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The Chronicles of Our Ministry: Other Titles, #14
The Chronicles of Our Ministry: Other Titles, #14
The Chronicles of Our Ministry: Other Titles, #14
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The Chronicles of Our Ministry: Other Titles, #14

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We present in this book a comprehensive and unique review of the Work God entrusted to our founding leader, Z.T. Fomum, for thanksgiving and consolidation.

This was the 18th collective prayer crusade since his departure into glory, during which a report of the Ministry was presented so that we may:

  • thank God,
  • see how much He has done, and
  • see what needs to be done.

Each night, a large crowd of brethren gathered in Koume for a festival of joy, praise, and thanksgiving unto the Lord for His mighty hand at work in our midst, while multitudes from 162 nations on all the six continents plugged in each night via radio and television (an average of 285 unique hubs). God was fully at work!

May the Lord visit you and your service for Him as you relive these redefining moments!

Release dateSep 18, 2022
The Chronicles of Our Ministry: Other Titles, #14

Theodore Andoseh

The current leader of Christian Missionary Fellowship Internation

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    Book preview

    The Chronicles of Our Ministry - Theodore Andoseh

    The Chronicles of Our Ministry


    A Festival of Joy, Praise, And Thanksgiving


    PFC 2,017



    Proceedings of the 2017 Ministry 40-day Prayer & Fasting Crusade

    2nd October – 10th November

    Koume - Cameroon

    Copyright © 2017 by Theodore W. Andoseh

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Except otherwise stated, all Bible references are from the New International Version of the Bible

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International

    [email protected]





    The Need to Thank God

    The Program Of The Crusade

    The Work of God And Continuity

    1. What God Leaves For Continuity in Ministry

    What David Left For Solomon

    What Brother Zach Left For Us

    What Paul Left For Timothy

    Consolidate And Use What You Inherited

    2. How God Works

    Lessons From Creation

    Lessons From Abraham

    The Case of Our Ministry

    The Indispensable Obedience

    The Phases of Our Ministry

    3. A Festival of Joy, Praise And Thanksgiving

    A Word From The Lord.

    Open up For What God Has For You.

