The dark-haired one.

It wasn’t a question, so Keegan saw no reason to respond.

Stone released a hard breath of air. Are you sure you wanna go there, man?

Keegan stilled, lowering his voice. "Go where, exactly, Stone?"

But Stone wasn’t put off. "This is a mistake, Keegan. The pack will never accept our Alpha bringing one of them into the pack."

He didn’t say it, but he didn’t need to. Keegan could hear the implied like your father did loud and clear.

That, if nothing else, was enough to make up his mind. He was nothing like his father, and she was nothing like the freak of nature who’d seduced his sire into such madness his own son was the one who’d had to put him out of his misery.

The pack could accept it, or they could find themselves a new pack. Keegan took off his hat and ran his hand through his short hair before settling it back on his head. Are you coming with me, or what?

Stone grinned and got up from the table. Oh, yeah. I’m coming.

Good. Be ready by three a.m. We have a long drive ahead of us.


The sun was sinking low on the horizon when Keegan and Stone pulled off to the side of a rural road just outside of Las Vegas. The desert held little appeal for werewolves, what with their naturally higher body temperature, all the fur, and no shelter from the sun and heat and all, and as such was considered neutral ground for the two packs to meet. Flat, sandy terrain could be seen for miles in any direction. It was a good spot. Out in the open. No way for anyone, or anything, to sneak up on them.

Keegan and Stone waited beside Keegan’s pickup, watching waves of heat rise from the asphalt as a cloud of dust rapidly approached from the northwest. The front end of a lone vehicle soon appeared. And inside that vehicle would be Cedric and Marc, from the Seattle pack. Keegan checked his phone. They were right on time.

They’ll never agree to this. Stone’s low voice broke the tense silence.

Yeah, they will. In spite of Keegan’s confident tone, his nerves were shot. But he couldn’t show it. He was an Alpha. Alphas needed to be in control. Always.

Nothing more was said as they waited for the others to reach them. It took quite a while longer than one would think; distance could be deceiving in the desert.

While he waited, Keegan wondered—and not for the first time—if Stone was right and he should just let this shit go.

But he couldn’t let it go. He couldn’t let her go.

A classic Chevy El Camino slowed down and came to a stop about twenty yards from where they stood. Black, with tinted windows, it was near impossible for the average human to see inside. The engine cut off and the driver’s side door opened. A large male with slicked-back, dark hair unfolded himself from the seat. When he turned to close the door, Keegan saw his hair wasn’t greased to his head, but pulled into a long, wavy ponytail. Ice-blue eyes caught and held his for a moment, and then the male gave a nod of greeting and strode forward.

He was big, this Alpha. Taller than Keegan, with about fifty extra pounds of muscle on him. But it wasn’t his sheer size that made him so daunting, it was the Alpha in his aura. The dominant gene practically oozed from his pores. A wolf was either born with it, or he wasn’t. And this male definitely had it.

Keegan could understand why he had the reputation he did.

The passenger side door opened, and Marc got out. He looked no different from when he’d been a guest at the ranch months ago, other than a bit of a softening around his eyes and mouth. Caused, no doubt, by the fact his female was safe back in Seattle and in his bed. The pup had some cojones, that was for sure, showing up here again after the stunt he’d pulled at the rodeo. He didn’t fidget or look away, or otherwise act nervous in any way. No, he walked up and looked Keegan right in the eye, and he had to respect that about the male.

Keegan straightened as the Seattle pack leader approached and stuck out his hand. Cedric Kincaid, Alpha o’ th’ Seattle pack. The Scottish brogue was heavy in his speech, even though Keegan knew he’d been in the States for a long time.

Keegan took his hand in a firm grip. Keegan McRae.

They shook, and Cedric indicated Marc coming up on his right. And ye ken Marc, here.

Keegan touched the brim of his hat. Marc. How have you been?

Verra well, thank you. The words weren’t spoken lightly.

