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The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)
The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)
The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)
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The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)

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The Last Triceracorn (Book Two) is the exciting conclusion to the modern-day fantasy about two strong-willed and gifted sisters, Matea and Luciana, who unwillingly find themselves drawn into this heroic tale of global adventure, love, friendship, mystery, magic, and unthinkable se

PublisherM4 Publishing
Release dateApr 13, 2023
The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)

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    The Last Triceracorn (Book Two) - Vincent M. Miceli

    The Last Triceracorn

    Book Two

    Copyright © 2023 Vincent M. Miceli

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    M4 Publishing—Bartlett, IL

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9863248-0-7

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-9863248-1-4

    Title: The Last Triceracorn (Book Two)

    Author: Vincent M. Miceli

    Digital distribution | 2023

    Paperback | 2023

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real.

    The Last Triceracorn

    Book Two

    Vincent M. Miceli

    Once again, I would like to thank my very understanding wife for her constant support throughout this long, and sometimes never-ending, journey. Your patience has truly been a virtue. Secondly, of course, my amazing daughters, Matea and Luciana... for without you two, this story wouldn't exist. I treasured each night together as we explored those new adventures. Your smiles and innocence melted my heart every single time! Next, to all of my readers. I really appreciate your kind words and unwavering support. And finally... to all of those Wheel Winners! Thank you for your excitement and I truly hope that you enjoy your character!


    Title Page


    Title Page












































    ll was dark, all was quiet… too quiet.

    But through the darkness, Tusheen eventually whispered, Am I dead?

    If you are… then so am I, Shutini said from somewhere within the black void. It… it feels like I’m floating.

    Me too, Tusheen responded. He then called out to the others.

    I’m here, Qymma said.

    Me too, replied Checo.

    Within seconds, the others all answered aloud until everybody was accounted for.

    Now that we’re all here… where’s here? Vinzario asked.

    I don’t know, Matea said. I still can’t see a thing, but it feels like something’s tied around my waist.

    Same here, said Grux.

    The kids then fell silent as the darkness lingered on… until Luciana said, How about some light? She then blindly felt around her belt. Found them! she soon exclaimed.

    Found what? squeaked Maiya’s little voice.

    My xenon chips.

    A curious Checo immediately asked, What are those?

    They’re like glow sticks, but instead, I gelled them into chips, Luciana explained. That way, they’re easier for me to carry around. She then cracked several chips with her fingers and randomly threw them about.

    Suddenly, and with the snap of the chips,the room quickly twinkled and came into view with a purplish-white glow.

    At once, an excited Majjeec exclaimed, We’reeee floatingggg!

    But Matea swiftly corrected him and said, We’re not floating exactly. We’re suspended. Look down at your waist.

    The others now likewise noticed that something was indeed wrapped around their waist as it held them in place. 

    It looks like some sort of a metal wire, Qymma noted.

    What kind of metal? Sienna asked. And why’s it holding us up?

    But nobody had any suggestions… so they just stayed quiet for the time being.

    In the meantime, the dust had finally settled from the exploding staircase, and with that, their rescuer soon came into view.

    Without delay, Sophia eagerly shouted, It’s the staircase railing! It’s the staircase railing! She then felt for the warm and gentle touch of the leaves.

    Yes, but why? asked a confused Checo.

    Just then, Matea offered a suggestion and said, Well, I’m guessing that in the end, when that golden hand finally spun the last portrait seven times, the last piece of the puzzle fell into place… and with that, the railing sprang into action and saved us all from our falling death.

    That’s eXactly whaT hapPened, said a very unique and soothing voice.

    Who said that? quivered Tusheen.

    Yes… show yourself, demanded his brother.

    But the voice merely hummed, I’m riGht heRe.

    Meanwhile, the confused kids looked all about until Matea finally said, Hey guys… I think it’s the railing talking.

    VeRy goOd, came the response.

    Now it was Luciana’s turn as she quickly tied on her headband and touched the warm, soft wire wrapped around her waist. Nice to meet you, she smiled.

    NiCe to mEet yoU too.

    Who, or what, are you? Luciana asked.

    Just then, the railing seemed to smile from within as she answered, I’m LayLa… buT yOu caN calL me La-La.

