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Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter
Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter
Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter
Ebook274 pages2 hours

Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter

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About this ebook

"Mastering Go Network Administration" is a structured beginning for network administrators looking to improve network efficiency, scalability, and security. This book provides a one-stop solution for all of your network administration needs, with comprehensive coverage of automation, security, containerization,

Release dateMar 13, 2023
Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter

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    Book preview

    Mastering Go Network Automation - Ian Taylor

    Mastering Go Network Automation

    Mastering Go Network Automation

    Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter

    Ian Taylor



    Chapter 1: Go Essentials for Networks

    Why Go for Networking?


    Features of Networking

    Overview of Network Automation

    Understanding Data Types


    Numeric Types

    All about Loops!

    For Loop

    While Loop

    Range Loop

    Infinite Loop

    Nested Loop

    Early Exit

    Continue Statement

    Exploring Functions

    Defining Functions

    Calling Functions

    Return Values

    Multiple Return Values

    Variadic Functions

    Anonymous Functions

    File Handling in Go

    Creating a File

    Opening a File

    Writing to a File

    Reading from a File

    Appending to a File

    Deleting a File

    Go Modules

    What is a Module?

    Creating a Module

    Adding Dependencies

    Managing Dependencies

    Using a Module

    Publishing a Module

    My First Go Script


    Chapter 2: Setting Up Network Automation Environment

    Components of a Network Automation Lab

    Virtualization Environment

    Network Devices

    Configuration Management

    Monitoring and Logging

    Testing Framework

    Scripting and Automation


    Install EVE-NG Network Simulator

    Download EVE-NG Community Edition

    Install Dependencies

    Install EVE-NG

    Configure EVE-NG

    Import EVE-NG Images

    Create a Network Topology

    Configure the Devices

    Save and Export the Topology

    Install Go for Network Automation Lab

    Download Go

    Install Go

    Verify Go Installation

    Set up a Go Workspace

    Test the Go Installation

    Install Vim IDE

    Install Vim

    Install Vundle

    Configure Vim

    Install Plugins

    Configure Plugins

    Configure Go Networking Libraries

    Import the Net Package

    Create a TCP Listener

    Create a UDP Connection

    Use the HTTP Package

    Use the SSH Package

    Configure Ports with Go

    Import os/exec Package

    Use exec.Command Function

    Use exec.Output Function

    Use os/exec Package to Configure Ports

    Use os Package to Configure Ports


    Chapter 3: Configuring Modern Networks

    Components of Modern Networks




    Types of Networks

    Configure Hosts

    Import os/exec Package

    Use exec.Command Function to Run Command

    Use exec.Output Function to Capture Output

    Use os/exec Package to Configure Multiple Hosts

    Use os Package to Configure Hosts

    Configure Servers

    Import os/exec Package

    Use exec.Command Function to Run Command

    Use exec.Output Function to Capture Output

    Use os/exec Package to Configure Multiple Servers

    Use os Package to Configure Servers

    Configure Network Encryption

    Import crypto/tls Package

    Use tls.Dial Function to Create TLS Connection

    Use tls.Listen Function to Listen TLS Connections

    Use tls.Config Struct to Configure TLS Connection

    Use crypto/rand Package to Generate Random Numbers

    Use crypto/tls Package to Create Self-Signed Certificate

    Verify the TLS Connection

    Test Simulator, Ports, Hosts and Server

    Testing the Simulator

    Testing Installed Libraries

    Testing Ports

    Testing Hosts

    Testing Servers


    Chapter 4: Write, Test and Validate Automation Scripts

    Understanding Go Network Automation Scripts

    Procedure to Code Network Automation Scripts

    Ways to Write Automation Scripts

    Write, Test and Validate Automation Scripts

    Define Scope of Script

    Install Required Libraries

    Write Codes

    Test the Script

    Validate the Script

    Iterate and Improve the Script

    Document the Script

    Define Variables for Automation Scripts

    Declare the Variable

    Initialize the Variable

    Use the Variable

    Sample Program to Define Variables

    Automate Configuring Host Name

    Import Required Packages

    Define Connection Parameters

    Establish SSH Connection

    Send Commands to Device

    Test and Validate the Code

    Testing Automation Script in Test Environment

    Set up a Test Environment

    Copy Automation Code to Test Environment

    Test the Code

    Sample Program of Testing Automation Script in Test Environment

    Debug Errors in Testing

    Install Go Debugger

    Add Breakpoints to Code

    Run the Code with Debugger

    Inspect Program's State

    Continue Execution

    Validate Automation Scripts in Production

    Prepare the Production Environment

    Build and Package the Code

    Copy Binary to Production Device

    Run the Code on Production Device

    Verify the Configuration Changes

    Repeat Steps 1-5 for Each Device


    Chapter 5: Automation of Configuration Management

    Neccessity of Configuration Management


    Benefits of Configuration Management

    Role of Go in Configuration Management

    Server Provisioning with Puppet and Go

    Install Puppet on Server(s)

