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Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot: 21st Century Author, #0
Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot: 21st Century Author, #0
Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot: 21st Century Author, #0
Ebook61 pages50 minutes

Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot: 21st Century Author, #0

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About this ebook

Having trouble finishing your book? Maybe you're stuck in the so-called saggy middle and have no way to reach the climax. Perhaps you have the perfect story idea, but you're frozen at the prospect of writing that all-important opening sentence.

It's time to mix things up and write out of order to get your creative juices flowing again.
This guide will unlock the full potential of your storytelling by teaching you the techniques of non-linear fiction writing.

With clear explanations and practical pointers and tools, this book will help you rethink your front-to-back writing process and:

  • Finish more books
  • Achieve flow
  • Overcome writer's block
  • Avoid common non-linear writing pitfalls
  • Make writing fun again!

Ready to begin?

Release dateMay 31, 2023
Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot: 21st Century Author, #0

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    Book preview

    Write out of Order! Mastering Nonlinear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot - Laura Kortum

    Write Out of Order

    By Laura Kortum

    Having trouble finishing your book? Maybe you're stuck in the so-called saggy middle and have no way to reach the climax. Perhaps you have the perfect story idea, but you're frozen at the prospect of writing that all-important opening sentence.

    It's time to mix things up and write out of order to get your creative juices flowing again.

    This guide will unlock the full potential of your storytelling by teaching you the techniques of non-linear fiction writing.

    With clear explanations and practical pointers and tools, this book will help you rethink your front-to-back writing process and:

    Finish more books

    Achieve flow

    Overcome writer's block

    Avoid common non-linear writing pitfalls

    Make writing fun again!

    Ready to begin?

    ©2023 Laura Kortum

    Published by 21st Century Author Publishing.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Write Out of Order



    1 The Problem

    2 The Goal

    3 The Tools

    4 To Plot, or Not?

    5 The Method

    6 Troubleshooting

    7 Conclusion

    Further Reading

    About the Author


    Dear fiction writer,

    First of all, welcome to my love letter to non-linear writing.

    You’re probably here because you’re also a writer. You’ve tried writing fiction, and although the beginnings tend to work out great for you, finishing books is something you struggle with. Maybe you’ve finished a few books already, but it’s becoming harder and harder to do so as you carry on. Or maybe you have a genius idea for the climax of your story, but you just can’t bring yourself to sit down and write the first chapter. Wherever you are on your journey, know that you’re not alone.

    These problems are familiar to so many writers. And it’s something that can be overcome, as long as you follow a writing process that works for you and the way your brain works. If you take away anything from this book, please let it be: there isn’t one correct way to write. There are as many processes as there are writers out there. In sharing this non-linear process I follow, I hope to broaden your mind to the possibilities ahead of you—and to let you know that whatever weird way you choose to write your books is absolutely fine. You’re not doing it wrong!

    In essence, this book is for those who have found themselves wondering: This scene I’m working on is draining me. Why can’t I just skip ahead to something more interesting? Or: I know the ending of my book so well, I could write it in my sleep. But the beginning eludes me. Can’t I just write the story backwards?

    I’m here to tell you not only that you can, but that it may be the way you were meant to do things all along.

    And even if you haven’t asked yourself the above questions yet, maybe do so now. When you’re stuck in your work-in-progress, would it help to mix things up? Could you get unstuck by jumping ahead in the story and writing that exciting scene that’s been on your mind ever since you conceived of the idea for this book? What’s standing in your way?

    Through the pages that follow, I hope to be able to explain the whys behind this process and the benefits, as well as tools and methods to help you on your way. I’ll show you a peek behind the curtain of my own writing process, the one I’ve used to finish upwards of twenty-five books and numerous short stories during the ten years I’ve been writing genre fiction.

    But first, you might wonder who on earth I am to be giving you advice in the first place. Allow me

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