    Ha ha, snickered Vinzario.

    What’s so funny, Sophia immediately asked.

    Don’t you get it? Ha Ha La-La, he chuckled again.

    You’re so dumb, Sophia quickly snipped. And I would be a little nicer to her if I were you. She just saved your life.

    And she’s still holding you from falling to your death, Matea added.

    At once, Vinzario stopped his chuckling as he looked towards the infinite depths below. Umm… maybe you’re right, he gulped.

    But to add some incentive, Layla silently squeezed his waist.

    Ouch! he cried out loud. Ok, ok. I’m sorry Layla… or La-La, or whatever you want to be called.

    That’s better, chuckled Sophia.

    In the meantime, Sienna turned her attention back to the railing itself and said, I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. She then stroked the leaves closest to her and they seemed to welcome her gentle touch.

    Suddenly, Maiya giggled… and so did Majjeec.

    Everybody now glanced their way and saw that the two friends were tickling the leaves, which in turn, tickled them back… and even the stern looking Grux broke into a smile before asking, So now what?

    Yet Matea simply shrugged her shoulders and said, Your guess is as good as mine.

    At last, the final specks of dust settled out of sight and the room eventually came into full view for all to see.

    Now it was Zucco’s turn to join the conversation. Look down below, he pointed. I think I see some sort of an opening.

    Is that an opening or a crack in the wall? Sophia inquired aloud.

    I don’t know… I really can’t tell from here, squinted Qymma.

    Just then, La-La shifted and swayed as the branches now rustled about.

    What’s happening? asked a scared Maiya.

    I think the railing is lowering us, Luciana said.

    But why? Sophia asked.

    Because it’s not raising us up, Vinzario jested. But instinctively, he flinched and waited for Layla to squeeze his waist once again.

    Yet as Sophia shot him a death stare… the railing secretively laughed in silence at the wisecrack.

    The kids then fell silent as La-La gracefully lowered everyone to the ground below… before nudging them towards the fracture in the wall.

    What’s she doing? asked Checo.

    I think she’s showing us the way, Matea said.

    Through that crack? Tusheen cried.

    Are you nuts? joined his brother.

    But with everyone’s feet now soundly planted on the floor, Layla released her grip of the kids and silently pulled away… but not before Sienna and Maiya got one last touch of those warm and soothing leaves.

    Vinzario watched as the railing faded away into the shadows. That was very strange, he muttered to himself. He then faced the crack in the wall and said, So, now what?

    So now, I think we need to crawl through this crack, Luciana said.

    No way! Tusheen stammered. I’m not going in there.

    Me neither, stuttered Shutini. Who knows what’s in there.

    But Sienna was quick to defend Luciana and asked, Do you two have a better idea?

    Yet only silence hung in the air as the brothers gave each other a blank stare.

    I didn’t think so, smirked Sienna.

    Well then, we’re not going in there first, Tusheen frowned as Shutini swiftly nodded his agreement.

    I’ll go first you big babies, Luciana snapped. She then walked over to the large fracture and sized it up. I don’t see any booby-traps, she whispered.

    "If it’s safe… then why are you whispering? Vinzario chuckled.

    Because I don’t want to wake the evil spirits inside, she said in a serious tone… before shooting Maiya a joking wink.

    The evil what! Vinzario stuttered.

    I’m just joking, Luciana laughed. But why don’t you go join the scaredy-cat brothers huddling in the corner?

    Joking or not… I think I will, Vinzario moaned as he twitched his way towards the twins.

    The three boys then cowered tightly together.

    Cannnn I joinnnn youuuu guys? Majjeec suddenly shivered.

    Seriously? Maiya asked. She was just kidding.

    IIII don’tttt care, he trembled. He then tiptoed towards the other cowards.

    Maiya shook her head as she looked at Luciana. Boys, she frowned.

    Boys, Luciana smirked… before ducking her head back into the fractured darkness.

    Without delay, the others instinctively held their breath… until Matea eventually asked, What do you see in there?

    Well, it looks like we could use some light in here, Luciana squinted. She then tossed more of her glow chips to lead the way.

    Meanwhile, and after a few grumbles, the rest of the group reluctantly followed.

    Qymma now looked around and said, It looks like we’re in some sort of a tunnel.

