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The Pillars: Building the Circle, #5
The Pillars: Building the Circle, #5
The Pillars: Building the Circle, #5
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The Pillars: Building the Circle, #5

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Miranda strives to please others. Her misogynistic family. Her abusive husband. She hid her elemental energy and gave up her dreams—including her first love, Matthew Trellis—to keep them all happy. She thought that's how life was supposed to be. Then she met her long-lost sister, Matilda, and found herself caught up in the Trellis family and their Circle.

Matthew strives to be a good person. He spends his days teaching underprivileged children and his nights teaching English as a second language to immigrants. He works hard to keep his Chaos power under control. He let Miranda go once for her own good. He can do it again. Can't he?

The rest of the Trellis clan would happily interfere in Matthew's love life. But they have other things on their minds: Sam is worried. He knows their Circle is lost... but he's not sure what that means or how to fix it. And someone even more powerful knows how to find them…

The Pillars is the fifth book in the bestselling Building the Circle series of psychic paranormal romance novels. It starts with The Call, a laugh-out-loud funny rom-com that'll introduce you to the loving and lovable Trellis brothers.

The Pillars features some nasty pieces of work. But it also has elemental magic, psychics, a big happy family, and a heartwarming happily-ever-after for the main couple that'll leave you grinning.

PublisherMaggie M Lily
Release dateMay 20, 2023
The Pillars: Building the Circle, #5

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    The Pillars - Maggie M Lily




    Boys! Darla Trellis yelled down the basement stairs. Get up! If you miss the bus, you’re walking to school.

    Ma, I’ll drive us! Noah yelled back, pulling the pillow over his head.

    No, you won’t! Get up. The last time you drove, you got pulled over, Darla hollered down, throwing the switch to turn all the basement lights on at once.

    GAH! Luke yelled. Holy fuck! My head, I’m going to puke. Turn the lights off, Mom! I’m up!

    Did you just swear at me? Darla roared.

    Luke fell out of his bed, dry heaving with a bloody nose. Mom, I’m sick. Please turn out the lights!

    The overhead lights flicked off before the sound of Darla’s angry stomps down the basement stairs reached the boys.

    What do you mean you’re sick? Get up! Darla demanded. What happened?

    I dunno, Luke groaned. My head. Too bright.

    Darla rolled her eyes. Were you drinking? I thought you were too smart for that crap.

    No, Mom. Not drinking, Luke muttered, holding one hand over his eyes.

    Boys! Why did you let him drink? Darla yelled. Noah, this is your fault. I know it!

    Ma, we haven’t been drinking, Noah objected, pillow still over his head.

    Then get up! You and Matthew are going to be late. Luke, stay home.

    Noah sighed. Okay. We’ve been drinking. We split a bottle of bourbon last night.

    Then you all get up, Darla replied, tone sweet. Matthew, get up!

    Uh, I’m awake, Mom. Been awake for a while. Sorry, Matthew muttered, staring off into space.

    Then what are you doing? You’re going to be late.

    Um. Thinking, I guess. Sorry. I’m up. Luke, you okay? Matthew asked.

    Something’s wrong with my eyes, Luke replied. I don’t know.

    Get ready for school, Darla said, frowning at Matthew. The two younger boys didn’t cause problems. This was unusual.

    Yeah, school. Matthew nodded, distracted, as he headed for the upstairs bathroom. Noah had snuck into the basement bathroom while Matthew was talking with their mother.

    Convinced she’d find a half-full bottle of liquor, Darla began picking up dirty clothes and other crap that had gathered on the floor of the basement.

    Putting the teenage boys in the basement together kept the crap contained. But the basement had acquired a definite odor after hosting eight boys. It smelled of sweat socks and old food.

    The boys didn’t seem to notice or care.

    It took her a few minutes to make her way over to Matthew’s corner and then another minute in the darkness to realize that there was dried blood on the pillowcase.


    What? I didn’t— Noah charged out of the bathroom, pants around his ankles.

    What did you do to your brothers? They both have bloody noses! If this is another stupid ten-dollar bet like trying to snort Jell-O, we’re going to have words!

    Ma, I didn’t⁠—

    Last time, you tried to get them to chug a gallon of milk! The living room still smells sour!

    Ma, I got a date tonight!

    Then you shouldn’t have done whatever it is you did to your brothers!

    She’s super cute. Can I be grounded tomorrow? Double grounding?



    What the fuck did you and Luke do last night? Noah asked as they walked toward the bus stop.

