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King Micah: World Beyond The Ruins
King Micah: World Beyond The Ruins
King Micah: World Beyond The Ruins
Ebook203 pages3 hours

King Micah: World Beyond The Ruins

By Layo

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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"I found you... Mate" He breathes bringing his hand to cup my cheeks but I snapped my head backward.

"I would never be yours," I said breathing harshly while glaring at him.

Over 700 years after the death of King Elijah and Queen Celeste, their son Micah ruled over the world. After searching endlessly for his mate, he gave up hope thinking he would rule the world alone for he was the only one to have ever lived for such a long time.

When words got to the king that the omegas (humans) have been escaping 'his world' to live in the ruin for almost two decades he became livid going to the ruins to kill them all and teach others never to cross him.

What Micah never expected was for his mate to be lurking in the ruined palace hiding from the harsh and brutal world he created and he never expected his mate to be human.

Release dateApr 19, 2023
King Micah: World Beyond The Ruins

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    King Micah - Layo



    I found you... Mate He breathes bringing his hand to cup my cheeks but I snapped my head backward.

    I would never be yours, I said breathing harshly while glaring at him.

    Over 700 years after the death of King Elijah and Queen Celeste, their son Micah ruled over the world. After searching endlessly for his mate, he gave up hope thinking he would rule the world alone for he was the only one to have ever lived for such a long time.

    When words got to the king that the omegas (humans) have been escaping 'his world' to live in the ruin for almost two decades he became livid going to the ruins to kill them all and teach others never to cross him.

    What Micah never expected was for his mate to be lurking in the ruined palace hiding from the harsh and brutal world he created and he never expected his mate to be human.

    I had always longed for adventure. Papa use to say that would be the end of me if I kept Fantasizing about the world beyond the ruins but that never stopped me from dreaming.

    I sat with my legs hanging out the window from the ruined palace staring at the setting sun as snow lightly fell on the ground. I have been living in the ruins for almost ten years now, Mama and papa thought it would be more better to flee and hide away from those monsters as they say.

    I could still remember how they treat we humans, they treat us like we are below them, like trash. We were called Omegas, the weakest of them all. I sigh and turned around with my legs now inside the palace before jumping and walking down the hall. I had to get some vegetables that I planted out, in the garden before it gets dark.

    When I got outside I greet a few people with a wave and a smile. We use to be about one hundred and fifty people living in the ruins but now we are only about eighty. They all died from the cold and hungry and papa was among one of them.

    I wrapped my hands around myself and rubbed my shoulders trying to keep myself warm. My brown sweater had holes and them and was now thin and faded from constantly using them everyday for almost six years and my boots had worn out, bigger than my feet but at least it kept my feet warm.

    I quickly stepped inside the garden and sighed as my body became warm, I called it the enchanted garden. No matter how cold it is or how hot, the temperature here would remain the same-warm and plants grow really fast here.

    One of the older refuges, named Mr. Cole, discovered the garden two years ago when he fled from the beasts world to live in the ruins. When the snow rained heavily and all our plants died from the cold. We all would have starved to death if not when Mr. Cole has brushed his hand against the snow, looking for what he would eat when he saw a single rose, covered under snow yet looking healthy and fresh. We then planted some maize and within a few days, we harvested them.

    Getting on my knees and pulling out some of the vegetables from my part of the garden, I dropped them in my basket then?dust the snow that had gathered on my shoulders while dragging the basket back with me to the palace.

    Ma I called when I opened the door to the room where mom and I are staying in.

    Lovette mom mumbled from the bed, raising her head up and using her elbow to support herself as she offered me a smile.

    I dropped the vegetables at our... Little kitchen before sauntering towards mom. I sat at the edge of the bed placing the back of my palm on her forehead checking her temperature.

    I frowned when I noticed that her temperature has increased and I swear, I could use it to warm water. You're getting Worst I stated moving my hand towards her neck but she smack it away.

    I'm fine she said waving it off but I knew she was far from fine.

