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Free Fall
Free Fall
Free Fall
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Free Fall

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“A terrifying race against time as airplanes start falling out of the sky for unknown reasons . . . The kind of thriller that keeps you up late.” —The Big Thrill

High above the Adirondack Mountains, a commuter flight to New York City turns into a rolling, twisting nightmare, plunging from the sky before the crew regains control. Then, in London, a jetliner crashes into the runway, killing fifteen people.

Reporter Kate Page believes something beyond mechanical—or human—error is behind the incidents that have air investigators baffled. But the mystery deepens as teams scramble to pinpoint a link between the tragedies, and Kate receives an untraceable message from someone boasting responsibility and threatening another event.

As Kate, the FBI and the NTSB race to find answers, the shadow figures behind the operation launch their most devastating plan yet, and time ticks down on one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever known.

“Journalist Kate Page, one of Rick Mofina’s best characters, is back in this high-paced novel with a scary theme . . . Mofina is at his best here with technical knowledge and a solid investigation underpinning a plot that we can all connect to. Do not read this one before getting on a plane.” —The Globe and Mail

“A chilling account of two airliners making routine flights but losing control as they approached their landing sites . . . a complex suspense thriller . . . a pulse-pounding story.” —Mysterious Reviews
Release dateNov 16, 2020
Free Fall


Rick Mofina is a former crime reporter and the award-winning author of several acclaimed thrillers. He's interviewed murderers face-to-face on death row; patrolled with the LAPD and the RCMP. His true crime articles have appeared in The New York Times, Marie Claire, Reader’s Digest and Penthouse. He's reported from the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, Qatar and Kuwait's border with Iraq. For more information please visit

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    Book preview

    Free Fall - RICK MOFINA


    Buffalo, New York

    You’re not going to die today.

    Kayla repeated her prayer as the boarding call for her flight at Buffalo Niagara International Airport was announced. Her thoughts raced as she clutched her boarding pass and ID while inching through the line to Gate 20. After the gate agent had cleared her, Kayla felt Logan’s reassuring hand on her shoulder as they walked along the jetway to their plane.

    You’re gonna be fine, he said.

    She offered him a weak smile. Drawing on the advice she’d absorbed from her motivational books and recordings, she fought her fear of flying by repeating her mantra.

    I can do this. I’ve faced worse.

    The jet was a new-model regional aircraft with eighty-six passenger seats, and today’s flight was full. Their seats were in the fourteenth row on the left side. Logan took the aisle. Kayla took the window.

    After they’d stowed their bags overhead Kayla buckled her belt and continued battling her anxiety by attacking her scariest thoughts.

    This plane is not going to crash. I’m safe. My boyfriend’s with me.

    Logan took her hand in his and tried to calm her.

    Remember how important this trip is? Just think about that.

    Kayla nodded, concentrating on the reason why she had to get on this plane: because her dream was within her grasp. Tomorrow morning in New York City, she’d be interviewed for a position with a rising new fashion designer, Maly Kriz-Janda. The house had offices in London, Paris and Milan. It had recently opened a Manhattan office and was hiring new designers.

    The jet’s door was shut and locked. An inboard chime sounded followed by an announcement.

    Flight attendants, prepare for departure.

    The attendants ensured the overhead bin doors were closed and seats and trays were up as the plane pushed back from the gate. The cabin lights flickered as the engines came on and the plane taxied out.

    Logan, the wings are bouncing.

    It’s okay. They’re built to flex like that. It’s normal.

    As the attendants gave safety demonstrations about seat belts, flotation devices and emergency exits, for use in the unlikely event… Kayla heard the hydraulic moan of the flaps as they were adjusted by the pilot. The plane turned then stopped for several moments. As the engines whined louder another chime sounded.

    Attendants, prepare for takeoff.

    The knot in Kayla’s stomach tightened as the plane began rolling down the runway, slowly at first, gaining speed then accelerating faster, the ground blurring beneath them. Kayla struggled to control her breathing as the jet’s nose rose before she heard a thud when the weight lifted from the landing gear and the plane left the ground.

