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Roman on the ice: Boston Bay Vikings, #12
Roman on the ice: Boston Bay Vikings, #12
Roman on the ice: Boston Bay Vikings, #12
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Roman on the ice: Boston Bay Vikings, #12

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Roman Díaz, the team's youngest player, preferred to keep to himself during downtime—baking, reading, and baking some more. His family in Cuba was the one thing he missed while in Boston. Apart from hockey and what he's read in books, his mother taught him everything he knows.

He wasn't a player like some of the team's single guys; in fact, girls were not a priority for him. His mind was occupied with the game and his studies to further his education.

One night changed him.

Pia Edwards, a college student, and the younger sister of Camden—Vikings #37—found herself in a situation that quickly became dangerous. She'd put her trust in her friends and look where that had gotten her.

An aspiration through the night mist was her savior.

Meet Roman Díaz and Pia Edwards in the twelfth book of the Boston Bay Vikings series by NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Lexi Buchanan.

Release dateMar 24, 2023
Roman on the ice: Boston Bay Vikings, #12

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    Roman on the ice - Lexi Buchanan



    Ryan is sound asleep against my chest. Camden and Molly have the cutest little boy. He gets a good night's sleep. He feeds well. Mom used to tell me that Camden and I were both terrible sleepers and picky eaters.

    A relaxing Sunday afternoon is exactly what I need before diving into an assignment. A day away from class allows me to clear my mind and improves my concentration. I hear a snore from the armchair across the room. My brother has dozed off. I grin. I never imagined Camden getting married and starting a family. And now, here we are. He adores his wife and, more recently, his son. I'm delighted for him.

    I hoped that after the birth of his first child, he would be less concerned about me. He tends to go overboard at times. But, no, he still checks in on me. I like it, at least most of the time. It can be exhausting though.

    Sighing, I rub Ryan Peter's back gently and gaze at his cherub face. He is the most adorable baby. I could stare at him all day with his button nose, blue eyes, and the most beautiful pouting lips. I enjoy being his aunt. He has an uncle and Aunt on Molly's side of the family. Her brother, Daniel, and his wife, Susan, both dote on Ryan when Camden and Molly take him to visit. They are Amish and despise the city life. Molly's relationship with her mother, I believe, is hit or miss. I don't inquire.

    At the very least, I get to see him all the time. I intend to be his favorite Aunt. When he sees me, he already smiles and his eyes light up. He's still young with both his parents suffering with separation anxiety, but I can't wait to babysit him.

    Molly appears, holding a plate. Lunch, she says, frowning. I'm not sure how you'll eat while reclining like that.

    I grin. I'll starve if it means I can keep this guy for a little longer.

    I'll take him.

    I have him. I giggle. Please allow me to spoil my nephew with cuddles.

    Molly gives a nod. At the very least, let me help you get into a sitting position so you can eat.

    Okay. I clutch Ryan as Molly adjusts the recliner controls to position me more upright. I wiggle my bottom into the chair's back and slightly rearrange my nephew.

    Molly places my sandwich on a side table beside the chair. There.

    Camden snores loudly, causing his son to twitch. I laugh. Molly, are you keeping my brother awake all night? I wiggle my brows.

    Molly sighs and rolls her eyes. Only in his dreams. She nudges Camden's arm, startling him awake.

    Sleeping beauty has awoken, Molly says as she leans in and kisses her husband.

    You invited me over to catch up, but you didn't say to catch up on sleep!

    Hardy har, Camden grumbles.  My son is sleeping, so it's only natural for me to sleep with him.

    Any excuse. I smile as I roll my eyes. I was just thinking about how you're a family man. It has altered you. Also, for the better. I mean, you weren't all that bad before; it's just that things have changed.

    I adore you, Sis. He lets out a sigh. I am concerned about you, though.

    Is it because the girls showed up uninvited to Carter's housewarming? That's why you're concerned, isn't it? I kiss Ryan on the top of his head.

    I’ve never liked Tess and Jessica, Pia.

    You understand me better than anyone else. I promise that my entire outlook on life will not change as a result of them. I can feel tears forming on my lashes. I think they're no longer just using, I admit. I believe they're selling.

    Wait a minute! Camden yells, leaping to his feet and startling Ryan awake.

    I'll take him, Molly says of her sobbing son, glaring at her husband.

