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The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami): Revered Counsel and Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom
The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami): Revered Counsel and Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom
The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami): Revered Counsel and Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom
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The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami): Revered Counsel and Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom

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Reading this book will stretch the boundaries of sacred knowledge as you immerse yourself in a primordial ocean of revelations.

Our Mothers (Iyami) are the super powerful cosmological Divine Mothers (Super Goddesses), who throughout the annals of history are known by a thousand names. They are the right-hand counsel to the Supreme Creator, an inextricable force of creation who sustain all life.

The name Iyami relates to the Yoruba religion of West Africa, yet their expansiveness is worldwide, having been revered throughout the woman’s mysteries since time immemorial. They were present on Earth before humans arrived here. They are considered cosmic, primordial and ancestral, their essence is multi-layered.

Throughout history, we find them in roles of great power, counsels to the ruling elite, or as matrilineal High Priestesses. Their aim is to ensure justice, harmony and balance in the inner and outer realms, guaranteeing the survival of not only this planet, but others in the universal eco-system encompassing every being who fights to maintain the light of the Creator.

His-story has committed acts of genocide against the Divine Feminine hierarchy in subduing and usurping her station in favour of a materialistic and violent patriarchal system. Any woman who exhibited her innate feminine magical powers became hunted, tortured, killed and labelled as witches. Yet now it is time, more so than ever, for the Divine Feminine Iyami to return and to rise once more here on Earth, as is the birthright for every female alive today and their children’s children.
Release dateMar 31, 2023
The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami): Revered Counsel and Keepers of Ancient Sacred Wisdom

Iyanla Bivinet-Ash Au Bari

Iyanla Bivinet Ashi Au Bari is a Master Shamanic Healer and Teacher of Core Andean Practices. She offers healing to open the doors of possibility for her global clients. She is the author of Living Shamanism, Unveiling the Mystery & the Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami). She is also a contributing author to Shamanic Transformation, The True Stories of Awakening & What Is Shamanism. She has studied with teachers and mystics from both the Andean Qero and Aymara Traditions and West African Orisha traditions. She is also studying Quareia High Magic. She constantly seeks the Path of Purity and Truth. As a child and kin of the Divine Mothers Iyami, she works from the Inner core of the Mothers, working with injustice to help restore balance to the Earth. She works with conflict resolution, karmic issues and clearing negative dark forces. She is a conduit for alchemical change and transformation. About the Counsel and Contributor Chrystalle Ariel is a Hereditary Metaphysician and an Initiate of The Holy Mysteries. She is a Record Keeper and Sacred Scribe of several spiritual lineages. A trained broadcast journalist and metaphysical counsellor, she was born into the Lineage of the Orishas and the Divine Mothers in West Africa. She is steeped in the Mysteries of Cosmic Luminosities, The Mills of the Gods and the Infinite began to grind in early life. This allowed for Multidimensional living that initially brought elation and then many tests, learning to straddle the inner and outer realms of light and creation. She works with many Divine Allies. This allows her to navigate life deeply in sacred service on earth at this pivotal time. She does this from an ever-expanding place of Truth, Freedom and Evolution. Chrystalle is available for In-Depth Metaphysical Readings, Hand Analysis (Chiromancy), Lifepath Maps, Bush Flower Remedies/ Readings, and Herbal/Nutritional Healing.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely enlightening read of understanding these divine aspects of hierarchical powers

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The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami) - Iyanla Bivinet-Ash Au Bari

About the Author

Iyanla Bivinet Ashi Au Bari is a Master Shamanic Healer and Teacher of Core Andean Practices. She offers healing to open the doors of possibility for her global clients. She is the author of Living Shamanism, Unveiling the Mystery & the Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami). She is also a contributing author to Shamanic Transformation, The True Stories of Awakening & What Is Shamanism.

She has studied with teachers and mystics from both the Andean Qero and Aymara Traditions and West African Orisha traditions. She is also studying Quareia High Magic. She constantly seeks the Path of Purity and Truth. As a child and kin of the Divine Mothers Iyami, she works from the Inner core of the Mothers, working with injustice to help restore balance to the Earth. She works with conflict resolution, karmic issues and clearing negative dark forces. She is a conduit for alchemical change and transformation.

