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Conversations With An Alien
Conversations With An Alien
Conversations With An Alien
Ebook175 pages2 hours

Conversations With An Alien

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When a young woman contacted physicist Dr. Anthony Clark and told him aliens had abducted her, he suggested a hypnotherapy regression session to explore her experience. The encounter she described was similar to many other alien abduction stories the doctor had heard about in other regression sessions. However, in one session, a gentleman described time travel, which intrigued Dr. Clark. The doctor then began an exhausting two-year journey studying time transference and time displacement in an attempt to understand how a person could travel through time without altering the present reality.

One day, as Dr. Clark was entering his office, he got the biggest surprise of his life. Standing before him was an alien. A small gray, thin bodied, big black-eyed alien! After getting over his initial shock, the doctor and the alien began a conversation. The one visit and conversation turned into 10 visits. Many topics were discussed and questions asked and answered. This book presents a rare and awesome opportunity to learn and understand more about life, God, reality, alien races, emotions, other dimensions, time travel, and so much more.
Release dateMay 12, 2023
Conversations With An Alien

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    Conversations With An Alien - Thomas Massari

    A picture containing screenshot, text, algebra, design Description automatically generated


    © Copyright 2023 Thomas Massari.

    TXu 2-358-473

    All Rights Reserved under international and Pan American Copyright Conventions.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.

    Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    ISBN: 979-8-35090-404-8

    Editing and Interior Layout by Cheryl L. Stewart/Editor—[email protected]

    Cover Art by Jan Drozd/Graphic Artist—[email protected]


    When a young woman contacted physicist Dr. Anthony Clark and told him aliens had abducted her, he suggested a hypnotherapy regression session to explore her experience. The encounter she described was similar to many other alien abduction stories the doctor had heard about in other regression sessions. However, in one session, a gentleman described time travel, which intrigued Dr. Clark. The doctor then began an exhausting two-year journey studying time transference and time displacement in an attempt to understand how a person could travel through time without altering the present reality.

    One day, as Dr. Clark was entering his office, he got the biggest surprise of his life. Standing before him was an alien. A small gray, thin bodied, big black-eyed alien! After getting over his initial shock, the doctor and the alien began a conversation. The one visit and conversation turned into 10 visits. Many topics were discussed and questions asked and answered. This book presents a rare and awesome opportunity to learn and understand more about life, God, reality, alien races, emotions, other dimensions, time travel, and so much more.


    By Thomas Massari

    Information in this book was given to me through the process of automatic writing. I have not added any remarks of my own, because I felt that adding my own remarks, or trying to interpret the meaning of the words, would take away from the strength and integrity of the material. I have also not edited the material in any way. All the material that is in this book has been written down just as I received it.

    I should begin by saying that for the past 50 years, as of 2022, I have been a trance channel, although I do not care for the word trance. I think the word can put negative connotations on the art of channeling. Channeling is an art, and what makes it so is the time that is needed to get the human ego out of the way so that the information can come through in an unblemished way.

    In all my years as a channel, I have channeled a few different entities and I have heard a lot of information. My usual method of channeling is to sit in a chair and relax my mind and body, and then I remove my emotions, let go of them for a time, and get to a place of no emotion. When I can arrive at that place of no emotion, the entity, Abram, is able to manifest and begins to speak. Automatic writing is something very different for me. I have tried my hand at it a few times, and have never gotten results that I felt were good or even fair. I am also not a writer.  In this book, I have simply written down what I received, and the material came to me in a funny way—it is in the form of a story.

    With automatic writing, it is an energy shift that is hard for me to define. The air becomes a bit different and my insides seem to speed up to a point at which I become jittery or edgy. I begin to type as fast as I can, and at some point in time when the information stops coming to me, the shift goes away and everything returns to normal. Then I know I am done for the evening.

    One night in the summer of 1997, I was sitting on my patio relaxing. I suddenly began to have scenes play themselves out in my mind. The scenes were of a scientist and a gray alien having face-to-face conversations on a variety of subjects. Many scenes played themselves out in my mind in a matter of a few seconds. I thought to myself that this would make a good movie, so I went into my house and began to write down what I saw taking place in the various scenes.

    I began to see the scientist and the alien in my mind as they were having their conversations, and soon began to hear their words in my head. Every night I would sit with my pad of paper and a pencil and try to keep up with the speed of their conversations. After a short time, I found this to be rather impossible as I was getting severe cramps in my writing hand. My wife, at that time, suggested I try typing the conversations into my computer. Well, I’m not a very good typist either, but I soon figured out my own style of typing. Then I could just about keep up with them.

    Every night I sat in front of my computer and waited. Some nights I would receive information and some nights I would get nothing. I kept wondering if this was real or if I was just fabricating the information. I guess we all test ourselves until we arrive at some sense of truth. After the first 100 pages, I finally began to believe it was real. The strength and integrity of the information did not diminish.