    I stand up and stretch, wincing.

    You should explain.

    Get out of my face. Camden is pushed back a step. I'm not certain. It's just a few things I've seen that make me think there's more going on.

    How come you didn't tell me? He pulls on his hair.

    I'm telling you right now! I encircle his waist and press my face against his chest.

    He eventually relaxes and wraps his strong arms around me.

    What should I do?

    Camden clenches his fists around my hair and lifts my face to look at him. Move in here.

    You've wanted me here since the first time I set foot in Boston. Pause. They're not going to hurt me. For the time being, I'm staying. I just don’t know what to do about the situation.

    What's the matter with you?

    There is nothing wrong with me. I've known Gigi since kindergarten. I refuse to abandon her. I need to find a way to help her. If they are selling the drugs, they have to get them from somewhere. Those are the people who make me nervous.

    He's agitated and pacing now. I understand about your friend, but she must want to be helped, Pia. She will not budge otherwise.

    I have to give it my best shot, and I promise to tell you if I see a stranger hanging around.

    I can't believe you're unconcerned. What about self-preservation?

    I'm telling you what's going on when I could have stayed silent, I admit, throwing my hands in the air. The situation worries me. But you understand why I have to stay for the time being, right?

    He wipes his brow with his hand. This is difficult for me, but I understand.

    I know. I'll check in every morning and evening.

    Molly reappears, holding a much happier baby. We trust you to call when or if you need us, she says, looking at Camden.

    Thank you, Molly. I retake my seat. I'm going to eat something before I leave. I grin.



    I watch with interest as Iris tries out the new gluten free pizza recipe. Since becoming pregnant, she has been allergic to gluten, and she is craving pizza. I'm not bothered because I enjoy baking. When I have something on my mind, it gives me time to think and settle. It began as an escape, but I soon discovered that I enjoyed it. That I was skilled at it. I guess the pizza is a hit based on the way Iris sighs with her eyes closed as she munches on the slice.

    Knox looks at the food warily but decides to take a bite. He rolls his eyes as he notices me staring at him.

    I lean in close to Iris. Well?

    Her eyes light up when she looks at me, but her mouth is full, so she takes a moment to respond. This is incredible. It's the best pizza I've ever eaten. Are you certain it's gluten free?

    This is really good. Knox shovels it into his mouth with ease.

    I'm laughing. From the way you two are looking at me, you'd think I'd never cooked before.

    That's not it, Roman. I'm terrible at making gluten free pizza. Even the bread I attempted turned out like a rock. It sucks.

    Well, hopefully it's only temporary.

    That's something I keep telling her. I'm going to buy her the biggest pizza I can find when our son is born.

    Iris swallows and clears her throat. When our daughter is born, I plan to eat the largest pizza I can find. She chuckles.

    Well, I've got some extra dough that you can take with you. Simply make it up as you would any other pizza dough.

    I'd beg you to come live with us right now if you weren't already taken with hockey.

    Knox sighs. We've got a full house, babe. Don't give him any encouragement.

    Tsk, Iris says, grinning, grabbing the front of Knox's shirt. I adore you.

    I wince as they become mushy. Don't you two have your own place instead of weirding me out?

    The single guy says, Knox says. His pupils constrict. I believe you should ask the girls to set you up with someone.

    There is no way that's happening.

    Stop being such a pussy. Someone exists out there—

    Stop! I raise my hand in front of Knox, sure he's debating whether to knock it away or knock me out. I cast a glance at Iris, who is still eating pizza. She's not going to be of any assistance. I sigh. I'm preoccupied. I have hockey as well as college. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and baking. I'm not interested in becoming even more scattered. It would make me anxious. Besides, I'm not as old as you, so there's plenty of time, I grin.

    Knox sighs and rolls his eyes. Asshole.

    No cursing, Iris says between bites, rubbing her stomach. Also, leave Roman alone. He'll start dating when he finds someone worth his time.

    Pay attention to your wife.

    I always pay attention to her. Knox encircles Iris' shoulders and kisses her cheek before whispering in her ear.

    I leave them in the kitchen and go to the living room. It's an open-plan living area, but it's nice and all mine. I consider myself extremely fortunate that Wyatt Peters offered me a contract with the Boston Bay Vikings. It was a move that initially frightened me. The terror of the unknown. I can't imagine my life without the people in it now. People who

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