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Icebound In The Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition
Icebound In The Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition
Icebound In The Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition
Ebook404 pages5 hours

Icebound In The Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition

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About this ebook

Captain Francis Crozier was a major figure in 19th century Arctic and Antarctic exploration who led the doomed Franklin Expedition's battle to survive against the odds. It is a compelling story which refuses to be laid to rest and recent discovery of his lost ships above the Arctic Circle gives it a new urgency.  
The ships may hold vital clues to how two navy vessels and 129 men disappeared 170 years ago and why Crozier, in command after Franklin's early death, left the only written clue to the biggest disaster in Polar history.
Drawn from historic records and modern revelations, this is the only comprehensive account of Crozier's extraordinary life. It is a tale of a great explorer, a lost love affair and an enduring mystery.  
Crozier's epic story began comfortably in Banbridge, Co Down and involved six gruelling expeditions on three of the 19th century's great endeavours – navigating the North West Passage, reaching the North Pole and mapping Antarctica. But it ended in disaster.
Release dateApr 12, 2021
Icebound In The Arctic: The Mystery of Captain Francis Crozier and the Franklin Expedition

Michael Smith

Michael Smith is an award-winning British journalist and author, having previously served in British military intelligence. He has written for the Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Times, and is the author of fifteen books on spies and special operations, including the No 1 bestseller Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park. He lives in Henley-on-Thames.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The story mostly revolves around the under-recognized explorer, Francis Crozier, an Irishman and member of the Royal Navy, who during the 19th century made over 5 polar expeditions. Crozier’s character was discussed at some length, fairly and without a great deal of partiality though it had been suggested that he didn't take the place he deserved in Arctic exploration history because of his humble beginnings. Franklin, on the other hand, was almost Crozier's exact opposite. Franklin’s various ventures had never ended well, and although genial, friendly and popular he was clearly not the seaman that Crozier was, his Arctic experience was woefully out of date, and he was an overweight 59 years old, which was years older than 59 would be considered today. It seems, as the author writes, that Franklin was given command of the expedition because everyone "felt sorry" for him following his unpleasant time and unfair treatment as Governor of Tasmania, combined with the relentless lobbying of his formidable wife. I think she just wanted him out of her way. Another individual was given the task of choosing the crew and outfitting the ship which turned out to be a very bad choice when he appointed Franklin as second in command. Over the nearly 180 years the "WHAT IF'S" have made more than one round though several generations of seamen. Would things have turned out different if Crozier had had more command and authority, or if a different route had been chosen? We will never know. Papers found later described all the trouble they ran into with the storms and the ice, the damage to one of the supply ships that had to be cut loose. Fritzjames, the man allowed to pick the crew and set the route had no Arctic experience whatsoever and neither did most of the men he chose. Can we say, "disaster going somewhere to happen"? The reader will find no stunning insights because Crozier wasn't a man to leave emotional materials behind, but the author did his homework and gathered enough of his letters and traces that we can get a genuine feel for the man. Although I watched The Terror when it was televised, this book is as far from my reading interest as the Earth is from the sun...but I found that I truly enjoyed the adventure and seeing Francis Crozier get his well-earned rewards even if they were over 100 years late.

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Icebound In The Arctic - Michael Smith

‘A rarity in polar biography: a page-turner’

Arctic Book Review

‘Wonderfully detailed and graphic account’

Irish Examiner

‘A welcome addition to the polar library’

Sunday Business Post

‘[Michael Smith] is consolidating a reputation as champion of those unsung heroes who deserve greater recognition than history had given them’

Irish Independent

‘A riveting read’

Newry Reporter


This book is dedicated to those who mean most to me:

Barbara, Daniel, Nathan, Lucy and Zoe.



This book could not have been written without the help and support of a large number of people, and I am extremely grateful to all those whose assistance has made it pos­sible to chronicle the life of Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier. Any omissions are unin­tentional.

