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Cloud Security For Dummies
Cloud Security For Dummies
Cloud Security For Dummies
Ebook656 pages6 hours

Cloud Security For Dummies

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About this ebook

Embrace the cloud and kick hackers to the curb with this accessible guide on cloud security 

Cloud technology has changed the way we approach technology. It’s also given rise to a new set of security challenges caused by bad actors who seek to exploit vulnerabilities in a digital infrastructure. You can put the kibosh on these hackers and their dirty deeds by hardening the walls that protect your data. 

Using the practical techniques discussed in Cloud Security For Dummies, you’ll mitigate the risk of a data breach by building security into your network from the bottom-up. Learn how to set your security policies to balance ease-of-use and data protection and work with tools provided by vendors trusted around the world. 

This book offers step-by-step demonstrations of how to: 

  • Establish effective security protocols for your cloud application, network, and infrastructure 
  • Manage and use the security tools provided by different cloud vendors 
  • Deliver security audits that reveal hidden flaws in your security setup and ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks 

As firms around the world continue to expand their use of cloud technology, the cloud is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives. You can help safeguard this critical component of modern IT architecture with the straightforward strategies and hands-on techniques discussed in this book.  

Release dateFeb 2, 2022

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    Book preview

    Cloud Security For Dummies - Ted Coombs


    Learning about cloud security is a bit like going to the dentist: It has to be done, but who wants to do it? This book will make the process painless and perhaps even enjoyable. Though the information in this book will be useful to everyone who has data, uses the cloud, or lives on the planet, it will be most useful to people who are responsible for the management of company data security — particularly, when that data is stored in the cloud.

    Cloud security is data security. Books about cloud security tend to focus on only the aspects of using the cloud. But this book could have been titled Data Security Even When You Use the Cloud For Dummies. But that was too long. This book covers emerging information security topics, such as DataOps and AIOPs, that, though not cloud specific, are important topics to know about when your company manages sensitive data or develops applications to manage critical data. They are more than technologies — they are philosophies that will help you create a strategy for managing information security. If you’re in the infosec business, you know it’s a lot like herding cats — and those cats are having kittens, like, every day!

    You'll learn about technologies that range from AI to key fobs that will assist you in getting the job done right. Most of all, you'll learn that your biggest concern isn’t hardware or VPNs or cryptographic strength. It’s people. (Remember Soylent Green? Maybe not. It depends on your weakness for early 1970s sci-fi.)

    In any event, people are the highest risk in any effort to protect data. Putting it in the cloud just makes it particularly hard to protect because it lies outside your local network security and firewall.

    Some people will try to hack into your system and steal your data. It happens millions of times a day, most of which are automated attempts to find weaknesses in your data security or to find areas of the applications you use that can be exploited. Even scarier than protecting your data from people trying to hack into your systems is protecting your data from the people who have authorized access. They may not mean any harm, but if they’re careless or uninstructed in the proper ways of The Force (information security), they can unwittingly hand over the keys to the kingdom.

    There are also so many different ways that your data is threatened today. One of the biggest threats now facing companies is ransomware. World leaders are meeting at this very moment (well, at the moment I wrote this paragraph) to discuss what can be done about this terrible threat to economic stability. Add to that the gigantic breaches that happen many times each year, revealing personally identifying information and financial data, and you have a data security nightmare.

    Armed with this book, you can find new approaches to protecting your information, particularly when it’s stored in the cloud. You'll learn about how virtual environments make your job a challenge as you try to keep up with the fluid environment that makes the cloud so powerful. There are also different kinds of clouds, not just different brands. You need to know about topics such as public, private, and hybrid clouds and how to manage data as it moves between them.

    One of the keys to modern information security is good encryption. Though this book is a bit forward-looking, it doesn’t attempt to deal with the challenge of post-quantum encryption. However, you will learn about different types of encryption as well as some of the ways to manage encryption keys, your company’s deepest secrets.

    About This Book

    Books in the For Dummies brand are organized in a modular, easy-to-access format that lets you use the book as an owner’s manual. Because cloud security isn’t about just a single application, you can think of this book as a handbook or guide to the many technologies and efforts to bring about information security, particularly in the cloud. This book’s chapters are organized to first explore basic concepts and then move to more complex solutions. Still, it’s not critical that you read the book completely through. You can head right to concepts that interest you the most, though there's a chance you might need to jump back to earlier chapters to review basic ideas or gain context. The first part of this book is best used by companies first starting on their journey into the types of information security practices that include using clouds as part of the IT environment. If you’re further down that path, you will find more advanced topics in Parts 2, 3, and 4.

