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A Colorado Destiny
A Colorado Destiny
A Colorado Destiny
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A Colorado Destiny

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While having lunch with her best friend in a crowded restaurant, Danielle Stevens locks eyes with a stranger across the room. She looks away, startled that she thinks she has seen someone from her past: someone she never wants to see again.


At that moment, Blake Wallace, the recipient of her stare, asks his companion if he has ever seen someone who seems familiar but doesn't know why. His friend laughs, teasing him that he has had too many women in his past.

Release dateApr 20, 2023
A Colorado Destiny

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    A Colorado Destiny - Tricia Lee

    Wings ePress, Inc.

    Edited by: Joan Afman

    Copy Edited by: Christie Kraemer

    Senior Editor: Christie Kraemer

    Executive Editor: Marilyn Kapp

    Cover Artist: Andrew Turman

    All rights reserved

    NAMES, CHARACTERS AND incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Wings ePress Books

    Copyright © 2009 by Patricia Hernandez

    ISBN 978-1-59705-114-9

    Published by Wings ePress, Inc. at Smashwords

    Published In the United States Of America

    July 2009

    Wings ePress Inc.

    403 Wallace Court

    Richmond, KY 40475


    Patricia P.F., Sondra S. B., Betty F.W., Judy M.C., Virginia P.B., Catherine R.D., Freda S.M., Margaret M.D.

    Thanks for your support!


    Freedom. Is that what she was feeling? She was free to do what she wanted when she wanted, unbelievable as it seemed. For a few minutes Danielle Stevens stared out of the floor-to-ceiling window of her new high-rise apartment. An unexpected tinge of melancholy swept over her but she shook it away. She smiled at her reflection, gave herself a thumbs up and turned away from the window to grab her purse.

    The ringing of her cell phone jolted her just as she was about to leave her apartment. She plucked it out of her purse and, seeing who was calling, laughed out loud.

    Good grief, Elaine, I’m on my way now.

    Hey, I’m already at the restaurant.

    Well, good for you. I’ll be there in a jif.

    Dani, how lucky to live close enough to the Bodacious Bistro you can just walk here.

    Maybe I am, Elaine, Danielle said closing and locking her apartment door.

    No maybe about it. Any time you feel like it, you can just walk down the street and have a fun meal.

    A fun meal? What’s that supposed to mean?

    My dear, you are now forty years old and suddenly unattached.

    Are you insane? I was asking about a fun meal not my paltry description.

    Well, a fun meal would entail meeting a dashing, handsome hunk of a man. And remember, forty is the new twenty.

    That is absurd, simply absurd.

    Ignoring her statement Elaine said, I hope we don’t have to wait for a table.

    Only one way to find out. Go on in and see if one is available or, knowing you, just go to the bar and hang out until I get there.

    Elaine laughed. Okay, see you in a few minutes. Bye.

    Danielle descended in the elevator, walked through the lobby, and out the front door. She started to hurry down the sidewalk and then thought, why should I hurry? Probably right now Elaine is striking up a conversation with some strange man since that seems to be her main hobby. Danielle smiled and slowed her pace.

    Her cell phone rang again. She glanced at the number and sighed.

    Hi, Mom, how’s it going?

    Everything is fine here, honey. I just wondered how you were.

    Gosh, Mom, I couldn’t be better. Everything I ever wanted is coming into place.

    Everything? I know you have a new job and a new apartment but surely there should be more than that.

    Oh, don’t you start in on me. Can I call you back later? I’m on my way to have lunch with Elaine.

    You don’t have to call me later. I just wanted to make sure you were all right after your breakup with Frank.

    I thought you were more than okay with my breakup with Frank. I always had the impression you didn’t like him.

    Well, he was stodgy, and the two of you never seemed to have any spark.

    Danielle burst out laughing. You only met him twice, Mom, but you hit it on the mark. He was comfortable, reliable, and dependable. To tell the truth, I don’t miss him at all.

    That’s a relief, honey. Your father has always been on the stodgy side but that certain spark never left us, if you know what I mean, even after all these years.

