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Gasping for Air
Gasping for Air
Gasping for Air
Ebook340 pages7 hours

Gasping for Air

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A US Marshall and his trusty K9 partner are out to stop a serial killer terrorizing truck stops across the country in this suspenseful crime thriller.

K9 specialist JW North is an expert at sniffing out criminals. Now, as a U.S. Marshall and member of the Serial Criminal Task Force, he’s about to face his most dangerous and disturbing case yet. Together with his “big dog” Ares and his new partner Ben Kellum, North is on the trail of the Truck Stop Killer, a vicious serial killer who has left a swath of murdered prostitutes across the United States.

The investigation leads them to a bolted gate in front of an old trailer twenty miles north of Prescott, Arizona. They cut the lock; the gate swings open with a loud groan, warning the killer inside. Unsure of what they are about to face, the team can only hope they have arrived in time to save the killer’s latest victim.

Release dateJan 27, 2023
Gasping for Air

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    Book preview

    Gasping for Air - S.L. Ditmars


    February 2020—A Truck Stop near Forest, Mississippi

    Floyd Hansen sat in the driver’s seat of his tractor-trailer rig. He had started driving a truck at an early age. After working for a major trucking company for ten years, Hanson had finally saved enough to become an independent. He spent a lot of time on the road, so he had purchased a used big rig with a large sleeper unit in the back. This add-on saved him a lot of money on hotels and allowed him to stop and rest when needed.

    His sleeper unit was a special one. It had been very nice when he purchased it, but then he added a special space that allowed him to secure his guests. He sat in his truck with the engine running. It had been a cold winter, and even as far south as he was, it was still chilly outside. The big diesel rumbled quietly while providing heat inside the cab. His eyes swept the parking lot. It was full of trucks, most of them occupied like his was. It was late and many drivers were catching a few hours of sleep.

    Floyd looked down at his bible. His mother had given him the family bible as she prepared to meet her maker. She told him how important it was as it not only contained the word of the Lord but also their entire family history. Floyd admired his mother and protected the family bible with everything he had. The leather cover was well worn and showed the extensive use that he gave it. The book was open to one of his most important verses, Leviticus 19:29: Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.

    He had a dream the night after he had first read that verse. The Lord came to him and told him that the land was full of wickedness, and he must become his soldier. He was to remove all the whores from the land, or the Lord would cleanse the earth himself with fire. Floyd had thought about this message the next day, and when he went to work, he gave his notice and began shopping for a rig of his own. He wasn’t sure how to accomplish his new goal, but he believed the Lord would provide.

    He raised his eyes from the good book and scanned the parking lot. He spotted her across the way. He knew immediately she must be a whore. There was no other good reason for a woman to be out in the parking lot at this time of night, especially in such cold weather. He flashed the truck’s yellow marker lights quickly. The rapid flash caught her attention, and she smiled and started walking toward him.

    The prostitute walked to the driver’s door, which opened a crack as she approached. She looked up and saw a large man with a bushy beard wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. He had a solemn look and simply asked, How much for head?

    It has been a slow night for Sunnie Conrad. There was word among the drivers of a new type of flu from Asia. Because of that, the drivers were reluctant to have contact with strangers. She needed some cash but feared her John might balk if she asked for too much.

    Twenty-five, she replied.

    The man nodded and said, Get in, motioning to the passenger side.

    As she settled into the seat, he asked her, What’s your name?

    She found this somewhat unusual. Her Johns typically did not want to know who she was; they simply wanted sex and then for her to disappear.


    Well, Sunnie, let’s go into the back so we can take care of business, he said as he pointed to the sleeper space of the truck. She heard him get up and follow as she moved past the curtain and into the back. Once in the back, she took a quick look around and started to say how nice it was when she felt a powerful arm slip around her neck and apply pressure. She struggled, but the man was strong and had mastered the chokehold. Her vision began to dim almost immediately.

    Sunnie woke with a start. She could tell by the engine noise and movement of the truck that they were on the road. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious, but as Sunnie tried to move, she realized that her hands were bound behind her back, her feet were tied together, and there was duct tape over her mouth. She was in the dark in some type of a container, no longer on the sleeper bed. She wondered if there was enough air inside and immediately began to panic.

