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'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas
'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas
'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas
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'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas

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About this ebook

‘King’ Kamehameha’s sole interest in further securing his blissful existence is sprinkled with adventures and unavoidable challenges. All is going smoothly until, one day, Toni, his long-suffering owner, decides she wants to find herself a hubby and potential stepdad for ‘His Majesty’. This sets the ‘King’ off on a personal mission, to deter any impending union between an unfortunate victim and Toni, the ‘King’s’ servant.

And, just as ‘His Majesty’ thinks he is safe and secure, lockdown descends on his kingdom. Will Toni succeed in enforcing her strict rules and regulations, when ‘King’ Kamehameha is in the full throes of conjuring up his own rules and regulations?

When Toni is on her deathbed in the hospital, will the ‘King’, at least, think about mending his mischievous ways?

Where will your loyalty, as a subject and reader, be placed?
Release dateApr 28, 2023
'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas

Antonina Irena Brzozowska

Antonina Irena Brzozowska was born and educated in the north-east of England. A former teacher, her interests incorporate the Polish, Canadian and Hawaiian cultures and interests. Her extensive travel experiences in these countries have provided her work an invaluable asset to her writing.

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    'King' Kamehameha's Dilemmas - Antonina Irena Brzozowska

    About the Author

    Antonina Irena Brzozowska was born and educated in the north-east of England. A former teacher, she has travelled extensively, especially throughout Poland, the Hawaiian Islands and Canada, from where she has gained a keen interest in the Polish, Hawaiian and Canadian cultures and traditions. She is an avid reader and enjoys writing, deriving material from her travelling experiences.


    To all the children I have had the pleasure of teaching in various schools during my teaching career.

    Thank you for the happy memories.

    Copyright Information ©

    Antonina Irena Brzozowska 2023

    The right of Antonina Irena Brzozowska to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781398470972 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781398470989 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2023

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA

    Part One

    ‘King’ Kamehameha… on a Mission

    A Special Address to My Loyal Subjects

    A very special, sunny and cheerful, Aloha, to all of my subjects, especially to the little people, who are trudging back and forth, to and from, that dreaded place, I think, you call school. I know how you feel, my friends; I am residing in a high disciplined establishment myself, with Toni still firmly rooted at the helm; though, how she has not toppled off her self-imposed throne of authority I do not know, it certainly isn’t for lack of trying on my part.

    Anyway I hope you are all fighting fit, as happy as punch and being good as I… try to be. Since I last communicated with you, I have undertaken all sorts of simple and elaborate methods to show my Toni who the true boss of our castle really is; but, so far, she has not bowed down to me, neither has she willingly assigned to me the overall sovereignty of our fortress which, begrudgingly, we have to share until one of us wins the grand lottery and departs.

    But, dare I say, there is a tiny glimmer of hope. Now, I would strongly advise you to sit down and hold on to your hats as I tell you this news. Toni is on a quest to find herself a hubby! All I can say is that she will need all the luck in the world and that the unfortunate specimen, when; or, rather if she ever manages to dig her claws into (claws being the operative word), will need nerves of pure steel; already he has my full sympathy.

    If somehow, by some miraculous stroke of luck, Toni manages to harpoon an unfortunate male specimen, and that’s a big ‘if,’ he will need to adhere to all of my strict rules, if he is considering a lengthy stay in my kingdom. These are my rules:

    The candidate will have to provide me with a varied assortment of delicious doggie treats, each time he sets foot into my domain.

    He will need to tickle my tummy for, at least, an hour after tea.

    He will never even think of usurping my throne.

    The guy will, at all times, walk five paces behind me and look jolly well pleased about it.

    It is most essential that he is fun loving, loves spontaneous adventures and always sees the funny side of my mischievous behaviour.

    He must never, ever think about, let alone discuss or use, the word, ‘discipline.’

    He has to persuade Toni that my rightful place is in the lounge, on her plush sofa and not in the kitchen, the servants’ quarters.

    At all times he must address me as King Kamehameha or Your Majesty. Never ever must he address me as Mayo, Mayonnaise or Kami-knickers; not if he wants to see the sun rise again.

    He must adore my special friends, the butterflies; but he also has to have a soft spot for my mates the hedgehogs, the bumble bees and any type of birds, apart from the vultures, who I’m not that keen on.

    This guy has to be good to my Toni, because I only have one Toni and she isn’t such a bad ‘old’ soul.

    If the candidate thinks he will conform to ALL of these regulations, he may have a slight chance with us. If he thinks he may fail in just one area, he needn’t bother applying.