    Danielle moaned. You know, Mom, sometimes there are things daughters don’t want to know.

    Okay, honey, then I’ll let you go. Have fun with Elaine and tell her I said hi.

    Sure thing, Mom. I love you. She turned off her cell phone.

    No, she didn’t miss Frank at all. That was where most of her newfound freedom came in and it felt good, very good.

    When she reached the Bodacious Bistro or the BB, as it was more commonly called, she opened the door to the establishment and was met by a cacophony of conversation and laughter.

    She looked around and saw Elaine was indeed seated at the bar. However, she was talking to the bartender and not some unknown masculine patron.

    At that moment, Elaine turned around and saw her. She picked up her drink and made her way to Danielle.

    Isn’t this perfect? exclaimed Elaine.

    How can you say that? The noise is deafening. I would prefer something more homey or comfy.

    Maybe not comfy to you but it’s my kind of place.

    Uh-huh, that’s what I was afraid of.

    The maitre‘d approached and immediately focused his greeting on Elaine, a tall redhead dressed in a bright blue linen business suit.

    Ladies, he said, how many for your table?

    Elaine winked at him. For the time being, just two of us, please.

    Danielle groaned.

    He led them to a table in the middle of the busy restaurant. Will this do, ladies?

    Certainly, said Elaine smiling at him as he pulled out her chair.

    After both were seated, he gave them menus, discreetly withdrew and left them to make their choices.

    I don’t know how you can say this isn’t comfortable, Dani.

    Oh, good grief, Elaine. I prefer quiet downtime with my meals.

    At least we didn’t have to wait, said Elaine.

    Yes, but how are we going to hear ourselves talk? asked Danielle.

    Let’s not talk, said Elaine. Let’s listen and observe.

    Danielle sighed. For crying out loud, Elaine, don’t you ever get tired of looking for men?

    Elaine smiled proudly. Look at the menu and forget about me. Anyway, sooner or later you’ll get into this groove, too, no matter how career-dedicated you think you are. Oh, would you look at these appetizers? Let’s order the sampler. If there’s as much as I think there is, that’s all we’ll need to order.

    Fine with me, said Danielle, resigned to an Elaine-style luncheon. By the way, I got a call from my mother while I was walking over here. She said to tell you hi.

    Oh, she’s so sweet. I’ve always liked your mom although I’ve only met her a couple of times. She seemed like she would be a lot of fun.

    Uh-huh. I guess that’s because my mom always had aspirations to be a hippie.

    So what kept her in that small town for so long? Plainsville couldn’t have been a breeding ground for hippies.

    Danielle hooted. Exactly. Mom wanted to get out, see the world and join the flower children, but from high school onwards she was in love with my dad.

    And your dad doesn’t seem the hippie type at all.

    Oh, he isn’t now, but I think he was a free spirit before Vietnam. When he came home, he had changed a lot, according to Mom, and just wanted to stay in Plainsville. I never learned how the war changed him but whatever it was, my mother understood.

    But they don’t live in Plainsville, North Dakota now so something must have changed his mind when he retired.

    I’m sure it was Mom who changed his mind. She wanted to move to a retirement settlement in Florida, but Dad was leery of hurricanes so they compromised and moved to the Texas Hill Country. I think he must have felt guilty all those years knowing she yearned for something new and exciting.

    So the Texas Hill Country is exciting?

    Danielle laughed. Who knows? But the climate and terrain are completely different from our hometown. They live in a hilly area complete with lakes and pine forests. It’s just beautiful there and not nearly as hot as other places in Texas.

    The waiter interrupted their conversation. What would you like to drink, ladies?

    Danielle glanced in a nonchalant manner around the crowded room while Elaine ordered wine spritzers and appetizers. Without warning, her eyes collided with those of a good looking man sitting across the room. She immediately turned her gaze away, almost paralyzed at what she thought she had seen.

    Oh! she gasped, immediately wishing she hadn’t.

    Elaine, looking in the opposite direction, turned. What’s the matter?