About the Counsel and Contributor

Chrystalle Ariel is a Hereditary Metaphysician and an Initiate of The Holy Mysteries. She is a Record Keeper and Sacred Scribe of several spiritual lineages. A trained broadcast journalist and metaphysical counsellor, she was born into the Lineage of the Orishas and the Divine Mothers in West Africa. She is steeped in the Mysteries of Cosmic Luminosities, The Mills of the Gods and the Infinite began to grind in early life. This allowed for Multidimensional living that initially brought elation and then many tests, learning to straddle the inner and outer realms of light and creation. She works with many Divine Allies. This allows her to navigate life deeply in sacred service on earth at this pivotal time. She does this from an ever-expanding place of Truth, Freedom and Evolution.

Chrystalle is available for In-Depth Metaphysical Readings, Hand Analysis (Chiromancy), Lifepath Maps, Bush Flower Remedies/ Readings, and Herbal/Nutritional Healing.


I would like to make some special dedications and thanks to those who love, guide and counsel me; these unique souls have not only agreed and signed up to be around and support me in this current paradigm, but their presence and never-ending support mean the world to me personally and for my purpose.

First and foremost, I want to thank my beloveds. My husband, Paul, who agreed to partner me along the continual rollercoaster of life and who is always on hand to love and support me unconditionally. My dear daughters, Ella and Katie, who are my joy and who I hold so dearly in my heart centre and who have become my most excellent teachers.

Chrystalle K. Arial, if not for you, this door would not have opened to connect me with my lineage (Iyami – Divine Mothers) once again, and I thank you for always being there to unravel my questions and to support this journey.

Last but not least, to those who walk beside me on this voyage of the sacred quest and provide such great laughter with their constant willingness to do the work we are here to do. You are indeed the steady, peaceful, amazing warriors of the Path of Purity and Truth.

Copyright Information ©

Iyanla Bivinet-Ashi Au Bari 2023

The right of Iyanla Bivinet-Ashi Au Bari to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

ISBN 9781398445123 (Paperback)

ISBN 9781398445130 (ePub e-book)

First Published 2023

Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

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It is with honour and great respect that I acknowledge the keepers of the Traditions of IFA/Orisha both in their homelands of West Africa and the Diasporas.

Particularly I would like to acknowledge Chrystalle K. Ariel and her substantial abilities to help bring this work to the world. Dr Ayele Kumari (Chief Abiye Tayese) for her extensive knowledge of the traditions of IFA/Orisha/Iyami and her wonderful classes. Iyanifa Vassa Olufadeke of the IFA Foundation, who first began my knowledge and training. Lastly, Mama Zogbe Mamaissii Vivian Hunter-Hindrew of and her incredible books opened doors beyond my imagination to the history and etymology of West Africa.


The idea, or should I say the urging, to write this book, came from ‘Iyami, The Divine Mothers’. You will hear me refer to them many times throughout this book, and I will explain later who they are. For now, I would like to clarify the energy behind the urging.

I first met them three years before I began writing this. It was in August 2016; I had booked an appointment with a renowned, Metaohysical Seer and Counsel. How this meeting came about was also serendipitous. The story begins a year before this. I was busy seeing clients regularly. As they say, things come in threes. , I had booked appointments for three clients, from different locations around Ireland.

Sometimes, in a session I ask how my clients have come to hear about me, each one, stated that ‘Chrystalle’, had sent them. It was only after the third client expressed where he had come from, I asked, I know this is strange, but who is this Chrystalle?

He explained who Chrystalle was and what she did. During his explanation, I recognised her description. I asked if there was another name she was known? He replied yes and then I remembered where I had met ‘Chrystalle’ before. It was twenty years ago when my husband and I were training in Andean Shamanism, with Dr Alberto Villoldo here in Ireland. I remembered her very well; we hadn’t ever spoken, this, of course, isn’t unusual as the classes often contained around 70 people, who had come from all over the world to train. We too had come over from the UK to take part in the training. When I last saw Chrystalle, we were living in the UK, without any plans of moving to Ireland.

After I had finished with this particular client, I was puzzled to understand why Chrystalle was referring clients to me; after all, it was not as if we moved in the same circles.

