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Soldier of Discontent
Soldier of Discontent
Soldier of Discontent
Ebook50 pages44 minutes

Soldier of Discontent

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When the mayor of a turn-of-the-century logging town investigates a lumberyard arson believed set by a labor agitator, she risks becoming a target herself as she uncovers a desperate scheme of seduction, revenge, and murder. 

Release dateMar 26, 2023
Soldier of Discontent

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    Soldier of Discontent - Richard Quarry

    Also by Richard Quarry

    a Nat Frayne mystery

    The Dread Men and Other Cases of Nat Frayne

    The Dread Men

    And Make Not Dreams Your Master

    Lord Under London And Otther Cases of Nat Frayne

    Lord Under London

    The Case of Dancing Kali

    The French Medium

    Perfidious Albion

    Further Adventures of Odysseus

    Odysseus and the Eye of Odin

    Man Of Many Turnings

    The Evolved

    The Big Empty

    Point Of No Return

    The Outcasts



    The God Machine

    The Evolved

    The Valrayne Saga

    Dance of Sword and Heron

    Dance of Deer and Shadow

    Dance of Cat and Amber`


    Beer Run

    All You Ever Have To Do

    Midnight Choir


    Blue Dread

    The Horns Of Hathor


    What Rough Beast

    Absent From Felicity

    The Homecoming of Lucian Wren

    Mary's Hell

    The Sound of Snowfall

    The Fires of Beltane

    Devolution Day

    Beer Garden

    The French Fries of Freedom

    Soldier of Discontent

    Clearance Sale

    The Treasure of the Endless Scrub

    Star Mole

    Questing Song

    Board Games

    Miss Kittenses

    String Theory

    Tea Party

    No Boobs, No Kardashians

    The Blue Ibis

    Soldier of Discontent and Other Stories

    Soldier Of Discontent

    Richard Quarry

    Copyright © 2022 by Richard Quarry

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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    Soldier of Discontent

    About the Author

    Blue Dread

    Soldier of Discontent

    By the time I jounced out to Charles Farnham’s marshalling yard on Icicle Creek, fearing for the surrey’s axles at each pothole, the fire had died down to ash and embers.

    Slump-shouldered, smoke-blackened men patrolled the yard with shovels and water buckets. At intervals I heard a hisssst! and a plume of steam spurted up as another hotspot was doused. A donkey engine pumped water up from the creek. The engine shook and rattled, rickity-rickity-clack like a man with bad lungs. The air reeked of burned wood, with an undercurrent of pitch.

    I saw no sign of the dead man.

    Charles Farnham had built a showy two story house replete with pink and blue fishscale siding and gingerbread trim on a small rise above Icicle Creek. The front faced not toward the water and the lush green woods beyond, but the bare dirt lumber yard, so that Farnham could sit on the porch of an evening and watch his wealth accumulate log by log.

    Now he stood hang-dog at the end of the verandah, clad in a quilted burgundy smoking jacket, whiskey glass in hand as he conferred with Sheriff McKinnon.

    Hopping down from the surrey I hitched Winsome to a post, bracing myself for what I expected to be a rancorous exchange. Back before the 19th Amendment, not too many women served as mayor. And not too many mayors of either sex anywhere in the Olympic Peninsula dared stand up to the timbermen. During the election Farnham had repeatedly stated that I was trying to ride my husband’s coattails into office, when what was needed was a hard-headed man who understood business. Having placed the flowers on Bill’s grave only five months before, I had not yet forgiven him, nor made any plans to.

    I hadn’t driven out to offer sympathy, but to keep Charles Farnham from whipping the town into a lather against labor organizers, which could all too easily become a club-swinging free-for-all against any logger who dared complain when he had to eat beans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Doc Mayhew stood bent over a soot-stained man in a rocking chair, methodically stitching

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