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Mixed Signals
Mixed Signals
Mixed Signals
Ebook310 pages4 hours

Mixed Signals

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Get ready for a fun detour of heart, humor, and heat in this opposites attract, enemies to lovers romance about looking beyond the surface to find love.

When corporate banker Julie Laurich gets stuck in traffic beside the man of her dreams and promptly forgets how to use adult words, it's typical. When the universe merges their lanes again and she runs into him a second time at the gym, it's anything other than matter-of-course.

The adorably sexy guy in the black truck proves Nico Farfalla could have been the perfect candidate for a hot rebound. That is, until he opens his mouth...

Julie doesn't even know him and already she pre-hates him. And because her universe is apparently blind to all the warning signs, Nico's chances keep on coming. Their paths continue to cross, and soon Julie discovers he is not what she thought. As much as she doesn't want to put any stock into Nico's words, every second she spends with him blurs the lines.

Before long Julie's attempts to keep her distance from Nico and focus on work are blocked when she's assigned to his elementary school classroom for a community program. Their chemistry is undeniable and unyielding. So when the opportunity for a major promotion in a new city lands in her lap, Julie must decide: Is a love she never saw coming worth the risk of her career?

Editor's Note

Opposites Attract...

Opposites attract in “Mixed Signals,” the first book in Heintzelman’s “All Mixed Up” series. Julie, a corporate banker,is ambitious, focused, and insecure. So when she sees the hot trainer at the gym, she immediately throws up her walls and assumes the worst about him. This being a rom-com, there are all sorts of situations where she sees that she’s wrong, and there’s delight in seeing the two get to really know each other.

Release dateMay 30, 2023

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Reviews for Mixed Signals

Rating: 3.8333333333333335 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The chapters sometimes end quite abruptly, leaving me wondering what the hell happend next as the chapter after starts somewhere else entirely.
    I personally thought it was all going a bit too quickly and I didn't feel a lot of that anticipation that I like in a book like this.
    An easy read nonetheless.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I only made it to chapter 4 before deciding that the fat-phobic storyline was too entrenched to possibly be a fun read. There's enough encouragement for women to hate themselves based on measurements in this world; I certainly don't want it from a light read.

    2 people found this helpful

Book preview

Mixed Signals - Mia Heintzelman


Julie Laurich swooped into the right hand turning lane at the corner of Fourth Street off Casino Center. As usual, she was running late. And as her luck would have it, she’d caught every red light from the freeway to her current spot behind no less than ten other cars with drivers who apparently had nowhere to be.

She, on the other hand, had exactly five minutes to meet her best friend Liz at the Skyline Cafe. Two until her phone started ringing and she had to hear about being considerate of other people’s time.

Come on, damn it. She cursed at the light and considered laying on the horn. She quickly decided against it for the mere fact that in this town, road rage was rampant. A yelling match wouldn’t exactly get her to the restaurant any faster.

Instead, she gripped the steering wheel and inched closer to the red beemer in front of her. The same beemer, which had literally moved about a millimeter in the last ten minutes.

Julie threw her head back and exhaled loudly just as a siren wailed on her left. She lowered her gaze just in time to see a cop car weave past a black pickup truck through to the far left lane and dart into the intersection.

Don’t tell me it’s an accident. Great. Just great.

According to the clock on the dash, it was now ten fifty seven. Three minutes to get to the restaurant. And that didn’t include finding parking in downtown Las Vegas. On a hot ass Sunday morning. In May. At the Container Park, no less.

At this rate, she’d be lucky to be in her seat by eleven thirty.

Rolling her window down, she craned her neck out and stretched to see what was going on up ahead. What kind of emergency they were dealing with determined exactly how long she could expect to keep Liz impatiently waiting.

From the looks of it, a blue SUV had probably been tailgating the silver rice rocket and nicked the bumper, which likely belonged to the thin guy in all black who was currently yelling at someone in the crossover.

The car was nice, but whatever the damage was, it was minimal from Julie’s vantage point. But, to guys like that, a scratch barely noticeable through a microscope was worth suing over. I guess cash remains king here.

She flopped back into her seat, frustrated. Calling the police meant this was going to be a while—a hot sticky while, with her bare thighs melded together and her makeup streaked. So much for trying to be cute. Great.