    Whereeee do youuuu think it leadssss? Majjeec asked to nobody in particular.

    But, without missing a beat, a half-serious Vinzario mumbled, Probably to our deaths.

    Will you just keep your comments to yourself, snipped Sophia. You’re not helping any.

    I’m still probably right, he mumbled even softer.

    What did you say? she snapped.

    Nothing… just nothing.

    That’s what I thought, she smirked.

    With the bickering now at an end, the kids followed the tunnel as it twisted and turned for several long minutes… until they became entangled in some thickened cobwebs.

    Checo spit the cobwebs from his mouth and said, By the looks of things, I don’t think anybody has been down here for a very long time.

    Perhaps that’s a good thing, Vinzario replied.

    See, that’s more like it. Positivity, smiled Sophia.

    Or perhaps it’s a bad thing, he subsequently muttered.

    Instantly, Sophia’s smile turned into a frown as she sighed, You’re impossible.

    Suddenly, Grux interrupted and pointed, What’s that up ahead?

    The others quickly halted as they strained their eyes to see in the darkened tunnel.

    Luciana, throw some of your glow chips that way, Zucco said.

    Luciana nodded as she tossed several chips, and within seconds, the area came into view.

    Great… just great, Grux sighed. More skeletons? I had enough of them back on the stairs.

    In the meantime, the others now gazed upon the three giant skeletons chained to the wall.

    What’s this thing? Maiya asked as she shifted her attention to the contraption in the middle of the room.

    It’s a surgical table, Luciana answered. Like those found in a hospital.

    Sophia then focused back on the skeletons and inquired aloud, Why would they be chained to the wall?

    Because those aren’t ordinary bones, Matea replied.

    Qymma quickly turned her way and asked, What do you mean?

    Well, they’re not entirely human anyway.

    Excuse me? Tusheen gulped.

    Yes… excuse me too, Shutini double gulped. What do you mean by that?

    Matea continued and said, Well… look at the size and shapes of the bones. Some of them are human but others are not. If I’m not mistaken, some of these are animal bones. For example, look at this leg bone. It’s the femur… but it’s way too large to have belonged to a person. I think it’s from a horse. And look at the skull. It looks like it’s from a silverback gorilla.

    A horse? A gorilla? How’s that even possible? Sophia questioned.

    Without missing a beat, Luciana mumbled, Experimentation.

    In a flash, the others swiftly turned her way.

    What do you mean? whispered Maiya.

    Luciana shook her head sadly from side to side. I’ve heard about such awful things, she frowned. Somebody must’ve been experimenting on these poor creatures.

    Whyyyy would theyyyy do thatttt? Majjeec cringed.

    I think in order to make some sort of a larger creature, Matea answered.

    That’s mean, Maiya winced.

    Andddd cruellll! Majjeec added.

    Suddenly, Tusheen quivered, I don’t like the looks of this.

    Me neither, agreed Shutini. I think we should get out of here.

    But how? Qymma asked as she looked at nothing but black shadows lining the stone walls. We’re trapped in here.

    Just then, Vinzario interrupted and said in a hushed tone, Um guys…

    Now what? snapped Sophia as she put her hands on her hips.

    He then pointed and asked, What’s up with that chain?

    At once, the others turned and saw for the first time a thick steel chain bolted to the stone wall… and it trailed out of view and into one of the many shadows.

    It’s probably just a chain, Sophia scoffed.

    Then why is it moving? he whispered.

    Now, the others likewise fell silent as they too stared at the swaying chain.

    He’s right, whispered Grux.

    Then, without a word, the others instinctively huddled together.

    I have a bad feeling about this, Tusheen said as he looked to his brother for support.

    But too frightened to speak, Shutini simply nodded his head in agreement.

    Zucco then crept next to Matea and whispered, What do you think? 

    Matea quickly noticed the concerned look on his face… so she turned towards the others, but only to see that they were likewise troubled. Then, with great pause, she finally said, To be honest with you… I think it’s one of those creatures, but alive.

    With this news, Tusheen and Shutini suddenly passed out, while Maiya and Majjeec huddled into a ball.

    Just then, the chain swayed again, but this time much more.