    My mom had a habit of doing that-making a small deal out of something big. Just like how she said she was fine when dad died but I could hear her late night cries. Or when she said she was fine after giving me her nuts to eat just so I wouldn't go hungry but starve herself for days. Or when she said she's fine but coughs out blood every fucking day.

    She's definitely not fine.

    There was nothing I could do though, there wasn't any drugs here in the ruins not after 'our guy' was caught by the beast when he was trying to sneak out drugs from the castle.

    It was said that he was tortured to give out information as to where he was taking the drugs to but they gave up when he would not alter a word and finally killed him. Not after cutting his tongue off for keeping silent.

    Mom took my hand in hers giving it a little squeeze, snapping me out of my thoughts and giving me a smile. I could only offer her a sad one inn return as I gazed at her brown her that looked lifeless. Lifeless as in the brown in her eyes turning a pale gray just like her skin and her cheeks hallowed.

    I got up, moving towards the little space we call kitchen and preparing our dinner.

    I made sure ma finished her veggies before tucking her to bed for the night. Honestly, i felt like the parent-not that I was complaining.

    When I noticed that she was asleep, I climbed in my bed, pulling the cover over my body and placing my hand my stomach and joining my fingers together in form of a web thingy.

    I looked up at the ceiling, fantasizing about how it would be to be mated to a werewolf.

    Was it dumb of me to have such thoughts when we are literally slaves to them? Yes. But does that stop me from fantasizing? Fuck no.

    After a few minutes of me day dreaming of how amazing it would be to literally have a soulmate, I drifted off to sleep.



    I jerked up from sleep as the loud noise rang through the entire castle shaking it from it's foundation. The sound came again this time, accompanied with growls and sneers making a few brick fall to the floor and the walls crack.

    I could here people shouting and screaming behind our door and I was confused. I threw the cover over my body and rushed over to mom side. I was surprised that she was still asleep with all the chaos going on around her.

    Ma I said shaking her but he all she did was groan and I became annoyed.

    Get up. We have to go I gritted out pulling the cover down.

    What's happening? She asked, finally waking up as she sat on her bed.

    I moved back to my side, putting on my shoes and sweater. They are here mom, the beasts

    Her eyes widen after those words and she hurriedly put on her shoes, not bothering to put on her sweater as it was already on her.

    I gave her a rag to clean the blood that was already dripping down from her nose.

    I held moms hand as We left the room, joining the people that were running for their lives through the emergency tunnel.

    I looked up at the bluish sky when we were all out of the castle and sighed in relief when there was no wolf in sight.

    We're safe I said to mom as we all started to move towards the wood but I spoke too soon.

    Wolfs started running our way with the teeth snapping at us.

    Everyone scattered, the whole place was chaos. Wolfs torn the fleshes of human, cries of pain and grief was in the sky. My breathing increased.

    I looked down at my hand to see that I was no longer holding on to moms hand. Where was she? I asked myself looking around in panic. Where the fuck was she?!

    A growl made me snap my head to the side when I saw a wolf running straight towards me. My eyes widen and it felt like it was in slow motion as it kept running towards me.

    I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. Was this how it would end for me? A twenty two year old torn to pieces who never got to see the world beyond the ruins?

    I mentally and physically prepared myself for the impact, the pain I would feel and hopefully, it would be a quick death.

    When it jumped up, it's mouth wide open ready to bite my head off I was pushed to the side making whoever pushed me to take the pain and torture of the pain for me.

    I fell to the blood covered snow with a thud. Half of my face and hands covered by the blood. When I looked at the person who had pushed me, I gasped and a cry left my lips.

    Mom was being torn to pieces. The wolf was without mercy at it bit into her skin, pulling the skin.

    The beast turn towards me after it was done with mom and without wasting any time it opened it's wide mouth about to bite my leg but was pushed my another wolf.

    I could not focus on that as I crawled toward my mother's lifeless body. I held her head in my arms... Crying, sobbing as I shook her but all she did was stare. Her eyes were lifeless-literally this time.

    I'm sorry I rasped out kissing the top of her head before closing her eyes.

    It was silent except for a few growls here and there. There was no cries of people-humans in pain. Nothing at all.