    The Impact of Spiritual Experiences

    The Chronicles of Our Ministry

    Who we Are


    4. The Making of Our Ministry - 1

    Spiritual Roots - 1 : In Cameroon

    Spiritual Roots – 2: In Sierra Leone

    Spiritual Roots - 3: In Uganda

    5. The Making of Our Ministry - 2


    6. The Making of Our Ministry - 3

    7. The Making of Our Ministry - 4

    The Definition of Our Ministry

    What Has Been Made Clear


    8. Our Vision

    The Revelation That Defines a Work of God

    The testimony of another

    The appearance of God

    The work of revelation

    9. Our Goal

    10. Our Ministry

    11. Our Work

    Work in The Individual

    Our Work in The Locality

    Our Work in The Nation

    The Worker

    12. Our Mission

    The Review of Our Ministry

    Where we Are


    13. The Leader And Leaders

    14. The World Conquest Team Leaders

    15. The Nations Penetrated

    16. The International Missionaries

    17. The National Missionaries

    18. The Churches Planted

    19. The Funds Received

    20. The Books And Tracts Written

    21. The Numbers in The Work

    22. The Houses of Prayer And Fasting Teams



    23. The Spiritual Institutions



    24. The Base And Auxilliary Bases Established

    25. The Developmental And Humanitarian Works

    26. The Principalities And Powers Overthrown Out of The Way

    27. The Outstanding Miracles in Our Work

    The Consolidation of Phase 2


    28. The Importance Of Consolidation

    29. The Domains Of Consolidation

    The Goal of Phase 2

    Consolidation of The Base

    Consolidating The Ministry

    Consolidating The Headquarters

    Consolidating The Work

    Consolidating The Church at The Headquarters

    World Conquest Team

    My Family

    My Leadership

    The Launching of Phase 3


    30. Preparation And Hosting of The Fourth Convention of CMFI

    31. Leadership Recommissionning

    32. Leadership Enlargement

    33. Communiity Mobilisation

    34. Reorganisation of The Work


    Exhortations and More


    1. Plan Your Life In Projects

    2. Spiritual Gifts

    3. The Need To Accomplish Set Goals

    4. Professionalism In Handling One’s Call: The Example Of The Apostle Paul

    5. What Is The Work Of God?

    6. Spiritual Aroma

    7. The Need For Training

    8. The Making Of Disciples

    9. The Need For Accountability

    10. Thanksgiving As Consecration To God

    11. The Grace of God

    12. Seeking And Knowing God’s Will


    13. Approaches to Bible Studies

    The Saturation Approach

    The Emotional Approach

    The Analytic Approach

    The Dialectical Approach

    The Thematic Approach

    The Biographical Approach

    The Panoramic Approach

    14. The Value of Character


    15. The Lord’s Message During The Breaking of The Fast

    Crusade Songs

    Chapter 16


    17. The Plan For The Occupation Of Places At The Headquarters

    18. Reports From Some Localities

    19. Missionary Send-Off: Kevin Youmbi



    The 9th 40-day Prayer and Fasting Crusade of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI - our ministry) took place from the 2nd October to the 10th November 2017, piloted from our ministry’s international headquarters in Koume, Cameroon.

    A large crowd gathered each night in Koume while an average of 285 connecting hubs were registered each night via radio and television from 162 nations on all 6 continents. God was fully at work!

    In this compilation, we have laboured to restitute in its wholesomeness the daily proceedings for the slot from 1 am to 4 am led by brother Theodore Andoseh—a review of our work for thanksgiving and consolidation—a report with a twofold purpose:

    Firstly, so that we may thank God and see how much He has done

    Secondly, so that we may see what needs to be done.

    The messages have been regrouped under the five major burdens:

    What we have (What brother Zach left for us)

    Who we are (The formative vectors of our Ministry)

    What has been made clear (Our Vision, Goal, Ministry, Work, and Mission)

    Where we are (A situation report on how far we have gone)

    Where we are going (What is at stake for Phase 3)

    For completeness, we have included

    the information newsletter of the event,

    the daily schedule of the prayer crusade, and

    a synopsis of the different phases of our ministry

    in the introduction. The numerous exhortations that spiced the crusade are regrouped in the appendix.

    These notes in its present verbatim form serve as a comprehensive starting point for the editorial team for an eventual official publication. Every portion where the message was captured in French and/or lost in transcription have been duly translated into English and/or recovered from the audio recordings, respectively.

    Praise the Lord!!


    The Phases of Our Ministry

    Phase 1 of our work was completed in 2007 when we succeeded to lay the foundation of our ministry in 50 nations and in all the six continents. Actually, God told us Phase 1 was accomplished and the message of congratulations for finishing Phase 1 was given to brother Zach in Melbourne in Australia in 2007. Phase two is now to start entering all the nations. So, we need 1 million believers as seeds who will be able to disciple others. That is what we have been working on. Actually, God told brother Zach in that Melbourne Message that Phase 2 must end in 2017 and we must give him 1 million believers. And He told him that if we don't give Him the 1 million believers, the many good things He has promised to our ministry, He will not give them because we will not be able to handle what He will give.

    Phase 1 was to be planted in all the continents and in 50 nations, but there were deeper issues to phase 1. There are two deeper issues that I have never talked about:

    God needed to work out what the ministry will be in the leader of the ministry by successive revelations until He completed revealing the heavenly model. When God wants to give a ministry, the founder should be a microcosm of the ministry which God wants to do through him. God had to achieve that in brother Zach and He achieved it on 13 th March 2009 in Bamenda, because the last thing which was to bring down his body weight to a certain level, he did it by rendering to God total obedience in all that Jesus asked him to do.

    The personal responsibility of brother Zach in the accomplishment of our vision was to remove the satanic obstacles in the way of accomplishing the goal. That is what we call the overthrow of principalities.  God required that as his personal contribution in 1986.

    For phase 2, the Lord calls us to give Him what He can multiply; to give him 1 million disciples: not just one million members, one million disciples, through whom He can multiply the vision and the Work. If we offer Him that, He will then send a mighty revival that does not concern only our ministry, a revival on all the nations. But He needs us to give Him the one million, so that in the eyes of all other ministries, we will have the outward success that will make them turn to us for consultation. He wanted us to produce a success based upon following Jesus, a success produced by ordinary believers, not produced by spiritual gifts and to have enough success so that the other ministries can admire CMFI. That is phase 2. We are to spread in 100 nations, we are to get to one million; we are to disciple our people to be accountable, to make disciples, to have DDEWG (Daily Dynamic Encounters With God) every morning. Through our external success, many others in the body of Christ will turn to us; but they will not turn to us if they do not admire us. We shall then use the leadership that God has given to us to bring the whole body to be faithful to her bridegroom by walking with the Lord.  Shall we give God what He needs? The success that will save the whole body of Christ from the prostitution that will produce the satanic system called Babylon the harlot?