    Meanwhile, Luciana looked towards the unconscious brothers and frowned, Come on boys… get it together. She then reached into her belt, pulled out some smelling salts, and waved them under their noses.

    In a flash, both brothers sprang back to their feet.

    What happened? asked Tusheen.

    You both fainted, Sienna said.

    Sorry, said Shutini. It won’t happen again.

    I doubt that, Vinzario wisecracked.

    Hey… that’s not nice, both twins countered.

    Not nice, yes… but true.

    The brothers then looked to each other, but after a second, simply shrugged as if to say that he was probably right.

    Suddenly, the chain caught everyone’s attention once again as it now snapped tight… and a loud moan soon filled the air.

    Whatttt wassss that? Majjeec quivered.

    The others now trembled with anticipation, as a second moan soon joined the first… but this time, it sounded much more like a loud yawn.

    Was that a moan or a groan? Vinzario asked.

    It actually sounded like a yawn, Luciana suggested.

    Ok… but then what’s this noise? he asked as a loud thumping sound filled the room.

    I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s coming our way, Checo whispered.

    As the kids trembled in place, the thumping sound became louder and closer.

    Grux now looked at the others and whispered, Any suggestions?

    Qymma replied, I don’t know, but I think we’re trapped.

    Ok, but let’s try to get as far away from it as possible. He then ran to the other side of the room and the others quickly followed.

    Just then, there was more thumping, and the room now vibrated as the kids held their breath with fear… until unexpectedly, all went silent.

    Sophia, who was cowering with the others, pointing towards the chain and whispered, Oh my! What are those?

    Where? asked Sienna.

    Over there. Those two giant steel boxes poking out of the shadows.

    Yes, I see them now, Sienna nodded. But why would there be steel boxes in here?

    But Matea suddenly cleared her throat as if to disagree.

    Yes? Vinzario cautiously asked.

    Matea then hesitated before informing the group, Those aren’t boxes.

    Right away, everybody shot her a confused glance.

    "What do you mean? Tusheen said.

    Then what are they? Shutini asked.

    But Matea paused again as she now took in a deep breath.

    Just out with it already, Vinzario snipped. How bad can it be anyway?

    Well… she started before pausing for a third time. She then looked to her sister for help.

    No way, Luciana winced. This one is all you.

    So, at last, Matea cleared the lump from her throat and revealed, They’re shoes.

    What? several of others immediately yelped.

    But Matea didn’t have to explain any further, for in that moment, a hideous creature stepped out into the light. 

    Oh no! cried Tusheen.

    Oh no is right! Shutini flinched.

    Suddenly, the brothers gulped aloud before passing out a second time.

    Not again, Luciana thought to herself. 

    In the meantime, the others now gawked at this huge creature… who was 12 feet tall and built like a brick house.

    But the likewise confused monster simply stared back at the kids… before thumping his way towards them.

    What do we do… what do we do? stammered Vinzario.

    But nobody spoke since they were all too scared to answer.

    Just then, Matea instinctively reached into her potion belt to defend the group… until Luciana surprisingly whispered, Not just yet sister. 

    What do you mean? Matea asked with a furrowed brow.

    Just wait, Luciana said as she relied on her instincts.

    Ok… but one false move and I’m turning that thing into a walking Manatee. She then stood at attention with a brown spotted flask in hand.

    Meanwhile, the mammoth creature slowly clunked its way closer to the group until it finally stopped short of the kids… and as grotesque as it was, there was something quite familiar about it.

    What is this poor thing? Sophia asked with sadness. It looks like it’s been pieced together.

    Yes… almost like a puzzle, Qymma frowned.

    Just then, everybody took time studying the creature… especially the scars and stitches lining its body and face.

    It looks part human, part animal, part machine, Grux said.

    Suddenly, the creature breathed heavily, until at last, it let out a simultaneous moan and groan.

    Instantly, Matea’s concern inched upwards as she looked to her sister. I don’t like the looks of this, she said. I can’t tell if this thing is mad, sad, or glad.

    Maybe it’s all three, Luciana replied.

    What’s that supposed to mean?

    Well, Luciana started to say before Vinzario unexpectedly screamed, Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I know what this thing is!

    The others quickly turned his way. What? they all asked at once.