"It’s just an accident," she yelled to no one in particular as she leaned against the headrest.

This was Vegas. Auto accidents happened basically every second of every day. Pretty much, if the sirens weren’t coming from an ambulance or a fire truck, chances were, it wasn’t fatal, and therefore, it was just an inconvenience.

In Julie’s case, this bootleg fender-bender was an annoyance, although a distraction she should welcome. But it was still only prolonging the inevitable: her standing weekly appointment with her best friend during which she stood to be reamed a new one about her failure to resuscitate her flat-lining love life.

As another squad car zoomed by in a blur in the left lane, Julie looked over, but it wasn’t the emergency vehicle that caught her eye. Rather, she’d caught someone else’s eye.

In the middle lane, in the black truck, just low enough to see him looking down at her, was a gorgeous, fantasy-worthy man with come hither eyes.


Good lord, this man was something like Superman meets Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones at a monster truck rally. Minus all the eyeliner and add in a head full of dark wavy curls and angel eyes. He was looking down at Julie with those molten brown eyes under a canopy of sweeping lashes. He might as well have been looking down from heaven for the way she couldn’t bring herself to close her mouth.

On top of all that yummy goodness, his mouth was, for lack of functioning adult words, delicious. A full pouty bottom lip underscored a toothy grin. He was saying something, but she couldn’t make it out with the thundering sound of her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

The way he propped his arms up between the dash and the seat and flashed her that crooked panty-dropper smile, he could have been saying anything. He could have been telling her to go to hell, or that she had a flat tire. He could have been saying she’d left the gas cap door open, but Mr. Cutie Pants was basically a mute. Albeit, a gorgeous mute with the ability to make her lose both her breath and track of time.

Julie freeze-framed him.

She’d snapshotted him in her mind in that sexy position with his lovely lips and twinkle eyes. All other noise and movement had ceased along with the traffic. For that split second, it was Julie and hot truck guy, and his lashes.

Heat settled low and tight in Julie’s belly as she rubbed her forefinger over her bottom lip.

Come to mama.

She breathed the words. But then her snapshot moved and she vaguely registered the sound of a car horn.

Julie blinked a few times as the guy’s low bass-filled voice flooded into earshot. The words came out garbled and clunky.

What? What did you say?

He gave Julie an endearing smile before nodding and pointing toward the cars ahead in her lane. It’s just an accident. Looks like you’re moving now.

Apparently while Julie was salivating over the guy, the cop in the intersection had begun ushering the traffic to open up the lanes.

Already, most of the cars in front of her had turned. The people behind her were now slamming on their horns, and by the scowl plastered on the officer’s face, she was officially the holdup.

She couldn’t very well ask the policeman and all the drivers who’d been sitting ducks for the last fifteen minutes to give her more time. Not even if it would just take two more minutes, three minutes tops, to exchange numbers with the hot guy a lane over in the black truck.

She couldn’t do that could she?

Yeah, it’s really moving now, she said, unblinking, biting her lips. Still her foot hovered over the accelerator, but she couldn’t bear to push down on it yet. Say something. Ask for his number.

It was crazy. She was downright silly to think of getting a guy’s number in the middle of the road. But, that’s exactly what she was contemplating doing.

Just as soon as she figured out how.

The guy pulled forward and Julie rolled alongside him. Um…

His gaze flickered between her and the road, but he was still smiling, which was a good sign. Is everything okay? he asked, all sparkly eyes and teeth glittering at her.

I, uh…I was hoping to get your phone—

At that exact moment, her phone rang on bluetooth, echoing through the car and drowning out her exchange with hot truck guy. Julie winced and checked the dash to see Liz’s name and number scroll across the screen in neon blue. Without thinking, she pressed the phone icon to connect the call.

Hold on a sec, Liz. Julie whipped her gaze back out the window, but he was gone.

She had taken her gaze off of him for a quick second, but that was just enough time for her to see the black truck drive through the intersection.

You still there, Jules? Liz’s raspy voice bounced off the windshield.

Julie slowly pulled forward to make her right turn toward the restaurant as she watched the black truck disappear into the distance. I’m here, she said flatly.