A few weeks later, my husband was struggling with an issue that threw out some challenges in his life and he couldn’t see a way forward. I remembered how Chrystalle worked, and I discussed her gifts with him. He thought it would be a great idea to have an appointment with her. When the day of his appointment arrived, we left our home to start the hour-long journey. We had the directions and a map, but somehow along the way, we got lost in the mountains of Tipperary. It was an extraordinary and stressful journey. Finally, we arrived at our destination, a tiny village in rural Tipperary. My husband went to his appointment and came out about 2 hours later. I could tell by his face, he was in shock, especially when all he could say was ‘Wow’. Now, my husband isn’t easily impressed, especially with those who do any medium type work, let alone with seers. With Chrystalle, it was different, he came out clutching his tape, we said our goodbyes and began the journey home. Again, taking a completely different route from the way we came. Throughout the car journey, He was chatting away, animately recounting what had happened and what Chrystalle had told him.

The very next day, I listened to his tape. I remember thinking to myself; this is tremendously evolved. I excitedly made an appointment for myself about three months later.

When the day arrived, I was excited, but a little worried about what I would hear, especially if she were to tell me about my life’s purpose. You see, I have been a Shaman healer, Teacher and Author for over ten years. I remembered thinking that morning in the shower, What if I am not meant to do this at all, or what if the Guardian Spirits think I’m a fraud?

As these negative thoughts ran through my head, the fear and doubt urged me to adopt a cynical mindset. I know, I thought, I’m going to test her ability. With this thought running rampant, I spoke aloud two questions, the first, ‘how many dimensions are there really in existence?’ and two, ‘what will happen with my Mum’s illness?’ I continued to get ready, and we set off, of course, the route we took was again completely different from the last time.

We arrived at the location, the same time as Chrystalles secretary who informed us Chrystalle had been delayed because she had experienced an unusually tricky morning.

We waited inside for about half an hour when all of a sudden a car pulled up and Chrystalle came inside the house, looking very flustered. My husband said hello, and I walked forward to hug her. Chrystalle hurriedly rushed past me, saying, I have to go and get ready. All of a sudden, I was lost in my head again, as my ego informed me this was surely going to be a problematic appointment for me!

Finally, I was called in as Chrystalle was ready; she apologised to me and explained what had happened. Julie, I am very sorry for the delay, but when I was at home I experienced a very strong energy from ‘The Mothers’, I had to keep sitting down. I was sat there thinking, Oh my goodness, who are these ‘Mothers’? Chrystalle went on to explain; she had never experienced such a persistent visit from these extraordinary beings before, especially here in Ireland. Even as she was talking to me, they were urging her to begin the session.

That day was my first introduction to ‘The Divine Mothers’, or Iyami to share their actual title. From this moment in time, I knew my life, and my work would change and become enhanced into a deeper and more focussed way of working, and little did I realise how different it would become. The information, she shared and explained to me during the afternoon, was confusing, yet I knew I had to surrender to her counsel. I also knew I had received information that was so ancient and profound, my western mind, was indeed going to need some time to process it all. One thing Chrystalle repeated throughout the session was, I know this is a lot to take in. Well, she wasn’t kidding, as it took me the best part of a year and a half, merely to begin to put it all into practice. For once in my life, I could not rely on being taught by a physical book or a known teacher. Far from it, everything shared, guided and even initiated, comes from other dimensions, straight into me in reality and during my dream time. Even, the need to write this book came to me from the higher realms, the title of the book, itself was illuminated in the quietness of a visualisation, along with a fervent desire to begin writing it.

By the way, remember the two questions I boldly asked in the shower before my session? Well, Chrystalle answered them within ten minutes of our meeting, when she said: Well, you know, there are many more dimensions than we know about, there are at least 22 in the centre of the Earth, alone. As my eyebrows raised ever so slightly, I was thinking, Oh my goodness, they heard me. Then nearer the end of my session, she pointed to one of the unusual-looking cards I had pulled earlier and said: What’s wrong with your Mums health? Finally, I thought to myself; there you go you doubting Thomas, your test was heard, do not be suspicious any longer, it’s time to get to work.