    Come on! Are you kidding me? Look at his big forehead… and the bolts on his neck. It’s… it’s Frankenstein!

    Slowly, the others nodded as they now recognized the creature.

    Grux’s face soon paled as he whispered to the others, Frankenstein? Didn’t he go from town to town killing all of the villagers?

    If you believe in monster stories, Luciana said.

    Stories? The thing is literally standing in front of us. I’d say it’s more than a story!

    The room then fell silent as the kids focused back on the creature… until unexpectedly, it grunted and stepped towards the group. But luckily, the chain snagged tight and stopped the giant in his tracks.

    Ha! Vinzario smiled. Well, at least he can’t get us.

    At once, a perplexed look befell Frankenstein’s face as he looked down and studied the restrictive chain shackling his ankle… but a moment later, and with the slight tug of his leg, it snapped free.

    Vinzario now lost his smile as he whimpered, Oh no! I spoke too soon.

    In the meantime, the kids all huddled together as even Zucco seemed frightened by the gigantic creature.

    What are we going to do? sobbed Maiya. She then looked to Majjeec for help.

    Don’tttt look atttt me, he stammered. IIII justttt peed myselffff.

    Without hesitation, Frankenstein then shuffled towards the children until he finally towered over them.

    I think this is it! moaned Vinzario. I think we’re done for.

    But Frankenstein paused as he curiously studied the kids… until eventually, he reached down and picked Luciana up by the shirt.

    That’s it! Matea yelled as she uncorked her brown spotted flask. Time’s up!

    No! Luciana surprisingly yelled. Not yet.

    Matea then shook her head in confusion… but nonetheless, held her Manatee potion still for the time being.

    Yet the others weren’t so patient as they pushed aside their fears and jumped to Luciana’s aid. 

    Grux was the first one to attack and he quickly punched and kicked at the creature’s legs… but it was like a gnat attacking a lion, and Frankenstein effortlessly swatted him away.

    Vinzario then tried his luck as he bit down onto the monster’s leg… but he soon found out that it was made of metal. Ouch, he cried.

    Frankenstein, who seemed unfazed by the commotion, now gruntled aloud as he pulled Luciana closer to his face… but strangely, she remained calm.

    In contrast, Matea’s patience now wore out, so she sprayed the creature with her Manatee formula… but it didn’t produce the intended results. On no, she frowned.

    Soon enough, Frankenstein pulled Luciana close to his mangled nose, and looking like he was about to eat her, grinned, Yum yum.

    No! Matea screamed aloud as she grabbed for some more potions from her belt… but suddenly stopped, when she noticed Luciana holding up a bottle of green liquid.

    Frankenstein now smiled as he grabbed the bottle with his other hand… and it looked like a thimble in his massive paw. He then took a big sniff and slurped it down. Ahhh, he smiled again… followed by a massive burp. He then looked at Luciana and groaned Yum yum my tum tum.

    Helpless with shock, the others now watched as Frankenstein put Luciana back onto the ground… before patting her softly on the head.

    Vinzario ran up to Luciana and asked, What’s going on? What just happened?

    Pickle juice, Luciana cryptically said.


    Pickle juice, Luciana said again as she smiled at the beast.

    Yum yum, Frankenstein moaned again. He then sat down on the ground with a massive thump and the weight of his body caused everybody to bounce off of the ground.

    Meanwhile, Vinzario checked his mouth for loose teeth before asking, Can you please explain to me what just happened? I almost lost a tooth trying to save you.

    Yes, Checo soon joined. I thought that thing was going to eat you.

    With a grin, Luciana said, No, he wasn’t hungry… he was thirsty.

    So, pickle juice? How in the world would you even know that? And where did it come from? Vinzario added.

    Suddenly, Luciana snapped a glow chip and held it close to her face… and in the darkness, everybody could now see the headband around her head. I read his thoughts, she smirked.

    Ahh, Tusheen and Shutini both smiled.

    So that’s how you knew, Zucco smiled. You never cease to amaze me.

    Ok, but where did the pickle juice come from? Vinzario asked.

    I had it on me.

    Pickle juice? Who carries around pickle juice? cringed Vinzario. And I’m going to lose it if you say it’s another one of your dad’s life lessons.