Special mention should go first to those members of the Crozier family who gave me valuable support and every encouragement to write this biography. They willingly provided documents and detailed knowledge about the family and its most famous son. I extend my sincere thanks to Carol Crozier, James Crozier and John Crozier for their help and much-appreciated kindness, and to Rodney Freeburn who has been of considerable assistance. In particular, I am deeply indebted to Martin Crozier, who generously and enthusiastically shared his unrivalled knowledge of the Crozier lineage and who was a constant source of assistance. Sincere thanks.

The people of Banbridge – the birthplace of Francis Crozier – are evidently very proud of their close association with such an illustrious figure, and the town’s pride was reflected in the warmth of my reception and the support I received during my research. Personal thanks must go to Jason Diamond of Banbridge Genealogy Services, whose help and co-operation have been invaluable. His thoughtful contributions at the outset were very important to my research and I owe him a great deal. Mention must also be made of Evelyn Hanna and the staff of Banbridge Library, who were always helpful and generous with access to the archives and with local knowledge. I also acknowledge the assistance of Lissa O’Malley at Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.

I am grateful to Brenda Collins of the Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum and Berni Campbell of Central Library, Letterkenny. I am particularly indebted to the late Shirley Sawtell for her patient endeavours on my behalf in the library of the Scott Polar Research Institute and to Robert Headland, former archivist, for access to the Institute’s archives.

I would also like to acknowledge the obliging archivists and other staff at Ballynahinch Library; Berkshire Record Office; British Library; National Archives; Mike Bevan, David Taylor and Barbara Tomlinson and staff at the National Maritime Museum; National Portrait Gallery; Public Record Office Northern Ireland; Mary Chibnall in the library of the Royal Astronomical Society; Julie Carrington and staff at the Royal Geographical Society; Matthew Sheldon, head of research collections at the Royal Naval Museum; Royal Society; Dr Norman Reid, keeper of manuscripts at St Andrew’s University; and the Archive Office of Tasmania; Alan Derbyshire at the Victoria & 6Albert Museum Conservation Department; Emma Dadson of Harwell Restoration; Zoe Reid, Senior Conservator at the National Archives of Ireland; Paul Cook, Senior Paper Conservator at the Royal Museums Greenwich.

I received valuable assistance from John Hagan, a native of Banbridge now living in Tasmania. He gave me important advice and valued help in researching and under­standing the association between Francis Crozier and Tasmania. I must also thank Doris Hagan for her contribution.

Frank Nugent – a member of the first Irish party to sail the North West Passage – was a generous and considerate supporter of this book. I will always be grateful to him for his unselfish assistance and willingness to share his considerable knowledge of Ireland’s long involvement in polar exploration.

I must place on record my gratitude to Ryan Harris, Head of Survey for the Under­water Archaeology Team at Parks Canada who generously shared his time and special­ist knowledge of the search for Erebus and Terror. His insight and first-hand experi­ence were hugely important to understanding the modern-day challenge of locating the ships, and I am grateful.

My thanks must also go to Regina Koellner, an enthusiastic and generous supporter of Francis Crozier, who was always ready to help with constructive and valuable sug­gestions. Crozier himself would have been impressed with her passionate commit­ment to his story. I am also grateful to Russell Potter, an authority on Arctic explora­tion, who was generous with his knowledge. I am also indebted for the helpful advice I received from Dr Jim McAdam, David Murphy, Maria Pia Casarini, Louie Emerson and Horace Reid.

Where possible, I have identified all known sources of the material used in this book and provided full accreditation where it can be properly established. I have also made every reasonable effort to trace copyright holders of documents and photographs. Any omissions are unintentional and I would be pleased to correct any errors or oversights.

I owe a special debt of gratitude to Joe O’Farrell, a learned and inquisitive observer of polar history, who generously read the manuscript and provided much thoughtful and constructive advice. Thanks, Joe.

It would not have been possible to write this book without the astute involvement of my two sons, Daniel and Nathan, whose skill and patience in handling my inces­sant requests for assistance with modern technology has been invaluable. Without their calming influence, this book might well have been written with a quill and ink.

Finally, I must say a huge personal thanks to Barbara, my wife. She was unwaver­ingly supportive and patient, and these few lines can never fully express my deep gratitude.