It sounds like you’re in a wind tunnel. Are you coming or what because I’m getting hungry? You know I’ll start without you.

She slouched down into the seat with her chin low and allowed her foot to rest on the gas. I’m pulling into a spot now.


Julie looked up to see the tail end of Liz’s eyes rolling. What? Julie asked, her brows twisting into a grimace.

Did you hear anything I’ve been saying? Liz snapped, her cinnamon skin flushed from a mix of hundred-degree heat, and apparently anger.


Exactly. That’s what I’m talking about. You don’t listen. Part one of the plan is to see who else is out there. You know, like a ‘whole sea of fish,’ or however the saying goes. Liz’s hands flew up into widespread dramatic air quotes.

As much as Julie wanted to ignore her friend’s advice, she couldn’t brush it off right away. If this breakup was for real, Patrick might not ever come to his senses. In which case, why was she sitting around waiting for him, or planning to show up on his doorstep?

To say what? Hi? Was she really going to be sitting around waiting for him?

The more she thought about it, the more she thought about the digs he’d thrown. And in turn, the more incensed Julie became. Plus, if there were men out there like hot truck guy, casting her line for the other fish might not be so bad.

Liz snapped her index finger and thumb directly next to Julie’s ear. Before you go crawling back to that hijo de la gran madre, Liz said with a litany of Rs rolling from her tongue, "I want you to remember what he did and what he called you. Don’t you have any kind of pride?"

That was easy for Liz to say. She had a gorgeous boyfriend who was dying to marry her and make a shitload of cute little Puerto Rican and black babies, and she was holding him at bay. In the last couple of months, no one had been beating down Julie’s door. So, no, Julie didn’t have much…well…maybe she did have an inkling of pride left.

More than anything, Julie hated how she only seemed to remember the good times. Patrick had walked out on her, and she was willing to take him back without so much as an apology. What did that say about her?

Boring. Sick. Tired.

The words rolled through her mind on an endless loop since the night they broke up.

"All I’m saying, Jules, is that you can’t lay around all day watching romance movies on Netflix and ordering from UberEats. You look better today but it’s going to take more than a new outfit and YouTube tutorials on contouring and brow-shaping to boost your fragile little ego."

I know, she snapped back, those three toxic words infecting her. Boring. Sick. Tired. "What the hell do you want me to do, Liz? Do you think I like this whole pity party thing I’ve got going on? No, I don’t. But right now, a new dress makes me feel pretty, okay.

And yes, I’ve been eating my feelings. Guess what? As soon as that waitress drags her ass over here, I’m going to order a stack of buttery, fatty, carby pancakes and scarf them down like a totally boring, slob lard." Julie expelled a haughty breath and cranked her neck back, her crown of natural chestnut curls springing to life over her silken brown skin.

It was a mouthful, but Julie had to yell to keep from crying.

Speaking of which…that dress though. Yass, Liz said, dialing back her harsh criticism. She must have known that she was teetering on that edge between being a mirror and just being a plain old bitch. I don’t know if I could pull off orange, but you are wearing it, girl. She gave an appreciative smirk, batting her lashes, which was basically a plea for forgiveness of her brutal honesty.

Uh huh. Julie pursed her lips, pushing her cheekbones high off their perch.

"I’m just saying that you’re hot. I can’t wait ‘til you remember that."

Julie lowered her gaze and Liz continued despite her friend’s bruised ego. "You have curves and flawless caramel skin. You’re lucky enough to have ass and boobs. And don’t even get me started on your eyes. What real person that you know has fucking flecks of gold in their eyes?" Liz’s brows wrinkled as if such a notion was unfathomable.

Every guy in this place…shit, every guy who has walked by in the past twenty minutes has taken a double-take, she continued. So the hell what if you have a few extra pounds, get over it. We can get you in shape, but his ass does not deserve you, and you don’t deserve to feel like your life is over just because he isn’t in it anymore.

Okay, okay. Julie scanned the crowd. Liz was loud and her tone tended to border on aggressive.

It’s not okay, Liz chided her. Snap out of it. Shit.

Her eyes bulged and her hands shook in agitation, but Julie was the one who felt small.

"I need a drink. You need a drink," she said.