    The thrust was overwhelming as the force of the climb pushed her into her seat. Kayla heard the groan and bump of the landing gear’s retraction. She squeezed Logan’s hand, shutting her eyes for a moment. Somehow, she found the strength to peek down at the earth, the expressways, buildings and suburbs rapidly shrinking below.

    I can do this. I can do this.

    As the plane leveled off, Kayla took a deep breath to calm herself, and the flight attendant made a series of announcements about keeping seat belts fastened, using electronic devices and the upcoming in-flight refreshment service.

    How’re you doing? Logan asked.

    Kayla nodded stiffly, smiling, still gripping his hand as he lowered his tray with his other hand.

    I’m getting some tomato juice, he said. What about you?

    A diet cola, whatever they have.

    Not long after they’d received their drinks there was another announcement.

    This is Captain Raymond Matson with First Officer Roger Anderson. On behalf of our entire crew, welcome aboard EastCloud Flight Forty-nine Ninety. Very shortly we’ll reach our cruising altitude of twenty-seven thousand feet. Everything’s looking good. We have no weather ahead of us and no traffic jams at LaGuardia, so we expect a very smooth flight arriving on time. We should have you in New York at the gate in about an hour and ten minutes.

    There you go, Logan said. It’ll be over before you know it.

    Kayla nodded and sipped her drink.

    As the flight cut across Upstate New York, she tried to relax by focusing on the opportunity awaiting her in Manhattan. She’d studied fashion at Buffalo State where a professor, impressed with her designs, had done all he could to help her get noticed.

    But nothing had happened.

    After graduating Kayla had found a full-time position selling women’s clothing at the mall in Cheektowaga, the Walden Galleria. While she was uncertain about her aspirations and her future, she was grateful to have a job so she could start paying off her student loans.

    Then, three weeks ago, everything had changed when, through her professor’s help, Kayla was short-listed for a position with Maly Kriz-Janda in Manhattan. They’d loved Kayla’s designs and the position involved flying to Los Angeles, Miami and Toronto for major conferences with North American retailers. Kayla wanted the job with all of her heart and had begun working on overcoming her fear of flying. But her expected call for an interview never came. The other candidates had been stronger.

    Heartbroken, Kayla had soldiered on at the mall. Then, last week, her professor had learned that the two candidates ahead of her had dropped out of the running. One had accepted a job at Versace, and the other had gone to Givenchy. Two days ago, Maly Kriz-Janda had called Kayla, requesting she be in Manhattan for an interview as soon as possible. They’d pay all expenses—flight, hotel, meals and cabs.

    Logan was thrilled for her. She’d asked him to go with her because she’d never flown before, and was terrified. He’d agreed, using his sister’s points to cover his flight.

    What if I get the job? Kayla had asked him. I’d have to move to New York City. What would happen to us?

    Logan, who was still in law school, had told her not to worry.

    I’ll look into applying and transferring to a school there, he’d said. But don’t think about that. We’ll cross that bridge later.

    Logan was good to her and she knew it. She took comfort in having him beside her now on what was her first—and maybe the most important—flight of her life.

    Hey, smile, he said, pointing his phone at her. I’m making a documentary of your first flight.

    Kayla waved.

    I’m really doing it. I’m flying. I’m nervous but I’m doing it.

    Then she turned to her window to take in the view below.

    It’s so pretty down there. Where are we?

    I think we’re over the Catskill Mountains, Logan said.

    Oh, I’ve got to take a picture.

    Kayla held up her phone to the window but it flew from her hand and her seat belt cut deep into her as the plane suddenly rolled hard, the right wing tipping toward the ground as if the jet was flipping over.

    Bodies bumped over seats as people not belted were tossed to the right wall, along with laptops, backpacks and purses amid shrieks and loud bangs as items thudded and hammered in the overhead bins. The service trolley crashed into passengers in the right rows, spilling hot coffee and raining down cans of soda and juice.

    The jet froze with its wings in a twelve-and-six-o’clock position.

    Kayla clawed at Logan, locking her arms around him as people screamed, cursed and prayed.