    Web addresses appear in monofont. If you’re reading a digital version of this book on a device connected to the Internet, you can click a web address to visit that website, like this:

    Foolish Assumptions

    The ideas, information, and details about cloud security are relevant to nearly every business that manages data. I’m assuming, if you’re reading this book, that you have some background in managing or working directly in the information security field. This book is meant as a primer, so some readers may find the information more of a review while others see some of these topics for the first time.

    Icons Used in This Book

    As you make your way through this book (if that's how you're reading it), you see the following icons in the margins:

    Tip The Tip icon marks bits of information you will find particularly helpful. When you’re skimming the book, these tips should pop out to give you a quick grasp of the topic.

    Remember Remember icons mark information that is important to keep in mind. Some of them review topics from earlier in the book that are relevant to the information being presented.

    Technicalstuff The Technical Stuff icon marks information of a technical nature that is more important to someone working in the field and might need a bit more depth.

    Warning The Warning icon points out bits of information you can use to avoid issues you might encounter.

    Beyond the Book

    Because cloud security is an evolving and complex field, there’s no single source or best place to go for more information. Every business has a unique need when protecting their private information, so throughout this book, I’ve done my best to include URLs to further information about both products and frameworks that will evolve as the information security challenge evolves.

    In addition to what you’re reading right now, this book comes with a free, access-anywhere Cheat Sheet that gives you an overview of some of the major cloud security topics I discuss in greater detail in this book. To find this Cheat Sheet, visit and search for Cloud Security For Dummies Cheat Sheet in the Search box.

    Where to Go from Here

    Get started reading Chapter 1 to help you understand some of the responsibilities required of someone taking on the job of cloud security. Chapters 2 and 3 dive into cloud-specific resources and basic techniques for protecting data. Chapter 4 is specifically for companies that develop their own software. (If your company doesn’t do software development, you might want to skip this chapter.) Chapter 5 might be the most important chapter, dealing as it does with restricting access to your cloud resources. The rest of the book talks about security applications and complying with security regulations, and then ends with a chapter pointing to some of the more important applications you might want to use in your fight to keep your information secure.

    Part 1

    Getting Started with Cloud Security


    Enter the world of cloud computing.

    Identify the business models for using clouds.

    Store your data safely.

    Determine software development best practices.

    Develop access restriction policies.

    Chapter 1

    Clouds Aren’t Bulletproof


    Bullet Taking charge of cloud security

    Bullet Building a security team

    Bullet Coming up with a risk management plan

    Bullet Taking on security responsibilities

    Bullet Letting cloud service providers handle some of the security

    All the great innovators have been known to have their head in the clouds. Now it’s your turn. Cloud computing is one of the greatest innovations of modern computing since the Internet, but with all its many benefits come certain responsibilities. One vital responsibility is the management of security. You can think of clouds as Infrastructure Elsewhere, but the security of all infrastructure must be managed. In this chapter, I spell out the basics of getting to know your business so that you can best create a security plan, which is the first step toward optimal application and data security when using clouds.

    Remember For the most part, whenever I mention clouds in later chapters, I’m talking about public clouds, like AWS and Google Cloud. I reserve Chapter 9 for a more detailed discussion of private and hybrid clouds.

    A word to the wise: When the responsibility for cloud security falls in your lap, don’t panic. You’ll soon find out that, with the right plan and the right tools, the task can be easily managed. To get started, you have to get to know your business. You may think you know it, but in order to provide truly successful security, you have to know it in detail, beyond just knowing the name of the person manning the front desk.

    Knowing Your Business

    It’s great to know exactly what your business sells, whether it’s widgets or services, but when it comes to cybersecurity, you need to know your business a bit more intimately. This new insight into how your business runs not only allows you to create a rock-solid security plan but also may help you innovate by better understanding how things get done. One of the first steps is knowing what you want to protect.

    Discovering the company jewels

    It’s time to gather your first thoughts about cloud security into an actionable strategy, by understanding which assets you’re trying to protect. This becomes the most important part of your plan. Depending on the size of your company, the strategies will start to differ. If you’re thinking that cloud security doesn’t differ much from everyday cybersecurity, you’re absolutely correct. Getting cloud security right means you have a plan for all your cyberassets — wherever they live and operate.

