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A Deadly Wilderness: The Ties That Kill
A Deadly Wilderness: The Ties That Kill
A Deadly Wilderness: The Ties That Kill
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A Deadly Wilderness: The Ties That Kill

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A frantic anonymous crisis center hot-line call propels counselor Susana Martinez-Acosta smack into the center of a murder investigation and a homicide detective’s arms. Exactly where she doesn’t want to be. Following the tragic death of her husband, she’s struggled to build a safe haven for herself and her son. That new world doesn’t include hit men and persistent detectives with dangerous jobs.

An idyllic wilderness hike turns deadly when homicide detective Ray Johnson tumbles into a ravine and lands on a corpse later identified as the son of a prominent citizen. Ray works to solve the political hot potato murder before city leaders bump him from the case. His determination to find the man’s killer leads him from the wealthiest enclaves in San Antonio to the city’s dark underbelly, all the while trying to win the woman he loves.

A Deadly Wilderness is a romantic suspense novel that will take the reader along on a tumultuous journey as the consuming need for material wealth drives a deadly wedge among family members who haven’t learned when enough really is enough. The journey ends where it began—in a deadly wilderness.

Release dateMay 23, 2023
A Deadly Wilderness: The Ties That Kill

Kelly Irvin

Kelly Irvin is a bestselling, award-winning author of over thirty novels and stories. A retired public relations professional, Kelly lives with her husband, Tim, in San Antonio. They have two children, four grandchildren, and two ornery cats. Visit her online at; Instagram: @kelly_irvin; Facebook: @Kelly.Irvin.Author; X: @Kelly_S_Irvin.

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    A Deadly Wilderness - Kelly Irvin

    A Deadly Wilderness

    The Ties that Kill

    Kelly Irvin

    Copyright © 2010, 2023 by Kelly Irvin

    All rights reserved.

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by an electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law.

    Smashwords eBook Edition

    Second Edition

    Printed in the United States

    To Tim, Erin, and Nicholas for putting up with me.

    You are the reason I look forward to getting up every morning.




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter Twenty-five

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Chapter Twenty-seven

    Chapter Twenty-eight

    Chapter Twenty-nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-one

    Chapter Thirty-two

    Chapter Thirty-three

    Chapter Thirty-four

    Chapter Thirty-five

    Chapter Thirty-six

    Chapter Thirty-seven

    Chapter Thirty-eight

    Chapter Thirty-nine

    Chapter Forty


    About the Author


    It’s important to state for the record that the events in this novel are complete and utter fiction. San Antonio parks are incredibly safe, beautiful places for families to share wonderful times together, in large part because of the San Antonio Park Police. The crimes that occur in parks in this novel are figments of a feverish, overactive imagination.

    As much as people talk about writing being a solitary pursuit, most people don’t write a book alone. In my case, I needed a lot of help to get here. My thanks to the Writing Girls, my critique group, the women who have nudged, urged, cheered, and discussed with me for six years on this road to publication. Peg Brantley, Susan Lohrer, and Angela Mills, the snoopy dances we’ve shared have spanned the continent. Our cyberspace chats are among the highlights of my fiction writing career.

    The support of my fellow writing junkies of the Alamo City Christian Writers group has helped me through the pain of rejection and given me the strength to persevere. It helps to know I’m not the only one who has strange people conversing in my head at two in the morning. Thanks to my Sunday school class at Northwest Hills United Methodist Church for years of support and prayers. You really are a Class Act.

    And then there’s my husband, Tim, my number one supporter, who had confidence in me before I even had it in myself. And to my children, Erin and Nicholas, for all those years of putting up with me hunched over my laptop, completely and totally oblivious to the real world around me, for all the times you had to yell Kelly! instead of Mom, just to get my attention, for all the meals you fixed for yourselves and all the cheering you did, thank you seems hardly sufficient. Love you guys.

    It just goes to show God wasn’t kidding when He said he would forgive and forget. By His grace, we all get a second chance.


    The hunt had been good.

    Lalo Hernandez veered from the trail, scooted through a stand of trees, and crouched behind thick bushes, enjoying the warm noon time sun on his back. It was a beautiful day, making the job all the more enjoyable. He fingered the hilt of the long knife strapped to his waist as he leaned in and peeked between branches laden with leaves that scratched his face.