    Then the plane lurched hard to the left with the left wing pointing directly to the earth. Again, bodies flew through the cabin, slamming against other passengers, the wall and the overhead luggage bins. The bin doors opened and luggage tumbled like boulders along the left row. Logan reached out to grab an older woman who’d fallen into them but she slipped from his grip as the jet suddenly rolled right until it was almost level.

    Now it began dropping, banking downward, as if it would spiral out of control. Passengers yelled and screamed, some calling out to God before the crew regained control and finally leveled the plane.

    Please, please, let this be over, Kayla whispered through her tears.

    In the aftermath, the attendants, despite being hurt and bleeding, took charge. Even as the sounds of crying and moaning passengers filled the plane, people began helping each other. Kayla thrust her face into Logan’s chest, slid her arms around him and sobbed, feeling his heart beating rapidly against her face.

    Logan held her tight as the jet resumed a smooth flight.

    Kayla prayed for the plane to land.

    Get us back on the ground! Please, God, get us back on the ground!

    Her cheek twitched as something wet and warm splashed on her skin; one drop then another. As she pulled back, she saw blood dripping down on them from the little boy who’d been contorted into the open luggage bin above them.


    Manhattan, New York

    New York, EastCloud Forty-nine Ninety…declar—an emer—

    EastCloud Forty-nine Ninety, transmission garbled, say again…

    Kate Page, a reporter with Newslead, detected something in the chatter crackling from the news agency’s emergency scanners. More than a dozen of them issued a constant stream of coded bursts across from where she sat in the newsroom. Kate stopped her current work, jotted down the name of the airline, the flight number and listened.

    …EastCloud Forty-nine Ninety…injur—request—medic—

    Sounds like injuries and a call for medical services.

    She listened as the dispatches continued echoing in the news department.

    It was Saturday and the newsroom was nearly empty.

    Kate had a bad feeling about what she’d heard. She went online. EastCloud 4990 was a commercial flight that had originated in Buffalo and was bound for LaGuardia. It was a new Richlon-TitanRT-86 with a capacity for eighty-six passengers. She quickly checked social media feeds. No one was tweeting about the flight.

    Not so far, anyway.

    She glanced at the corner and the glass-walled cubicle known as the scanner room. Reporters called it the torture chamber, because if you were assigned to sit in it you had to endure and decipher the chaotic, simultaneous cross-talk flowing from metropolitan New York City’s police, fire department, paramedics and other responders.

    But no one was there.

    The cubicle door was open, which is how Kate had been able to hear the chatter from the scanner.

    What’s going on? Why isn’t someone listening?

    This broke Newslead’s cardinal rule: never, ever leave the scanners unattended. Emergency scanners were the lifeblood of any news operation, alerting the reporters to the first cries for help, pulling them into stories that would stop the heart of the city.

    Or break it.

    Kate’s years of listening to police radios while working on crime desks in newsrooms across the country had given her the ability to pluck a key piece of data from dozens of staccato exchanges all happening at the same time. She knew the alphanumeric code systems. She could pick out a trace of emotion in a dispatcher’s voice, the underlying tension in a transmission. This was a skill Newslead, the global wire service, demanded from every member of its reporting staff, especially here at its world headquarters in Manhattan, where the competition was fierce. But the incessant noise, the confusion and pressure not to miss anything was torturous for some reporters, making a shift on the scanners the most dreaded job in the newsroom.

    Another transmission from air traffic control crackled.

    EastCloud Forty-nine Ninety, we can give you Teterboro or Newark.

    The jet’s response was overtaken by static.

    Damn. There’s a jetliner in trouble with injuries aboard and we don’t know where it’s headed.

    Kate glared at the empty scanner room.

    This is how we miss stories. This is how we get beat.

    She made a quick check of the bank of flat-screen TV monitors tilted down from the ceiling over rows of empty desks. The sets were tuned to news channels with the volume turned low. Most newsrooms in New York subscribed to professional scanner-listening services that sent out alerts. Newslead had cut its subscription years ago to save money.

    Nothing was breaking on TV, either. Kate picked up more dispatches.

