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The Spark That Left Us: Sold Souls, #1
The Spark That Left Us: Sold Souls, #1
The Spark That Left Us: Sold Souls, #1
Ebook387 pages8 hours

The Spark That Left Us: Sold Souls, #1

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After being unceremoniously dumped into the world of psychic serial killers and sellers of secrets by her unmanageable sister and absent twin brother, Addy Byrne must travel across the States in a race against time to save their souls.Accompanied by Deke, the stranger who broke into her home to escape the fate he had been dealt by the collectors, she soon learns that the electricity between them is more than just feelings — the man has lightning streaming from his pores and running across his skin when he becomes feral and fearfully charged.Will they find Addy's brother?Will they save Deke from his fate?Only when Addy finds the answers to her own death and rebirth can she learn the truth: Some secrets are better left dead.

PublisherK. Brooks
Release dateApr 21, 2015
The Spark That Left Us: Sold Souls, #1

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    Book preview

    The Spark That Left Us - K. Brooks

    Chapter 1

    The Calm Before the Storm


    If I had known, that one week was all that was left, maybe I would have paid attention. If I had known, maybe I would have taken a little more time to care.

    But I hadn’t known, as most of us don’t, the path my day, and week would end up taking, a foreign route, bizarre to me, controlled by the forces in a world of which we have no perception, and I had failed to see the big picture, let alone the consequences of anyone else’s actions.

    But it’s always in the details, isn’t it? Just those little tattered pieces of information, the love notes to a better time, and a better place, that can hold the key to catching onto the reality of a situation.

    It’s in the smell of the grass after the rainfall, wafting through the window you didn’t remember leaving open, teasing your nostrils with the promise of spring. It’s in the click of the clock turning to alarm, as it switches to that God-awful country station you listen to in order to assure you rise from sleep.

    It’s in the thick scent of coffee brewing in the morning, sticking to the back of your throat, urging you to rise. Never mind that you didn’t set the timer, and that you never drink coffee.

    I should’ve known today and the week that followed wouldn’t be anything I’d ever experienced. I should have clutched those details to my chest and run with them, analyzed them, and used them to protect myself. They practically screamed at me in that calm, still moment before I had even opened my eyes.


    "Um, might be my old age catching up with me... but I don’t believe you live here," I protested, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I padded into the brightly lit kitchen.

    My sister looked up at me from the coffee she was brewing, the machine steaming and spitting, and shot me a dirty look from behind a pair of oversized aviators. Dressed in last night’s revelry, complete with torn fishnets, spiked heels and of course, her hangover sunglasses; she looked what only could be described as ‘rough’.

    I was downtown. You’re closer than Reggie’s, and you left your window unlocked. Bad habit you know, she sipped gently at her freshly poured cup and considered me through the steam.

    I made a non-committal noise through my nose and reached around her to pour my own.  I ignored the fact that her voice had hitched slightly at the mention of Reggie’s name, a misstep in a long routine I chose to ignore. I turned to face her, leaning against the counter,

    You want to lecture me on bad habits now, huh? Sneaking in windows, crashing on my couch. Next I turn around, you’ll be leaving your clothes and a toothbrush here, I gesture my cup at her, sloshing droplets across the floor. 

    Our mutual bad habits had been a frequent discussion many times up until now, and I wasn’t eager to start it all over again. God knows it would only end in something breaking, someone crying, and a disapproving phone call from Mother.  No, thank you. She continued to stare at me, challenging me from behind her dark over-sized lenses.

    She drains her cup, and drops it, thudding into the sink.

    You’re right, I know. But at least I made the coffee, her face brightened behind the glasses.

    I took a sip and grimaced. I remembered now why I didn’t drink it.

    Well, best be onward and outward. I am sure Mother will be expecting me to be snug in my bed when she makes the morning rounds, she sashays across the kitchen tile, tottering on the slightly too-high heels, through the adjoining living room and heads for the front door.