    She kicked out against the side of the cabinet with a loud bang. She heard the man call out to her from the front, Quit making such a racket. If you keep that up, I will make it much harder for you. With that, Sunnie began to think, trying to find a way out of this. She was afraid. What would this guy do to her? There were stories among the girls about Johns who liked to beat up hookers. She began to steel herself against what was to come.

    Sunnie felt the big truck brake and then pull off the highway. They drove on for another ten minutes until she felt the truck slow again and turn onto another road. This one felt rougher, like a dirt road. The semi slowed again, this time coming to a stop.

    The driver shut off the engine and came into the back. Floyd unlocked and opened the metal box that also served as the base of a bench. He reached down and grasped the zip tie that bound her legs. The man pulled her legs up, lifted her out, and set her on the floor. The move was practiced as if he had done it many times. He smiled at her and said, Time to get to work. He didn’t want to give her too much information. It would be harder for both of them if she knew his true intentions. He then pulled her to the side door of the sleeper. He got out, dragged her out, and tossed her onto his shoulder like she weighed nothing. He walked away from the truck to the edge of the woods, beside a large tree that had lost its leaves for the winter. There was a full moon. He could hear the rushing of a small river nearby.

    Floyd reached into a pocket and pulled out a wad of rope. He tied one end to the zip tie between her feet and tossed the other over a large limb from the tree, hoisting Sunnie until her head was about waist high.

    She realized the man had intentions far worse than rape and a beating. She began to buck wildly, trying desperately to get loose.

    Your whoring has brought a blight onto the land, and the Lord has commanded me to remove your kind from this earth. Panic overcame Sunnie; she kicked even more violently, trying to scream through the duct tape.

    Hansen again reached into another pocket and pulled out a large, clear plastic bag. He slipped the bag over her head and then threaded another zip tie around the bottom. As he snugged it around her neck, he told her, I release you from this hell and commit you to the Lord. God will decide whether you spend eternity in heaven or hell, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you.

    Sunnie felt the zip tie tighten, sealing off her air. All she had left was what was in the bag. Her fear intensified her swinging, but after a few moments, the bag began to fill with carbon dioxide. As her swaying slowed, she could see the man watching her, smiling. Finally, a corner of the duct tape broke free, and she screamed, Fuck you—burn in hell, as her vision began to dim. Floyd Hansen noted her passing without any emotion. After several minutes of watching her hang there, he checked her pulse to confirm what he already knew. She was gone. He untied the rope and removed her restraints, duct tape, and the plastic bag, putting them in his truck’s secret compartment for now. He would dispose of them later. He picked her up and again tossed her over his shoulder to carry her down to the stream. He chuckled to himself while he worked. Burn in hell…not likely. I’m doing the Lord’s work.

    He set her down on her back by the stream and arranged her carefully, folding her hands in front of her as if praying. He dropped to his knees and silently prayed with her. His work done, Floyd dragged her to the river and pushed her corpse into the flowing water. He returned to his truck and carefully maneuvered it to turn around.

    Floyd Hansen returned to the highway and drove back to the truck stop, where he hooked up his rig to the trailer he had left. He decided to get some food before returning to the road. As he entered the building, he paused and quickly looked around. No one was paying any attention to him. They were too busy preparing for their busy days.


    February 2020—Las Vegas, Nevada

    JW North was asleep in a deluxe suite in the Ultima hotel in Las Vegas. He and his partner, Ben Kellum, had driven to Las Vegas two days ago on orders of the Long Beach Police Department’s (LBPD) chief of police. He sent them there to help Las Vegas Metro Police search for a killer.

    Just under a year ago, on his last day of service to the City of Long Beach, JW was seriously injured in a shooting by a serial rapist known as the Shadow. JW had recovered from his injuries—well, truth be told, he was still recovering. His near-death experience severely shook his mental state and confidence. To help him regain his sense of self, JW had restarted a K9 human scent detection and trailing program. The program, or the project, as most people called it, had been a big deal almost ten years ago at LBPD. Ben Kellum had been the primary liaison and handler. They’d had several successes but had not had the big win to give the program the kickstart it needed. As a result, the department ultimately terminated the project.