    His prey sat on a flat rock in a small clearing several yards from the main trail, gulping water from a bottle. He wasn’t alone, a fact that filled Lalo with a certain excitement. He liked a challenge. Another man sat cross-legged in the grass, a bottle of Dos Equis in one hand and a half-smoked joint in the other.

    The possibility of taking them both out crossed Lalo’s mind, but his employer had only paid for one hit and disposing of two bodies would be problematic. He shifted slightly as his knees began to ache—the price he paid for longevity in a business where most guys got out, got killed, or went to prison before the aches and pains of old age hampered their ability to get the job done.

    He caressed the knife’s hilt again, forcing himself to focus. A nice kill before a lunch of gorditas and a margarita would anesthetize his pain quite nicely. Perhaps a siesta with su mujer. The two men seemed to be discussing some sort of business deal. He was too far away to hear the details. It didn’t matter. Lalo had no interest in their lives, their business, their families. None of it would matter in a few minutes.

    Men in his occupation learned to be patient. To pick the right moment.

    The crackling of leaves to his right made the skin on the back of Lalo’s neck prickle. He sucked in his breath and held it as he slithered deeper into the brush and tugged his black stocking down over his face. He suspected his victims might see it as a death mask, but really it simply gave him the necessary anonymity.

    A woman ducked into the clearing. Tall with the leathery skin of someone who spent a great deal of time in the sun. She marched, arms swinging, head back, straight to the rock. Lalo’s prey stood. The other man remained on the ground, sucking on his joint.

    The woman got in the prey’s face, hands gesticulating. A fight. Lalo swore very softly. He hadn’t banked on a crowd at his little party. He slipped the knife from its sheath, the carved handle a nice fit in his hand. The desire to control its power as it plunged into soft tissue and muscle almost overcame him. But not quite.

    Another minute. Give it another minute. Patience.

    His good luck held. The man whirled and stalked away from the woman, even as her large mouth continued to flap. He walked straight at the brushy area where Lalo had concealed himself. Distaste and anger colored the gringo’s face as he picked his way through the thorny underbrush. Lalo curled up tight in his hiding place, the knife ready.

    The man picked a spindly live oak and relieved himself. Lalo allowed him the dignity of zipping up his pants before he crept forward. The prey gaped at him, his eyes huge in his white face. Lalo thrust the knife up and up—straight into the prey’s chest.

    The sensation was everything he’d hoped for. The surprise on his prey’s face only added to the intense rush of power that fueled the pumping of blood through his body and accelerated the beat of his heart. The man sagged forward, his hands up as if to ward off an attack. Too late.

    You can’t do this—you won’t get away . . . He stumbled, fell to his knees. My father will . . . my father will get you . . .

    Lalo heard pounding feet and glanced away long enough to see the man and woman fleeing. They’d seen, or they’d heard, or both. He would deal with them later. Right now, he wanted to capture every fleeting second of this kill.

    His prey crumpled to the ground, gasping, a wet, gurgling sound. You won’t . . .

    His mouth worked, but the sound petered out. Lalo jerked the knife out and squatted to peer at his prey. The fight drained from the man’s face, his mouth went slack, and the fear in his eyes dissipated. His features went flat.

    Lalo nodded in satisfaction. His breathing began to return to normal. Time to find a nice out-of-the-way resting spot for the newly deceased. One where he wouldn’t be found any time soon, just as Lalo had promised his boss.

    But first he needed to do one more thing. He picked up a hand and contemplated the man’s wedding ring. Nice, simple, gold band. Neat, clean fingernails, too.

    The sharp blade worked its magic. Lalo had his trophy.

    Chapter One

    Mom worries about everything.

    The irritation in Marco Acosta’s voice made Ray Johnson hide his smile. The boy sounded like an irritable old man, not an eight-year-old. Ray’s amusement faded as he contemplated the reasons Marco had grown up too fast. He edged his way up a narrow spot in the rocky trail and glanced back at Benny Garza. Marco’s foster cousin showed no sign he saw irony in Marco’s complaint. Benny’s mother was in prison, doing time on a drug charge. Marco was lucky to have a mother who cared so much.

    Your mother worries because she loves you. Ray eased back and adjusted his sunglasses as a cluster of juniper gave way to an open space lit by the early morning sun. It’s been a rough year for everyone.