    Tip Create an inventory of all your assets. Later in this chapter, I offer some suggestions for creating the right team. It’s best to rely on them when creating an inventory of assets rather than try to noodle it out yourself.

    Initiating your plan

    Small companies can start their plan in a spreadsheet. You could probably get away with using a simple yellow legal pad, but then it’s not so easy to share with others, and that is the part of the plan that comes next. Create a spreadsheet or database if you’re more comfortable with it and start to list all applications used by your company. (It’s easier said than done!). Many departments use applications that are hidden from the IT department. These siloes are towers of applications and data that are cut off from the other parts of the company — for example, accounting applications that are in use only by Accounting or sales tracking applications used only by Sales. This single exercise can be an eye-opener. You may look at the list and think, Who is watching all this stuff? That’s why you start here.

    Remember All your applications are creating and using data. Each application on your list should also include information about the kinds of data it creates or uses.

    Automating the discovery process

    Larger organizations might use automated discovery applications that can help you create a basic list of applications, networks, and data. This is a particularly important first step when migrating to the cloud. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS, for short) has an application called the AWS Application Discovery Service. (More about that service in the next sections.)

    AWS Discovery Service

    The AWS Discovery Service collects and documents information about the applications in use within your company and then stores that information in an AWS Migration Hub. This vital data can then be exported into Excel or certain AWS analysis tools. This is the data that underlies your ultimate cloud security plan!

    Tip AWS also has APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow you to store performance data about each of these applications. (Save room for storing the risk level information I talk about later in this chapter.)

    There are two ways to gather information using the AWS Discovery Service:

    Agentless: This system collects data by gathering it from your VMWare application. If you have not deployed virtual machines at this point in your migration to the cloud, this system won’t be useful. If you choose AWS as your cloud service provider, you’ll find that AWS and VMWare are intricately interconnected.

    Agent-based: Deploy this application on each of your servers, both physical and virtual. The system then collects a variety of information, including the number of applications currently running on the server, the network connections, the performance metrics, as well as a listing other processes currently running.

    Google Cloud Discovery Service

    This particular discovery service is built into the Google Cloud. If you’ve already gotten started using the Google Cloud for your applications, you can make use of instance metadata, which is great for obtaining information on elements such as an application’s IP address, the machine type, and other network information.

    The project metadata collected by the Google Cloud Discovery Service tracks the same kind of information but includes applications that may still be running in your (physical) data center. When you’re ready to tackle collecting instance and project metadata, check out the following link to Google documentation on storing and retrieving this kind of information:

    Knowing Your SLA Agreements with Service Providers

    A service level agreement, also known as an SLA, spells out the performance and reliability levels promised to you by your cloud service provider. Though performance isn’t technically part of cloud security, it’s part of the overall availability of your applications and data. Your company’s IT department likely has SLA agreements in place with the departments it serves. These SLA agreements depend on the cloud service providers doing their part, and they give you an idea of what they promise. For example, you can’t promise 99.99 percent uptime if the cloud service provider offers only 99.5 percent. Some SLA agreements might also include references to the security they provide.

    Remember One main benefit of using the cloud is that some of the security responsibility for your applications is handled by the cloud service provider. This normally includes physical security and some, but not all, antimalware security. They may additionally offer security services for hire.

    Here are links to the many SLA agreements offered by some of the top clouds. Though this list is by no means complete, it gives you an idea of what’s being offered and what you might expect from the cloud service provider you select or have selected:



    These service level agreements cover issues such as guaranteed uptime, disk operation efficiency, domain name system (DNS) integrity, email delivery, and more. Most of these are guaranteed at levels approaching 100 percent. Because nothing is perfect, they usually guarantee 99.99 percent or 99.95 percent for the unforeseen failures that can and do happen, but I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Statistically, you’re safe with these services.

    Where is the security?

    One promise that’s hard to track down in a cloud service provider’s SLA is one concerning security. Security isn’t guaranteed — just implied. Cloud service providers protect your data and applications to the limit of their ability, including issues such as physical security and some degree of malware detection by a 24/7 network operations center.