    Having so skillfully climbed through the window last night, no doubtfully drunk, I questioned whether I should ask her to leave the way she came – if only to get a last parting rise from her. She unlocks the door and strides off down the stairs, wiggling her fingers in a goodbye over her shoulder. As I begin to shut the door behind her, I hear a snort coming from under the bay window and I turn abruptly toward the sound.  A tall, dark-clothed man seemed to be snoozing on my couch; feet tucked up and his head on a throw pillow. I pause, turn back to the door and throw it open.

    Forgetting something? I don’t want to keep it!

    She turned at my voice and continued walking backwards, putting a hand against her brow to shield her eyes behind the glasses from the hot morning sun. I could feel it beating off the still-wet sidewalk, an unusually hot day for the time of year.  

    She shrugged, holding her hand to her ear and scrunching up her face.  She waved at me once more and was promptly on her way. I huffed, and quietly closed the door. I wish this hadn’t been the first time she’d left a bad date on my couch. More than one awkward conversation had occurred in my living room after a vanishing Clara. It had usually resulted in a hurried attempt to abandon ship as quickly as possible, his walk of shame in buttoned dress shirts and crumpled ties. Not to mention the one memorable morning with the one who spent four hours crying out his life story at my kitchen table. The click of the latch seemed to echo through the now-oddly quiet house. I turned back towards the couch, determined to oust this errant Sleeping Beauty, and usher him on his Clara-less way.

    Problem was, Sleeping Beauty was gone. Presumably awake, but definitely gone.

    Chapter 2

    Stranger Things


    My lifestyle in no way, shape, or form, indicated that my own strange man would be sleeping on my couch. My sister was clearly an idiot, once again unable to deal with the consequences, and leaving me to pick up the pieces.

    The fact that she couldn’t have bothered to warn me ahead of time was a sure sign of this. Then again, perhaps if I had been paying attention to my own living room, this could have been addressed sooner. Ideally, before she had run away from my home. More pressing than these thoughts however was where he had gone, and why he was here, and why he was not waiting patiently where I left him for the boot. I cleared my throat. 

    I then made a cursory pass at looking behind the couch, and under the coffee table.  You never know, do you? I slowly moved through the living room towards the kitchen. Passing the small powder room, I toed the door open and with a quick side-eye judged that no one was lurking within. The kitchen was wide open and airy, no one hiding under the butcher block table. I began to turn towards the hall leading to the bedrooms and was promptly stopped by a knife to the throat. It gently pricked the soft hollow above my clavicle and I resisted the urge to gasp. The unwanted house guest placed his other hand on my shoulder and leaned in towards my ear,

    I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not here to hurt you, I just need to figure something out, his voice was shaking and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as he paused, waiting for my response.

    I nodded slightly, trying desperately to avoid the tip of the knife where it pricked at my throat. The hand on my shoulder moved to my forearm, and forcefully pulled it behind me. Grabbing me by the elbow, he pulled me roughly to the kitchen table and shoved me down into a chair.

    He pointed at me with the knife, which wavered in his shaking hand,

    Don’t move, just, stay, right there,

    The now-attacker left me then, moving room to room, closing windows and shutting curtains and blinds as he went. Soon, my comfortable home that a short time ago had been warm and bright, progressively became dark and stuffy, the humidity building in the after-rain heat.  He peered out the front window, anxiously, still gripping the small knife in his hand. He returned to where I sat, and crouched down to my level.  I could see he was sweating profusely, whether from illness or anxiety or the heat, I couldn’t tell, but the odd sheen it gave to his strangely bright and reflective eyes in the dark made me assume he was more than completely mad.

    Upon closer inspection, he was a little older than I had originally presumed, clocking in at maybe mid-thirties, an unusual choice for Clara, who usually ran with the young bucks that strutted around the clubs, closer to her own age.

    What could only be laugh lines creased around his eyes, and were just beginning to form at the corners of his mouth. He certainly wasn’t laughing now, but they were there, accusatory in comparison with his behavior. Maybe he wouldn’t be so bad, maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Maybe he’s actually a fun guy?  I realized at this moment that he was also wearing a suit. Not a terribly expensive looking suit and he was missing his tie, but he looked like he belonged in it, no kid playing dress up during a night out on the town.