    Oh nothing. I think I have the hiccups.

    Shock waves rippled over her body, but she didn’t dare tell Elaine whom she thought she saw, and she didn’t have the nerve to look that direction again to make sure. With any luck she was wrong, dead wrong. After all, what would he be doing here in this city at this time in her life? That was an episode in her past that was to remain closed forever. Besides, he probably wouldn’t remember her. At least she hoped that would be the case. But that isn’t him, that can’t be him. She wanted to glance his way again but didn’t dare do so.

    The hiccups? Sometimes I think you’re a bit weird, Dani. Elaine turned around to look where Danielle was trying not to look. Is there someone over there who you know? Those two good looking hunks at that corner table, perchance?

    Huh? Good grief, no! Honestly, Elaine, you can jump to the most ridiculous conclusions. And, she thought, completely true ones.

    Hmm, methinks the lady protests too much. But never mind. If you want to tell me, then you will.

    There’s nothing to tell. So, enlighten me about this guy you’re seeing tonight.

    Thankful that men were Elaine’s favorite topic, Danielle pretended to listen attentively amid the noise of the restaurant as her friend launched into the hoped-for attributes of her next date.

    The waiter soon arrived with their orders. While Elaine continued to pontificate, Danielle turned her attention to the appetizer sampler, which proved to be plenty for the two of them. They finished by toasting the new developments in their lives: Danielle’s new job and apartment and Elaine’s new beau.

    WHAT’S THE MATTER, man? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.

    Huh? No, not at all, Don, not at all, said his companion. He paused and added, Have you ever seen someone who seems familiar, but you just can’t place where or when you met her?

    Don laughed. Come on, Blake, you’ve got more women in reserve than anyone. It’s no wonder you can’t remember them all.

    Blake grinned with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Yeah, I know, but somehow there’s something about the one who I just saw that gave me an uneasy feeling. It’s weird and I can’t imagine why I felt that way.

    Whew, said Don turning around to gaze upon the crowded room. Which one is she? That gorgeous redhead? How could you forget someone like her?

    No, definitely not her. Forget what I said. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. Everyone falls into types, you know. Maybe this one just has something about her that rings a bell, nothing more. At least, thought Blake, Don is concentrating on the redhead and not that curvy blonde.

    His friend rolled his eyes as if to say, yeah, yeah, you can’t fool me.

    DANIELLE AND ELAINE left the restaurant and walked into the bright sunshine of the city.

    Gosh, I love springtime in Colorado, said Danielle. This is my kind of day, cool and sunny.

    After the long winter and rainy spring we had this year, I agree a sunny June is a welcome change.

    And for people in the South, June is hot already.

    By the way, said Elaine, changing the subject. Where do you park your car? Surely not on this busy street.

    I park it wherever I can find a space, replied Danielle. Whether it’s on this street or one of the side streets. They’re turning my building’s basement into a huge parking area. The entrance is around the block. After it’s finished, a space will be assigned to each of the residents. The elevator goes to all of the floors including the basement. It will be very simple to go from my apartment to the elevator to my car. I’m quite anxious for them to finish but it may take several more months.

    Isn’t it rather scary to park on one of the streets at night and then walk home?

    Sometimes, but luckily these are busy, well-lit streets with lots of people about, either going to eat or to one of the theaters. That’s what I love about this neighborhood. It seems very secure. I doubt I would ever be out so late by myself that I would walk home on a dark, vacant street.

    For your sake I hope you’re right. But wouldn’t it be scary to park down in a basement at night?

    Danielle smiled. Not at all. The building has the best security I’ve ever seen. The parking area will be lit twenty-four hours a day with cameras covering every square inch. Not only do we have security in the lobby at the front desk, but there is a huge room behind the lobby with monitors that cover all of the hallways and will cover the parking area. I’ve never felt so secure.

    Hmm, I’d like to see this parking basement.

    Honestly, Elaine, do you have to see everything to believe me? Fine, some evening I’ll take you down there after it’s finished.

    Are you walking back to your apartment right now?