    EastCloud Forty-nine Ninety, repeat—we can give you Teterboro or Newark.

    Thank you, New York. We’ve got a visual on the Verrazano Bridge. We’ll keep LaGuardia.

    Forty-nine Ninety, stand by.

    Kate did another online check. No one was tweeting anything.

    This is all happening now.

    Resentment bubbled in the pit of her stomach. She’d come in today on her own time to finish a feature about crime on the subways of the world’s largest cities. She was pulling together files from Newslead’s bureaus in Mexico City, Seoul and São Paulo. But she had to stop. The situation on the radios gnawed at her.

    No way am I taking the blame for us missing a major breaking story because someone else failed to do their job.

    Kate went to the scanner room, looking for the incident log, or at least a note from whoever was on duty. She found nothing. Again, she looked around the newsroom. One person was working in graphics. Other than that, no one was around. A portrait of an industry withering before the internet, she thought. When she’d started, one hundred and forty newspeople had worked here at headquarters.

    That number was now seventy-one.

    Kate went to the news assistant’s desk, just in time to see a girl barely out of her teens returning while drinking from a thermos.

    Who’re you? Kate asked.

    Penny. I’m the new assistant. Todd was here but he went home sick.

    Who’s on the scanners?

    Sloane. I forget his last name.

    Parkman. Where is he?

    He told me he was stepping out to get scones and would be right back. Is everything okay?

    Kate rolled her eyes.

    Sloane was the worst person you could put on scanner duty. All that crash-and-burn stuff is a bit too tabloid for me, but they say everybody has to do their time here, she’d overheard him tell a friend on the phone.

    He’d joined Newslead a year ago between rounds of layoffs. His family was one of New England’s oldest. He had degrees from Harvard and Columbia, had worked at the Washington Post and Forbes, and had boasted about having political connections in Washington and corporate connections on Wall Street.

    He always introduced himself as Sloane F. Parkman and assured you that he knew everyone and everything, right down to the best bars in Manhattan, the best shops and restaurants. He wore Brooks Brothers shirts, had a gleaming, white-toothed grin and never had a hair out of place.

    How he’d gotten a job with Newslead in a time of cutbacks was no mystery. Kate knew that he’d been hired at the urging of her editor because of mutual family ties. There were no secrets in a newsroom. Sloane had half the news-reporting experience that Kate had yet he regarded her as he would an untested rookie, and as a latter-day-Dickensian working-class woman to be pitied.

    I applaud you for what you’ve achieved in your life, he’d told her one day. It’s nothing short of heroic, putting yourself through that community college in Chicago the way you did—sorry I’d never heard of it. In any event, here you are. And raising a child alone. Bravo, Kate. Bravo.

    That was Sloane F. Parkman.

    Kate entered the scanner room with Penny in tow as new transmissions came through clearly.

    Forty-nine Ninety, this is LaGuardia tower. Are you declaring an emergency?

    Kate took notes, motioning for Penny to sit in the empty chair and use the computer at the desk.

    Penny, did they teach you how to listen to the scanners?

    No, not yet.

    Did Todd show you how to alert the photographers on duty and call freelancers?



    More transmissions were coming through. Kate cranked up the volume and took notes.

    Affirmative. We’re declaring an emergency. We have passenger and crew injuries aboard. Approximately thirty, some pretty bad. We’ll need a lot of ambulances.


    None to report.

    Forty-nine Ninety, do you have damage to your aircraft?

    Kate was writing as fast as she could, trying to make sure her notes were clear.

    Damage to the cabin, ceiling, galley, storage bins.

    Are you citing turbulence?

    Negative. Negative on turbulence. We had a sys— A burst of static drowned out part of the transmission, but the message ended clearly with —malfunction.

    Repeating. You’re reporting a— more static —malfunction?


    Forty-nine Ninety, you have priority clearance to land. Runway Four. Crash and Rescue will meet you at your gate.

    Roger…visual approach for Runway Four…

    Penny turned to seek direction from Kate but the older woman had already grabbed her bag and was rushing toward the elevators.