    Trying to look anywhere other than his odd, silvery eyes, I focused on a spot just above his hairline. He continued to study me intensely, not saying a word. I can’t say I was scared in this moment, now that the knife was away from my skin, no, not yet. I was more intensely confused, bordering on annoyed by one of my sister’s silly friends and whatever bizarre game he was playing. It would be better to figure out what the Hell was going on first, and continue from there, rather than give him the satisfaction of a complete meltdown.

    Have you seen anyone?

    He gestured with the knife, vaguely at the window.

    I slowly shook my head, glancing at the window in question and then back to his concerned face, 

    I have no idea what you’re talking about, my sister was just here, but I am sure there are less menacing ways of discussing this... why are you in my house? Are you friends with Reggie? Are you robbing me? Is someone after you?

    Suddenly the flood gates had opened – my response in the situation, somehow, was to cram as many questions into the shortest amount of time possible.  He frowned slightly. Not at me, but at a rattle coming from the back door.  It was barely perceptible, a slight twist of the knob and an inward squeezing of the frame, as if someone had gingerly pushed against it to see if it was unlocked. He was up instantly from the floor to the kitchen window, peering between blinds he barely parted. He suddenly threw himself back against the wall, ever so silently, waiting, breath held. I debated whether to scream, attract the attention of whoever was outside, maybe they would break the door down. Maybe they will manage to get to me before he does, cutting off my cries for salvation. I decided against it.

    If this man was afraid, of them, whoever they were, who’s to say they won’t take out their only witness too? They obviously weren’t law enforcement, they would’ve come to the door, nice normal people, announcing their arrival and proclaiming their intent. I’ve never been on a different side of the law to experience otherwise. 

    He’s here. It won’t be long before he finds a way in, he whispered to me.

    Still pressed against the wall next to the window, head precariously close to knocking the clock from its perch, clutching the switchblade he had threatened me with, he seemed more akin to a child, hiding from the boogeyman, than someone I should genuinely be afraid of. 

    You know I have no idea who ‘he’ is right? Or who you are? Or why you’re cowering like a baby over there? Just let me go, please? We’ll forget this ever happened, 

    I leaned forward in my seat, gesturing slowly and calmly, hoping to high heaven he would just leave me here and go about his bizarre business elsewhere. He peered out of the window again, and ducked towards the floor. Almost completely bent double, he scurried towards the back of my chair.

    I’m don’t know what to do, ok? I don’t know if he’ll hurt you too, I barely know what he is,

    I nodded slightly, a hint of crazy evident in his voice. He seemed genuinely terrified, and I debated whether or not I should be just as afraid of his would-be assailant.

    Do you owe him money? Drugs? Just tell me, I can try to help you, maybe?

    And call the cops the second I could get to my phone. I folded my hands in my lap, wary of making any move or sound he deemed slash-worthy.  He came around the chair, holding the knife low and to his side. A sudden crash came from the front hall, the tinkling of glass and the splintering of wood.  Before I knew what had even hit the house, he had grabbed me by the elbow, pulling me up and out of the chair, and began dragging me down the hallway. I craned my neck behind us, trying to see who or what we were running from but he’d already made it to the master bedroom with me in tow, and hastily shoved me into the closet. He looked around, panting, closed the door and slid to the floor, bracing the door with his back.

    I flicked on the light. He pulled a piece of chalk from his pocket and hastily began sketching on the doorframe and across the floor, muttering the whole while. I could hear strange sounds coming from the direction of the kitchen.  I moved towards the interior wall of the closet and pressed my ear against it.  Beyond the echoing of the blood rushing through my ear, I could hear a strange howling, what could only be a tempest brewing over my kitchen table.  I could hear cabinet doors rattling and what sounded like the entire contents of my cutlery drawer being overturned onto the floor.  I was startled by the obvious aggression of the chaos beyond.

    The stranger hadn’t moved since laying down his chalk and sat with his back against the door.  Aside from the heaving of his chest as he seemed to struggle to calm down, he was completely motionless. I joined him on the floor, sliding down the wall. I was feeling remarkably underdressed in my pyjamas, as he sat there quietly in his suit. I drummed my knees with my fingertips, debating whether to demand answers to the questions that were on the tip of my tongue. He raised his head and looked directly at me, his glare speaking louder than words.

