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Moving Home: EMP, #5
Moving Home: EMP, #5
Moving Home: EMP, #5
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Moving Home: EMP, #5

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The fifth novel in the EMP series. As civilization encroaches more and more on their lives, life on the farm continues to change in ways both good and bad. When a tipping point is reached, a difficult decision must be made, but will everyone be on board? Follow Sophie, Jeb and the rest of the Shepherd family on their journey to navigate the new world after the EMP.

Release dateMar 30, 2023
Moving Home: EMP, #5

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    Moving Home - Stephanie Albright


    I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.

    ― Joan Didion


    Once again I started this book thinking it was the last one and once again, Jeb and Sophie said, Hold our beers!. Meanwhile, there is a pile-up of new characters in my brain waiting somewhat impatiently to tell their own stories. I have opened my brain just a crack to let two of them, Kate and Lance, start on their own journey in a Kindle Vella story called, After the EMP My Survival Story. It’s my first try at serial fiction, so don’t judge it too harshly.

    I read ALL the Amazon reviews and I wish I could respond to you. I will put the links to my LinkedIn and Patreon pages at the end. I just can’t make myself go back to Facebook, so I have reworked my Patreon to let y’all join for $1 so we can talk about the books, gardening, prepping, or whatever y’all want. I might even give you some previews and a chance to help me with some of the details of the story.

    One of those reviews from Adolf von Württemberg asked for a summary of the first few books since it had been so long between. I heard your request and it is included in this book! Thank you for the suggestion. I hope to have the next book out in November and I have no idea if it will be the last one!

    Thank you so much for the support and the reviews. You have no idea how much they mean to me.


    * * *

    Cast of Characters


    Sophie - She was an hour from home when an EMP strike occurred and she walked home with a coworker named Alice.

    Alice -Sophie’s coworker who walked home with her and later appears in a neighboring community. She is married to Russ and stepmom to his son, Robbie. Robbie marries Samantha.


    Maude - A woman who lets Sophie and Alice sleep in her home on their way north.

    Josh - Maude’s grandson, who is upset that Maude took them in.

    Tom - Police chief who helps Sophie and Alice on their way home. He is married to Amanda and they have a daughter named Kim. They join the community later.

    Oliver - Gave Sophie and Alice a ride for the last leg of their journey. He joins the community with Tom and Amanda later. Can build just about anything.

    Rick - Sophie’s first husband, who left hours before she made it home. He later came back bringing his girlfriend with him.

    Earl & Sally - Sophie’s neighbors.

    John & Cindy - Own the farm across the road from Sophie. They have six sons.

    Jeb - Oldest son of John & Cindy. Earl introduces him to Sophie and they later get married. He is a former Marine.

    Sam & Meg - Have three kids, Mikey, Samantha & Levi. Meg dies after trying to use herbs to abort a baby she is scared to deliver without modern medicine.

    David & Susan - Have two children, Lindsey & Davie. Susan shoots Lindsey and then herself when she can’t cope with the reality that the power isn’t coming back. David drinks too much and dies in a fire. Davie lives with Sam.

    Jake & Natalie - Have two children, Ruth & Jack. Jake is a former Marine.

    Ryan & Leah - Have a daughter named Abbie.

    Max & Kim - Have two children Tommy & Katie. Kim is the daughter of Tom the police chief that Sophie met on her way home.

    Greg, Lisa & Lizzie - Lisa, Lizzie, and Greg’s mom are kidnapped. The kidnappers try to use them to steal from the community. Jeb, Jake & Tom save the women. They are introduced to their group and the two groups work together on survival projects.

    Dr. Adams - Uses magic mushrooms in therapy to help PTSD victims. He is able to help Jeb.

    Chapter 1

    "It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day,

    can change the course of a whole lifetime..."

    — Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner)


    These babies are coming whether or not they have names. Can we please talk about this and figure it out? I said.

    Someone is grumpy today, Jeb said, dropping a kiss on top of my head.

    Okay, Thing One and Thing Two it is.

    Soph, we will give them proper names, I promise, but we can’t force it. Where are you going?


    Don’t be mad, Soph.

    I’m not mad, I’m frustrated and my back hurts and I can’t breathe and I have to pee every five minutes.

    Let’s go sit in the swing and talk about the names, he said, taking my hand.


    I don’t know what you are so worried about, they already have names, Lily said, from the doorway.

    They do? I asked.

    Of course they do.

    Do you want to tell us? Jeb asked.

    You really don’t know?

    I sucked in a breath and bit my tongue.

    Their names are Maggie and Maddie.

    That’s perfect, Jeb said, looking at me.

    Wow, they do have names. Wait, do they have middle names too?

    She sighed. Of course they do. Maggie Caroline and Maddie Katherine.

    Thanks for telling us, Lily.

    Anytime, are you coming, Daddy? Granddaddy will be waiting for us.

    I’ll be there in a minute. Do you really like those names?