    Apply Puppet Manifest to Server(s)

    Automation of System Settings

    Importing Necessary Packages

    Defining Function to Set Timezone

    Calling the Function

    Building and Running the Program

    Automating the Process

    Modify Base Configurations

    Identify Base Configurations to Modify

    Write the Go Script

    Apply the Changes

    Verify the Changes

    Automating System Identification

    Install Puppet and Go

    Define Puppet Manifests

    Write Go Scripts

    Run the Go Script

    Automating System Patches and Updates

    Create New Directory for Project

    Initialize New Go Module in Directory

    Create New Go File ‘main.go’ and Import Necessary Packages

    Create Puppet Manifest ‘patching.pp’ to Manage Go Code

    Apply the Puppet Manifest

    Identifying Unstable and Non-compliant Configuration

    Install InSpec

    Create an InSpec Profile

    Define Policies and Rules

    Run InSpec Audit

    Integrate with Go


    Chapter 6: Networking with Container and Docker

    Understanding Docker and Containers


    Role of Go in Containerization

    Installing Docker

    Building Docker Images

    Install Docker

    Create a Dockerfile

    Build the Docker Image

    Verify the Docker Image

    Running Containers

    Create a Go Program

    Build the Docker Image using Dockerfile

    Run the Docker Container

    Automate Container Operations

    Install Docker and Docker Compose

    Define the Container Configurations

    Build and Start the Containers

    Test the Running Containers

    Stop and Remove the Containers

    Managing Container Networks

    Need of Container Networking

    Managing Containers using Docker CLI


    Chapter 7: Orchestrating Containers and Automating Workloads

    Networking for Container Workloads

    Understanding Container Scheduling

    Container Scheduling Techniques

    Role of Networking Automation for Containers

    Service Discovery

    Automating Service Discovery with Zookeeper

    Understanding Service Discovery

    Practical Demonstration to Automate Service Discovery

    Essentials of Load Balancers

    Add or Remove Servers using Traefik

    Understanding Traefik

    Procedure to Add/Remove Servers from Load Balancers

    Configure Load Balancing Algorithms


    Chapter 8: Automate SSL, Container-native Storage and Performance

    SSL Security Protocol

    Automate Setting Up SSL Certificates

    Install and Import Necessary Libraries

    Create New HTTPS Server

    Generate Self-signed SSL Certificate

    Container-native Storage

    Manage Container Storage using Docker

    Procedure to Work with Docker Storage

    Using Docker Client to Create New Container

    Create File inside Container

    Benefit of Container Performance

    Using Go to Monitor Container Performance

    Automate Deployment of Updates


    Chapter 9: Kubernetes Automation

    Kubernetes Networking

    Understanding Kubernetes In-Detail

    Networking Makes Kubernetes Easy

    Advantages of Kubernetes Networking

    Inside Kubernetes Networking

    Role of Go Networking Inside Kubernetes

    Go Tools for Kubernetes Networking

    Setup K8s Cluster with kubeadm

    Sample Program to Setup Kubernetes Cluster

    Envoy Ingress Controllers

    Introducing Envoy

    Benefits of Envoy

    Deploy Envoy Ingress Controllers using Go

    Detailed Steps of Envoy Deployment

    Sample Program to Deploy Envoy

    Install the Required Dependencies

    Deploy Envoy Ingress Controller using Helm

    Create an Ingress Resource


    Chapter 10: Service Mesh, Firewall and Network Policies

    Understanding Service Mesh


    Advantages of Service Mesh

    Service Mesh Tools

    Service Mesh with Linkerd

    Procedure to Adopt Service Mesh

    Sample Program to Implement Linkerd Service Mesh

    Install and Configure Linkerd

    Deploy the Application

    Create a Service

    Install Linkerd Proxy

    Verify the Setup

    Automate Firewall Configuration

    Install the Necessary Packages

    Define Firewall Rules

    Create Go Program to Automate Firewall Configuration

    Test the Program

    Automate the Program

    Sample Program to Automate Firewall

    Automate Linkerd Network Policies

    Sample Program to Automate Network Policies


    Chapter 11: Network Performance Testing

    Performance Testing

    Importance of Performance Testing

    Tasks and Operations Involved in Performance Testing

    Automate Load Testing

    Volume Testing

    Stress Testing

    Spike Testing

    Soak Testing

    Endurance Testing

    Benefits of Load Testing

    Enhanced User Experience

    Increased Productivity

    Reduced Downtime

    Exploring Go Vegeta Tool


    Benefits of Vegeta Testing Tool

    Sample Program to Run Load Testing

    Stress Testing


    Go Tools for Stress Testing

    Procedure to Run Stress Testing

    Install Stress Testing Tool

    Create Test File

    Run the Test

    Sample Program to Run Stress Testing

    Install Vegeta

    Write a Test Script

    Run the Test

    Analyze the Results

    Scalability Testing


    Techniques of Scalability Testing

    Exploring Apache JMeter

    Using Apache JMeter with Go

    Procedure to Run Apache JMeter Testing

    Sample Program to Run Scalability Testing with Apache JMeter



    Mastering Go Network Automation is a structured beginning for network administrators looking to improve network efficiency, scalability, and security. This book provides a one-stop solution for all of your network administration needs, with comprehensive coverage of automation, security, containerization, monitoring, and performance testing.