    What –,

    He raised his finger to his lips, effectively shushing me, I pursed mine and narrowed my eyes. But the howling sound now seemed to be billowing down the corridor, a combination of a whirring, whistling, and the sultry sound of satin, sliding between exotic sheets. I could hear the hall pictures rattling against the walls, and a new, more ominous buzz added to the din. It brought to mind a TV set to static, long after shows were finished late at night. Intentional and grating in my ears, I yearned to shut it out, but I felt more and more with every passing second that maybe the sound was coming from my own brain. The stranger had closed his eyes, and I took the opportunity to study him as I tried to ignore the whirling dervish destroying my home beyond the door.

    I still believed firmly that he was normally not this calm or serious.  He had that look, he must have spent his whole life laughing without worry. I half expected him to crack a joke, despite the circumstances, smiling wide and toothy. But he seemed infinitely tired too. Soul-crushingly exhausted would be a better way to describe it.  I noticed that the cuffs and the collar of his white dress shirt peeking out from his jacket were stained, dark blotches marring what would have been crisp and fresh in another life. I hoped it wasn’t blood. Wished it wasn’t, but somehow deep down I knew otherwise.

    The sheen of grime and sweat and who knows what else darkened his skin and hair, and what could only be a week or two worth of stubble highlighted his jaw. Sudden noise exploded into the bedroom beyond the closet door. He firmed his position with his back against the door, bracing, eyes still closed, his lips moving silently over and over in what I assumed was a prayer. It was deafening, the roaring, I felt we were trapped directly in the centre of a hailstorm – wood creaked and broke, wind howling and shrieking, raging mere feet away. I cowered into the corner of the closet, partially hidden by hanging sweaters and dresses, trying to escape the rush and assault against my brain. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes tight, praying the sound would just stop. Or whatever it was burst through the door, anything just to make it stop.

    Abruptly it did; a light flashing under the crack of the door. The sudden absence of sound acted as effectively as a vacuum, and took my breath away. The house, suddenly so quiet, had me believe I had lost my sense completely. I swear I could hear the ticking of the stranger’s watch, but maybe time itself had stopped. 

    He looked up at me, piercingly, and put his finger to his lips again. I nodded, pulling myself to standing as slowly as he did. I held my breath, adrenaline coursing through my veins that until this moment, I hadn’t realized was surging, my heart racing. He still held the door closed with one hand, and bowed his head towards the crack, other hand on the knob. He listened, I could tell, with every fiber of his body. He hummed with concentration. Then he opened the door.

    I almost stopped him. I almost threw myself at the door, slamming it shut. I almost screamed at him, a sudden feeling of despair washing over me. It must still be outside. It had to be. But no, the astonishing fact was, there was nothing outside the door. Everything, every single little detail of the room remained exactly as it had a mere half an hour ago, when I arose from my sleep to the smell of brewing coffee and followed it to my sister. The sheets remained rumpled, yesterday’s clothes still lay on the chair in the corner, and nothing was touched, the alarm clock now flashing 12:00. I stared in utter confusion, my expectation of complete and utter devastation shattered, and replaced with incredulity. Was I still asleep? Am I dreaming?

    Chapter 3

    Simple Questions


    Moments ago, I would have sworn the house outside my closet had been torn to pieces and thrown to the maelstrom. The stranger moved slowly out of the room, again clutching his knife and heading slowly back to the kitchen. I followed; purely so as not to be alone should the insanity of the last five minutes strike again. He moved cautiously yet quickly, scanning every dark corner, and made his way to the front of the house. The only indication of malevolence was a single pane of broken glass next to the front door, innocently scattered amongst the carpet in glistening jewels. He gestured at it with his knife and shook his head, and retreated back towards the kitchen.

    Wait, I called after him, hesitantly reaching for his elbow but deciding against it.