Julie giggled at how fast their little chat had gone from zero to sixty in two seconds flat. Hell, she could use a drink.

Liz raised her quarter-full glass to Julie. To my beautiful best friend. May she find a man who is well-endowed… she paused, and Julie reveled in the depths of Liz’s perverted mind. With a sexy, nerdy brain to turn her on. Let him have a body made for sin and a heart up to the task of caring for hers.

From your mouth to God’s ears.

Julie stifled the urge to say amen as she clinked her empty glass since a waitress had yet to pass. It was evident that she needed help from a higher power. Maybe there was someone else out there. If her luck hadn’t run out, maybe God could make traffic spark twice.

What was the other part?" Julie asked.


Well, you said the first part was to start checking out the rest of the fish in the sea. So? What’s the second part?

Leaning her head back, Liz wrapped both hands around her hair and twisted it up into a huge messy bun with loose tendrils hanging on the sides. If you decide to put on your big girl panties, Derrick might still hook you up with his hot ass friend.

Speaking of which… Julie trailed off.

Liz halted her glass halfway to her lips. Excuse me? Don’t tell me you’ve been holding out.

A mischievous grin pulled at the corners of Julie’s mouth. If you want to hook me up with someone, find the guy I saw in traffic on the way here. I would easily drop my big girl panties for him.

Nope. Nope. Liz closed her eyes and shook her head like she was giving testimony at church with one hand raised for praise. Start at the beginning and don’t leave anything out.

Julie recounted every detail from the instant the second cop sped by and she noticed hot truck guy all the way until he drove off into the proverbial sunset. All the while, Liz neither blinked nor closed her mouth.

Girl… the word dragged out and lingered on her tongue. Damn. That’s some kismet type shit.


So what are you going to do?

What do you mean, what I’m going to do? I didn’t get his number. That’s it. The moment has passed. Julie threw her hands up in the air and let them fall to her lap.

Did you get his license plate?

The question was logical, although kind of creepy. Julie wasn’t exactly in detective mode at the moment. She’d been too hung up on the fact that their paths had crossed at all and the weighted feeling that she’d never see him again. But now, the simplicity of such a suggestion, made her feel like an idiot for not thinking of it herself.

Uh, no. I was too busy answering your call, Miss impatient. Duh.

Damn. We have to do something.

A sputtered laugh escaped Julie’s mouth. Okay Sherlock, we’ve got no clues. No plate. No name. All we know is that he’s hot and he drives a black pickup with all the bells and whistles.

I’ve got ways, Liz said, fingering her brow, staring into space with a narrowed gaze.

Then, by all means. Please find my dream guy.

A middle-aged waitress with lavender hair and precision-lined red lips approached as if to save Julie from her best friend’s relentless digging and deducing.

Hi there, honey. I’m Jo and I’ll be taking care of you today, she said in a deep baritone.

This woman was fierce with style for days. In this day and age, Julie had just about seen and heard everything, but for some reason, she wasn’t expecting that voice on this woman. The way she embraced her uniqueness was awesome, but the Southern twang threw her for a loop. More than anything, it surprised her.

You’re going to have to drink these two down fast if you want to catch up with this one, she offered as she placed one mimosa in front of Liz and two more brimming flutes in front of Julie. Can I get you anything else?

In her large hand, a pencil lay perched at the ready to jot down their order.

I’ll take the short stack with a side of eggs over easy…and the—

Shit. I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t realize. Should I bring out two virgins instead?

Julie looked up for the first time into the waitress’ cool blue eyes. They were centered on her and overflowing with worry.

Liz and Julie eyed each other. They’d come to know each other on an organic level. Without a word shared between them, a look would communicate anything from emotion to full-on instructions. Now, their furrowed brows and pursed lips let on that they were both confused and borderline annoyed.

I’m sorry? Julie returned her gaze to the waitress, her brow pinched in bafflement.

How far along are you, sweetheart? She nodded her head toward Julie’s stomach.

Not long after Patrick gave up on her, Julie gave up on the gym. In between her movies and food and crying, she hadn’t found the time to lift a finger, let alone a weight, or leg, or her butt up off the couch.

She looked down now at her stomach. Not that it would’ve made a major difference, but she’d forgotten to put on Spanx and now her pooch curdled up into a round bagel formation beneath her fitted dress.