    Nothing, Matthew muttered, rubbing his forehead. I fell asleep early. Maybe a little after nine. Not sure what’s with Luke.

    You were both out when I got downstairs around eleven. Why does Mom always blame me?

    Matthew shrugged. Because you usually do something.

    Okay, yeah, but this time, I’m innocent. I have a date with Nicole tonight. I can’t be grounded.

    Matthew rolled his eyes.

    Don’t roll your eyes. She’s super cute. I’m going to take her to prom. She’s great. This might be it for me—high school sweethearts and all that, Noah suggested, ever the optimist.

    She wears a dog collar, Noah.

    So. Fucking. Hot!

    You’re a strange dude, Matthew muttered, shaking his head.

    Yeah, yeah. Not your type; prim and proper for you. I get it, but you don’t know what you’re missing. Stacey was boring, man. And she cheated on you with that football player. She’s a boring cheater. Move on. New girlfriend time!


    What’s your problem? You’re all distracted this morning.

    I dunno. Sorry. I guess I don’t feel right, either. My ears keep crackling, Matthew admitted as they got on the bus and grabbed seats across the aisle from each other.

    Resting his head back on the seat, Matthew closed his eyes to focus on his hearing. The crackling sounded almost like it had words in it.

    Let go, a high-pitched whisper suddenly said through the crackling. Matthew flinched back from the sound, losing his concentration and focus.

    At the same time, the front right tire on the school bus blew out, causing the bus to drive into the semi-truck next to them.

    Matthew’s face slammed into the seat in front of him, slashing his face open and breaking his nose. Of the eighteen kids on the bus, Matthew’s injuries were the worst.

    I know. I know my face was bleeding a little bit. It’s fine. I don’t think I’m even bleeding anymore. Please. Would you please check my ears? Matthew repeated to the emergency room doctor for the third time.

    Son, your ears look fine. There’s no fluid or anything in them, no scratches or visible damage. Why are you worried about your ears?

    Because I keep hearing a crackling noise! Matthew objected. Something is wrong with my ears.

    Matthew, the nurse said, coming into the triage area, your mom is here. She’s signing the consent for treatment forms and said to tell you she’ll be right here.

    Tell her I’m fine. She’s going to be pissed. Tell her I’m fine, okay? Matthew requested, sounding slightly panicked.

    We told her. She’s calm. Mostly. The nurse gave a sickly smile.

    Yeah, right, Matthew thought. What fool decided she needed to fill out forms?

    Here, I’m going to pull the compress off your face and start cleaning the wound so we can stitch… The doctor’s voice trailed off as he looked at the wound and then looked at the compress.

    Well, I think you were right, Matthew. The doctor smiled. Your face is only bleeding a little bit. It certainly seemed like a much bigger cut when we put the compress on. I can tell from the type of compress they used. I don’t think we’re even going to stitch this⁠—

    Where is he? Darla roared, stomping through the emergency room like an enraged T-Rex. I signed all the damn forms! Where’s my kid?

    Mrs. Trellis. So nice to see you again, the doctor hedged, looking uncomfortable. I haven’t seen you since Beth broke Noah’s arm.

    You, Darla growled.

    He’s fine. Just a little cut and a banged-up nose, the doctor offered, biting back a smile.

    The exploits of the Trellis children were the stuff of emergency room legend.

    Matthew? Darla asked, still glaring at the doctor.

    Fine, Mom. I’m fine. How are you? Matthew asked innocently, provoking a snort of choked laughter from the doctor.

    Sorry, man. Seemed like the thing to do, Matthew winced, internally sighing.

    Darla turned her scowl on her child.

    Okay. Dumb question. Sorry. Hey, my ears keep crackling, Matthew continued.

    There’s nothing wrong with his ears, the doctor responded immediately. I’ve checked. Could be drainage through the sinuses from his nose.

    You’re fine? Darla asked Matthew.

    Uh-huh. Don’t even need stitches.

    What are you doing, then? Get up! Let’s go home, Darla complained.

    I just want to slap a couple of butterflies on that cut. No stitches, but we’ll make sure it stays closed. Just a minute, and we’ll have you out of here, the doctor offered.

    Fine. Darla’s glare was less icy.

    I’ll be right back. Just sit back and relax, Matthew. Just a minute. The doctor was up and moving.

    Laying back on the cot, Matthew closed his eyes and focused on the crackling in his ears again.

    So weird, he thought.

    "—with me," the tiny whisper said through the crackle again.