I appreciate ye meeting us like this, Cedric said. And I would like tae apologize, sincerely, for all tha’ happened while Marc was yer guest. It was no’ his normal character tae cause such a commotion. I can trust him tae keep his wits aboot him, which is why I sent him tae ye when I couldn’t come myself.

I understand, Keegan said. More than you know. Sometimes our wolf gets the better of us. Marc is an honest and upstanding guy, I knew that about him right away, which is why I didn’t kill him.

Cedric pinned Keegan with those eerie eyes, and he held his stare without flinching. It wasn’t a challenge. More a show of mutual understanding and respect.

Marc stepped forward until he was shoulder to shoulder with Cedric. I meant no disrespect tae ye, Keegan. Ye ken that. But I would do it all again in a heartbeat tae save my Bronaugh and her family. He glanced over at Cedric, and straightened his spine. That being said, I will no’ argue aboot any punishment ye deem necessary tae get us back on even footing.

Although he’d never doubted Marc’s character, Keegan’s respect for him grew a whole bunch right then and there. That won’t be necessary, Marc. Jace’s death was unfortunate, but not a big surprise, to be honest. If it hadn’t been you, it would’ve been someone else. He liked to rile up any wolf he felt was a threat, throw his weight around. It was one of the reasons I made him my second, to try to keep him out of trouble. However, Stone here—he nodded at the male next to him—always been my true right-hand man.

Comprehension crossed Marc’s face. Ach. Aye. That explains so much. I could no’ understand why ye let him treat ye as ye did, he said to Stone.

Just keeping the peace, Seattle. Or, trying to, Stone told him. I have to admit, I don’t agree with letting you off for killing one of our pack, but I will respect Keegan’s decision about it.

Marc gave him a nod. Thank ye.

Cedric put his large hand on Marc’s shoulder, pride for his wolf written all over his face, then looked to Keegan. Can we walk a bit?

They fell into line—the two leaders walking side by side, with Marc and Stone coming up behind them. Close enough to protect their Alphas if the need arose, but far enough back to give them a modicum of privacy.

Thank ye, again, for agreeing tae meet with me, Cedric said. And for yer leniency with Marc’s offense.

Keegan knew better than to take the apology for anything other than what it was, a show of respect for a fellow Alpha. Cedric had no fear of him, of that he was absolutely certain. But he appreciated the olive branch. It’s all good between me and Seattle, Cedric, but I appreciate it. Now, why don’t you catch me up on anything that’s happened since the summer?

There’s no’ much tae tell on our side o’ things. Tha’ daft prince o’ th’ Fae has gone silent the past few months. It’s verra strange. He was all up our arses, and then suddenly falls off th’ face o’ th’ earth. Cedric shook his head. I dinna ken if this is good news or bad.

"How is he taking the news of a soul sucker—uh, an olc—in his midst?" He corrected himself, but too late. Ah, well. Nothing he could do about it now. And it wasn’t like Cedric didn’t know the mate Marc had killed for was a Dark Fae.

Cedric gave him a sharp look, but then his features softened. Ach. Aye. He had a wee bit o’ fun with her at first but gave her back tae us unharmed. Dinna fash yerself, Keegan. We’re keeping an eye on her. He glanced over his shoulder at Marc.

Keegan glanced back also, and Marc gave him an assertive nod of agreement. He turned back to Cedric. But you still think there’s a danger of the soul suckers getting out?

That’s what I’ve been told, Cedric said. But there’s something else that’s come tae my attention having Bronaugh and her family with us.

His tone caught Keegan’s attention. What would that be?

Cedric stopped walking and turned to face him, and Keegan did the same.

There are more o’ th’ dark ones running loose out there. Bronaugh says she kens o’ at least fifty more, other than herself. Some out o’ their minds with th’ hunger, some no’.

Doesn’t surprise me, Keegan told him. We had two of them locked in cells on my ranch.

Aye. Marc told me.

Keegan heard the censor in his tone but chose not to challenge it. It would do no good. The soul suckers had provided months of entertainment before they finally gave in to their disease. A couple of his guys had found them dead in their cell just a week

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