Title Page




Introduction: Pointing the Way

Chapter 1: A Bond with History

Chapter 2: To the Arctic

Chapter 3: Seizing the Moment

Chapter 4: A Promise

Chapter 5: Fatal Errors

Chapter 6: Wreck of Fury

Chapter 7: North Pole

Chapter 8: Arctic Rescue

Chapter 9: South

Chapter 10: Flirting with Love

Chapter 11: An Epic Voyage

Chapter 12: Dangerous Waters

Chapter 13: Trembling Hands

Chapter 14: ‘I Am Not Equal to the Hardship’

Chapter 15: A Sense of Tragedy

Chapter 16: North West Passage

Chapter 17: Ice

Chapter 18: ‘No Cause for Alarm’

Chapter 19: Breakout

Chapter 20: A Slow Execution

Chapter 21: Unsolved Mystery

Chapter 22: Last Man Standing?

Chapter 23: A Fitting Memorial

Chapter 24: Lost and Found

Appendix: Francis Crozier: A Chronology




About the Author


Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, explorer, sailor and scientist.



In general, the terminology in use during the nineteenth century is employed in this book and where necessary, the modern version is also included. For example, Van Diemen’s Land refers to Tasmania (in use after 1855) and I have generally used Great Fish River or Back’s Great Fish River which was in use at the time and is today known as Back River.

The question as to how to refer to the native people of the Canadian Arctic during the age of exploration is difficult. Although the most acceptable term today is ‘Inuit’, the term ‘Eskimo’ (or ‘Esquimaux’) was commonly used during the nineteenth century, when most events in this book took place. For the purposes of this book, I use Inuit and only employ Eskimo where it comes from a direct quotation or reference. Alternatively, significant events in this book occurred around King William Island which is called ‘Qikiqtaq’ in the Inuktitut language. For simplicity, I refer to King William Island which was in widespread use at the time. No discourtesy is intended.

The punctuation, spelling and grammar used in original quotations are faithfully repeated, however erratic they may be.

Temperatures are shown in Fahrenheit with conversion into Celsius and weights are generally given in imperial measure with approximate metric conversions. Distances are usually given in statute miles with rough conversion to kilometres. Data from the UK National Archives and the Bank of England provide an approximation of the current purchasing power of past monetary values.



Pointing the Way

In April 1848, Captain Francis Crozier, by then in command of the largest expedition ever sent to discover the North West Passage, scribbled a nine-word message on a scrap of paper, signed his name and placed the note in a tin cannister before vanishing into the Arctic wilderness. Crozier’s note was discovered eleven years later, and for the next 160 years explorers, scientists and enthusiasts followed the clues he left in an attempt to solve the mystery of what lay behind the biggest disaster in the history of polar exploration.

The most significant breakthrough has come in recent years with the remarkable discovery of the expedition ships, Erebus and Terror, lying in shallow waters above the Arctic Circle. Crozier did not launch the crusade for clues, but his message sent the crusaders in the right direction.

The precise wording of Crozier’s message was: ‘And start on tomorrow 26th for Backs Fish River.’ Although ambiguous and lacking much detail, the note at least revealed Crozier’s intentions and gave generations a clear indication of where to search in the vast, scarcely populated Arctic wastelands stretching for at least 800,000 square miles (over 2,000,000 square kilometres).

The crucial document, which was found in 1859, was a regulation navy 12 form traditionally left to indicate a vessel’s geographic position to those sent in search of a missing ship. Most of the words added to the printed document were written in the margins by the captain of Erebus, James Fitzjames, who outlined past events, such as the party’s geographical position at the time of abandoning the ships and news of the expedition leader, Sir John Franklin’s, death.

Crozier’s short message, which is squeezed into a corner of the document and appears almost as an afterthought, is the only surviving written clue to the expedition’s plans for escape. Due to the lack of space, he wrote the short message upside down in the corner of the document.

It was a pivotal discovery which sent generations to the barren area along the western and southern coasts of King William Island, leading to a trail of skeletons, scattered debris and ultimately the wrecks of Erebus and Terror. One authority said it was ‘the most evocative document in the long history of Western exploration of the Arctic regions’.