    Did you hear that? Matthew asked his mom.

    Hear what? Darla asked, eyes scanning the bay.

    It was like a little whisper. You didn’t hear it?

    Darla shook her head. You got bopped pretty good, Matthew. Relax. If your hearing is still wonky tomorrow, we’ll get it checked.

    All right.

    The whisper was still there, indistinct in the crackling noise. He focused on it again. Pl-Play.

    Fuck this, Matthew thought, forcefully pushing the crackling noise out of his mind to stare at the ceiling overhead.

    The visitor chair broke to pieces under Darla as she sat gingerly down next to Matthew to wait on the doctor.

    Are you kidding me with this? she yelled at no one in particular.

    I don’t know. It’s weird. Everything is hazy. Everyone has a colored haze around them, Luke explained the following Monday as they walked into the main school building. How are your ears?

    Still crackling. Matthew sighed. This sucks. Everyone is staring at us.

    They’re not staring at us. They’re staring at you—the bus crash victim. Luke laughed. People have been gossiping all weekend about how you were maimed by fate on Friday. And here you are, perfectly fine.

    Matthew groaned in disgust. It was a little cut. It’s already healed. People are too fucking dramatic.

    Woo, you’re grumpy today. Luke grinned. Dropping f-bombs before lunch is so unlike you.

    Matthew glared at his younger brother. Fuck you.

    Luke shook with laughter that died abruptly as Matthew’s ex-girlfriend ran over to them.

    Ohmygosh, Matthew! I heard what happened, Stacey simpered, squeezing Matthew’s hand. But you look fine.

    I am fine, Matthew replied, tone flat.

    It must have been so scary! My poor honey bunny!

    Luke snorted. Matthew hated being called by nicknames, especially lovey-dovey nicknames.

    Stacey sneered at Luke. Run along, little brother. You’re not wanted here.

    Luke grinned. "Stacey, he dumped your ass after you skanked it up with Hunter. He’s not your honey bunny anymore."

    Stacey scowled at Lucas and then turned a sunny smile on Matthew. It was all a big⁠—

    Luke is not wrong, Matthew interrupted, shaking off her hand. I’m not interested in whatever you’re doing, Stacey.

    Matty, she whined. Listen⁠—

    Matthew’s anger spiked as his ears popped. The words came out of his mouth, deep and slow, without conscious thought. The popularity you’re pandering for is bullshit. No one will remember who the junior year homecoming queen was years from now. You’ll fade into insignificance and have to deal with your own mediocrity.

    Stacey’s eyes went wide with shock. Her face crumpled into tears before she bent at the waist, falling to her knees, wailing in agony.

    HOLY SHIT, MATTHEW! Luke yelled, dropping to the ground and grabbing for the hands that Stacey was raking down her face. What the fuck?

    I-I don’t know! Oh my God! Stacey, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it! I don’t know where that came from! Matthew yelled, trying to hold her steady to stop her from thrashing against Luke’s grip.

    Stacey, calm down! Luke yelled as her keening sobs quieted to whimpers of pain.

    Someone get the nurse! Matthew yelled to the crowd of onlookers.


    Kareem answered his girlfriend’s call the same way he always did. Hi! I love you.

    Did you read them? Sarah asked, excited. He posted another one! You have to read them so we can discuss it!

    Kareem sighed. Honey, I try not to read the group threads.

    Oh, come on! There’s great gossip going on about these supposed all-powerful Trellis people. How could you not read it? It’s like a soap opera.

    Well, they’re disgustingly rich. Of course, they’re powerful⁠—

    Not like that! Sarah objected. Like us! Plus, you’re moving to Chicago. You need to know the juicy details on the most powerful circle going.

    I really don’t, Kareem said, rolling his eyes, glad she couldn’t see it.

    Are you rolling your eyes?

    No, of course not. He rolled his eyes again.

    Go read it!

    Greggory of Harbor is a fool, Kareem said, tone flat. I’m not getting sucked into this.

    Sarah laughed at that. I’ve met him. Twice. He’s no fool. Plus, the other corners of the Harbor circle are in on it, too. It’d have to be one hell of a con. Please read it. Please? Maybe we can find a way to get invited to one of the circles. Like maybe if you called around…

    How was your day otherwise? Kareem asked, changing the subject.

    No! Go read the posts. I’ll call you back in ten minutes. She hung up without another word.

    Love you, too, Kareem. I can’t wait until you move here so we can have a real relationship, Kareem muttered to himself as if speaking in his girlfriend’s voice.