    Every church in the world, by loving the world, will produce a powerful religious system that will have great political influence and great glory. That religious system that is very successful and that has great political influence and that succeeds through using worldly methods is what the bible calls in Revelations Babylon. It is Jesus' bride, that means it is a church but one that loves the world; that is what Jesus calls prostitution: belonging to Jesus but loving the world and establishing worldly values as criteria for his glory: wealth, political influence and other values.

    God is also producing another church through the overcomers who are faithful to Jesus and who will also succeed and bring God down in a tangible way to be manifest to the nations; success through following the cross. That church that is produced that succeeds without compromise and using worldly methods is called the New Jerusalem. So revelations ends with two big churches; the harlot church that succeeded greatly through worldliness and the New Jerusalem, the overcomer church that succeeded through the cross. CMFI is faced with the battle of whether she will be part of Babylon or part of the New Jerusalem.

    The battle is raging in the heart of every missionary, in the heart of every Head of Department. I hear it every day, People don’t like house churches so we must have hall; we must have a lot of praise not a lot of repentance… We are labouring to customise ourselves to clients’ satisfaction!

     If we give God 1 million disciples of common people through a walk with God and dependence on God, God will have what He needs to accomplish His great works in our generation and we shall have a victorious people. The final conflict will rotate around money. Those who shall be unfaithful to Jesus shall do so because of money. God wanted us to learn to trust in Him in order to be able to help the other children of God.

    The battle is raging, there are some who will not work if they don't like the leader because they must be recognised. That is still the world: position, influence, money, political leverage. Those are the new values of Babylon the Great; the things that make a church successful from a worldly point of view and then, there is the way of the cross: Unless a grain of wheat falls down and dies, it abides alone but if it dies, …..

    In the wilderness, Jesus refused success that comes from the world. A religion that is not pertinent to human needs will not be followed, and Jesus said, I will give them the Word. He refused people to follow Him because of the miracle of food. He had no problem with food, but He did not use humanism to win men.

    Shall we give Him the 1 million? Without compromise?

    The grain of wheat must fall and die if we are to have the success God's way.

    There is another road to success, it is called compromise. Jesus refused it in the desert, and what Jesus refused, many pastors covet.

    That is phase 2. The spiritual obstacles have been removed, the ministry has been tested. What the ministry means to God will never change, the issue is whether God will find those He will use and whether you will be part of them. I am praying that I will be part of them because your position does not make you inclusive.

    Theodore Andoseh,

    Excerpt from the 8th 40-day Prayer & Fasting Crusade, 2016



    Letter of the Fast

    International Headquarters

    P.O. Box 385 Bertoua, Cameroon;

    Tel: (237) 67750 29 42;

    E-mail: [email protected]

    30 th September 2017







    Beloved and Precious co-worker,

     Praise the Lord!

    "Praise the name of the Lord!

     Praise Him you servants of the Lord!" (Psalms 135:1).

    David, the king and leader of Israel was burdened to take for God and for Israel the whole land that God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and which God had commissioned Joshua to conquer and divide to the tribes of Israel as their inheritance. This was an immediate goal in his great purpose of world benediction through Abraham and his descendants (Gen.12:2-3).

    Believing God and His promises and being faithful to his leadership goal, King David was embattled with many of the unconquered nations that Joshua had left. He was a man of war. His work involved hazards, risks, violence and blood but he excelled in praise and exhorted all God's servants to praise God. That in part was the secret of his success, victories and greatness! Let us imitate him and learn from him.

    We are under the burden of having one million disciples who are members of the churches that are part of Christian Missionary Fellowship International in 100 nations by the end of 2017. This is the immediate goal of the phase 2 of our overall goal of one billion disciples in 250 nations by 2065 who render total obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ in everything and who are organised to meet in 25 million house churches.

    We too are under a burden!

    We too are servants of the Lord!!

    We too should praise the Lord!!!

    "Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord!

     Who minister by night in the house of the Lord!

     Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord!" (Psalm134:1-2)

     Join us in this season of fasting and praying for the 40 days that starts from the 2nd of October to 10th of November 2017 to thank the Lord, praise the Lord and acknowledge the Lord. Fast as you are able to and take time or join others to thank and praise God. Please inform us when you finish your fast and season of praise so that we can accountably thank God. Our numbers as on the 31st august 2017 are almost 500.000 strong in 80 nations. May God grant that at least 100.000 of us fast from 1 day to 40 days to praise and thank God!