    No, I’ve got some shopping to do.

    Well, lucky you that you have so much to choose from in this neighborhood.

    Yes, I guess I am, agreed Danielle who didn’t want to explain to Elaine just where she was going. Besides, she would find out soon enough anyway. Elaine always did.

    Elaine headed back to her work, a few blocks away in the opposite direction of the BB and Danielle’s apartment. Danielle hailed a taxi to take her to an exclusive, but small, furniture store where she had dreamed of shopping for her perfect apartment. If she had told Elaine her destination, then her friend would have told her to wait until she could go with her. Danielle knew Elaine was dying to help her decorate. And that was the last thing she wanted.

    Finally two of her dreams had come true. If there was anything that might replace the fleeting image of the man she had seen, she hoped it would be purchasing new furniture. The other dream, of course, was the new position she had just acquired. Life was good. A new apartment and a new job. Yes, she told herself, those were the things to concentrate on, not some man who brought back embarrassing and painful memories.

    She told the taxi driver to take her to the Roomy Delight furniture store. Do you know where it is?

    Yeah, my wife has been bugging me to take her there. She wants to redecorate the living room, but I keep putting her off. Sounds awful silly to me.

    Danielle smiled at him through his rearview mirror. Yes, I guess that is a silly name but the pieces they have are very artistic. It’s always been my dream to furnish my home with some of them.

    The driver grimaced back at her through the mirror. Sounds like you’re not married.

    Why do you say that?

    No husband in his right mind would want to live in a home furnished with artsy furniture.

    I said artistic, not artsy. Anyway, it’s my home, and I want it to reflect my tastes.

    He gave her a disdainful look and said nothing more.

    Although she didn’t mind conversing with cabbies, she did think they could at least try to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in their vehicles. Why she was going where she was going was certainly none of his business. When she got out of the cab, she paid him, tipping the least she thought reasonable.

    She stood out on the sidewalk and looked at the little shop. It was located in a rather upscale shopping section of the city; in fact, a very expensive section. How thrilling, she thought, to think she could finally afford to shop here. She took her time walking through Roomy Delight, looking for pieces that reflected her tastes and would fit the layout of her new apartment, but she couldn’t concentrate because the image of the man she had glimpsed in the restaurant still haunted her.

    She barely paid attention to the salesman who latched onto her the minute she walked in the door. As politely as possible, she informed him she just wanted to browse by herself for a while. Apparently wanting her business, he politely complied.

    Finally, after walking aimlessly around the store, she shook herself mentally and vowed to find something she liked. She sought out the salesman and asked him to show her the dining furniture section. Despite her preoccupation, she fell in love with a mahogany table and accompanying chairs that were polished to perfection. The chair seats and backs were soft cushions made of purple velvet. She had never seen anything like them and knew exactly where in her apartment the set would go—on the right hand side of the floor-to-ceiling windows; dining in style with the city before her.

    With reluctance she postponed buying the living room and bedroom furniture. She would return when she was in a better mood.

    She left the furniture store at four o’clock, amazed at how much time she had spent there just walking around in a daze. She was tired and it was a pleasant tiredness, or so she tried to convince herself. What a wonderful way to relax by spending money on something she hoped would give her pleasure in her daily life. She still felt uneasy and knew she had to overcome the feeling. Besides, she had not seen enough of the man to really compare him to someone else. He stirred a bad memory and that was all.

    She hailed another taxi. To The Splendour, please.

    She settled back in the seat, smiling to herself. How wonderful it was to say those words, The Splendour, and to think that she, Danielle Stevens, actually lived there.

    Yes, ma’am, said the cabbie. That’s some building. Always has been but those renovations sure make it look grand. Must be real ritzy inside. You visiting someone there?

    Not even annoyed at his nosiness as she was with the previous cabbie, she replied proudly. No, I live there and yes, it is rather ritzy inside.

    STILL UNBELIEVABLE, exclaimed Danielle to herself as she entered her apartment, only leased a few days earlier. She paused in the middle of the

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