    She’s not going to let me go camping in Big Bend with you. Marco’s breaths came in puffs between the words. The terrain became more tortuous and the path meandered along a deep ravine. She doesn’t want me to spend the night away from home.

    Sweat rolled down Ray’s neck and soaked the back of his T-shirt. Susana’s reluctance to let Marco out of her sight was understandable. She’d lost so much already. I’ll talk to her when we get back. I promise.

    Eying the ground to make sure he stayed on the trail, Ray tightened his stride to allow for the boys’ shorter legs. Marco raised a water bottle to his mouth and drank. His tennis shoe was untied. You need to tie your shoe, Marco. The police-officer-slash-Boy-Scout in Ray sprang to attention. His nerves hummed with the realization Marco wasn’t paying attention—to his shoe or the sudden jagged swerve in the path. Watch where you’re going!

    Marco tripped over the shoelace and stumbled toward the ravine. The water bottle flew. His arms flapped.

    Ray flung himself forward. His fingertips brushed the strap of Marco’s backpack. The boy glanced back, face startled, eyes wide, his lips a tight O. Then, he disappeared from sight. Ray teetered. The toe of his boot caught in the root of a cedar tree, halting his momentum a split second before gravity kicked in and the weight of his six-foot-four frame dragged him forward. He pitched headfirst into the narrow fissure.

    He thrust his hands at bushes and branches but clutched only air. Tumbling, he smacked into rocks. Prickly pear and yucca scratched his face; branches punctured skin.

    His head bounced like a soccer ball against the ground. Pain ping-ponged through his skull. He finally landed on his back, arms flung wide, his left foot twisted under his right leg. Noise still rang in his ears.

    So much for a relaxing break from an endless parade of murder investigations.

    He turned his head, fighting pain. Marco? Marco, you okay? He peered through half-open eyelids, sure he could see a hand on the ground a few feet away. It was too big to be Marco’s. Flies swarmed where the ring finger should’ve been.

    Ray strained to raise his arm. He reached toward the hand. Purple spots danced in front of his eyes. The light squeezed into narrow pinpoints, then faded to a murky black.

    * * *

    A panicked voice penetrated the pain. Mr. Ray! Mr. Ray!

    Small hands patted Ray’s face. He opened his eyes to a soft, blue sky dotted with tufts of popcorn clouds. Benny’s dirty face filled his vision. He sucked in air and immediately regretted it. The rank odor of decaying flesh made his eyes water and bile burn in the back of his throat.

    What the— He tried to rise. Pain dug a trench from one ear to the other. He sank back. What is it?

    Benny leaned in close. Ray heard his agitated breathing and smelled his little boy sweat. The dirt and leaves on his clothes told Ray he’d come down the side of the ravine in a slip-and-slide fashion. Marco fell on a—a body. You gotta get up. He’s dead. It stinks. It stinks bad!

    Whoa! Easy, Benny, easy. Ray grabbed his hand. Are you hurt?

    No! We gotta get out of here! Thin features contorted with fear, Benny tugged from Ray’s grasp and darted toward Marco, who knelt a few feet away, his back to Ray. Come on, let’s just go!

    Marco, are you hurt? Ray struggled to get up. A sharp pain in his ankle, coupled with the fierce pounding in his head, made the ground rise and fall. He sank back again. Marco? Are you okay?

    Marco swiveled around. Tears streaked his face, but Ray saw no blood. His amber eyes wide, his gaze swung back-and-forth from the ground to Ray. He’d lost his cap; leaves clung to his shorts and T-shirt. I landed on him. I touched him. Somebody cut his finger off!

    Marco’s voice cracked. He pointed. Ray followed the line of his trembling fingers. Three outstretched fingers pointed back, a bloody stub where the fourth should have been. The hand Ray had seen before he passed out belonged to a body, spread-eagle and half-covered by brush.

    The man hadn’t been dead long—his features were recognizable—but birds and other animals had begun their work of tearing soft flesh from bone as San Antonio’s early summer heat baked the body. Move away. Ray schooled his voice to stay cool and calm. He hated that Benny and Marco had seen this—they’d both had enough tragedy in their lives. First things first: he wanted them away from the scene, then he’d shift from off-duty friend to on-duty police officer once they were calm. Come over here so I can take a look at you.