    He ignored me, sitting at the kitchen table; elbows propped, and began rubbing his eyes tiredly. His hand moved to his mouth, and he exhaled slowly.  I sat at the table, and stared at him. Hands folded in my lap, waiting.  Finally he met my eyes with his strange glittering ones.

    I’m sorry to have dragged you into this.  It wasn’t my intention.  I was... meaning to only take refuge... your sister, she, well... but he caught up to me, he gestured with his knife vaguely and shrugged tiredly.

    I don’t know if this means they will come for you too, and I don’t know if they will make me go after you, so until I figure out what to do about that... I am afraid, I don’t want to hurt you, but we might be stuck here for now,

    I sat back, consciously avoiding any sudden movements.

    "What do you mean, stuck, in here? Together? Who are you? Who are they? What was that?!"

    I abandoned all pretense of calm. 

    I gestured wildly at the kitchen, the hallway, the bedroom, and leapt to my feet.  I stomped around the kitchen, opening and closing drawers, slamming kitchen cupboards, trying to see anything out of place, trying desperately to prove that something happened in this kitchen not minutes before.  The coffee maker sat, still hot, bubbling away, so I grabbed a silly little clown mug and poured him a cup. Maybe a jolt would wake up him, and he’d give me some answers.


    I slam the mug down in front of him and start flustering around through the fridge.

    I was suddenly starving.  He didn’t move away from the splatter that shot from the cup, and continued to sit there watching me, hopefully debating whether or not to tell me all he knew.  I slammed the carton of eggs down on the counter and pulled the frying pan down from the ceiling rack. I felt like making as much noise as possible, and no one was going to tell me otherwise. See if some-who-knows-who comes in my house and does who-knows-what? No, that just wasn’t right. BANG. CRACK. SMASH. Eggs are on. I turned to face him. I was so close to skewering him with the closest utensil when he suddenly cleared his throat. He turned around in his chair and faced me,

    Will you sit? Just. Calm, please? I don’t know if we have any time, he gestured to the chair nearest him, and turned back to his coffee without waiting for a response.

    I shook my head and went to the broom closet; I grabbed the small dustpan and brush I kept for just this sort of situation; broken glass situations, of course, not mysterious stranger situations. I headed back towards the front door, fully intent on righting the situation as best I could for now. He began to follow me, an incredulous look upon his face. I was not about to give him the satisfaction of my obeisance at the moment. I brandished the brush at him,

    You, go, sit. Drink your coffee, wake the Hell up, think carefully, one more chance for answers, bucko and then I call the cops,

    He looked furious for a moment, and it could have changed my mind. Maybe it was the way his eyes almost seemed to catch fire with the shift in his emotions, becoming burning hot embers in no way that any normal human eyes should.  I held my breath and the reaction faded.

    I think I got through to him. He retreated back to the kitchen, and left me to the mess in the hallway. I stooped down to scoop up the shards of window from the floor, grumbling under my breath. I began cursing this morning, cursing my sister for failing to warn me of the stranger on my couch, and cursing the stranger now sitting in my kitchen. 

    I stomped back to the kitchen, discarded the glass, and flipped my eggs.  I popped bread into the toaster, and flopped down into the chair across from my unwanted guest.

    Feeling better? He queried, staring at me over his mug.

    I could see a hint of the mirth I’d originally suspected, but I just rolled my eyes and waited.  I didn’t know how much time he thought he had, but I had all the time in the world to figure this strange man out.

    I’ll feel better when you are out of my house and out of my life. When I have a shower, get dressed, and move on from this day like you were never in it. These eggs will make it marginally better for now, I began to stand up to retrieve my breakfast, but his hand shot out and gently cupped the top of mine.

    The resulting electric shock shot me back to my seat. I squealed in protest and pulled my hand back, shaking it painfully.

    Sorry, he mumbled, looking at me reproachfully.

    This lunatic sure could cycle through the emotions faster than a pinwheel. It’d be fascinating in any other situation. But for now, it was increasingly irritating.

    My eyes flicked from his face to the eggs on the stove behind his head, and back to his face. I was definitely surer now in the light that the splotches on his collar were blood. They were that certain shade of rust you just can’t get anywhere else. He seemed suddenly conscious of his wrists and pulled the sleeves of his jacket down.