    Luciana snickered. No, this one’s on me. It’s from past experiences. She then glanced towards Matea and winked, But you’d be surprised… it comes in handy more than you’d think.

    Wait a minute, interjected Sophia. I thought you could only read the thoughts of good souls? 

    Yes. I thought I might be able to communicate with him seeing that he was built from animal parts.

    Ok, but what about the good soul part? Grux cut in. I thought Frankenstein was evil?

    Well, I think that’s a mistaken belief. I think the mad scientist that created him was evil, but Frankenstein is actually a gentle soul.

    Lucky for us, smiled Maiya. She then walked over to Frankenstein and patted him on his enormous foot.

    Frankenstein grinned back as he rubbed his stomach. Yum yum, he groaned.

    I think he wants more pickle juice, said Zucco.

    No, now he’s hungry, Luciana corrected. We need to find him some food.

    Ok, but how do we get him out of here? He’ll never fit through that crack in the wall, Sienna said.

    She’s right, Matea nodded. He’s way too big. She then faced her sister and said, Perhaps you could shrink him down with some of your minimizing lotion.

    Let me try something first, Luciana suggested as she closed her eyes.

    Within seconds, Frankenstein moaned, Yup yup. He then stood up and thumped his way towards the steel table in the middle of the room.

    What’s he doing? Qymma asked.

    I asked him if he knew how to get out of here. Apparently, he’s showing us, Luciana said as she removed her headband.

    Frankenstein continued towards the table, and once there, he grabbed ahold of the metal frame and turned it counterclockwise. Then, after several turns, there was a loud hissing sound and the floor rumbled beneath their feet.

    What’ssss happeningggg, Majjeec asked in a panicked tone.

    I think he’s showing us a way out of here, Zucco said.

    Suddenly, the floor unexpectedly sank in, and everybody buckled from the jolt.

    Are you sure about that? Vinzario said with suspicion in his voice. Perhaps he’s trying to kill us.

    I think he could’ve done that already if he wanted to, snipped Sophia.

    Yeah… but still, Vinzario muttered.

    But still what? Sophia asked with her hands on her hips.

    Vinzario then took a breath as if to say something but changed his mind and bit his lip instead.

    That’s what I thought, smirked Sophia.

    In the meantime, the floor continued to sink downwards and for several seconds nobody spoke… until finally, Maiya turned towards the creature and asked, Where are you taking us?

    Duwn duwn, he smiled.

    Without delay, Maiya smiled back.

    Don’tttt get tooooo friendlyyyy with himmmm, Majjeec frowned. He mightttt be dangeroussss.

    Maiya quickly rubbed Majjeec’s head and said, Are you jealous?

    Noooo… Well, maybeeee a littleeee.

    Don’t be. You’ll always be my favorite, she grinned.

    Majjeec instantly blushed with happiness, even more so than his red fibers.

    I hate to break up this love fest, but what if he really is bringing us to our death! Vinzario snapped.

    Again, with this, Sophia sighed. Don’t be ridiculous.

    Just then, Luciana reassured the group and said, No need to worry. I read his thoughts and he has a good soul… with a really good heart.

    It’s not his heart I’m worried about, muttered Vinzario. It’s the rest of him that scares me. Vinzario then looked up and saw that Frankenstein was staring down at him… and the stare lasted for several uncomfortable seconds.

    Meanwhile, Luciana laughed to herself but didn’t say anything for the time being.

    Vinzario soon rubbed the goosebumps on his arms and whispered to Luciana, Can you please tell him to stop staring at me… he’s giving me the creeps.

    Luciana laughed some more before saying, He’s fine… it’s you that I’m worried about.

    Fine, he pouted as he crossed his arms. He then mustered up the courage and barked at Frankenstein, What are you looking at?

    Without missing a beat, Frankenstein replied, Dum dum.

    Instantly, everybody but Vinzario burst out laughing.

    Ha ha… very funny, he sulked.

    The makeshift elevator continued to descend for several more minutes until it finally came to a stop with a bump. Everyone then looked around at the surrounding four walls and spikes. 

    Vinzario quickly bounced back to his true form and jabbed, Great, now what? This lug just led us into a trap.

    The others then looked to Frankenstein for guidance… but he simply stared back.