    Join us to:

    Praise God the Father for His attributes and for His works! His works in creation; salvation; individual, national and human history.

    Praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Proclaim His divine person and His work on behalf of men. Praise Him for His life, passion, death, resurrection, ascension, reign and imminent kingdom on earth.

    Praise the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and the Giver of life, His presence, power and work in the Godhead, and His work within man and in the church and in the world.

    Remember and proclaim the victories of our Lord Jesus on the cross and through our ministry in the overthrow of the seven principalities, powers, and armies of wickedness.

    Thank the Lord for our work and ministry and the hand of God in our work. Thank the Lord for leaders of 100.000s and 10.000s who are emerging. Thank the Lord for evangelistic miracles that follow our obedience to the Santa Cruz message as God promised: the dead raised to life in more than 40 instances in over 10 nations and hundreds of the totally blind or lame healed instantaneously in the name of Jesus and by common ordinary brethren obeying the Santa Cruz message …

    Thank God for explosions, expansions and extensions in the work as we have laboured to believe God and obey His charge to us through His servant Zach Fomum in the Santa Cruz prophecy: Cameroon has gone from 37.000 to about 180.000 since 2012 in more than 4500 local churches! The spiritual province of Garoua from 1300 in 2012, to over 80.000 by August 2017; the young work in India has gotten to over 87.000 in three years and expanded to Bhutan, Nepal, Sri-Lanka with prospects into Myanmar and other nations.

    Thank God for the millions of tracts distributed and for new titles of tracts written, and for the over 100 new books edited from Brother Zach's teaching. Thank the Lord for the biographical volumes on Brother Zach "From His Lips". Thank the Lord for the new horizons through our internet presence and for more than 29 million people who consulted our ministry website between January and August 2017;

    Thank the Lord for funds and resources provided for the work (For over 4.000 sums that has passed through the Headquarters enabling the structures to be built).Thank the Lord for humanitarian and developmental institutions that have commenced in the work (hospitals, schools, universities, auxiliary bases for the expansions and regionalisation of our work and vision).

    Thank the Lord for the spiritual and physical protection of our leaders, churches, missionaries and members: in Nepal in spite of floods; in Chad in spite of abductions and persecutions of churches in our ministry that resulted in the burning of homes and church buildings; in South Sudan, in spite of the civil war; in Burundi in spite of instability in the government and in the nation…

    Please make a list of 400 topics to thank God personally; for yourself, your family, your local church and your growth and service for the Lord. Be as specific as possible. Let this be a milestone in your personal ministry to God and a milestone in our entire ministry's history and ministry to God.

    "O house of Israel praise the Lord!

    O house of Aaron praise the Lord!

    O house of Levi praise the Lord!

    You who fear Him praise the Lord!" (Psalm 135:19-20)

    Praise the Lord!

    Write a poem to the Lord and read it to Him

    Compose a song or hymn and sing it to Him

    Dance before Him alone and in public.

    Just praise the Lord!

    Come let us praise the Lord!

    For all of us who have pledged our lives to the Lord Jesus and to serve Him in the vision God gave us through His servant brother Zach Fomum - for all whose all is on the altar forever.

    Your friend,

    Theodore Andoseh



    Welcome to the crusade

    Welcome to another season of battles and glory—a season of praise.

    Zechariah 8:18-19

    Again, the word of the Lord Almighty came to me. 19 This is what the Lord Almighty says: The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore, love truth and peace.


    This fast is a festival of joy and praise

    Firstly, it will be a personal festival of praise, you will personally praise the Lord, you will gather your praises as an offering and bring it to the Lord.

    Ps 35:18

    I will give you thanks in the great assembly;

    among throngs of people I will praise you.

    Bring your praise to the assembly, among throngs means many people.

    Ps 22:22

    I will declare your name to my brothers;

    in the congregation, I will praise you.

    I will declare what You are like to my brethren, I will declare what kind of God You are to my brothers, and in the congregation, I will praise you.

    Ps 107:31-32

    31 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love

    and his wonderful deeds for men.

    32 Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people

    and praise him in the council of the elders.

    Ps 111:1

    Praise the Lord.

    I will extol the Lord with all my heart

    in the council of the upright and in the assembly.

    Ps 40:10

    I do not hide your righteousness in my heart;

    I speak of your faithfulness and salvation.