    I got to my feet with my head cast down. Slowly, I raised my head looking at my surrounding and bile’s raised to my mouth from the sight before me.

    There was blood everywhere. Dismounted bodies scattered on the snow covered ground. The wolves were all staring at me.

    I stumbled backwards when a very large white wolf ambled towards me. When it was a out a feet away from me, it shifted-or rather he shifted.

    The man before me was beautiful. Even with the scar that ran down from his left eyebrow down to his cheek he was still fucking attractive but I should not be thinking of that.

    He killed my mother-I should not find him attracted.

    He killed my friend, my people-I should not want to be near this man with white hair and I had to tell myself that.

    I found you.. Mate He breathed bringing his hand to cup my cheeks but I snapped my head backwards.

    I would never be yours I said breathing harshly while glaring at him.


    Did I say that my heart skipped a beat when he called me mate? Well yeah, but that doesn't matter.

    Everyone started shifting back to their human form and I looked at all of them, not caring that they were naked.

    Mate the man before me said and I snapped my back to him, giving him the most disgusted look I could muster.

    Do not come closer I turned my head around, looking for a way out, to escape this beasts. I could not leave my mother's body out here without giving her a proper burial but... She would understand right?

    Do not try The man said with a growl when he noticed my plan but before he could grab my arm, I was already running for the woods.

    I matched flesh, blood, I almost puked but I had to keep going. I could hear his growl behind me, chasing after me.

    I was a panting mess, my hands were cold and my legs want to give out but I kept on pushing. I felt like the beast behind me was just giving me the chance to run, he loved the game. He was the Predator and I the prey after all, the prize to be claimed and he was enjoying the chase.

    The trees around me were like a blur as my legs carried me through the forest. It felt like I have been running for hours and I could no longer hear the wolf chasing me. I was relieved to have lost the man and when I was about to rest beside the iced lack before my legs gave out, I was tackled to the big white wolf.

    It's weight was crushing me and I gasped and whispered in pain. It brought out its tongue, licking the side of my face and I turned my head to the side, closing my eyes and smacking my lips in a firm line so it's saliva would not get in my mouth.

    When I could no longer bare the pain of the wolf on top of me, I had to voice it out. You're crushing me I said to him with my palm laying flat underneath it's stomach.

    He started shifting back to his human form and let me tell you, it was not a pleasant sight to see up close. Why were you running away from me mate? He asked in a husky voice with his face in my neck inhaling my scent and smoothing my hair. I had to take in a quick breath from the gesture.

    You took my Family away from me I said and it was then that I realized who was before me-on top of me. I pushed at his hard chest but he would not move.

    Move I gritted out as tears welled up in my eyes and he looked sad.

    Do not cry mate, I'm sorry.. He whispered, getting up and dragging him with me. If only I had knew my soul was here, I would not have attacked he added drawing me closer to his chest and hugging me tight.

    I cried into his chest, I cried into the chest of the man who had murdered my people, my ma.

    Wh-who are you? I asked him, slightly pulling away from his to look at him face. His gray eyes stared into my brown ones before he said his name. Micah. I am King Micah

    I gasped in fright and pulled away from the man, the king and stumbled backwards.

    N-no I stammered as I kept on taking a few feet backwards.

    King Micah, the man whom everyone is afraid of, the man who kills without mercy- the white wolf. Of course! How did I not see it? I asked myself.

    Don't be afraid of me love The king said as he took a step closer to me while I took some backwards.

    You'll kill me! I shouted now walking on the frozen ice.

    No don't! King Micah shouted and I jumped back in fright making the ice underneath my feet crake.

    I gulped and looked down at the frozen river, I never knew I was this far in and I stayed frozen in my place, afraid that the ice might give out underneath me.

    I looked up at the King in panic also to see that he was as confused, Don't move He whispered and I nodded afraid that any movement I make will make the ice give out.

    He slowly stretched out his hand towards me, nodding his head in a way that says I should take it. Slowly, I stretched mine to his hand he held my hand before drawing me close to him and hugging me.

    I closed my eyes, my heart beating fast against my chest that we might

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