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A Cocktail Of Sin: The Forked Tail, #3.5
A Cocktail Of Sin: The Forked Tail, #3.5
A Cocktail Of Sin: The Forked Tail, #3.5
Ebook75 pages57 minutes

A Cocktail Of Sin: The Forked Tail, #3.5

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About this ebook

Angels and demons shouldn't mix, but that's what makes the drinks, and the romance, taste so good.

Sylvie has always liked a challenge, and when she runs into an angel at the bar where she's harvesting sin, she finds herself involved in the most fun one yet.

Teresa knows better than to mess with an envy demon, but there's something irresistible about Sylvie that she can't ignore.

Can they overcome their differences over a cocktail of sin?


A Cocktail Of Sin is a standalone story in the Forked Tail series, a light-hearted urban fantasy romance with angels, demons, cocktails, and an f/f romance.

PublisherVampari Press
Release dateMay 3, 2023
A Cocktail Of Sin: The Forked Tail, #3.5

Arizona Tape

Arizona Tape lives her dream life hanging out with her dog and writing stories all day.Her favourite books to write are urban fantasy and paranormal romances with queer leads, stories that she wished were around when she was younger.When she’s not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm in the kitchen, watching shows that make her cry, or trying her hand at her new hobby of the week.She currently lives in the United Kingdom with her girlfriend and her adorable dog who is the star of her newsletter. Sign up here for adorable pictures, free books, and news about her books: The AuthorFacebook Page: Group: books are available on all retailers and can be requested from most public libraries.

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    A Cocktail Of Sin - Arizona Tape



    Nothing smells quite like fresh envy.

    With a grin, I brushed my fingers through the woman’s aura, harvesting the green jealousy she was producing from watching the waitress flirt with her husband. Humans were so sinful, I didn’t even have to do anything to elicit these strong emotions from her.

    I returned to the bar with my palmful of green pearls and gave it a sniff, delighting in the sour smell. There was nothing quite like it.

    Hey, Sylvie. Having a good night? Jason asked as he dried a wine glass, gesturing to the powdered sin. Can I get you another drink?

    A margarita made with a good tequila, maybe Blue Moon or Three Deers. Hold the lime, please. And yes, it’s going well. Lots of jealous couples tonight. There always are on Saturdays.

    Saturday is date night, he replied, turning to make my drink. His reflection briefly shimmered and revealed his concealed red horns, not that any of the humans noticed. They never paid enough attention.

    Jason tossed a beer card on the bar and pushed a triangular glass towards me. I didn’t bother checking my surroundings while I deposited the sin into the cocktail. I gave it a swirl and took a sip, enjoying the salt on the rim and the sour tang of the booze. The envy went perfectly with it and took it from a mediocre drink to an outstanding one.

    Someone sat down on the stool next to me. Hello, Sylvie.

    Teresa. I acknowledged, taking another sip from my drink before turning to face her. Her blonde hair was styled into a wild pixie cut and her face looked all innocent, except for the sparkling mischief behind her glasses.

    She gave me a curious lopsided smile. It’s been a while. I thought maybe you moved to a different territory.

    No, I was on a holiday.

    Somewhere nice?

    The memories of my trip to cold Stockholm returned and I shivered. No.

    Well, you must be relieved to be back in town then. It’s nice to see you again.

    I’d say likewise but I’d be lying. Can’t you find another restaurant to eat at? I don’t want your practices to ruin my dinner.

    The angel chuckled, revealing teeth as pearly and white as the heavenly gates they bragged about. Well, I can’t help it that my lovely presence undoes the chaos you sow.

    Oh, drop the holier than thou act. I’ve seen you around before, I know you create just as much chaos. I remember you encouraging a woman to go all stalker on her wife once.

    Teresa’s innocent smile turned wicked. "Yes, but she didn’t take the bait and her faith was delicious. I savoured that all night long. Virtue tastes better when it has resisted the temptation of sin, you know."

    With a bemused smile, I sipped from my drink again and let my gaze travel over the diners at the tables, searching for my next target. My eye landed on a distraught woman that had been sitting at a table by herself and had already finished her second drink.

    Looked like someone got stood up.

    Lonely Girl is mine, I announced as I rose from my seat, mostly for Teresa’s benefit. I made my way over to the lonely woman. Hey, everything okay? You look upset.

    She looked up at me with a devastated look and faked a smile. Hi, yes, I’m fine.

    You don’t look fine. I sat down opposite the woman. Did you get stood up?

    Is it that obvious?


    I gave her a practised compassionate smile. I’m sorry to hear that. My date didn’t show either.

    Really? Lonely Girl took another look at me and scoffed. Men are idiots.

    I was waiting for a woman, actually, I lied, holding out my hand. I’m Sylvie.

    Dana. I want to be upfront though and let you know I’m not interested in women.

    With a chuckle, I waved her concerns away. Humans were so simple, sometimes. Don’t worry, I’m not looking for anything like that. I just thought we could commiserate together.

    That’s sweet but I should probably head home instead of continuing to wallow in my humiliation.

    Wallow? No, girl, no. You can’t let a man do that to you. I waved a waitress over. We need more drinks over here.

    Ah, what the hell. You’re right. I’m not going to cry over some stupid guy. Lonely Girl sat up a little straighter. Another glass of Prosecco. No, you know what, I’ll have something stronger. Tequila.

    Now you’re speaking my language. I stifled a grin, trying to hide my excitement over picking such an easily persuadable target. There was a fine line between influencing a human’s action and merely evoking what was already there, and the difference showed

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