    North knew he needed to do something, and working with dogs was his key. He had been a K9 handler and supervisor at LBPD and that time represented some of his best days as an officer at that time. There was just something about a dog—working with them and hunting bad guys. It was an incredible experience, and JW needed to recapture that. Also, somewhere deep down inside, he knew that, eventually, it would bring him back to the man who had shot him. That man had stolen a piece of JW North. JW intended to take it back.

    As soon as he was healthy, JW returned to work at LBPD only long enough to retire. He then signed on as a reserve officer working directly on restarting the human scent detection and trailing program. While he worked with the LBPD, Big Dogs was JW’s project and he would ensure its success. Ben had been a huge part of getting them to where they were today.

    JW tossed in the bed. He was sweating heavily, and his breathing was rough. He was deep in a dream state and was reliving yesterday’s bloody shootout. He and Ben came to Las Vegas to track down a suspect who had already killed two local prostitutes and savagely cut up their corpses. The suspect’s trail brought them to the same place he was now sleeping but in another tower of the massive Ultimo resort.

    In the dream, JW was in an elevator with Ben and a team of Las Vegas Metro SWAT team members. The numbers above the door moved slowly and changed to 47. As the doors opened, he restarted Addy, one part of his two-dog German Shepherd team, on the scent trail. He had two dogs that work with him, but Ares, Addy’s brother, was outside in their police K9 vehicle, waiting in case he was needed. The interior of the hotel was what JW and Ben would characterize as a neighborhood trail, one that was full of the suspect’s scent because he had been here several times. Addy was much better at this type of work, whereas Ares had greater endurance and his skill set was better in more open areas.

    As they exited the elevator, JW passed a table in a small lobby area. He looked down and saw fingerprints on the glass top. Oops, housekeeping missed that one. There was a picture above the table, an artistic impression of a large white Victorian-era home with a large garden in front. They had already worked 46 floors of the north tower and the fatigue was beginning to wear on them all.

    They worked their way down the hall, Addy pausing to sniff at each door. She was on scent; the suspect had been here, and the dog knew it. Finally, Addy stopped in front of a doorway and put her nose down to inhale deeply. She turned her head to look at JW and smiled at him. Bingo! Jackpot! Whatever you want to call it, this was it.

    The door exploded outward, shattering into a thousand pieces. As the smoke cleared, JW was the only one left standing. Blood was everywhere, and everyone was dead, including his precious Addy. He heard movement inside the room without a door. Something was coming for him; he could hear it. He reached for his Springfield Operator in the holster attached to his right leg, but it had been blown away in the blast. The sounds in the room were getting closer, and he could hear something else, like a deep growling. His heart rate quickened, his breathing was shallow, and a cold sweat broke out on his body. Something was coming…

    JW jerked awake and sat on the side of the bed. He was still exhausted; it felt like he had never been asleep. A look at the clock on the nightstand told him it was three a.m. He had been sleeping for several hours. His heart was pounding, and he was drenched with sweat. WAIT ONE FRIGGIN MINUTE! That is not what happened! Las Vegas Metro SWAT made entry into that room, confronted the suspect, and killed him. True, Addy and he were both hurt—Addy seriously—but they were both going to be OK. Addy was still at the vet here in Vegas, but she would be fine.

    JW looked up toward the heavens and said, OK, enough of that crap. No more dreams like that, please. That said, he needed to know about the rest of his family. Ares was on the bed, at the opposite corner, looking at his pack leader and wondering whether there was something wrong. His nose told him there were no threats, but he sensed something else. JW looked into Ares’ eyes; he could see the concern there. I’m OK, boy; you good? Hearing his voice calmed the large dog; he put his head down and returned to rest.

    Where the hell is my wife? Where is Bonnie? He moved silently to the bedroom door. Ares watched quietly, assessing whether to get up too. Finally, he decided to watch and wait; no need to rush into things.