Julie felt the blood rush to her cheeks and the familiar sting at the corners of her eyes. Not far enough, she muttered under her breath.

Before the damn waitress could say another word to show off her lack of home training, Liz took charge and wrapped the side-winding conversation up. "Thanks honey, we’re good here." The words were pleasant, but the tone was way more vinegar than honey.

But the purple-haired Southern Belle didn’t take the hint. She stood with her big feet rooted in front of her with a blank expression, the wheels still making their way around the empty space upstairs. Then the recognition pulled her eyes wide and her lips into a full-circle O.

Her eyes bulged as she sucked in the thick air between them. Oh shit, I’ve gone and done it again. I have a horrible habit of sticking my foot in my mouth. You’re not pregnant, are you? she asked, all doe-eyed and innocent. She was looking down at them over the bridge of her nose, which only in that moment did Julie realize was crooked as a wayward tree branch.

Julie simply shook her head and pulled the coral blue cloth napkin above her protruding waistline. It wasn’t hard to tell that the waitress didn’t have ill intentions, but the words hurt worse than sticks and stones. Because they’re true.

Perfect. Why not crush the rest of the small amount of dignity I have left?

The waitress cowered, shoulders slouched and her eyes locked on her notepad. I’m going to go. Just let me know if you need anything. I’m truly sorry, I am.

Julie and Liz watched as she beelined across the patio and slinked behind the bar.

Liz reached over the table and set her hand on Julie’s. Jules, she looked her dead in the eyes as if she might say something profound. Not one to disappoint, she finished her sentence with a statement that only she could say and have it mean as much as a tidbit from Oprah. People are assholes. They don’t know when to shut their fucking mouths.

At the slight lift and fall of Julie’s shoulders as laughter rumbled through her, she fell back against her chair and jolted up again almost instantly. Well…it was going to be bad either way. Shit, you would’ve had way more problems than a few insignificant pounds if Patrick had knocked you up.

She had to give it to her girl, the woman had a way of putting everything out there on the table. She was right of course, but Julie’s ego wasn’t any less bruised.

Shit…you’re not, are you?

Julie hurled her napkin straight for her face. Bitch!

Liz was her most crass and unfiltered, wild friend—and her best friend, for those same reasons. When the shit hit the fan, she had her back with love, and a much-needed dash of cynicism to keep it real.

So…that happened, Liz continued. She pressed at a few flyaway hairs and exhaled like the world was on her shoulders. She gulped down the rest of her third or fourth mimosa. Well, fuck. She sighed. I guess we both know what the second part of the plan is, now.

Detox? No, no…that apple cider vinegar diet?

No, dunce. Revenge body.


Is that what I want?


Yes, she wanted Patrick to end up fat and ugly in a group home for jerks, but that was highly unlikely based on his sharp jaw and cheekbones alone. Revenge wasn’t it, but the prospect of him seeing the made-over, poised, put-together version of her with a sexy sleek body? It did sort of ring a bell.

So you want me to lose weight to win Patrick back?

Liz deadpanned. Um, no. She slowly lowered her eyes to her phone and pressed her forefinger onto the widget to unlock the screen. Her Instagram feed came into view with a stream of before-and-after pictures of women who were anything other than stick figures.

See? Real men love curves. You’re never going to be one of those anorexic twigs, so wrap your mind around that first. I don’t know why you would want to be, anyway, but, if you’re going to find someone better than that asswipe—someone like truck guy—you’re going to have to chisel it up a bit. Sooo…you’re going to the gym.

She flicked her fallen tresses from one shoulder to the other, unleashing a massive bale of curls—a clear indication she was serious.

Before Julie could get a word in edgewise to agree or disagree, Liz halted her with that same pointed forefinger. And not that little rinky-dink hole in the wall you go to, either.

As it turned out, Julie’s gym was a hole in the wall. At least compared to Beast Body.

Wide-eyed and intimidated, Julie scanned the crowd the following Sunday. She had never seen anything like it. There was nothing calm, or quaint about it. She was surrounded on all sides by raw black concrete walls with five huge cement pillars holding up a matching exposed ductwork ceiling. A three

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