    With another sigh, he opened the messaging platform used by most empowered people around the world to share information. Scrolling, he opened the first message in the thread he’d been avoiding for the last month.

    POSTED BY: HarborGregg

    DATE: July 16

    SUBJECT: The Mistress & Walker have risen!

    This evening, Harbor held a special circle welcoming home the Mistress and Walker of legend.

    As most of you know, I’ve long chased the stories of these beings. There has been no substantial, verifiable account of them in over three hundred years. They have risen again, empowered anew to enact change in this world and improve the balance of energy among all living things.

    I write this post knowing most of you won’t believe me. But I invite you to explore and experience it for yourself. When next your circle closes, feel the change in the energy as it cycles. Pay attention to the sheer volume of energy you encounter throughout your day.

    This is real. This is an opportunity for growth and advancement the world has not seen in three centuries. A new day has dawned for those of us empowered with the energy to affect change. This is a cause for celebration and reflection.

    Befitting their positions and abilities, the Mistress and Walker now hold the center of the Harbor Circle. I will stand with them as scribe and guide. Neither being has been a part of a traditional circle before tonight.

    Nora and Benjamin, the previous cornerstones of Harbor, have also surrendered their places but remain within the circle. Jared, my third corner, has opted not to continue with us of his own accord.

    A collection of pillars—beings of such strong, focused energy, they’re able to decisively control life and nature around them—now stand in the prominent positions of Harbor. Lords of Fear, Anger, Joy, Lust, Peace, Loyalty, and Chaos have surfaced, along with Ladies of Light, Wind, Love, and Hope.

    We live in extraordinary times, friends! I will share more details as Harbor’s energy evens out and as the Mistress and Walker deem appropriate. For now, please pay attention to the energy around you. Feel the difference in the world.

    Our energy, long thought to have been in decline, has resurfaced within this pair and their pillars!

    I’m not reading this shit, Kareem muttered to himself. What a load of crap. Greggory has lost his grip on reality.

    Dialing Sarah’s number, he closed his browser window.

    Did you read them already? Sarah answered.

    No, I read the first one. It was⁠—

    Kareem’s words were cut off by squeals of laughter from Sarah’s end of the conversation.

    Sarah! Are you all right? he yelled into the cell phone, instantly concerned.

    I’ll call you right back! she yelled back.

    Before she disconnected, he heard muffled words that sounded like, Don’t be like that. I’ll talk to him after he’s here. His energy is incredibly⁠—

    Kareem frowned at the phone, a sense of foreboding settling in his stomach.

    Fuck my life, Kareem mumbled. She’s going to make me read that stupid message thread. She wants me to request to join Harbor. I just know it.

    Kareem bumped his head on the table in front of him.

    His energy was focused and intense; he’d be welcome in any circle on the planet. But he preferred to build his own circle. He needed to be picky about who he shared energy with. Sharing power with the wrong people had gotten him into serious trouble throughout his life.

    If Greggory of Harbor is off his rocker, I’m not running to join that circle, Kareem said, staring at his mobile phone. He practiced saying the words out loud, knowing he’d be repeating them to his girlfriend before long.




    Oh! Good, you’re home. I worried you wouldn’t be home, Miranda squeaked as Lawrence walked in the front door of their house.

    What do you mean by that? he asked, eyes going to slits. Where did you expect me to be?

    Miranda blinked. I just meant that I’m glad you’re home. We have Matilda’s engagement party tonight. I worried you wouldn’t be home in time.

    Oh, that. I’m not going.

    What? Why? You said you would go.

    Benjamin is not going; he doesn’t like that family, Lawrence replied with a shrug.

    My grandfather doesn’t like that family because they’re richer and more powerful than him. He’s not going because he treats Matilda poorly. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to the party!

    Well, Miranda, I’m angling to inherit from your grandfather, not your sister. I’ll make the old man happy. We’re not going.

    Miranda’s expression blanked. Her voice took on a tone of uncharacteristic firmness. I am going.

    No, you’re not. I said no.

    I was invited. I accepted. My sister expects me to be there, and my parents are going.

    Lawrence glared at his wife, noticing the set of her shoulders. Fine. Sit there alone all night. Whatever. I’m not going.

    Miranda contemplated the best, non-confrontational path forward as he began walking away from her.

    I’m surprised you’re going to skip an opportunity to network with wealthy potential investors. She held her breath.