The very idea of life beyond what is considered a now standard archaic patriarchal view is possibly lesser-known and un-acknowledged. The implication of a once-powerful feminine force of Creator Goddesses and Priestesses, having held status and prominence and who had dominion over the Ancient World is for many unthinkable. The latter more commonly recognised as the famous Oracles and Seers, who guided the High Kings and Men of influence throughout the ancient lands. Indeed, they held power and position in the Ancient World. They served no masculine figurehead or God; instead, they served a pantheon of powerful deities, a force of immense reckoning beyond the veils of reality and form. These Priestesses were known as the Serpent worshippers; they hailed from ambiguity and the higher hidden worlds. These women kept the secrets of where we came from and who seeded us here on Earth. Their daily ritual was imbued with honouring and appeasing these Deities and ensuring their bidding was carried out in the realms of man. Beyond the Deities, sent here as ambassadors to help humankind from ‘Father God’ himself is better known throughout the tribal cultures of Earth. Yet what do we know about the Divine Mothers, Iyami who birthed us all?

There is, of course, a known biological fact, all living female species (whether human or animal, unless of course, you are a seahorse), create life inside their wombs using the precious masculine seed. If you are like me, you may have pondered how the first humans arrived here on Earth? And consequently who was the second and the third who came after that? Whose belly did the first human birth come out of?

There are, after all, many unanswered questions.

Of course, science and Darwinists have their views. And the Bible scriptures provide us with a template view of a Primordial Adam and Eve. The evidence is there, except for a clear and concise translation. Our minds create reality, built on a library set of beliefs and opinions. Therefore one man’s idea isn’t the same as another. What does interest me, lies in a vast pool of hidden truths and knowledge about our source induction here on Earth. The strange and biased Worldview of history seems to collude with the wishes of Monarchy and Religious Hierarchies insistence of cataloging what happened by way of a manipulated conjecture.

It is rare to actualise facts when the time has long gone and has been placed in the vaults underneath libraries, the Vatican and Museums. Every piece of knowledge having predated a colluded way of life has become secreted into a misrepresented or inside fairytale annuals of mythology. Where other existences or the idea of other lifeforms, are excommunicated into a fantasmagorical place of conjecture. When you examine such a worldview from its biased position of records, one has to question. Why so much has been ignored rather than celebrated as part of humanities rich tapestry of evolution. Perhaps it is because it all happened so long ago, far beyond man’s ability to remember or even record. After all, there is such a limited amount of evidence available which can explain or back up these ideologies. Let’s face it, so many records and important scrolls were destroyed along the way. Even the Bible itself had much of its essential content omitted and disregarded. Perhaps by accident or perhaps by deliberate and intelligent omission, carried out by those who feel we should never know the truth.

Today, when anyone offers a difference in constructive opinion, a possibility of something Science hasn’t a proven theory for yet. It is often downgraded to a conspiracy theory or demeaned as ‘new age or hippy’, ways of seeing the world. Laughed off as having been written by someone who is clearly on the ‘wacky baccy’ or who lives with their head in the clouds.

For me, silence can no longer be the norm, as research has to take precedence as the journey into understanding my lineages and previous lifetimes, must now become the pillars of what happened and how humanity evolved towards its state of patriarchal dominance. And it has to be served on a golden platter with a caveat to be shared.

The main contributors and research in writing about ‘The Sacred Divine Mothers (Iyami)’, comes originally from the African tradition, where Iyami, first showed up and during the hundreds of thousands of years following, they have been revered, feared, worshipped, adored and denied.

In Africa today, there are still, many groups claiming to uphold these core beliefs, and there are also many who have reformed and hijacked the core teachings using a somewhat sketchy, artistic licence in its reformation in their worship and rituals. Claiming to come from a reliable source, it is sad to say, there are those, who have taken a mere part of the original and sacred teachings and used them merely to gain power and status. These people are indeed delusional and often money driven.

However, there always has to be an original early ‘religion’ who venerated and adored ‘Iyami’, wherein, the teachings and truth come directly from Source, these have been found in the Mami Wata, Yeveh and Vodoun Religions.

Mami Wata is celebrated as being the Divine original truth and wisdom guide, Yeveh incorporates ancestral worship, and Voudon came from the Serpent Deities. (Voudon, is the pure form of the later embellished Voodoo) These three fragments of the whole are drawn from a profound cosmology, ritual ceremony and philosophy. One whose culture spreads over 300,000 years and of which the art of divination underpins its very core, known initially as AFA, now more commonly known as IFA a name generated from the Yoruba traditions, native to Benin, Togo and Nigeria of West Africa.