    I do not conceal your love and your truth

    from the great assembly.

    Ps 68:26

    Praise God in the great congregation;

    praise the Lord in the assembly of Israel.

    Therefore, this is the season for you to bring your praises and thank God, offer to the Lord a sacrifice

    Ps 50:14

    Sacrifice thank offerings to God,

    fulfil your vows to the Most High,

    Ps 50:23

    He who sacrifices thank offerings honours me,

    and he prepares the way

    so that I may show him the salvation of God."

    We are to prepare thanksgiving to offer to God in church the way the Israelites prepared goats and cows to offer to God in the temple.

    When God has done something in my life, if you don't bring thanksgiving it may bring you judgement, it happened to Hezekiah.

    2 Chronicles 32:24-26

    24 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. He prayed to the Lord, who answered him and gave him a miraculous sign. 25 But Hezekiah's heart was proud and he did not respond to the kindness shown him; therefore the Lord's wrath was on him and on Judah and Jerusalem. 26 Then Hezekiah repented of the pride of his heart, as did the people of Jerusalem; therefore the Lord's wrath did not come upon them during the days of Hezekiah.

    Just imagine, God answered Hezekiah, but instead of him thanking God, he became proud. The goodness of God can nourish pride or nourish gratitude. The goodness of God can nourish pride or nourish gratitude. For those of us here in Headquarters, it is one of the biggest ways in which people backslide when they are in a place where God does great things. After some time C'est du déjà vu(we’ve seen it before). This was a holy king, one of the kings who walked with God, a good leader, and he received a miracle, and God had become his boo(pal), he began to take God for granted, God had done so many things for him, he did not give the gratitude to God for this miracle of healing he had received. He was used to having big things done to him, he was used to it, God was his neighbour, he and God shake hands every morning. That is how God can bless and then judge you. For receiving many big things, many blessings and then, becoming proud instead of being grateful.

    When you read the Bible, please read it very carefully because we are not the first people to know God, others have known Him before, and they did not know how to relate to Him, and in the things that look very small they lost everything.

    Samuel asked King Saul: Saul, when you were small in your own eyes, did God not raise you, now you have become big in your own eyes, overnight, you have forgotten where God took you from and you have become a beast. Those are things that are produced by envy and jealously, we minimise what God has enabled us to do because we are comparing with other people; so, jealousy hardens the heart, people do not face where they are coming from, they are comparing with what God did for others. Jealousy and it hardened the heart, so that the heart is not grateful. That is how men are destroyed, those who have received much blessings.

    For many of us, God has done so much, and we have a short memory, we forget. We are not to forget the goodness of God. And when God has done many big things for you, you are not special, you should proclaim it to God's glory, not swallow it as if that is the normal thing for you, that is pride, you are making as if that is normal for you, it will harm you and that is how many people have been destroyed, especially those who have been in the ministry for long, nothing moves them again. If it does not happen to them, they don't thank God again, hardened. It was for the same sin that God destroyed Nebuchadnezzar. After exalting Nebuchadnezzar, so much Nebuchadnezzar exalted himself and God judged him. It was for the same sin that God destroyed Herod. The Bible did not say he was judged because of what the people said, but he was judged because of the way he handled the praises from men. There will always be flatteries, but will you learn how to bring the praises to God? If not, the flatteries you hear will ruin you. Flatteries hardens, success harms, ingratitude destroys.

    In Romans 1, sexual immorality is partly the product of people who exalt themselves; when God works, it makes them feel as if they are important, and that will lead them to ruin. They saw the power of God in creation, but they did not give him thanks and it distorted their way of thinking. And the Bible says: their carnal minds were darkened and they fell into idolatry. Ingratitude warps the mind and ingratitude darkens the heart, so that he cannot see God. Ingratitude makes people become idolaters.

    You are to gather thanksgiving and bring them to the church and thank God. I think the Nigerian religious culture understands something of this. When a baby is born, after all that they have done, the family may go to church if they are Christian, for thanksgiving. That Sunday, they ask permission for the family to say to God: Thank you, and they bring a gift to God and to the church. Even in the parable of the lost coin, when that women found her coin, she gathered all her neighbours to come and thank God that she had found her coin. When the father who lost his son, when the prodigal son came back home he gathered everybody to come and say thank you to God. When his son came back, he gathered all the people to say: God, thank you. You passed your exams, did you take time to thank God? Why do you want God to use your certificate? Why should He use what means nothing to you? Many children when they get their certificate, they don't go home and give good food to their parents for paying the school fees, it is just a life of taking everything for granted, taking God for granted and taking man for granted.