The unfortunate venture is generally known as the Franklin Expedition after Sir John Franklin, who was appointed as leader at the outset. However, Franklin had died a year before Crozier wrote his terse message. While Franklin led his men into the jaws of the ice, the responsibility for leading them out fell into the hands of Captain Crozier.

The search which followed was extraordinary by any standards. The North West Passage expedition initially left London in May 1845 and was last seen on the edge of Baffin Bay in July of the same year, with all 129 on board Erebus and Terror reportedly in good spirits. The first relief expeditions were sent north in 1848 and over the next few years around forty ships combed the labyrinth of Arctic waterways in a vain attempt to trace the missing men. The official naval search ended in 1854, nine years after the expedition sailed, and the privately financed Fox expedition under the leadership of Leopold McClintock discovered the document and Crozier’s key message in 1859.

McClintock’s return was the signal for the start of an unprecedented quest 13to uncover what happened to Crozier and his party. Over the next 160 years, at least fifty official and unofficial expeditions ventured into the Arctic, hoping to solve the mystery or to retrieve scattered relics from the snow. The true number of searches is impossible to calculate because so many private groups travelled unannounced to the area. However, more parties went in search of the dead than were ever sent to find the living.

A breakthrough was achieved in 2014 and 2016 when specialist teams found the expedition’s ships, Erebus and Terror, on the sea floor in remote waters above the Arctic Circle. Experts believe the hugely significant discoveries will go a long way towards answering many questions and are eagerly analysing the large variety of objects already retrieved from the depths.

However, locating the ships is only the first stage of a long and complex process. Assorted relics like the ship’s bell from Erebus, Victorian era scientific instruments and discarded clothing and shoes were the first objects recovered. But the biggest prizes yet to be claimed are the expedition’s logbooks, charts and even personal letters which experts believe have survived decades under water and can be safely reclaimed for historians to pore over and analyse. Overall, the full investigation of the secrets kept by Erebus and Terror will take at least ten years or possibly more.

It will also provide an important opportunity to explore the remarkable story of Captain Crozier, particularly as there was considerably more to Crozier’s life than an unrecorded death somewhere in the Arctic.

Crozier was among the most prolific and under-valued explorers of the age. He entered the navy as a child, survived the brutal Napoleonic War and emerged to sail with great distinction on six expeditions to the ice in an outstanding naval career lasting almost forty years. Crozier was deeply involved in the nineteenth century’s three great endeavours of maritime discovery – navigating the North West Passage, reaching the North Pole and mapping Antarctica. Only Crozier’s great friend, Sir James Clark Ross braved more polar expeditions. 14

There is a perception that all the great stories from the history of polar exploration involve the outstanding figures of the ‘heroic age’ of Antarctic discovery in the early twentieth century, such as Roald Amundsen, Tom Crean, Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton. All are rightly saluted for their memorable exploits, yet to focus entirely on this era would be mistaken. There are other half-forgotten explorers who made history and yet have been neglected by history. Such a man was Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier.

Francis Crozier, who sprang from an old-established Irish family over 200 years ago, was the pioneer whose voyages opened the doors of the Arctic and Antarctic for the more recognised figures who followed in his wake. For example, the destination in The Worst Journey in the World, the famous book about a hazardous journey to Cape Crozier during Captain Scott’s last expedition in 1911, was discovered by Crozier and Ross in 1841. Other landmarks familiar to readers of Antarctic history – McMurdo Sound, Ross Island, Mount Erebus and the Great Ice Barrier (now Ross Ice Shelf) where Scott died – were discovered and named by Crozier and Ross sixty years before Scott and Shackleton landed on the continent.

As one of the few early explorers to venture into both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, it might be assumed Crozier would be known from pole to pole for his accomplishments. But fame and recognition have eluded him. He was a modest, unassuming man who somehow never strayed into the limelight and received limited reward for his prodigious efforts. He was honest, dependable and without a hint of vanity, although he never rose above the rank of Captain.