    Beginning with the fundamentals of creating a network automation lab with the EVE-NG network simulator and the Go programming language, readers will learn the step-by-step process of installing EVE-NG, followed by the importance of service mesh in automation and how it can simplify network operations.

    The book delves deeply into critical topics such as deploying ingress controllers and implementing service mesh with Linkerd. Readers will learn about container-native storage, container storage management with Docker, and automating SSL certificates, firewall configuration, and network policies.

    Monitoring and performance tuning are also covered in the book, including how to monitor container performance and automatically roll out updates. The book concludes with a discussion of performance testing strategies like load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing. It shows readers how to find performance bottlenecks and optimise their network with the help of tools like Vegeta and Apache JMeter through the use of real-world examples.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Setting up an EVE-NG network simulator, VIM IDE, kubeadm, and a comprehensive network automation lab to improve network efficiency, scalability, and security.

    Configuring ports, hosts, and servers using Go scripting to streamline network automation.

    Writing, testing, and validating network automation scripts to ensure smooth and reliable network administration.

    Building Docker images, running containers, and managing container deployments for efficient containerization.

    Automating load balancing, firewall configuration, and Kubernetes network policies for seamless network management.

    Working with popular tools such as Puppet, Zookeeper, Traefik, Envoy, and various Go networking packages.

    Automating SSL setup, container storage, container performance monitoring, and rolling updates.

    Using powerful load testing tools like Vegeta and Apache JMeter for efficient load testing, stress testing, and scalability testing to identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks.



    If you're a network administrator who wants to level up your game, Mastering Go Network Administration is the book for you. This book will help you become a more efficient, effective, and confident network administrator by providing clear explanations, practical examples, and comprehensive coverage.

    Codes Usage

    Are you in need of some helpful code examples to assist you in your programming and documentation? Look no further! Our book offers a wealth of supplemental material, including code examples and exercises.

    Not only is this book here to aid you in getting your job done, but you have our permission to use the example code in your programs and documentation. However, please note that if you are reproducing a significant portion of the code, we do require you to contact us for permission.

    But don't worry, using several chunks of code from this book in your program or answering a question by citing our book and quoting example code does not require permission. But if you do choose to give credit, an attribution typically includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example, Mastering Go Network Automation by Ian Taylor.

    If you are unsure whether your intended use of the code examples falls under fair use or the permissions outlined above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]

    We are happy to assist and clarify any concerns.


    Ian Taylor expresses his gratitude to all of the other contributors to Go and work tirelessly to improve the quality of the programming language. Ian would want to express his gratitude to the copywriters, tech editors, and reviewers who helped create a powerful yet simple book that outperforms Go coding in a relatively short period of time. And, lastly to his entire family and friends extending their support to finish the project at the earliest.

    Chapter 1: Go Essentials for Networks

    Why Go for Networking?


    Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language that was developed by Google in 2007. It is an open-source language that was designed with the goal of simplifying the process of developing high-performance network applications. The language's syntax is simple and easy to learn, and it is known for its efficiency, scalability, and reliability. Due to these features, Go has become increasingly popular for network programming and network automation.

    Network programming refers to the development of applications that communicate over a network. These applications can include web servers, microservices, and other network-based services.

    Features of Networking

    Go provides a number of features that make it well-suited for network programming. These features include:

    ●       Concurrency: Go has built-in support for concurrency, which allows developers to write applications that can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. This is particularly useful for network programming, where applications need to handle multiple requests and responses at the same time.

    ●       Garbage collection: Go has an efficient garbage collector that automatically frees up memory that is no longer in use. This feature makes it easy for developers to write network applications without worrying about memory management.

    ●       Standard library: Go comes with a comprehensive standard library that includes

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