    What’s he waiting for? Sienna asked.

    Luciana now turned towards Frankenstein and asked, Frankie, do you know how to get us out of here?

    Yup yup, he moaned. He then shuffled his feet forward.

    Frankie? Sophia asked.

    Yes. When I was wearing my headband, he told me he didn’t like the name Frankenstein. He said it sounded way too scary.

    I like Frankie, Maiya smiled.

    IIII don’tttt, answered Maiya’s jealous friend.

    Frankenstein soon stopped next to one of the walls… and after a brief pause, he passed right through it.

    What? Where did he go? asked Grux.

    He disappeared! Vinzario. Great… we’re trapped. We’ll surely die for now!

    Will you just relax, Luciana pleaded.

    Luckily, a moment later, Frankenstein’s head reappeared. Com com, he groaned.

    Without delay, Matea walked up to the spiked wall and inspected it… and when she tried to touch one of the spikes, her hand passed right through it instead. It’s a hologram, she smiled.

    What’s that? asked Maiya.

    It’s a three-dimensional image… a fake image. It makes it look like something’s there when it’s really not, Matea explained. In this instance, it’s a wall with spikes. She then waived her hand through the holographic wall once again.

    Wow, that’s pretty cool, grinned Maiya.

    Pretty cool or not, let’s just get out of here, Vinzario said. He then turned to Matea and with a wave of his hand said, Ladies first… please lead the way.

    Matea rolled her eyes before stepping through the imaginary wall… and the rest of the group was quick to follow.

    Now on the other side, Checo wondered aloud, Where are we?

    It looks like some sort of a corridor, Matea answered.

    Yet the others stayed silent as they gazed upon the strange and eerie hallway.

    Look at all of these steel doors, Tusheen whispered. I wonder what’s in those rooms?

    Don’t… know and don’t care, quivered Shutini.

    Suddenly, the hallway lights flickered as they coated the ceiling.

    Great, sighed Grux. Like we don’t have enough problems.

    Just then, the lights turned off and the kids were plunged into darkness.

    You were saying? huffed Vinzario.

    I can’t see a thing, Sienna cried.

    Me neither, added Sophia.

    Even Frankenstein got in on the action. Durk durk, he moaned. Me no lik the durk durk.

    Don’t worry, Luciana said from the darkness. And with that, she snapped several of her xenon chips to light the way.

    But without warning, a three-headed blob appeared before them.

    Ahh… everybody yelled.

    Instinctively, Luciana threw a back-fist right at one of the creature’s head, but it sailed right through.

    It must be a hologram, Matea breathed.

    Areeee you sureeee? asked a petrified Majjeec.

    Pretty sure, Matea said as she waived her hand through the blob’s body.

    Well, that’s a relief, Checo exhaled.

    But suddenly, head number one said, Hi there.

    Are you kidding me? whined Vinzario. This thing talks?

    Yes, we do, responded head number two.

    Just great, Vinzario sighed.

    Don’t forget about me, snickered head number three.

    The kids then began to mutter amongst themselves until Maiya cringed, I’m scared. This thing is creepy.

    Luciana protectively grabbed her hand and smiled, Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.

    Thank you, Maiya smiled back.

    Luciana then faced the creature and said, Who are you and what do you want?

    Who… us?

    Yes you… unless you see another three-headed blob around here?

    Without warning, the creature started to laugh uncontrollably at Luciana’s sarcasm. But eventually, head number one snorted, That was a good one. But we’re known around here as the three Js. I’m Jmmy… this is Joeie, and that’s Jianna.

    That’s a bit confusing, Matea said.

    Exactly, said Jianna. That’s why everybody calls us the three Js.

    Yes… that’s true, responded Joeie. Even though everyone knows that I’m the brains of the group.

    No, you’re not, argued Jmmy as he headbutted Joeie.

    Ouch! Joeie screamed as he poked Jmmy in the eye.

    Will you two just stop it! scolded Jianna.

    Why should we you control freak? Jmmy winced with his good eye. You’re always telling us what to do.

    How dare you! Jianna snapped.

    In the meantime, the flabbergasted kids stood by as the three Js fought amongst themselves.

    Perhaps we should just go around them? Qymma suggested.

    Good idea, Zucco

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