Unlike others, Crozier was never asked to write a book about his voyages and adventures in places which others could only dream of visiting. Sadly, he did not live long enough to enjoy a peaceful retirement, writing his memoirs and savouring a little of the limelight. Alone among the era’s renowned circle of polar explorers in the first half of the nineteenth century – including Back, Franklin, Parry, Richardson and Ross – Crozier did not receive a knighthood for his great endeavours.

15 Crozier faded from history in the years after his death. Only the assiduous efforts of a hard core of admirers, particularly around his hometown of Banbridge, County Down, have kept the memory of Francis Crozier alive. The towering Crozier monument in the centre of Banbridge is a permanent reminder of this regard.

I have always nursed a fondness for the unsung hero, the neglected individual whose character and achievements are underestimated or have been overlooked by history. It was this curious fascination that led me to write the first biography of the indestructible Irish polar explorer, Tom Crean. The title, An Unsung Hero, seemed singularly appropriate.

Crozier is another unsung hero. He was an exceptional explorer poorly treated by history, who deserves far wider recognition for accomplishments that would have been remarkable in any age of exploration. Helped by the new discovery of Erebus and Terror, we now have the perfect moment to re-open the file on Crozier.

This is the first comprehensive biography of Crozier and it has a simple aim: to place Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier among those exceptional individuals who shaped Arctic and Antarctic history.


Chapter 1

A Bond with History

The long line to Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier can be reliably traced back 600 years and with less certainty by a full 1,000 years. It is appropriate that a man who left such an indelible mark on history should emerge from a distinguished family whose fortunes over the centuries were intertwined with history itself.

Crozier’s earliest-known ancestors originated in France and later settled in England. Family members migrated to Ireland in the seventeenth century and created a dynasty of Irish Croziers whose most illustrious son was Francis Crozier.

The clue to his origins comes from the name ‘Crozier’ itself, which derives from the French word croise, meaning crusader. In Old French – in use up to the fourteenth century – the name was written Crocier, which is more akin to the present-day English spelling. Over the years, the family name has been variously spelt Croyser, Crozer, Croisier, Crosier and Croysier.

The ancestors of Francis Crozier were of Norman descent and first emerged when they joined the armies of William the Conqueror to invade England in the momentous year of 1066. After they defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings, large swathes of captured lands were given to William’s supporters, including Robert le Brus, who was to establish a line 18of Scottish kings. The Croziers were among the closest allies of le Brus, whose most notable descendant was Robert the Bruce, the Scottish king who triumphed over the English at Bannockburn in 1314.

Members of the Crozier family followed le Brus into newly acquired estates in the north of England and later settled along the notoriously volatile border between England and Scotland in the ancient county of Cumberland (now Cumbria). During the following centuries, generations of Croziers established themselves as landowners in Cumberland and in the fertile valleys alongside the Liddel and Teviot rivers to the south of the old Scottish town of Hawick.

Some Croziers were among the villainous freebooters – called ‘moss troopers’ – operating along the unruly frontier between England and Scotland, where robbery, kidnap and murder was rife. Sir Walter Scott’s classic poem Rokeby (1813) refers to an incident where ‘a band of moss-troopers of the name Crosier’ murdered a well-known landowner in the borders.¹

Others led a more peaceful existence, notably William Crozier, who was among the band of scholars credited with helping to create Scotland’s first university at St Andrew’s in 1411. Around this time emerged Nicholas Crozier, the man identified as the founder of the Irish strain of Croziers.

Nicholas moved from the Cumberland town of Cockermouth in the early 1420s to start a new life on farmlands at New Biggin near the small village of Heighington, County Durham. Over the years, the Heighington Croziers put together a sizeable estate of around 1,000 acres and built a fine home named Redworth Hall (a modernised Redworth Hall still stands on the site). It was from these roots set down by Nicholas Crozier in the fifteenth century that the Irish Croziers would emerge around 200 years later.

John Crozier, a seventeenth-century cavalry captain, was the first member of the family to settle in Ireland. He left the Durham estate in the early 1630s as part of Britain’s scheme to subdue Ireland through the mass plantation of Protestant settlers from Scotland and England into the province of Ulster, resulting in wholesale land seizures and a seismic shift 19in power away from the Catholic majority. The reverberations of the plantation are still felt to this day.