    JW came out of a short hallway into the hotel suite’s living room. It was dark except for a single table lamp that was on next to a comfortable-looking chair. Here he found Bonnie, writing on a yellow legal pad, but sensing his presence, she looked up and smiled. You’re up early. You should go back to sleep. You still look exhausted.

    I will. I was just checking to see how you were.

    Oh, I started out trying to read and make myself tired, but that didn’t work. I have a lot of things on my mind, so I started jotting them down.

    Anything we need to talk about?

    Yeah, but not now. I’m still organizing my thoughts. You should go back to bed and get some more sleep. She didn’t bother to tell him about the call that came in earlier. The one telling her JW and Ben needed to be downstairs at one o’clock for a press conference. She knew how he felt about the media, and informing him would not help him get any sleep. JW nodded and went back into the bedroom. Ares was rewarded with the return of his pack leader, and they were soon both sound asleep.

    Bonnie North continued to write on the yellow pad. Things were changing rapidly with their dog program, which they referred to as Big Dogs; changing faster than she was comfortable with. When JW first introduced the idea to her, she realized it would change their lives forever. She understood that and also knew it was something her husband needed. The day before, JW had been in the middle of an emotional crisis as both he and Addy recovered from the shooting. She had been hard on him, in the form of an intervention, and it seemed to snap him out of it. Big Dogs had great potential; if they could all hold it together, society’s innocents could benefit and sleep a little better at night.

    She knew that JW and others in law enforcement liked to use the sheepdog analogy. Society, the sheep, was full of people who did not recognize the threat posed to them by criminal predators. Cops, the sheepdogs, were there to watch over the sheep and protect them from the wolves that hunted them. In her mind, it was about time someone started hunting the wolves instead of just watching the herd.

    She believed JW was the right person at the right time to do just that. She loved her husband dearly but also recognized his weaknesses as well as his strengths. She and JW were well matched, each compensating for what the other lacked. Bonnie North was deeply religious and she thanked God for placing JW in her life and giving them the opportunity that lay in front of them. Then, another thought occurred to her and she quickly wrote it down.

    The phone rang at six a.m., waking Bonnie from a brief nap. She answered it quickly, hoping it would not wake JW.

    Excuse me, ma’am, this is Matthew, the night manager. The front desk just received a call from the veterinarian taking care of your other dog, Addy. They say the doctor came in early to examine her and she is doing well. She will be available for release at seven a.m. I can send someone over there to pick her up if you like?

    Bonnie thought for a moment. No, she was seriously injured and I’m not sure how she will react to a stranger, but thank you. We appreciate everything you’ve done.

    It is our pleasure to serve you, your husband, and the other officer, Mr. Kellum. I hope it’s alright that I woke you.

    Absolutely, this is great news. Thank you very much.

    You are more than welcome, ma’am. Also, we have temporarily closed the atrium here at the Ultimo to provide a quiet place for your dogs to relieve themselves.

    Bonnie had to suppress a laugh. When the owner of the Ultimo, Maddox Christensen, said he would extend every courtesy to them, he meant it. Thank you again for that. Can you please have my husband’s car brought around to the front so we can go get Addy?

    Certainly, ma’am, and if there is anything else we can do, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Bonnie got up from the chair and quietly checked on JW and Ares. They were both asleep, which was good. They needed to rest. She returned to the living room, took out her phone, and dialed Ben’s cell phone.

    Ben? This is Bonnie. Can you please open the common door between the suites? I need to talk to you.

    Ben Kellum was startled out of a deep sleep but was still awake enough to understand Bonnie and detect a sense of urgency in her voice. What on earth had gone wrong now? He moved quickly to the door, and as he opened it, he was greeted by Bonnie’s smiling face.

    Ben, the vet called. Addy will be ready for release at 0700. Your call: Do you want to stay here and keep an eye on JW, or go and bring her back here?

    Ben thought for a moment and considered asking her why JW’s rest was more important than his. But that would most likely set her off, and after seeing her yesterday, he was not ready for that.

    I’ll get Addy. I know where the animal hospital is and most of the staff there.