    Because security is a shared responsibility, you often find that, in discussions about their security, cloud service providers talk about how they can help you create a secure cloud experience. Many of them have tools for these tasks:

    Encrypting data

    Monitoring for malware attack

    Remediating catastrophic failure

    Some of the applications that perform these tasks are third-party products and services that interoperate with the cloud service provider. You generally find the partner companies listed on the cloud service provider’s website.

    Tip Explore the security and service offerings of companies that are partnering with your selected cloud service provider. These companies are usually certified and provide a seamless software experience.

    Knowing your part

    When it comes to cloud security, the ball is primarily in your court. It’s up to you to decide whether you have the company resources needed in order to provide the necessary security services. You can also choose to contract with a third-party service provider. They generally offer security monitoring and in some cases also provide applications for identity and login management.

    Tip Consider using an artificial intelligence (AI) security framework. Chapter 7 goes into more detail about how using artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps, for short) can help you integrate your cloud security into your overall cybersecurity using big data to recognize data intrusions and speed up resolutions.

    Building Your Team

    One part of security planning that’s often overlooked involves the important step of building a security team. The people on the team don’t need to be security or cloud experts, but they need to understand the kinds of applications and data that your company is running in the cloud. Your success depends largely on putting together the right team, so this section talks about putting together that team.

    Finding the right people

    It’s true that data security issues normally cross boundaries within a company: Different departments or groups run different applications, have different security requirements, and possibly follow some different legal data protection requirements. For cloud computing environments, this is even more true — cloud computing not only spans the various parts of your company but is also, in most cases, hosted outside of your company’s data center. This increases the responsibility of managing the security of the various parts of your cloud environment.

    The people you want on your team will help build your security plan and later make sure that it’s implemented within their neck of the woods. Because these team members will work closely with the people using the cloud applications and associated data, it often becomes their responsibility to do the housekeeping to make sure their coworkers are following the best security practices. They don’t just wander around looking for sticky notes with passwords stuck to monitors — they educate, they do some of the policing, and they further the objectives of the plan they help create. This strategy spreads the responsibility for cloud security throughout the entire company.

    Including stakeholders

    When talking about stakeholders, you might have a tendency to look around the room during a meeting to spot people you think may be interested in being responsible for cloud security. Choosing the right stakeholders is a bit of an art. Getting the right people on your team is important for maximum success. There are a number of stakeholders you might not have imagined that can be involved when using cloud services, including these:

    Cloud service providers: These are the companies providing the actual cloud services, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platforms as a Service (PaaS).

    Cloud carriers: These are the telecom companies providing access to the cloud services. They are often forgotten but are quickly remembered whenever their systems fail. Cloud service providers can promise you 99.99 percent uptime, but if the cloud carrier fails, the promise is moot.

    Cloud brokers: These companies provide value added services on top of cloud service providers. You can think of them as packagers. They’re important because the value added services they provide can cover areas such as security and identity management applications.

    Cloud auditors: This one is exactly what it sounds like — third-party services that audit your systems to make sure you’re complying either with items such as your SLA agreements or with regulations safeguarding your data.

    Cloud consumers: This one consists of you and the people in your company. You and your company’s end users are an important part of developing your security plan.

    Tip Find a contact, within the organization, from each of the various cloud service providers you use and make them part of your team.

    When selecting company stakeholders, you might be tempted to choose only department heads to be on your security team. In many situations, they are not the people most familiar with the applications and how they’re used. For example, department heads might not know which external applications are being accessed via an API, and they may not be up to speed on the level of security involved in managing the credentials used to gain access to the API.

    Find the people who are using the applications and data — the actual stakeholders, in other words — and put them on your team. This strategy does two things:

    It involves the people most likely to be impacted in creating and knowing the security plan. That way, it’s not handed down to them in a memo that gets filed. Instead, they have a personal stake in making the plan work.

    It lets the employees who are most familiar with the applications and data they use every day know who needs what level of access to which applications.

    Tip Hold group meetings (Zoom is just one option) and select your stakeholder team members based on their level of interest, excitement, and knowledge.

    Creating a Risk Management Plan

    After you’ve put together your team, it’s time to get to work. After the obligatory icebreaker What’s your name, which department do you work in, and where’s your favorite lunch restaurant? the real work of creating a security plan starts.

    You can’t begin protecting something when you don’t know what you’re protecting and how much protection it needs. Not all applications and data are created equal. Some may require access limitations to only a few people and need special encrypted communications, whereas others may require a simple username and password for access. Get started by creating a simple diagram, as shown in Figure 1-1, that will give you an idea of where your risks may be lurking. This section covers some of the basic strategies for creating a risk management plan.

