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Ebook58 pages39 minutes


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Little Red Riding Hood told the witch that she needed to jump over a well three times while saying a particular phrase. The witch was so eager to turn into a deer that she did as Little Red Riding Hood said. As soon as the witch


But the story was interrupted by the sudden arrival – appearing in thin air – of a deer into the classroom. The door of the classroom was open, and the deer, frightened, ran out of the room and down the hall, where it could be heard escaping out of the school building.

The class fell silent.

"So you see," said Mr. Dinsdale, "the story of the little red riding hood can be interpreted in many ways."

The class nodded their heads in agreement.

"But what do we think?" asked Miss Bunch.


"Wait, WAIT!" cried the boy at the back of the class again. "She had two sisters, and weren't they dead?"

"You're confusing this with the other fairy tale. Stay on track."

"Geez they're all so BORING. It's hard to stay AWAKE."

"What is your name?"

The class groaned. They all shouted "Malavak!" just before he said it as well,


His name was Malavak.

Release dateMar 12, 2023

Matti Charlton

Matti Charlton is writer, designer and recording artist. They live in Toronto, Canada with their service dog, Quentin.Matti is autistic, queer and transgender and writes passionately about social issues and modern technology; most recently, with their book "Homelessness broke ChatGPT" casting a critical eye on the bias of the popular AI software. Matti has also written several children's books and young adult novels.Matti is an advocate for trans issues, mental health and poverty, especially homelessness and addiction.Matti's career has spanned a wide range of disciplines, from software development and art direction to fashion design, music production and writing. In 2023, they published their 12th album of electronic pop music, "Almost", and their first fiction novel "Dendrome".Matti created the first transgender-owned underwear company in the world, Retromatti Athletics, in 2014, manufacturing the entire line from their apartment in downtown Toronto. The company expanded to provide digital artwork to craft makers during COVID-19.Matti's website: Facebook: Instagram:'s books:'s music:'s online business:

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    Book preview

    Malavak - Matti Charlton


    Also by Matti Charlton


    The Actor

    The History Of The Music Industry

    The History Of The Music Industry: 1991 to 2022

    The History Of The Music Industry: 1970 to 1990

    The History Of The Music Industry: 1950 to 1969

    The History Of The Music Industry: 1930 to 1949

    The History Of The Music Industry: 1910 to 1929


    A Stop Wise Clover For Gorgo's Wife



    The Ballast Boy

    Ghosts of the CN Tower

    Cip & Margot

    Homelessness Broke ChatGPT

    Early Short Stories 1996-1997

    The Last Resort, or How To Make It In the Music Industry

    Alex & Mrs. Lee

    The Authority and Responsibilities of the Mayor of Toronto

    AI Software Wrote This Book: A Fiction Of Non-Fiction By A Computer

    Tiny Homes for Tent Encampment Residents in the City of Toronto

    Maybe Ghost Stories

    Matti Charlton: The Complete Poetry Collection

    Matti Charlton - Toronto Mayoral Election Campaign Writings May 2023


    matti charlton


    matti charlton

    Copyright ©2023 matti charlton


    Tales 1

    Sisters 9

    More Tales 15

    Malavak 23

    The Unmentioned 27

    He Leaps 35

    Land Of Confusion 39

    A Gasp 47

    About Time 55

    The Decision 61

    Training 69

    Non Sequitoriarama 81

    Malavak, LandLubber 85

    From Taunt To Tusk 95

    Pull This Lever 101

    In A Flash 107

    Run 113

    I Know You Are There 117

    Dedication Page

    This is paragraph one of the dedication text on the dedication page.

    This is paragraph two of the dedication text on the dedication page.

    This is the author thanking a list of people: Person One, Person Two, Dog Person Three, Etc.

    Copyright ©2023 matti charlton.

    originally written wednesday the 1st day

    of march in the common year of 2023.

    written from the city of toronto,

    in the country of canada, on planet earth.


    Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl who loved to wear a red riding hood. One day, her mother asked her to take a basket of food to her sick grandmother, who lived on the other side of the forest.

    As Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the woods, a sly wolf approached her and asked where she was going. Innocently, she told him that she was going to her grandmother's house. The wolf asked where her grandmother lived, and Little Red Riding Hood innocently gave him directions.

    The wolf raced ahead of Little Red Riding Hood and arrived at the grandmother's house first. He ate the grandmother and put on her clothes and climbed into her bed, pretending to be her. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf tried to trick her into coming closer so he could eat her too. However, Little Red Riding Hood was clever and noticed that her grandmother looked very strange. She asked the wolf why her grandmother had such big ears, eyes, and teeth, and the wolf revealed his true identity and attacked Little Red Riding Hood.

    Fortunately, a hunter was passing by and heard the commotion. He rushed in and saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother by killing the wolf.

    The moral of the story is to be careful of strangers

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