    Great! Oh, and you’ll love this—the Ultimo has reserved the atrium for the dogs’ use while we are here.

    Ben laughed and said, Well, first class all the way. I was hoping to get out of here today.

    Probably not gonna happen. We have a press conference at 1300 hours. The Tahoe is out front. If you bring both of the go bags you packed back to the room, I’ll see about getting your uniforms pressed.

    Press conference? We were kind of hoping to slip out of town quietly. JW is not going to like the idea of a press conference. Has anyone told Long Beach PD about that?

    I assume they have since it was Chief Estrada who called me late last night and told me. He’ll be there, so I guess it’s OK for you guys to be there.

    Ben said goodbye and went back into his room. He changed clothes quickly, went downstairs to get the Tahoe, and left to pick up Addy. She was happy to see him and wagged her tail excitedly. He thanked the veterinary staff for taking good care of her and then returned to the Ultimo. It had only taken him an hour to pick up the dog, including travel time. He knocked lightly on the door of the North’s room. When Bonnie answered, Addy almost knocked her over in excitement.

    Ben said, Uh oh, she’s not supposed to get too excited or rambunctious. He laughed as if it were a joke.

    Bonnie scowled at him. Yeah, right. Don’t tell me; tell her.

    Ben eased the door shut and went back to grab another hour or two of sleep. Addy was so excited to see Bonnie; she literally licked her face clean. Then, suddenly, she lifted her head and caught some scent. Her nails clicked on the floor as Addy walked toward the bedroom and pushed the door open. She nuzzled her brother for a moment and then jumped up on the bed and snuggled into her usual spot against JW’s lower leg. He must have sensed her presence as he let out a quiet sigh. Addy burrowed in deeper and was asleep in moments.


    JW was roused from a deep sleep by his wife’s voice saying, Reveille, Reveille! He scowled at Bonnie and both dogs looked at her like she was out of her mind. What the hell is this all about?

    Darling dearest, you and the dogs need to get up. You need to shower, and I need to feed and break them, and then we need to get breakfast. We have a press conference in three hours.

    Press conference? Who signed me up for a press conference? JW did not care for the media, although he recognized they served an essential role in society. If only they could stick to the facts instead of their agendas.

    That would be the chief of the Long Beach Police Department.

    Huh? Why is the chief ordering me to a press conference? I thought the idea was to come into town quietly and then leave. You know, like the Lone Ranger. ‘Hi-Yo Silver! Away!’ What happened to ‘away?’

    Well, all that went down the drain when you and Addy got hurt. Now you guys are part of the story. I’ve been told there are now Las Vegas Metro officers downstairs to ensure we are not disturbed by the media. It’s probably better if we go to the press conference, answer a few questions, and then they will leave us alone.

    JW nodded, acknowledging the logic of what Bonnie said. Well, at least it appears we made some friends here. I can’t believe how this place is taking care of us. JW raised his arms, indicating he was talking about the Ultimo.

    Mr. Christensen is a big fan of yours. He is very interested in Big Dogs. I think you should spend some time with him cultivating a relationship.

    I like the man, Bon, but you know me, I’m no politician. Maybe you should handle that. Wait, what do you mean, ‘he is very interested’ in us?

    He flew to Long Beach to pick me up and bring me here, and we had a chance to talk on the flight. He is interested in potentially supporting the program as we need it. But I know he wants to speak with you in more detail before he makes that kind of commitment. I am more than happy to take the lead on this, but you will have to put some time in too. I spent a lot of last night thinking about this—Big Dogs is going to take off. This deal in Vegas will be huge, so a little media exposure might work in our favor. However, our tiny little enterprise will soon overwhelm us and we need to prepare for that.

    Bonnie continued, "Look, I know we are OK with money. But we are going to need more dogs. We’re going to need more space. We need to get a commitment from Ben as to whether he will sign on when he retires, and he may not be enough. That said, here is what concerns me: there will always be more demand for your services than you can meet. We need to figure out a way to keep this under control so you are not trailing every criminal in America. The FBI will come knocking now that this is a proven concept. You were smart when you talked to Long

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