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Meat Load: Capricorn Cove Series, #9
Meat Load: Capricorn Cove Series, #9
Meat Load: Capricorn Cove Series, #9
Ebook77 pages45 minutes

Meat Load: Capricorn Cove Series, #9

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About this ebook


He's hilarious.

He's fun.

He's not into me.



She's serious.

She's proper.

I'm into her.


This is one loaded relationship.


Warning: This book is inspired by gorgeous women, hilarious men, and the kind of love that makes you swoon.

Release dateApr 11, 2023
Meat Load: Capricorn Cove Series, #9

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    Meat Load - Evie Mitchell




    Hannah Sharp had always intrigued me. Back in school, they'd labelled her the mean girl. The frigid ice bitch who could snap off a man's penis with a withering glance. She’d ruled our school, laying to waste those who crossed her with an efficient, cutting remark.

    To be honest, I'd never seen her as any of that and had repeatedly vocalised my disappointment with people who spoke about her in those terms.

    Hannah definitely had an ice-queen look about her, sure. The white-blonde hair, the stunning blue eyes, her pale skin. She tended to wear muted colours—white, black, navy—which no doubt emphasised the effect. But where other people saw cold and standoffish, I saw awkward and unsure. And, maybe, a little scared. As if she weren't sure what she was doing or how to do it.

    I'd worked with enough kids over the years to spot an abuse case, and Hannah fit the profile. Reserved, untrusting, desperate for affection.

    I wanted to wrap her up in a sushi blanket roll and cuddle her for days.

    Case in point—Hannah had never participated in a scavenger hunt. She’d never played ‘never have I ever’, or ‘truth and dare’. Had never even attended a school party.

    Which made tonight extra special.

    We did well, didn't we? she asked, once again admiring our junk piece of a trophy as it glinted in the firelight.

    Hundred percent. We make a great team.

    Our annual Halloween scavenger hunt had seen my friendship group pair off, each of us competing for the ultimate prize—a shitty trophy that was little more than pieces of junk glued together and spray-painted gold.

    I coveted that trophy like a man covets treasure—with a nearly overwhelming need for it to be mine.

    The annual scavenger hunt had been a staple in my life since my early years when my mother—at her wit's end—had decided that the best way for kids to work off their Halloween sugar high was through a scavenger hunt. The competition had been run every year since. This year was only the fifth time I'd managed to win.

    And it's all thanks to Hannah.

    You should keep it this year, I said, tipping my beer bottle toward the trophy. Rule is you have to display it somewhere prominent in your house. And next year, when you bring it back, it has to be updated with some new addition that reminds us of this hunt.

    She flushed, her head dipping down as she looked away. I'm not sure if I'll be invited next year.

    What? I scoffed, shaking my head. Reigning champions must defend their title, and you, Hannah Sharp, are a master at scavenger hunts. A veritable savant.

    She grinned, her blush deepening. Thank you, Malik.

    I waved a hand dismissively as Farrah rejoined our fire-pit circle.

    Hey, Sharif, how's it feel to be runner-up? I asked, unable to resist teasing my roommate.

    I knew my twin sister was hoping Farrah and I would hook up, but considering they'd been best friends since their tween years, it would be like kissing a relative. Farrah and I were just fine as friends and roommates.

    The woman in question flicked me the bird, poking her tongue out and muttering an expletive that involved a creative use for my genitals.

    I chuckled, incredibly pleased to have finally broken Farrah's winning streak.

    To Hannah and Malik! Yasmin, my twin, raised her beer in a toast.

    Around the fire pit sat some of my closest friends. In addition to Hannah, Farrah, and Yasmin, there was Caleb Prince—my best friend in the goddamn world, and Wolf Rodriguez—who was currently dressed as Spiderman, complete with mask, in an effort to avoid detection.

    Must be hard being a world-famous rock star. Can't even share a beer with friends without being mobbed.

    I shuddered.

    I cannot think of any job I'd like less than that. Give me anonymity any day.

    As the night wore on, the childish games became more outrageous.

    Alright, what should we play next? Yasmin asked, laughing at Farrah's mutinous expression. How about truth or dare?

    Hannah pressed her lips together, her face taking on a slightly pinched look.


    How does it work?

    We all turned

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