    Penny, I’m heading to LaGuardia! Kate shouted. Alert every photographer and let them know we have a plane in trouble landing now!


    Queens, New York

    As the taxi raced through the skyscraper-lined streets, Kate searched for updates on her phone.

    Nothing so far.

    She set up an alert for anything that broke on EastCloud Flight 4990.

    Crosstown traffic was good; there were few double-parkers and unloaders blocking the street, and within minutes they’d entered the Midtown Tunnel. It smelled of exhaust and gleamed gold from headlights reflecting on the walls. As it curved under the East River to Queens, Kate found herself taking stock of her job and her life.

    Wasn’t she living her dream?

    For as long as she could remember, she’d wanted to be a reporter and to get her life on track. In spite of all that she’d endured, she’d managed to work her way up the journalistic ladder to a position at Newslead, one of the world’s top news organizations. The global newswire service had bureaus in every major city in the United States and in one hundred countries. Its reputation for excellence had been solidified by awards it had won throughout its history, including twenty-two Pulitzers. Newslead was respected and feared by its chief rivals, such as the Associated Press, Bloomberg and Reuters. Kate was proud to work for Newslead, but things were changing.

    Fierce competition, the corrosive impact of the internet on the distribution of news and the melting number of subscribers continued to exact a toll.

    Kate had to struggle not to pin her hopes on the rumor that Chuck Laneer, the editor who’d hired her at Newslead before he’d left to teach at Columbia after clashing with former management, was returning to help rebuild the news division. Chuck was gruff, wise and old-school. He could kick your butt and respect you at the same time.

    But so far the news of Chuck’s return was only gossip.

    The reality was that anxiety had gripped the newsroom. Management weighed every financial decision extensively. Staff faced constant evaluation. Performance on every news story was scrutinized. Newslead had instituted a staff efficiency process, linking story count and story pickup to individual performance assessments. It was championed by Kate’s editor, Reeka Beck, a twenty-eight-year-old Ivy League management zealot.

    Reeka had a cover-girl face, an insatiable ambition and was convinced that her news judgment was superior to that of seasoned journalists. Reeka had been a junior copy editor at Newslead’s Boston bureau, whose collective work had been a finalist for a Pulitzer. In reality, she possessed little reporting experience. She’d never covered a homicide or asked an inconsolable parent for a picture of their dead child.

    But her moneyed bloodline gave her an advantage. Reeka’s uncle sat on Newslead’s board of directors. However, most people strained to tolerate her—her dealings with reporters were often so curt and officious they bordered on rudeness. Conversations with her nearly became confrontations. Reeka had embraced the staff efficiency process even though it was killing morale.

    Last month twenty people were let go from headquarters. Some were news veterans like Liz Cochrane, who’d covered wars, interviewed Mexican drug lords and escaped being kidnapped by terrorists in Iraq. Liz had sat near Kate and that day had been horrible.

    She’d seen Liz falling apart at her desk while reading her severance letter then tenderly placing her belongings in a box for printing paper—A cardboard coffin for my career, she’d joked while saying goodbye.

    Even though Kate had made it through the latest round of terminations, watching the funereal march of dismissed colleagues had been heart-wrenching. She’d been in their shoes; she was familiar with that soul-shattering feeling, for she’d struggled much of her life.

    She was a thirty-two-year-old single mom with a nine-year-old daughter and she was living with her sister, Vanessa. There were days when Kate felt like she was hanging on by her fingertips but she was still here, doing the best that she could because she was a fighter who never gave up.

    The cab left the tunnel and passed through the toll gates. As it accelerated on the Long Island Expressway, Kate’s phone rang.

    It was Reeka. What’re you doing, Kate?

    Heading to LaGuardia. We’ve got a plane in trouble.

    You’re not on today. Who assigned you to go to LaGuardia?

    No one. I was in the newsroom working on my subway crime feat—

    I just spoke with Sloane. He’s on duty and he assures me that this Buffalo jet thing is minor. He’s been listening to the scanners all day.

    No, he wasn’t there when I was there, when things were popping!