    Lawrence was hungry for investors to grow the business. But she wasn’t sure how that shook out against his desire to make her grandfather happy.

    The Trellis family isn’t going to invest with me. You know that as well as I do, he called back to her as he made his way down the hallway toward the kitchen.

    She exhaled. But there will be five hundred people at this party—all the friends of the Trellis family that got rich with Sam. You’re going to miss out on spending time with them.

    Lawrence turned around to face her. Five hundred people?

    When I talked to Matty last, she was complaining about the number of people that accepted. It’s all wealthy people that she doesn’t know, Miranda further baited her trap.

    Lawrence chewed his lip, considering the options before him.

    Your father is going? Not just your mother?

    Charles and Megan are both going, Miranda confirmed.

    Fine, but we’re leaving if that family starts calling me ‘Larry.’

    She nodded, not believing for a second the Trellis family would call him by his preferred name. The car will be here to collect us at ten minutes to seven.

    What are you doing? Lawrence asked his wife two hours later. He stood in the master bathroom doorway, looking affronted.

    I’m putting on makeup. Miranda frowned at him.

    Why are you doing that here?

    The lighting is better here. It’s easier to do at the vanity, she replied, trying to be reasonable. I have to lean awkwardly to get proper lighting in the other bathroom.

    Miranda, we’ve agreed that this is my bathroom.

    Do you need to get in here? I can come back and finish when you’re done.

    "No. That’s not the point. This is my bathroom."

    Lawrence, you weren’t in here. You don’t use the vanity. I just want to do my makeup here. It’s evening makeup for a black-tie event. I want to look nice. Don’t you want me to look nice?

    This is my space, Miranda. You can’t use this room, he declared.

    I understand that you prefer me to use the other bathroom when you’re sleeping. And I don’t mind using the smaller shower so my toiletries aren’t in your way. I don’t spray hairspray in here because it gets everywhere. But why can’t I do makeup in here, where it’s easier?

    Because. This is my bathroom.

    I’m at the vanity that you don’t use.

    That’s not the point. This is my bathroom! Larry yelled, all but stamping his foot.

    Can we make the smaller bathroom that doesn’t have the vanity ‘your bathroom?’ The vanity makes doing this much more comfortable.

    GET OUT!

    You’re weird about this bathroom thing, just so you know.


    I’m going.

    Miranda sat in the ballroom, watching Matilda walk into the engagement party on Jake’s arm.

    So perfect together. So right, she cheered internally.

    She’s positively glowing with happiness, Megan murmured, looking in the same direction with a smile.

    Don’t ruin it, Miranda chided her mother.

    Megan winced. I swear I wasn’t trying to hurt her, Miranda. I want my girls to be happy.

    Miranda gave a tiny snort. You’d be batting five hundred on that, Mom, if you just stayed out of her way.

    Noted. Megan nodded. I have no intention of saying anything about her relationships again.

    Woo, how do I get on that list of cast-offs? Can you write me off in a similar manner? Miranda grinned.

    Hush, Megan said, showing a sad smile. I know I’m a terrible mother. Leave…

    Megan’s words trailed off as she watched the remainder of the Trellis family enter the ballroom.

    I should have told you, Miranda admitted, watching Matthew. I didn’t want to talk about him.

    Megan’s eyebrows climbed up to her hairline.

    Trellis, Mom. Matthew Trellis. He’s Jake’s brother. I didn’t put it together, either, until I was standing in the middle of Darla’s living room.

    Megan stared at her younger daughter, unblinking.

    I’m fine, Miranda said.

    Megan didn’t move.

    Just friends, Miranda continued. Please stop staring at me.

    Miranda, Megan breathed.

    I know.

    Megan’s eyes lit with fire. Divorce him. Get out of there. Matthew would help you. He has the means to help you get out of that.

    Miranda shook her head. Sam offered me the means to get out a month ago. Jake and Matty have offered repeatedly. I wouldn’t take Matthew’s help. I don’t need to add ‘knight in shining armor’ to his list of fine qualities. Stop now, Darla’s coming over with Hank.

    Oh, God, Megan muttered, voice tight with anxiety. This woman is going to hate me. Judge me and hate me.

    Absolutely, Miranda agreed, standing to greet Hank and Darla.

    Darla, you look absolutely stunning. Miranda grinned. I’m so glad Ellie talked you into the wedding dress!

    Sweetheart, you look gorgeous as always, Darla said, reaching to give her a kiss.

    Hank and Darla, this is my mom, Megan, and my dad, Charles.

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