    I’ve been on the run, for days now, maybe even weeks. I can’t be entirely certain... I’ve lost a lot of time over the recent while. I think I’ve forgotten who I was. I’ve been trying my damnedest to get out of this mess, to stop hurting all these people along the way, but it just seems hopeless, he stared off into space, collecting his thoughts.

    I can smell the eggs beginning to burn. I hesitantly rose from my seat again, and this time he does not stop me. I’ve lost the desire to eat, but plate up the food anyway. I return to my seat, placing the plate in front of him. He raises an eyebrow in surprise, and leaves it untouched.

    From what I’ve figured out, and from what I’ve was told, before, well... before today, is that they’re called Collectors. And right now, I’ve got one following me, I’ve been out of their touch for a while, now, he must have seen the look on my face, as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

    He ran a hand hesitantly through his hair.

    I know, I know. You probably think I’ve watched too much TV or something but I am serious. Someone’s been making me do things; bad things. I don’t know how or why but this is so very serious. You heard it out there, you know it exists, even if you’ve never seen it, which is a heck of a lot more warning than I got the last time, he finished his coffee and held it between both hands, staring down into the depths of the mug.

    There are things you probably won’t ever understand, and there are things that will take much too long to explain, that I don’t have time to explain right now, he stressed the word time like a precious commodity, a note of plea in his wavering voice. 

    We have to stay here, we have to fortify, until I can figure this out, figure out why I am here. I’m sure the second we step outside, it’s going to know. We were lucky the first time; I don’t quite know what stopped it, I didn’t think it would work but we most certainly won’t be as lucky again,

    My mouth gaped open. This man was completely insane. Fortify?

    Listen. I’m not crazy. I’m not, please. Just, he clenched his hands, open and closed, open and closed.

    I could see the knuckles were bloody and torn, his fingernails dirty.  I sighed. Aside from the obvious inconveniences he had caused, what with the threatening, he had (possibly) saved my life from the Collector (ok?) and I owed him at least that much.

    What do we have to do?


    I grimaced.  Mother always told me it’d get stuck that way, since it was my common expression, at least when she was around, and the amount of it that had transpired over the last forty-five minutes was sure to add to her proof. The damage I was doing to the trim of my door frames was pretty much irreparable. Between the marker sketches and the etchings in the wood I was inscribing all over my house, around every door and every window, there was no doubt if I got through this alive, Mr. Mysterious was fixing this; even if I had to drag him kicking and screaming back here myself. 

    The stranger had given me a sheet of paper towel with strange symbols drawn on them, paired, one to be written in marker, one set painstakingly carved.  Meanwhile, he was in the shower. I had insisted, obviously, the state of him had been pitiful. I rolled my eyes. I had to feel bad for the guy, who wouldn’t? Even if his story was absolutely insane, it was still pitiful. He didn’t know the last time he’d had even had a shower, and that struck a chord. I guess being on the run for your life, for God knows how long, is more important than being presentable.  

    We had done the windows and door frames in the bathroom first, working our way out through the bedroom, and then he’d left me to it. He seemed to be putting an awful lot of stock into me, that I’d complete them properly, that I wouldn’t run screaming from the house while he was otherwise distracted. But there was something in his frantic and strange gaze that convinced me not to. I wasn’t sure what it was about him, regardless of his mood, and his actions, but I felt an overwhelming sense of calm when he was near, and I felt I was drugged. Maybe I was drugged. Maybe he gave me something while I slept that made me agree with everything he said, made me believe every outrageous proclamation that escaped his lips. Whatever it was, it was working, and I was helping him.

    I just hoped that these sketches would work.  He had told me briefly what Collectors were. They opened up a whole new level of strange into my life, until now the weirdest thing was my sister’s taste in boyfriends. 

    Now, the weirdest thing was a creature – sent from Hell, designed purely to hunt you down, sink their teeth in you, and pull you back to where they came from.  The rushing, racing, tornado of sound that comes with them is the sound of Hell, a tear attached to their existence that goes wherever they go, to pull you back with them the instant they have

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