    Schematic illustration of map applications, APIs, data storage, and IoT devices.

    FIGURE 1-1: Map applications, APIs, data storage, and IoT devices.

    Identifying the risks

    If your relatively small business is looking to document the security risks you’re facing, you can probably start with just a simple spreadsheet. If you have many assets, you might consider either having your developers put together a database application or use one of the commercial asset management applications.

    Remember Asset management applications differ from configuration management database applications. Although they can overlap in some areas, their focus is quite different. Asset management applications deal with assets — anything that has value, in other words (admittedly, a fairly broad definition). A configuration management program manages configuration items, or CIs — those items one uses to successfully complete the much narrower task of delivering an IT service. So, CIs are assets, but not all assets are CIs. An asset might be a knowledge base, but not be important enough to be managed as part of an IT service. Configuration management database applications (also known as CMDBs) are covered in greater detail in Chapter 7. Spoiler alert! CMDBs are cooler than asset management programs because they track how various systems interoperate with one another. When it comes to risk management, knowing how stuff works together is the key.

    Tip Most configuration management systems (CMSes) can generate a service map showing dependencies between systems. It’s pretty cool.

    For now, put together a list of the assets that are critical to your operation. You can worry later about what kind of software program manages them.

    To get started, list all your assets, including these:

    Cloud data storage

    Local data storage

    Cloud applications

    Local applications

    Data repositories accessed via APIs

    Computers, mobile devices, IoT devices

    Other compute devices

    Tip When documenting your assets list, it helps to list the location where each device might be found. This includes specifying whether it’s a local physical location or in the cloud. (And, if it’s in the cloud, be sure to say which one.)

    Assessing the consequences of disaster

    No one wants to think about consequences, but in order to prepare for eventual catastrophes, you must know what potential events might occur. Carefully think about the risk involved for each asset. Ask yourself questions such as, If this device were compromised, or destroyed by malicious hackers, what would do I stand to lose? Put this assessed risk into a column or database field.

    Tip Assigning a numeric value to the potential risk allows you to create some useful visuals, as covered later in this chapter.

    Pointing fingers at the right people

    After you have an idea of the risk involved with each asset, you should assign that risk to the team member best capable of managing that risk. Spell out the roles and responsibilities involved with managing the risk.

    Tip Don’t dump all the responsibilities on one person, or even on a couple of people. Spread them out so that no one gets overwhelmed, particularly if things start going wrong. You don’t want one person trying to manage a potential catastrophe.

    Create a role-based responsibility matrix. That term sounds like a mouthful, but it’s simply a list of responsibilities, a description that lays out both what’s involved in the responsibility and who’s assigned to manage it. They may also have people on staff who ultimately take on the assigned tasks.

    Remember Perhaps the most important step in creating the plan is to figure out how not to fail. Think of the things you need to do to prevent, to the best of your ability, bad things from happening. Perhaps this strategy involves limiting data access or ensuring that access occurs only by way of an encrypted tunnel.

    Disaster planning

    If all the steps you take to avoid disaster are successful, you might never need to implement contingency plans — but you should have such plans on hand anyway. What will you do if the nightmare becomes real and you’re faced with a situation such as a ransomware attack, where all your data is locked up and the bad guys are asking for millions in Bitcoin? Maybe a hot backup with different security protocols running in the background that you can quickly switch to can do the trick. Maybe not. The thing is, you simply have to be creative in coming up with a solution that you know will work, given your particular circumstances.

    Remember Keep in mind the old saying No risk, no reward. Risk is something that should be managed — few things come without risk.

    In your risk assessment plan, meet with the stakeholders and talk about the information you’ve put together so far and decide how much risk you can actually live with. The first solution you suggest — a hot backup, for example — may be too expensive or too much work to be feasible, but stakeholders need to be aware that, without it, there is higher risk. And neither is it the case that a shutdown is all you have to deal with. Customer trust can fly out the window if all their personal financial details are released to the world, or at least to the world of people trying to exploit it.

    Remember Managing risk isn’t a one-time endeavor. It’s a challenge that you have to constantly focus on because risks change. New exploits are created. Staff turnover can create new risks if the new hires are uneducated in the security procedures you’ve put in place.