    Gaze still on the body, Marco stumbled to Ray, one arm dangling awkwardly at his side. Ray grabbed his thin frame in a hug. Look at me, Marco. Does your arm hurt?

    Marco buried his head in Ray’s chest. Ray felt a shudder rip through him. Where does it hurt?

    My wrist. Marco held out his swollen arm.

    Can you bend it?

    Marco’s sharp intake of breath answered that question.

    You have to watch where you’re going on these trails. Ray kept his tone soft. Marco had enough problems without this.

    I was thinking. Marco’s tone mixed anger and shame. About stuff.

    Yeah, about Mr. Ray and your mom. Benny piped up. Thin face pinched, he’d squatted next to Ray.

    Huh-uh! I was not. Marco gave Benny a look that said hush up. Benny ducked his head, showing his foster cousin his usual deference.

    Don’t worry about it. We’re gonna be fine. Ray understood Marco’s preoccupation. Susana was never far from Ray’s mind, either—not since the day the previous year when he’d helped his former partner move his sister from Corpus Christi to San Antonio. Just give me a minute.

    He touched the back of his head where pain pounded like a jackhammer. His fingers came back bloody. His stomach rocked and ears buzzed. He considered his options. With his ankle injured, it seemed unlikely he could hike out. And there was the body to consider.

    If his cell phone had survived, and he could get a signal, he’d call Samuel, his boss and Susana’s brother. It wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation. Samuel was almost as protective of his nephew as Susana was of her son. We’ll have to wait for your Uncle Samuel to get the medical examiner and the evidence guys out here, and then we’ll get you to the ER so they can fix up that arm.

    No! Marco stopped, his lips pressed together. His skin had turned sickly gray. "Don’t call Tío Samuel. He’ll worry. I could hike back to the trailhead and get somebody. Benny can stay here and take care of you."

    No. Benny looked offended. You fell down. I’ll hike. You stay here.

    Red spots flamed on Marco’s pale cheeks. I’m the oldest—

    Just hang on, guys, no one’s hiking anywhere alone. The scene was already contaminated. The medical examiner’s investigator and the evidence techs wouldn’t be happy. He needed to move the boys as far back as possible. Go sit by that tree over there. Benny, why don’t you look around, see if you can find our caps? And my sunglasses. Who knows where they ended up.

    Marco stumbled over to the Ashe juniper on the edge of the strip where they’d landed. Benny, hands on his hips in an unconscious imitation of an angry adult, started up the incline in search of Ray’s San Antonio Police Department cap.

    After glancing back to make sure they weren’t looking, Ray let his head drop, jaw clenched, and tried to stand. Sweat beaded on his forehead. Giving up, he sucked in a breath through his mouth to avoid the smell and scooted close enough to get a good look at the body.

    Blue shirt, jeans, hiking boots. Dried red stains cascaded down the front of the shirt and jeans. Blood. Too much blood for a simple tumble down a hill. The ring finger on the left hand was missing. Theft of a ring or a trophy? A breeze ruffled the man’s sleeve. Ray had the sudden sensation the corpse might raise its injured hand in a macabre wave.

    No. This guy would never move again. Ray slid off his backpack and rummaged for his cell phone. It had survived intact, and he had a signal.

    Samuel sounded preoccupied. What’s up? I thought you were hiking with the boys.

    I am—was. Ray explained the situation. The guy’s missing a finger and he’s covered with blood. It wasn’t an accident.

    We’ll get paramedics up there for you and Marco. Always the problem-solver, Samuel’s voice bounced around as if he were already moving. Salvador is next on the rotation—I’ll bring him with me.

    I can handle the investigation. Just send out Deborah. Deborah Smith would love telling her colleagues that her new partner had walked off a cliff.

    You’re on vacation—and you’re injured.

    The vacation hadn’t been Ray’s idea. Samuel had insisted. So? As soon as the paramedics get me fixed up, I want the case. I’m bored with this vacation thing.

    We’ll talk when I get there. When Samuel used his boss voice, there was no sense arguing. I’m on the way. I’ll call Susana after I assess the situation.

    I should call her— Ray could already hear that conversation in his head.

    She’s at the hotline center. She won’t answer her personal phone on shift. Samuel’s voice held a hint of pity. Besides, I’m her older brother. She’ll just snap at me. You, she’ll chew up and spit out.