    Who wants to repent for a beastly mind, like Nebuchadnezzar?

    God gave Nebuchadnezzar the heart of an animal and you are behaving as if you are an animal. You insult your blessing, you despise your blessing, you do not give value to your blessing, so you look poor, you look unhappy, you look abandoned, you look cursed. And nothing is ever enough for you. Nothing brings you joy.

    As we go on, try to record what God is saying to you, not just lessons you are learning. The Lord told me that he will give me 1000 messages about the future and about co-workers, he told me so that I can be alert. You don't know when God is going to speak and through whom He is going to speak, and at the end of the fast, I must count the messages. So be alert, it may be through the prayer of somebody that God reaches out to you, so that you may change.

    Everyone should write at least 400 topics of thanksgivings during the fast, get an exercise book just for that. So that, every night, you may at least labour to bring to God ten topics of thanksgiving for your life, let your life be an oblation to God, let something come from your life to rejoice God.

    I am going to labour to write 10.000 topics of thanksgiving as a person during this season in 100 domains. It is a very important issue, for our personal deliverance.

    When a man's heart is full of gratitude to God, it overflows in ministry to God, it overflows in gifts and love to men, because nobody can be grateful without blessing others. One of the things that ingratitude does is that the heart is possessed by desires. Gratitude brings satisfaction to the heart. But ingratitude fills the heart with desires, so that all the provision is less than the desires.

    You may have one billion and your desires are beyond I billion because you want to be the richest man in Africa. You may have one million and suddenly you have new desires. Ingratitude plunges the heart into many desires.

    When you are grateful, it will make you give to God, even financially, because gratitude makes the heart full, it exaggerates what you have received, magnifies it, until if fills your heart and you give. But ingratitude dries the heart, fills the heart with desires; desires that are bigger than anything you have, than anybody can give you, so that you are a slave, and you have been a slave since you were born, always wanting more. Your life has changed, God has taken you from poverty, from curses, from the village, from nakedness and clothed you, but you are not satisfied. Gratitude fills the heart, it enables people give to God; that is why some people give so much to God. It is not because they are keeping some, it is because they are so grateful that God has given them so much. The grateful heart always has something to give to God, and the grateful heart always has something to give to man, but the poor heart considers that what he has given to God is too much, and finds out that he has nothing to give to man.

    During the next forty days, try to give some gifts to at least 10 brethren or to a 100 or 400, or 1000. I am planning that my heart will be so full of gratitude that I will give 1000 gifts during the fast. Nobody bubbling with thanksgiving, confronting what God has done for him, can fail to give, it is not possible. One of the things that thanksgivings to God does is that it fills the heart with satisfaction, so that, without efforts, you give to God and to man.

    Actually, gratitude is deliverance from demons, the demons of covetousness, demons of self-pity, moods, jealousy, envy, inferiority complexes, reservations, hesitations, poor self-image. Gratitude is therapeutic.

    Ingratitude has made you see all that you don't have. Gratitude makes you see all that you have and it changes you. Sometimes when you see people who have so much complaining and you wonder what is happening to them? They were created in the Sahara Desert, nothing satisfies them.

    2 Corinthians 8:1-4

    And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 3 For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own

    Just imagine, poor people giving, why? Because the hearts were full, full of joy.

    Giving does not come from abundance, giving comes from the heart, a heart that is joyful, the heart that is grateful will find what to give to God and what to give to man. A heart that is ungrateful is full of self-pity, even if the person has so much. Even in abundance, ungrateful people are poor.


    During the fast, I want us to thank the Lord a lot.

    7 PM - 10 PM

    Sister Emilia shall lead us to praise God; we shall proclaim, confess and praise.

    10 PM - 1 AM

    Sister Esther will lead us in thanksgiving. Night after night, thanksgiving shall rise to God, individual thanksgiving and thanksgiving for our ministry.

    These crusades are fabricating people for God and for the future, if you cheat, you are harming yourself. Much cheating keeps people in class one while other people are in the university -that is where you are spirituality. So, when you are in the church and you are always cheating, I have been looking at the people of Hope Clinic and I am wondering whether they attend meetings, do they listen to teachings? Are they part of the local church? That is how someone can backslide and find himself in the lake of fire, while here in Headquarters. If somebody is touching money every day, without touching the Word of God, will he go to heaven? The same applies to

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