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Clawed: The Spy Cat
Clawed: The Spy Cat
Clawed: The Spy Cat
Ebook97 pages47 minutes

Clawed: The Spy Cat

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The Kid just wants to start summer vacation and sleep.


But suddenly, a cat literally drops from the sky. Not just any cat, but a supercat with some very large claws, who turns out to be super intelligent, snarky, and...a spy!


You name him "Clawed" and before you know it, you're off on the adventure of your lifetime: you get an invitation from The President himself to help solve the Cabinet Cats' mysterious disappearance. But not before the President's daughter gets kidnapped, along with her cat. The Kid and Clawed team up and a good thing too as the perpetrator is none other than Jacques, a bionic rat with evil intentions, and an old friend/foe of Clawed. The outcome hinges on whether Clawed can overcome his urge to nap, and if he can win the the fight with Jacques. Will The Kid and Clawed save the cats and the President's bossy daughter? Will Clawed learn how not to pick his nose? 

Release dateMar 29, 2023
Clawed: The Spy Cat

Emme Klama

Emme Klama is a multi-genre writer watching the fog roll in on little cat feet in San Francisco. She loves creating stories that empower kids to believe that the future holds potential for astonishing solutions to make the impossible real.  Sage Pineblossom is her first kid’s book, a fun collaboration with Dave Levine - her son. 

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    Book preview

    Clawed - Emme Klama

    Clawed: The Spy Cat…To Andy…

    Chapter One

    We meet the Tasmanian devil


    Who am I?


    I’m a kid, just a kid.

    My name is Reese, but people call me Kid.

    More than that, I really can’t say.


    Because it’s a secret.

    Not just any old secret, like you would tell your friend. This is top secret.

    But I can tell you this.

    It all began when I just started my summer vacation. School was finally over, and it was a hot day, the kind where even the yellow jackets took off their jackets.

    My parents had just dropped me off at summer camp.

    Um, yeah, about my parents? I can’t really tell you what they do because they won’t even tell me. Not directly. Something to do with the government? That’s all I know. Well that, and it’s top secret. Okay, so I do think they are spies. Like, check this, they have amazing skills, like they are expert in martial arts, they have tons of tech toys (which they sometimes let me actually play with), they take frequent trips where I can’t even talk to them (but I have my Gramps and Me-maw).

    My parents had signed me up for Camp Goomie Goochie, which is right across the way from Camp IGottaItch.

    I had been to camp a couple of times already, but I’d never been to this particular camp before. So the prospect of hanging out with new friends, relaxing under the stars, and eating a gazillion s’mores sounded like fun. The camp also had a ton of activities, stuff I usually don’t do, like dirt biking, zip lining, rock climbing and drone flying. Plus they had animals. Did I mention I love animals? What’s not to like about horses, goats and chickens?

    My parents said, it would be good for me to explore and find out if I like stuff other than video games. I kinda did not want to go, I mean, I could have stayed home, slept and well, ate snacks. But, on the other hand, I kinda did, as I was curious about doing semi-dangerous things. I do have an adventurous side. Sort of like my parents I guess. But for some reason, I was a bit nervous about it, not knowing what was going to happen and all. Plus, I had to get up early, ugh, not really my thing.

    After a few days off to catch up on my sleep and do nothing (ahhhhh), there was a good sendoff, my parents weren’t there, natch, but Gramps and Me-Maw were, and they gave me a goodie bag for the bus ride with all my favorite treats: sushi, strawberries, and those Japanese chocolate cookies that look like mushrooms. All the main food groups, yum!

    The trip took several hours, but I arrived just in time for lunch. After a really yummy meal of burgers, fries and a milk shake (I do like to eat!), I went out for a walk around the grounds. It felt good to stretch my legs, and the air smelled like toasted pine needles.

    I took off for a quick hike up the hill to try to get my bearings and maybe check to see if I could get a WiFi connection.

    So I’m sitting there, all alone, deep into my video game, when all of a sudden, I hear a loud BAM! - followed by a whistling noise up in the sky.

    I press a button on my phone, and two lenses pop up, instant binoculars (a gift from the ‘rents). I see what looks like someone falling from the sky, and what looks like a small airplane on fire falling a ways off down the valley.

    The person, well, this person looked very strange, for one thing, he looked like he had a...tail? Or maybe that was just a cord?

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