    I love those names, they are perfect. Caroline and Katherine are names from my family.

    Maggie and Maddie are from mine. Do you want me to skip the cows this morning and stay with you?

    No, go ahead. The babies have names now, so I can relax.

    I love you, Soph.

    I love you too, cowboy.

    An hour later Cindy joined me on the porch. I had an interesting conversation with Lily.

    I imagine that you did. Do you know their names too?

    Not always, but the twins, yes.

    What else can she do?

    Lily? I’m not sure. I think she is like my grandmama. I can’t do all that she could.

    I smiled. The twins, will they be able to do it too?

    I think so.

    Never a dull moment then.

    No. I will talk to Lily if you want me to. She doesn’t realize that not everyone can see the things that she can. My grandmama talked to me when I was about her age.

    Please, she seemed to think that Jeb and I were clueless this morning.

    Yeah, she told me.

    She knows that you can do it too?

    Yes, I didn’t tell her, she just knew.

    Do you want some coffee?

    Always. And anytime you think Lily needs to talk to me, just send her.


    I’ll make the coffee, stay here, I’ll be right back.

    She handed me a cup when she came back.

    How are you feeling?

    Fat, tired and my back hurts.

    Are you sure it’s not back labor?

    Oh, I didn’t even think of that. What if it is?

    I can call the midwife. Twins tend to come early.

    Go ahead, I want to be sure.

    The midwife didn’t waste any time getting there.

    Well, you are in labor. You are only slightly dilated though. Do you want to try this here or do you want to go to the base? I have privileges there now.

    We aren’t that far from there.

    Soph, let’s go to the birthing center, and then we will be right there, just in case, Jeb said from the doorway.

    I’m glad you are here.

    Mama texted me.

    Is that what you think we should do?

    It is.

    You know I’m scared, right?

    I know that, Soph. Lily says they will get here safely, hang on to that.


    I’ll get the truck.

    Three hours later, they were laying on my chest.

    Sophie, do you want us to put bands on them until you find a way to tell them apart?

    What do you think, Jeb?

    It probably wouldn’t hurt for a day or two.

    Go ahead. What will be on them?

    The birth date and time, she said as she took one of the twins.

    Mama and Lily are out in the waiting room, are you ready for them, Soph?

    I am.

    I’ll go get ‘em.

    Let’s get them in your arms before their big sister gets here, she said, putting the first baby in my arms.

    As she was putting the second baby on the other side, Lily came bouncing in. She came to a sudden halt when she saw the babies.

    I thought they would be bigger, she said, frowning.

    You saw little Katie when she was born, I said confused.

    Yeah, but I thought my sisters wouldn’t be like her.

    Because when you saw them in your mind they were older, Cindy said gently.

    Oh, Lily said, frowning. So I have to wait for all the cool stuff we are going to do?

    Yes, but it will be so worth it, right?

    She smiled. Oh, yeah.

    Come tell me which one is which, I said.

    She gently sat on the edge of the bed. That one is Maggie and the other one is Maddie. She reached out to touch Maggie’s hand and the baby grabbed her finger. She likes me already.

    They have been listening to your voice for months, they know who you are.

    I guess we don’t have to be in a hurry to find ponies for them, Daddy. It will be a while until they can ride them, so we can find some really good ones for them.

    Jeb was still in the doorway and his eyes were filled with tears.

    It’s okay, Daddy. They are going to stay for a long time, not like my brother. She walked to Jeb and hugged him.

    I’m not sad, baby. I’m the happiest man on the planet right now.

    Come over here and hold your daughters, I said, through my own tears.

    He walked to the bed and gently took Maddie into his arms.

    Do you want to hold Maggie? I asked Lily.

    She’s so little. I don’t want to hurt her.

    You won’t. Get up here beside me.

    Lily climbed into the bed and I put Maggie on her lap. When their eyes met, Lily smiled. I can’t wait for you to grow up so we can have all our adventures together, but we have to go to our other home first.

    I looked at Cindy and she had the same look of shock that I knew was on my own face. Jeb was frowning.

    What other home? I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

    We are all going to a huge farm, except for Uncle Ryan. He’s staying here for a while.

    The midwife came back just then. Sophie, are you spending the night here?

    No, I want to go home.

    I’ll sign all the paperwork and you can leave whenever you are ready. I’m glad I got to be a part of this.

    I’m glad you were able to deliver them without any interventions.

    Me too. I’m leaving now but call me if you need me.

    Thanks for everything, Jeb said. Do you need a ride?

    No, I’m set, thanks though. I’ll come check on you tomorrow.

    Lily, do you know when we will go to the other home?

    When it’s time, she answered.

    I looked at Cindy and she shook her head.

    Just tell me when you are ready to go home, Soph.

    I was ready ten minutes ago, I said, laughing.

    Let me help you get the girls ready. I want to get out of here too, Cindy said, reaching

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