    I am on an urgent mission of the utmost importance myself, folks. My mission is to secure myself a peaceful; but fun loving and sometimes a little mischievous life, without any opposition, or threat, to overthrow me as sovereign and, preferably, without a potential stepdad within a hundred-kilometre radius of my kingdom.

    I am sure, my loyal subjects; that I have got you all on my side and, of course, I will let you all know how we get on.

    For now, please wish me all the luck in the world.

    Stay healthy! Stay safe! Stay happy! Have fun!

    Your King,

    Kamehameha x

    Toni’s Announcement

    I know you may still be reeling from the shock of my news, regarding Toni’s impending mission to find herself a hubby and you may be wondering what on earth has possessed a level-headed, super disciplined, independent female to completely lose her head and set off on this perilous quest, especially as she has got ME. Well, I’ll tell you all about it; but, for goodness’ sake, don’t let her know that you know anything about it; between you and I; I don’t think she wants the world to know. It all started off like this…

    It all began about three weeks before Christmas. Toni was preparing to go out for the evening and I was eagerly looking forward to a blissful evening of undisturbed sleep when I happened to notice, out of the corner of one partially opened eye, as I lay sprawled out on my plush Hawaiian printed, extra-large cushion… a present given to me by Toni when her heart was full to the brim with remorse after she almost got rid of me one time… sorry, back to the present; I happened to notice that my mistress was not getting ready for her night out with her usual abundance of zest. In fact, I had noticed just lately that the usual sparkle had gone out of her eyes. She had not lost her appetite; so, I knew she was not going to pop her clogs any time soon; but something was not quite right; something was missing and, truthfully, I seriously wondered what it was. For it was one thing, and totally unacceptable in my point of view, to be rushing about our castle with an eye watering speed and determination, making sure that all of her rules were obeyed by Yours Truly; you know the rules I mean: spotlessly clean paws in the house and within a fifty-kilometre radius; walking obediently and sedately beside her on our leisurely strolls and so on; but it was another matter altogether to witness her moping about our kingdom like some lost soul. Yes, the sheen had definitely disappeared from her once sparkling eyes; not that we looked into each other’s eyes for long; her constant chatting had ceased which, to be honest, was a blessed relief; her singing had stopped, thanks be to all the gods who prevailed here; the clothes had reverted back to the prim and proper variety. Something… something had changed. I couldn’t quite put my paw on it but something was wrong and I wanted my ‘old’ Toni back, warts and all.

    Bye, Kamehameha. She mumbled as if she was setting off to the guillotine. The door closed and the sound of her heels clicking down the drive were the last sounds I heard before I swept my mistress, and her lack of sparkle, out of my mind and I allowed myself to drift into a bout of peaceful and welcome sleep.

    Cautiously, Toni walked into the packed restaurant of jovial Christmas revellers. For long minutes she stood scanning the lively interior, her eyes wandering from one table of happy party goers to another until, finally, they rested on her set. No one noticed her as she stood and they clinked glasses, laughed and joked and while, ordinarily, she would have boldly strode over to her colleagues and blended in with the group, this evening she stood and stared, her guts writhing and twisting, her heart beating profusely, her feet itching to turn away in the opposite direction and run; for, for the first time in her career, she did not feel her friends and colleagues were a part of her and she did not feel a part of them. She was on her own; my Toni, sixty-four and counting, single and alone; in other words, an odd entity. Abruptly turning her back on the crowd her feet strode briskly towards the exit, as the jovial laughter echoed loudly in her ears.

    And where do you think you are going, Toni? Her fast-beating heart stopped its frenzied pounding for a moment, as her startled eyes stared at Daniel Burley’s twinkling eyes. We’re this way; come on, Toni. And, before she could stop him, he had yanked her arm and propelled her towards the crowd of people she knew so well.

    Within seconds she was in the midst of them all, though a thousand kilometres apart, and while she chatted, laughed and drank with them all, she wished she was on her own small island, far away, where she could find her inner peace; for this night, as many others recently, she did not feel a part of the crowd; she felt inadequate, alone and lonely and, more to the point, she felt she had lost her equilibrium.

    Cheers Toni!