    I became involved in other things and did not try to get any information for almost a year. One night in March 1998, I had a dream that proved to be something more than just a dream. I dreamed, in this supposed dream that I got out of bed and was walking to my bathroom when I suddenly felt as if someone was walking into my bedroom. I thought to myself that I should get back in bed and not even bother with the bathroom. Then I felt a fear that I have not felt since I was a small child. I have seen hundreds of spirits and ghosts and have never felt fear with any of them. I got back in bed and tried to awaken my wife, but she did not respond. I started screaming at her to wake up, but she only moved onto her side and put her right hand on my arm. As I was screaming at her to wake up, I suddenly realized that she could not respond to me. Suddenly, I was jolted awake. This was not a dream. Something more had happened to me that night.

    A few days after the dream, my wife and I, in one of our private sessions with Abram, asked him what had really taken place that night. He said that a gray alien had come into our bedroom just to remind me to get back to this book. It was funny that he said that, because until we asked him about the dream, I had been thinking about working on the book again. As I received more and more information, my understanding of these gray aliens has changed. I think the fear is still within me, but I also have an understanding that they are not the bad guys that many people think they are. Maybe your perception of them will also change as you read this material.


    By Dr. Anthony Clark

    My name is Dr. Anthony Clark. The following pages contain what was to be the most startling and amazing event to ever take place in my life. It was a series of conversations that I had with an alien being who exists in a future time. Please let me say, right now, that I was never one to be taken in by all the stories of spaceships and spacemen. To me, that was something that belonged to the highly imaginative and Saturday morning television shows.

    Before we get involved in the conversations, please let me give you a very brief background on myself. As a boy, I grew up in a small town in the Midwest. I enjoyed an average, simple childhood. I went to the local elementary and high schools and attended church on Sunday like the other children in my town. There was nothing to complain about and nothing to brag about. I always had a fascination with science fiction, but only as a form of entertainment.

    As I matured and was ready to think about my future, I made my way to the East Coast. It was there that I attended some of the most prestigious schools. After some years of study, I graduated as a doctor in the field of physics. I still enjoyed watching science fiction movies, but I was like many of my colleagues; if you could not measure it, it did not exist. The paranormal and the extraterrestrial were still ideas that were left to the highly imaginative.

    I began to hear more and more stories about UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, and alien beings abducting humans and experimenting on them. One day, as I was working in my small office, I received a phone call from a young lady who said she had to see me about a very important matter. She seemed like a very nice young lady, but one who definitely had a problem. She began to tell me of how she was abducted by aliens and was taken on board their craft where they had performed some experiments on her. It seemed that the aliens had implanted some kind of electronic device behind her ear with which they could track her down if they ever needed her again. She showed me the scar. It seemed like just another scar to me.

    As I was half listening to her, I noticed a very different body language about her. This caught my attention. Watching her movements, I also noticed that her breathing was different. Not slow, not fast, not erratic, just different. Her eyes looked like they were intensely focused in the present, but at the same time they were off in some distant part of her memory. Her movements were a bit nervous and jerky, but at the same time, there was a calmness about her. I began to listen and found myself taken in by her sincerity. At the end of our talk, I suggested that we try hypnotic time regression on her. I had recently taken a few courses in clinical therapy and was more than willing to try out my new skills. She agreed and we set up a time to have the session.

    At the time of the session, I discovered that she was no different from all of the other classical abductees. Her story told much more than she could consciously remember. It seems that small gray alien beings appeared in her bedroom one night right after she had gone to bed. She saw a beam of whitish, bluish light enter her room and then the alien was standing there. Both she and the alien were taken into the beam of light and into the craft. She, as all of the other cases I have heard about, was laid on a metal table, undressed, and given a series of tests or examinations. They seemed to range from psychological to physical with an emphasis on the emotional. All through the tests that she reported, she told of having absolutely no discomfort at all. Rather, she had a feeling of mild euphoria, almost as if she was given some kind of exotic drug that enhanced her emotional state of being.

    One aspect of the tests really caught my attention. It was supposedly when she was given a baby to hold. The alien told her nothing and expected her to do nothing in particular—just to hold the baby. She asked them why she was supposed to hold the baby and their reply was because they wanted to observe the exchange of emotions between her and the baby.

    I had asked her to describe the aliens for me. She said they were about four feet tall, very slender, almost frail bodies, claw like hands with only four digits and no thumbs. Their heads seem to be too big for their bodies with huge black eyes that wrapped around to the side. They had no mouth, just a slit where the mouth should be, and no nose—just two small holes where the nostrils should be. The ears were only small slits in the sides of their heads. Their color was a grayish white, and she reported that they had some peculiar odor about them.

    Since my meeting with the young lady, I have been involved in many hypnotic time regression sessions with people who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Their stories were all very much the same. Small gray beings, metal examination tables, electronic probes being inserted into certain areas of their bodies, and a few have even described to me how alien spacecraft were designed. One man even went as far as to describe how these aliens travel through time and space. This was astounding to me, as this man was a very intelligent businessperson, but had no interest in time or space or physics. He was a publisher of a well-known magazine.

    After the encounter with this man, I begin to consider the idea of time. What if, someday, we could actually travel through time? How would that affect the human body? How would that affect space? What would traveling through time do to the time that already exists for us in our reality? These and many other questions led me to the idea of bending time. So, I began what was to be the next few

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