    Ray dropped his cell phone into the backpack and stared at the body. He’d tumbled head over heels several hundred yards, injured his ankle, and blacked out in order to find this guy. No matter what Samuel said, that made it his job to find out how the man had ended up at the bottom of a cliff. Dead and missing a finger.

    Chapter Two

    Sergeant Samuel Martinez stopped at the edge of a ravine and peered down. Ouch.

    Marco had picked a bad place to go over the side. Rocky, steep terrain featured an array of prickly plants. Ray sat on the ground below. A park police officer squatted near him.

    Don’t touch anything down there! Samuel started down, not waiting for the paramedics and evidence crew to catch up.

    Detective Deborah Smith, Ray’s partner, was the only one who’d kept up the park naturalist’s pace in the twenty minutes it had taken to find this spot. Deborah’s long-legged gait had matched Samuel’s perfectly, something he tried not to dwell on too much.

    He slipped and slid, twice landing on his behind as he fought to stay upright. Deborah grabbed his arm for a second. Easy, Sarge.

    She flashed Samuel a high-wattage smile and let go. Samuel gritted his teeth and righted himself.

    Nice biceps. Deborah murmured the words as she tromped past him.

    He caught a whiff of her light, familiar scent. Even in this breathless heat, she smelled good. Not as good as his wife did, of course. The effect of her smile lingered longer than it should have, leaving him with the disconcerting sense he’d done something wrong.

    "Tío Samuel, over here. Marco’s voice. We’re over here."

    He wiped his dirty hands on his dress pants, glanced at Ray, but headed toward the boys. The ME would take the lead on the body.

    You guys okay? He squatted next to his nephew and touched Marco’s arm with one finger. This the arm that hurts?

    Marco nodded, his eyes huge in his dirty face. There’s a dead guy over there. Somebody cut off his finger.

    I know. We’ll take care of him. In the meantime, the paramedic will look at your arm, and then we’ll get you out of here.

    Mr. Ray fell, and he can’t get up. Benny’s solemn expression gave no indication he’d know why people would find this statement funny.

    Yeah, he’s a big lazy bum, isn’t he? Samuel plastered on a smile. He probably thinks I’ll carry him out of here piggyback. Hah! I’m gonna make him carry me.

    Benny grinned, relief written all over his face. No, Mr. Samuel. He danced a little jig. Carry me. Carry me!

    Well, since you don’t weigh any more than a gnat, I probably could just stick you in my back pocket. Samuel glanced up to see one of the paramedics approaching. This guy will fix you up while I talk to Ray. You two just hang tight, and we’ll be ready in a while.

    He left the boys in the man’s capable hands and picked his way over the rough ground to where the other paramedic, a guy named Greg Miller who played on his church’s softball team, examined the back of Ray’s head. Samuel gave his former partner a good once-over, trying to gauge his mental, as well as physical, state. Sweat soaked Ray’s T-shirt. His skin tone had gone gray under his tan. He crossed his arms and grimaced.

    Samuel squatted next to him. Well, Grace, how’re you doing?

    That’s Mr. Grace to you. Ray laughed, the sound strained.

    You got two left feet or what, Bible Boy? Deborah nudged Ray’s leg with a dusty loafer.

    A bright red blush crept up Ray’s neck. He glanced at Samuel, then away. Things were not going well between Ray and his new partner—a development Ray hadn’t bothered to mention to his boss. Anger surged through Samuel.

    His voice gruff, Ray introduced the Park Police officer. Officer Saenz hikes out here a lot and knows these trails. We may need her expertise.

    Good to meet you. Samuel shook hands with Saenz. Which parks do you patrol? How often do you get over here?

    We cover the northwest division parks. Even though this is a gated wilderness area, it’s treated pretty much like the rest of the parks, she said. I patrol by a couple times each shift.

    Samuel nodded, but his gaze traveled to the paramedic’s hands on Ray’s foot. Is it broken?

    Greg tugged on the hiking boot, trying to get it off a swollen foot. The ankle looked purple.

    Naw, I don’t think so, but his noggin could be. The paramedic grinned. It looks kind of big.

    Ray rolled his eyes, making Samuel want to smack him. My head is fine. I just need a little help getting up and out of here.

    Let me be the judge of that. You may need stitches. With any luck, they’ll have to shave some of that hair. Anything else hurt?