    The clinking of her glass forced her out of her reverie and she pinned on her best smile and said softly, Cheers everyone, as her heart deflated once more; for, she did not want to be there. Her eyes passed from group to group of happy young revellers; to couples trying to snatch a kiss under the mistletoe; to colleagues pulling crackers whilst laughing hysterically; to young men attempting to catch the eye of a girl they’ve fancied for ages, and vice versa; to her best friend giving her boyfriend a kiss and back to a loud, and very jovial party, from another school. She closed her eyes tightly thankful she was sitting down; for, suddenly, she felt old, very old; an intruder in a young adults’ world, which was becoming more alien to her by the second. The urge to run again invaded her mind. She did not belong. She had to get out. Now! Grabbing her bag and rising, she felt the soft touch of a hand on her arm and turned, focussing her eyes on Sally and forced a faint smile.

    What’s up, Toni?

    Sally’s innocent question made Toni involuntarily sit back down. Nothing is up. She replied, because how could she possible explain to her best friend what was eating her up inside when she, herself, could not give an explanation? Nothing is up, she repeated in a more convincing tone, as she tried to reassure her friend.

    Her attempt went completely unheeded; like a dog with a bone Sally persevered with her quest. I know something is wrong, Toni; you haven’t been yourself for days; spill!

    There is nothing to spill. I am just overtired, that’s all. I think I need an early night. She attempted to rise once more.

    Oh, no you don’t. You are going to tell your Aunt Sally what’s on your mind, girl.

    Reluctantly Toni sat back down again, a surge of boiling anger bubbling in the bowels of her being, threatening to spew out on her bossy friend.

    Placing a drink in front of Toni, Sally focussed her questioning eyes on her friend. Now, tell me what the matter is, Toni.

    But Toni’s eyes were focussed elsewhere, where they were glued on a happy couple, canoodling under a sprig of mistletoe. Sally’s eyes followed that of her friend’s and there she found her answer.

    The evening was long and torturous as Toni clock-watched, continued to observe all and sundry enjoying themselves; while she felt utterly out of it, wishing she was at home enjoying a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a big bar of chocolate at the ready. Thoughts of me drifted into her mind. She closed her eyes to all around her and envied my happy and blissful existence. An excited voice cut her reverie short. I know exactly what you need, Toni; a man! exclaimed an excited Sally. And a man is exactly what I am going to get you.

    Adamant remonstrations, a surge of disagreeing statements, swiftly followed by a profusion of full-fledged refusals did nothing to quell Sally’s excitement and Toni, finally, resigned herself to the fact that, once her best friend had got something inside her head, nothing or no one in this world, or the next, would shift it. Sally was going to find her a man, whether she wanted a man or not and there was nothing she could do about it.

    The click of the door stirred me out of my peaceful slumber and I, begrudgingly, raised one sleepy eye in the direction of my mistress, who seemed to have come back in better spirits. No doubt, she’s been let loose on the ‘pop’, I mused as I closed my heavy eye, only to be subjected to her awful singing. She’s definitely been on the ‘pop’, I concluded and wished she’d go up to her room, post-haste, and take her dreadful singing, if that’s what you call it, with her. The statement she threw, as she haphazardly threw me a treat and clicked off the light, made my whole body freeze and both my eyes to snap open and widely stare like two saucers.

    I am going to get a man, Kamehameha!

    The ‘Happy’ Foursome with the

    ‘Gooseberry’ In the Middle

    At that precise moment my mission began.

    To say I was not impressed with this distasteful statement would be the understatement of the year. I was totally flabbergasted; but now that I have managed to cool off, I shall attempt to inform you, my dear subjects, what happened next.

    Toni’s ghastly singing did not cease. If anything, to my utter dismay, it increased in volume and vigour, leaving me to contemplate on whether I should abandon my castle forever and seek sanctuary elsewhere; somewhere far, far away; that distant island called Kauai would do; somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where the possibility of hearing the echoes of Toni’s tuneless screeching would be as remote as the island itself. Anyway, as I said, her horrible attempts at singing were the first indication that something had changed and the sudden spring in her steps, not to mention the endless hours she spent experimenting with her make-up and hairstyles, not that it did her much good, added to my inner convictions. Then came the rummaging through her wardrobes, which I noticed when I secretly ventured up to her opened bedroom door. Blouses, skirts and dresses were thrown haphazardly in every direction; one ghastly brown skirt landed on my head and was, indeed, a temporary cross I had to bear, as I peered over the garish heavy material at my mistress, as she tried desperately to struggle into a pair of trousers, which were about five sizes too small; though, I must say, her incredible techniques into squeezing into some items were most amusing and most certainly eye-watering. Would you believe, I witnessed her lying flat out on her bed, trying frantically to pull up a zip belonging to a pair of dashing blue silk trousers, only for the zip to snap and Toni to shout out a string of words I’d never heard in my life. I heard her sigh with heavy relief as she managed to, somehow, squeeze herself into a black cocktail dress and I had to close my eyes tightly to obliterate the scene; it was not a pretty sight. To this day I can still see the bulges and the whole affair happened months ago! All kinds of items, horrible and passable, flew out the wardrobe and cupboards. In the end she settled for a dark green velvet frock and that, in my opinion, still looked pretty odious. Anyway, I thought, it’s her poor victim, not me, that would have to look at it all night and so that settled that matter.