‘We Are’

We are from the centre of Earths deepest Cosmogony.

Our bloodline is pure with unabashed progeny.

We are the deepness of Sacred Law and Mystery.

Though much of our existence has been wiped from history.

We were present from the beginning of humanity.

Our life force was misappropriated and labelled by profanity.

Our powers held the status and our abilities respected.

Our Priestesses honoured and deeply connected.

These were Alchemists and Counsel, Healers and Seers.

Their protectors were loyal and fierce Amazonian buccaneers.

Kings asked my Priestesses for guidance, magic and audience.

Kings never needed to be assured of our credentials.

‘We are’ the Divine Ancestral Mothers.

Our realms originate in the Earth, in Fire, Air and its Waters.

We need no permission or trivial enticing.

We do not need your recognition or obvious soothing.

As we are, the Mothers of Earths initial creation.

We come back to bring harmony to your imbalanced nations.

We remain the powers of Creation and counsel from the ether.

We exist outside of humanities scope of law, rule and tether.

We remain connected to the children of our lineage.

We reside both in the Eden and within the belly of Earth.

Poised in silence with patience, awaiting humanities rebirth.

We are the architects and creators who will rebuild the rainbow bridge.

Chapter 1

Her Story Lost

The Divine Providence of Mami Wata

¹The manifestation of the original and natural order as will through the divine Logos. Responsible for establishing human societies, moral law, religious institutions and sacred authority, for maintaining order on Earth.

Vivian Hunter-Hindrew M.ED, Chief Hounon Amengansie

In the main, and it is safe to say, we have a narrow worldview when we talk about history. In itself, history is often punctuated by religious knowledge, because it was often the Monks who penned what happened. History ushers understanding of where we came from and what happened to humanity through a condensed age. And we can determine certain datelines and events throughout human history because we assume the escapades of humanity is an exact account in its history annals. Indeed the scribes have ensured our rise into an intelligent and wealthy species has been very well documented. All events, including wars or invasions, having been meticulously accounted for to ensure success to the winning side is celebrated; the underlying tone behind this is always power, wealth and strength of manhood and prowess. All aspects of maleness and its might and intelligence are condensed using the power of the written word. Most of our fifth root race legacies has been divided into two brief eras. There is BC, Before Christ and AD, Anno Domino, Latin for ‘in the year of our Lord’. I guess when you examine this, it seems the modern man indeed is commemorated by his religious beliefs, especially in the eyes of Christianity, Catholicism and Islam.

Christianity became fashionable between the years of 31BC and around 30AD when Christ died. It is a human-manmade religion derived from plunder. The Source of Roman Catholicism comes from Egypt. It was the Abrahamic religions that diminished Iyami and the protection they offered here on Earth. Surprisingly, the biblical scriptures do not make the basis for a human-made religious faith, as the scriptures superimposed the esoteric traditions. Contradictively, the Biblical scriptures are rooted in retold Kemetic accounts. Within this, Christians do not figure at all, and each scripture became rewritten after the ensuing invasions occurred along the desert trade routes.

The Knights Templars infamous crusades throughout the ancient world, based their ritualistic practices on the principles they discovered in Kemet and East Africa, these became the basis for the early Masons. The Freemason Organisation, then and now are based around the Feminine mysteries.

Regarding humanities more extended history, we could consider a much later timeline of around 4.3 million years of evolution starting with an entity that began walking upright to the now better-known Homo erectus, originating from approximately 1.8 million years ago.

There seems to be only a slight mythical sympathy towards humanities existence, its social status and incredible abilities celebrated beyond the history of Ancient Civilisations, this lack of knowledge has taught man to acquiesce in his ignorance. Yet it seems to be the least talked about in mainstream educational facilities. Though we acknowledge, Ancient Civilisations timelines from around 4,500 BC, Namely Ancient Mesopotamia, the Ancient Grecian Civilisation from 3,000 BC, and the Indus Empire around 2,500 BC, Ancient China, Kemet and Nubian and Aegean Civilisations from 2,000 BC, Mesoamerica around 1,500 BC, Ancient Andean Civilisations and Ancient Steppe Empires from about 1,000 BC. Yet, so much is unknown about the more profound essence of the Feminine mysteries which underpinned these ancient societies.

Nevertheless, what do we know about an older Ancient world and its history? One now prone to mythic status.

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