    When Security Is Your Responsibility

    When you finally have worked out the details of your cloud security plan, you still have to put that plan into action. Being responsible for cloud security is a bit like being a circus ringmaster: You’re sure to have irons in many fires at a time, and a bit of juggling may be going on.

    Remember Your security plan is not a dead document. It’s meant to be enhanced, revised, and ignored on weekends. (Okay, maybe not the last one.) Revisit the plan often to make sure that your asset list is up to date and that you have an accurate understanding of the risk level of your various assets.

    Determining which assets to protect

    Earlier in this chapter, I suggested breaking out a spreadsheet and creating an application tracking your applications by entering them into the spreadsheet, but in the end it’s probably more cost effective to just use an automated asset tracking tool. These tools allow you to keep your list of assets up to date daily — something you probably couldn’t do manually, or at least wouldn’t want to.

    These are the assets you track:

    Software applications

    Computer hardware, including mobile devices

    Networks, both hardware and software based

    Internet of Things devices or other technology devices

    Using an automation tool

    An IT asset management tool (also known as an ITAM because everything IT needs its own acronym) is a software tool that allows you to track all your company’s technology assets. It’s a bit like the spreadsheet I describe earlier — but one on steroids.

    ITAM tools track detailed information such as the purchase price, maintenance costs, repair costs, and device manufacturer. This is important information, particularly as part of a disaster recovery plan.

    You have to know where everything is at any given moment. Because people are the greatest threat to security, you want to know where all those employee laptops and mobile devices are and what condition they’re in. Do they have the latest security patches? Are all the licenses up to date? Are passwords being changed regularly?

    Contractual information is also tracked in an ITAM tool. You can track warranty information, licenses, support agreements, and any terms and conditions for use, particularly for software assets.

    Letting ITAM help you comply

    Many companies must work within different security compliance regulations. For example, SOC 2 compliance can give your company an edge when working with sensitive customer information. (For more on SOC 2, see the nearby sidebar, "SOC 2 in a nutshell.")


    SOC 2, the number-2 variety of system organizational control, is a best practices audit to make sure that your business-to-business (B2B) services are secure and trustworthy. Becoming SOC 2 certified lets the businesses you work with know that they can depend on you to secure their information. The trust service criteria include the ones described here:

    Security: Securing access to information

    Availability: Making sure your systems are up at least 99 percent of the time.

    Process Integrity: Maintaining data change authorization

    Confidentiality: Keeping sensitive information safe

    Privacy: Securing data lifecycle management

    Becoming SOC 2 compliant isn’t an overnight process. It can take up to a year to get your policies and procedures in place to guarantee the level of security SOC 2 requires. This is more than just a piece of paper: When you do business with a company that is SOC 2 certified, you can have a high degree of confidence that its leaders have done the hard work of making sure your data remains safe.

    Applications designed to manage and protect your company’s assets

    Spreadsheets and databases can be great risk assessment tools for smaller business, but if you have a larger company with many assets, you may want to get started immediately using an automation tool to automatically discover your assets, and update your CMDB or asset tracking system, and then manage assets with greater visibility. You can also find applications that will assist you in discovering vulnerabilities in the overall attack surface — all the points an attacker might gain entry into your system — and alert you to fixes or, in the case of AI deep learning systems, will automatically repair the problem before it even rears its ugly head.

    This list details a few of the major applications, to get you started:

    Qualsys ( Here’s a company offering a whole suite of applications for asset tracking, cloud and IT security, and regulation compliance. The (free) asset tracking app does global IT asset inventory and discovery. Its goal is to make everything visible. Qualsys also offers several applications for threat detection, a CMDB for configuration item tracking, an inventory of digital certificates, and a cloud security monitoring app, among others. The cloud security monitoring app continuously monitors cloud assets and resources for misconfigurations and nonstandard deployments.

    Ivanti ( With Ivanti’s tools, you can use AI to discover problems with your cloud assets. In fact, you can automagically discover and fix problems before they even become an issue. That’s the great thing about deep learning and AI; Ivanti tools comb through massive amounts of data in order to spot things that are acting out of the ordinary and then either alert you or automatically fix the problems. This is the essential use of AIOps.

    Tanium Asset ( Visibility is a vital part of managing complicated cloud environments. Automating asset discovery and being able to see your assets and how they’re performing is critical to efficiency and success. The Tanium Asset application is up to the task, even feeding real-time information to your CMDB so that

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