    Next came countless and lengthy conversations over the phone and, to my utter dismay, I happened to hear that the venue for the so-called date was changed. Toni had decided to cook herself. Now, at first, my heart was laden with heavy disappointment, and a certain amount of frustration, as I knew that my inner peace and balanced state of equilibrium would be shattered with the invasion of unwanted visitors; but, slowly, my ruffled mind began to change course at the thought of receiving delicious goodies because, let me tell you, when my Toni puts her mind to it, she is a first-class cook; the trouble is, she rarely puts her mind to it. Anyway, I was not going to abandon my mission before it commenced; but, at the same time, I was kind of thinking that this date thing could well be to my advantage, if I played my cards right.

    The only dark blot on the horizon was the fact that, in order for me to be allowed to get my choppers around some mouth-watering delights, I would have to suffer this new guy venturing into my castle. And venture he must, I mused, if Toni has to have some sort of date and I my delights. You see, I know Toni’s best friend is okay; in fact, Sally is a lot like my Auntie Anusia; she would do absolutely anything for me and, more importantly, she never fails to supply me with tasty treats on her visits; so, if all else fails, that won’t. She has also taught her boyfriend well; but this new guy who was about to burst on the scene might be a different story altogether. Anyway, whoever this chap was, I would be on my guard. I would be on the lookout watching, scrutinizing intently his every move, especially where treats were concerned. One step wrong and I would make it my personal mission to banish him out of my kingdom… forever!

    Disappointingly, the cooking smells were not much to my liking; some kind of cabbage mixture I think; however, the tasty bits of sausages, tossed over to me now and again, were very much to my liking, as were the freshly baked bits of chocolate sponge cake, I know I’m not supposed to have; but luckily Toni was in such a trance about this date of hers, dietary rules and regulations were temporarily abandoned. From my vantage point there were all kinds of tasty treats sitting on the worktops which, sadly, I could only muse about getting my paws on and pearly whites into: meaty items and chocolaty things of all shapes and sizes; crispy, swirly things and small buns with smooth white icing and cherries on the top… yum… yum! Finally, after a lot of toing and froing, nervous humming and seemingly endless preparations of one sort or another, which all made me feel quite dizzy and thankful I was not a human, the doorbell rang. The moment had come and, with it, the mysterious guy who was to be my Toni’s date.

    The first seconds went according to plan. Sally and her boyfriend, Derek, bestowed on me the expected treats, and a generous supply for days to come, and I allowed them to breeze into my castle. My curious eyes flitted to, and rested on, the stranger standing boldly before me. My shrewd eyes rose from his shiny black shoes, up his well creased trousers and well cut jacket, to his empty hands and there they rested. Not a treat in sight; not one solitary morsel or whiff of one. My puzzled eyes tarried there; but it was no use, even I could see that no treats were going to magically appear. The small-minded guy had not bothered to bring me one measly morsel of anything. My despondent lingering eyes narrowed a degree, still hoping against fast diminishing hope that, somewhere in his pockets, there would be something for me, anything would do; after all, beggars can’t be choosers at this juncture a tasty marrowbone or a chocolate doggie treat, even a piece of any flavour cheese would be acceptable; but no, nothing appeared. The dastardly guy just stood and blatantly stared down at me as if I was an annoying fly and his lips, to my complete incredulity, dared to break out into a smirk, and what an ugly smirk it was, while I stood perfectly still and waited, in vain, for him to conjure up a treat.

    Time told me this was not going to happen. With a deflated heart, and the sound of a rumbling tummy, I bitterly swallowed the juices that had gathered in hopeful expectation in my mouth, and stared unblinkingly at this abominable creature and wondered how he had the audacity to behave in such an unforgivable manner in the presence of royalty. After long seconds of torturous pondering on the matter, my disappointed eyes flitted to Toni and, instantly, my heart turned into a block of ice; for, would you believe, her eyes had come alive with a life and sparkle I had never seen before. My Toni had fallen in love, before my very eyes, with this fellow

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