Captain Crozier was a member of the troops stationed at Dublin Castle to guard Sir Thomas Wentworth, the newly appointed Lord Deputy of Ireland. Wentworth, a key advisor to King Charles I and a ruthless reformer, was later created Lord Strafford and executed for treason in the sinister political struggles which led to the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642 and the rise to power of Oliver Cromwell.

Crozier, perhaps sensing the growing political turmoil and impending civil war in England, decided to remain in Ireland with his family and build a new life. His father, Nicholas Crozier, sold parcels of land from the family estate in Durham to pay for his son’s new home and within a century the Croziers owned more than 1,000 acres of prime land in the north of Ireland.

The Croziers were part of the large Presbyterian community that settled around the counties of Antrim and Down. They cemented their social status over the years with a succession of well-chosen marriages into other leading northern families, among them the Magills and Johnstons. At this time, a family motto was developed: Dilengta fortunae matrix; Hard work is the mother of success.

In 1692, Captain Crozier’s youngest son William moved to Gilford, County Down with his three sons, John, Samuel and William. Here, he bought a sizeable estate named Loughans from a local landowner, Sir John Magill. The property was later renamed Stramore (‘great valley’) and divided in two. The lowland portion, called Lower Stramore, was given to William’s second son, Samuel, while John, the eldest son of William Crozier, occupied the upland property to the northwest of Gilford, named Upper Stramore. An adjoining estate – The Parke – was purchased for the youngest son, William.

Among the direct descendants of the Croziers from Upper Stramore was Francis Crozier. Two years after moving to Upper Stramore, John 20Crozier married Mary Fraser, a member of the eminent Lovat family, one of Scotland’s oldest and wealthiest landowning dynasties. Like the Croziers, the Frasers are originally thought to have come to England with William the Conqueror.

John and Mary had eleven children; their ninth son, George, married Martha Ledlie of Ardboe, County Tyrone in 1742, and was Francis Crozier’s grandfather. The union of George and Martha yielded a family of six children.

The youngest son, also named George, married Jane Elliott Graham from Ballymoney Lodge in the small but rapidly developing nearby town of Banbridge, County Down. It was another fruitful marriage and George Crozier and his wife Jane produced a family of thirteen children – seven girls and six boys – including Francis Crozier.²

Francis Crozier was born into a prosperous, well-to-do family, led by his astute and enterprising father, George. He was a successful solicitor who manoeuvred the family away from its traditional sphere of property ownership and soldiering and built one of Ireland’s most successful legal practices. George Crozier was also a man who made the most of high-ranking friends and a generous slice of good fortune.

The key to his commercial success was a close association with the Marquis of Downshire and Lord Moira, the heads of two of the richest and most powerful landowning families in Ireland. George Crozier’s legal firm on occasions acted for both Downshire and Moira, links which provided an entrée into the upper reaches of Irish society and, with it, affluence. The bonds were strengthened in later years when George’s son Thomas assumed control of the business and became renowned as Downshire’s solicitor in Ireland.

The Croziers’ association with the Downshire and Moira families went back almost 200 years. The Downshire line in Ireland was established by Moyses Hill, an Elizabethan soldier who came from Devon in 1573. The Hills later acquired estates at Cromlyn – from the Irish cromghlin (‘crooked glen’) – to the south of Belfast and subsequently became close neighbours of the early Croziers. Wills Hill, the first Marquis of Downshire, built the historic Hillsborough Castle in the ‘crooked glen’ almost two centuries after the arrival of Moyses Hill.21

Ireland (indicating Banbridge, County Down).

Banbridge, County Down.

22The Moira dynasty was established by Major George Rawdon, a soldier from Yorkshire who sailed to Ireland in the 1630s with Captain John Crozier and who settled at Moira on Down’s border with Antrim, a few miles to the north of the flourishing Crozier estates at Stramore. By the late eighteenth century, George Crozier’s circle of friends included Francis Rawdon, the second Earl of Moira, the distinguished soldier and colonial statesman who later became Lord Hastings.

Apart from powerful friends, George Crozier also had abundant good fortune on his side thanks to the rapid emergence of the

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