    Sloane’s trying to cover his ass by hanging me out to dry—

    Kate, were you in today hoping to collect overtime?

    No. Reeka, listen, I was there on my own time working on my feature when this broke on the scanners. Sloane was out buying scones.

    I don’t think so. I know Sloane and if he says—

    Anger bubbled in Kate just as her phone chimed with a news alert. The Associated Press had issued a bulletin: Commuter jet with multiple injuries on board declares emergency landing at LaGuardia.

    Reeka, did you see what AP’s just put out?

    A moment passed before Reeka responded.

    I see it. Okay, get to the airport and file as soon as you can.


    Queens, New York

    Sirens wailed and emergency lights flashed as two ambulances sped by Kate’s cab on the Grand Central Parkway near the airport.

    We need Terminal C, arrivals pickup area.

    She directed the driver while keeping her phone to her ear. After four attempts, she’d finally reached Dwayne, somebody with EastCloud’s public affairs. He’d put her on hold.

    She’d already left messages with the National Transportation Safety Board, the Federal Aviation Administration, LaGuardia Airport, the Port Authority and several other agencies. No responses. Her taxi was on the ramp to the airport when the line clicked and Dwayne returned.

    Sorry, who’ve I got here?

    Kate Page with Newslead. What happened to Flight Forty-nine Ninety? Why did it declare an emergency?

    We’re still assessing matters. We’ll put out a statement soon.

    Are there fatalities? How many injur—?

    I have to go.

    Can you estimate the number of injuries?

    We’ll put out a statement. I really have to go.

    The call ended as Kate’s cab slowed on the edge of havoc.

    Red, white, orange and blue lights blinked from the police, fire and paramedic vehicles that were jammed outside the Terminal C arrivals area, backing up traffic. Kate paid her driver, who hastily scrawled a receipt.

    Her phone was chiming with news alerts. She saw two news vans parked to the side. Up ahead, TV crews with shoulder-held cameras were shooting footage of people on stretchers being loaded into ambulances. Kate arrived to see one woman, her back raised on a gurney, her head bandaged and tears in her eyes. Microphones hovered near her and reporters hurled questions at her as paramedics placed her in an ambulance.

    Can you describe the flight?

    It was horrible! the woman said. Just horrible!

    A cop inserted himself between the paramedics and cameras.

    Back off guys, back off!

    Kate’s phone continued chiming with alerts. Bloomberg and Reuters had issued bulletins on Flight 4990. Finally, she saw one from Newslead. Someone on the desk must have woken up, Kate thought. It sure as hell couldn’t have been Sloane.

    Things were buzzing online, too.

    Pictures were popping up everywhere. Twitter had images of the aftermath in the cabin. Luggage, clothes, books, laptops, food containers and other items were strewn about the interior. In one clear photo she was certain she’d seen streaks of blood.

    Kate scanned the crowd for a Newslead photographer. Not finding one, she went inside to the busy baggage-claim area where more news cameras had encircled passengers who were recounting their ordeal for reporters. She joined one group and extended her recorder.

    Could you please take us through it again? someone asked.

    It was right after they’d served us drinks, a man with bloodied scrapes on his cheeks began. Then bam, the plane tilts like we’re going to roll upside down. Like this. He extended his arms, one hand pointed to the floor, the other to the ceiling as the woman beside him nodded.

    Everybody and everything not belted or bolted down flew, the woman said, her eyes still wide with shock.

    People were hurled like rag dolls. The service trolley smashed around. We were hanging on with all we had, the man said. Then the plane rolled the opposite way, tossing people and things around like we were in a clothes drier. People were screaming and praying.

    The luggage bins opened, the woman said. Suitcases and bags crashed on everyone. Then the jet just dropped and we were plunging, diving down. My stomach was in my mouth.

    What went through your mind at this point? a reporter asked.

    That we weren’t going to survive. That we were so helpless. That this was the end, she said.

    How long did it last? another reporter asked.

    I don’t know. The man shook his head. Five, maybe eight minutes.

    Kate glanced around and was relieved to see Stan Strobic, a

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