    Ribs, Ray admitted, but it’s not bad, I just need to walk it off. Marco’s the one who needs help. He’s pretty freaked out.

    Relax, Ray. The irony of that instruction was not lost on Samuel. Normally he held the title of uptight boss. Marco will be fine.

    I tried to call Susana. I got voicemail.

    Her shift’s not over yet. Samuel glanced at his watch. I told you, I’ll call her.

    A look of relief flitted across Ray’s face. I should do it. It’s my fault.

    Just let me get a handle on the DB, and then we’ll get you out of here.

    Trying to ignore the stench, Samuel stood and surveyed the scene. The combination of heat and vegetation made the question of footprints moot. It seemed unlikely that the man had been carried down here. More likely he’d come the same way Ray had, head over heels. Samuel immediately framed the next question: had the victim been alive and fallen into that rough-and-tumble flight, or had he been thrown over the edge already dead?

    One of the EU techs snapped photos with a thirty-five millimeter while the other pulled a video camera from a bag. They also needed to do a rough sketch of the scene before any evidence was collected. Details from the sketch would later be inputted into a computer program to produce the diagram. Samuel tried to be patient. The wait would be worth it when it came time to nail a suspect with a guilty conviction.

    A hand over his nose, he knelt next to Tito Sanchez, the ME investigator who’d caught the call. What’s the deal?

    Well, the most obvious thing is the wound in the chest, Tito said, not taking his gaze from the corpse. He chewed a wad of gum as he worked, his way of avoiding the cigars he used to favor. Samuel had always hated the smell of the cigars, but the odor would’ve been preferable to this smell.

    And the missing digit, or course. The victim’s a white male, mid-thirties. No ID that I can find. Looks like a stab wound to the heart. Those tend to be immediately fatal. Tito stowed the bubble gum in his cheek while he talked, making him look like a cherubic Hispanic chipmunk. Somebody gutted him like a deer. Big knife. Like a hunter would use.

    He lifted the head and shoulders. Not much blood. With a wound like that there should’ve been a lot of blood.

    So he bled out elsewhere, and his body was dumped here. Deborah scribbled in a small notebook she’d pulled from the bag slung over her shoulder. Samuel decided that her presence at the scene—brought on by her partner’s tumble—would make her the lead on the case. Was the finger chopped off before or after he died?

    After. Tito said. I’ll know more when I get him back to the morgue.

    How long do you think he’s been here? Deborah used her pen to slide damp, blonde bangs from her face.

    Your guess is as good as mine. The investigator shrugged. Rigor mortis sets in eight to twelve hours after death and lasts two to three days, but the heat accelerates decomp. You want to get Mr. Grace out of here, I can handle this end.

    Samuel grinned to himself. It looked as if Ray was stuck with a new nickname. Detective Smith will be the lead on this one. Angry flies dive-bombed him. He swatted at them in self defense. Let her know when you schedule the autopsy, please. Smith, when we get back to the top, ask the naturalist to show you around. This had to have happened nearby. We need the primary crime scene. Interview all the park staff. Find out where they were every minute for the last two days. Give me what you’ve got back at the station before end of shift.

    The detective nodded, her pen clamped between her teeth as she stared at something on the ground. A tech dropped a tent next to whatever it was and moved on. Samuel could trust Smith to do her job, but he was accustomed to running investigations, not observing from the sidelines. You want to interview these guys first? she asked.

    I’ll handle the preliminary stuff. Samuel glanced at his notebook, searching for the park naturalist’s name. Diane Brickman. He strode back to where the group clustered around Ray.

    This is your park, you’re the most familiar with it. Do you have any suggestions on how a body would end up in this ravine? It looks like he was killed elsewhere, and his body dumped.

    Officer Saenz brushed her hands together as she got to her feet. He must’ve been killed in the immediate vicinity and during daylight hours. It would be extremely difficult to get up here in the dark, lugging a body. The chances of getting lost or falling would be phenomenal.

    Ms. Brickman, think back over the past two days. Did anything out of the ordinary happen? Anyone acting suspicious? Any difficult guests?

    The park naturalist shook her head. We had Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops out here this week. We do presentations for them in the outdoor classroom so we’ve been really busy.

    I understand. I’m just trying to find out if anything unusual happened in the last few days. How many people work here?

    Myself and the other park naturalist, a horticulturist.

    How big is this place?


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