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The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love
The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love
The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love
Ebook88 pages58 minutes

The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love

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About this ebook

"The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love" is a beautifully written novel about the transformative power of love and the unexpected opportunities that heartbreak can bring.


Unique features of the book:

  • Unique story: The book follows the journey of Badal, an expert teacher of Mathematics from a rural region in India, and Reshma, a college-going student from the capital of India, New Delhi. Their love story is both thrilling and romantic and will leave you rooting for them until the very end.
  • An honest portrayal of heartbreak: The book does not shy away from the pain and devastation that heartbreak can bring. It provides an honest and raw portrayal of the emotions that come with heartbreak, but also shows how it can be a transformative experience.
  • Inspiring message: The book is ultimately a story of hope and inspiration. It shows that even in the midst of heartbreak, there is always a silver lining. Love is worth fighting for, and even the most painful experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and happiness.
  • Beautifully written: The book is written in a lyrical and poetic style that will take your breath away. It is a joy to read, and the language used will stay with you long after you have finished the book.
  • Cultural representation: The book is set in India, and provides a unique insight into the culture and traditions of the country. It is a refreshing change from the typical Western love stories and adds an extra layer of depth to the story.


Why is the book a must-read for people in love?

  • It shows that love is worth fighting for, even in the midst of heartbreak.
  • It provides an honest and raw portrayal of the emotions that come with heartbreak, which can be comforting for those going through a similar experience.
  • It is ultimately a story of hope and inspiration, reminding us that even the most painful experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and happiness.
  • The cultural representation adds an extra layer of depth and interest to the story.
  • The beautiful language used will leave a lasting impression on the reader.
PublisherRajesh Giri
Release dateApr 20, 2023
The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love

Rajesh Giri

Rajesh Kumar Giri is a renowned lecturer of Mathematics, content writer, and a Practical Success Coach. With a passion for writing academic and educational content, Rajesh guides and trains people worldwide, breaking the barriers of language and region with his simple and easy-to-understand writing skills.   Rajesh's journey began in a poor family in a remote area of West Champaran, where he faced numerous challenges in paying for higher education. Despite the obstacles, he persevered and completed his degree, taking his first steps towards educating people and sharing his rags-to-riches ideas. Today, he resides in New Delhi, the capital of India, with his beautiful wife and two lovely sons, and he remains dedicated to serving poor students by providing free education online and offline.   Rajesh has been writing content in the education, affiliate marketing, and health niches since 2006. He believes that experiences speak louder than imaginary and bookish ideas, and his words connect with readers and result in conversions. As a Practical Success Coach, he helps people overcome their limiting beliefs and achieve their goals through practical techniques and strategies.   With his wealth of experience and passion for writing, Rajesh is committed to helping people around the world unlock their full potential and achieve success in all areas of their lives.

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    Book preview

    The Silver Lining of Heartbreak - Rajesh Giri

    Open Talk with Rajesh

    Dear readers,

    I am thrilled to present to you my latest novel, "The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love." This book is very close to my heart, and I cannot wait to share it with you all.

    At its core, this book is about the transformative power of love and the unexpected opportunities that heartbreak can bring. I wanted to explore the emotions that come with heartbreak in an honest and raw way, while also showing that even in the midst of pain and devastation, there is always a silver lining.

    In the depths of heartbreak's pain and sorrow,

    A silver lining appeared, bright and hallow,

    With eyes downcast and soul in despair,

    A ray of hope emerged, beyond compare.

    Love found its way into the shattered heart,

    A beacon of light, a brand new start,

    And in that moment, the world was new,

    As the heart healed, and love grew.

    With each passing day, the love grew strong,

    As they walked together, hand in hand along,

    Their love story a tale for the ages,

    A bond that forever, in their hearts encages.

    Through the twists and turns of life,

    Together they faced, with love as their guide,

    For their love was more than just a feeling,

    It was a choice, a promise, a sacred healing.

    And as the years went by, their love endured,

    A bond unbreakable, forever secured,

    Their love, a beacon of hope and light,

    A testament to the power of love's might.

    The story follows the journey of Badal, an expert teacher of Mathematics from a rural region in India, and Reshma, a college-going student from the capital of India, New Delhi. Their love story is both thrilling and romantic, and will leave you rooting for them until the very end.

    What sets this book apart is its unique cultural representation. It is set in India, and provides a unique insight into the country's culture and traditions. It is a refreshing change from the typical Western love stories, and adds an extra layer of depth to the story.

    I wrote this book in a lyrical and poetic style that I hope will take your breath away. The language used will stay with you long after you have finished reading the book. I am confident that you will find this book to be a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of love.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope that you enjoy reading "The Silver Lining of Heartbreak: A Journey to Love" as much as I enjoyed writing it.


    Rajesh Giri

    The Practical Success Coach

    Chapter 1: High School Crush

    A Journey to Love and Self-Acceptance

    High school crushes are a common experience that many teenagers go through. It's a time when emotions run high, and hormones are raging. The feelings of infatuation and attraction can be intense, but not everyone will have their feelings reciprocated.

    This was the case for Badal when he developed a crush on his classmate, Sonu Kaystha.

    Oh high school’s crush, my heart's first love

    A feeling so pure, sent from above

    With every glance, my heart would race

    But I never dared to show my face

    You were the one who held my heart

    Though you never knew, right from the start

    I longed for your touch, your gentle embrace

    But you never reciprocated, leaving no trace

    My heart broke as I watched you walk away

    Left with shattered dreams and nothing to say

    But I still hold on to the memories we shared

    Hoping one day, you'll see how much I cared

    Even though you were never mine to keep

    My heart still beats, love buried deep

    For you will always be my first crush

    The one who set my heart ablaze in a rush.

    Badal's journey to love began in high school when he developed a crush on his classmate, Sonu Kaystha. He was head over heels for her and would often go out of his way to get her attention, but Sonu never reciprocated his feelings.

    Badal's heartbreak began when he realized that Sonu was not interested in him, and he felt rejected and unworthy of love.


    The High School Crush: A Rollercoaster Ride of Emotions

    A high school crush can be a thrilling and exciting experience. The anticipation of seeing your crush in the hallways, the butterflies in your stomach when they talk to you and the daydreams about being together can make you feel alive. However, when your crush doesn't feel the same way, the experience can quickly turn into a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

    Some common emotions that teenagers may feel when experiencing a high school crush:

    Infatuation: The intense feeling of being in love with someone, even though you may not know them very well.

    Attraction: The physical and emotional pull towards someone that makes you

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