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Tastes Like Misery
Tastes Like Misery
Tastes Like Misery
Ebook291 pages4 hours

Tastes Like Misery

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About this ebook

Has Vivian finally met her match with the three sinfully delicious, dangerous men? 


I'm tired of living in this small town in Texas where the most interesting thing that happens is when the local drunk falls asleep in cow pies. Working at the local bar, the only thrill I can find is going to the city and luring businessmen into my game. I leave them hot and bothered while I relieve them of their valuables.


I did pretty damn good until I targeted him. Dane, the man who caught me and gave me one hell of a ride. Literally. 


Imagine my surprise when he rolls into my town with his partners in crime, Finn and Ollie, and asks for the same drink I still taste on his tongue from our night together. I should stay away, but my mama always said I'd never be happy with a simple life.  


They have big plans, ones that will give me everything I've ever wanted and more. Their initiation is only the first part, and I have no idea all I'm signing up for until I do it. It doesn't matter, though, because I crave not only what lies ahead, but also them, all of them. All I know is they promise a wild ride, one that will test my limits. 


What else can a woman like me do? I say buckle up and try to stay ahead of the law as we raise hell across the country. 


This is a fast burn, dark reverse harem with anti heroes, violence, and mature content.


PublisherMelody Calder
Release dateMay 25, 2023
Tastes Like Misery

Melody Calder

Melody Calder is a multi-trope romance author with an addiction to chocolate, dill pickles, books, and swearing; not necessarily in that order. Her mind is always full of interesting characters and plot twists. She not so secretly loves cliffhangers and endings that are not the norm.  She hopes to survive the teenage years of her twins, which is worse than the terrible twos, and her puppy who lives up to his name - Dragon. Her hobbies include collecting elephant figurines, painting, and annoying her husband by forgetting to switch the laundry. Her family and friends will tell you that she needs reminders for everything, but they love her anyway.

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    Book preview

    Tastes Like Misery - Melody Calder

    Chapter 1


    SHOCK WAS THE FIRST thing I felt when the well-dressed man, Dane, grabbed my wrist and hissed, Wallet, now. 

    Despite the anger burning in me, I feigned innocence and batted my lashes, Whatever do you mean? 

    His low, rumbling laughter was like an aphrodisiac, and I almost forgot I was caught for the first time in years. The man oozed of sex and danger in every movement, every expression. His voice was the thing of fantasies, where I imagined him fucking me hard and calling me every single dirty name. And I’d let him. I’d fall into it and come undone in his arms. 

    I was so lost in my fantasy, I didn’t realize he leaned into me until his breath swept across my ear, You understand exactly what I mean, baby girl. I can always take you upstairs and strip you naked to find it. But I think you want it. You want me to do more, don’t you? 

    It wasn’t truly a question, and I swore as my body betrayed me and moved closer, inhaling the warm scent of his cologne. You wish you could have me, I replied, recovering and getting back into the game. I’m not into bondage, I lied, tossing the long blonde hair of my wig over my shoulder. Narrowing my eyes, I glanced at my wrist, still in his grip, and back at his face before leaning back into my seat and taking a sip of my cocktail.  

    I nearly jumped when his fingers brushed against my knee, gliding up to the hem of my short, black dress. I have only one idea where you might hide it, considering this dress is so fucking tight. His voice and his touch were dangerous, sinful, and damn if I didn’t want it all from him. 

    Concentrating on the job at hand was hard, with my skin on fire and not just in the places he touched me. I wanted to beg him to go higher and say to hell with this job, but something told me he’d have me in handcuffs and not the fun kind. I know where it is and if you buy me another drink, it might make me loose enough to give you what you want. 

    He paused, and I had no doubt he couldn’t decide if he wanted to take his hand off my thigh or release my wrist. I leaned toward him, and let my breath brush against his neck, Don’t keep a thirsty girl waiting. 

    My words snapped him into action, and just as I hoped, he held onto my arm while he turned and held up two fingers to the bartender. In one quick move, I extracted the slim leather wallet hidden between my thighs. Noise of the glasses clinking masked the small thump it made as it landed on the floor. 

    Dane turned his attention back to me, not saying anything. His gorgeous brown eyes with those long lashes bored into me and I flushed. Something warred inside of him because his brows would furrow and then his eyes would twinkle within the span of a few seconds. Back and forth, his emotions swung like a pendulum, unlike my libido, which just stayed high and needy. 

    Finally, the bartender saved me from any more scrutiny by setting our drinks in front of us. I decided to be the one to break the silence, Thank you for the drink. Your missing wallet is right where you dropped it. On the floor, behind you. 

    A grin erupted on his face, showing his perfect white teeth. Somehow it made him seem more treacherous, and fuck, if I wasn’t about to rub myself all over him like a cat. My body betrayed my cool exterior as my nipples hardened for him to see. His gaze dipped down and he licked his lips, those perfect, sexy lips I wanted to taste. 

    I don’t believe for one minute you didn’t try to pinch my belongings, he winked at me, still not looking down on the floor where his wallet laid. 

    I shrugged, Believe whatever helps you to sleep at night. I’m sure accusing a single woman who was minding her own business, just getting a drink before bed, would make you uncomfortable if you were wrong. Which you are. 

    Finally, he got off his barstool and looked at the floor, finding his wallet where I’d dropped it. After picking it up and examining it, he sat back down, I apologize for accusing you of such a terrible thing. It was my own clumsiness. Let me make it up to you. 

    The way he said it, those words hinting at all the glorious heights he could take me to, had me agreeing in my mind, but I had to keep playing. I’d lost the game and knew I needed to find another victim if I were to make my rent. That’s very kind of you, but I think I’ll just go to bed. I have an appointment with a client tomorrow that I need to prepare for. I raked my nail down his crisp white shirt and pouted, It’s too bad you took up all our time with your baseless accusations. 

    His breath hitched, and his fingers wrapped around my wrist yet again. But this time, it was a hell of a lot lighter. I internally swooned as he rubbed circles on my pulse point, I could give you a stress reliever. There’s nothing better than an amazing orgasm to relax you before meeting clients. If I were standing, I wouldn’t be able to hold myself up with that smooth, alluring voice of his, offering the bliss I knew he would provide. 

    Oh, sweetie, don’t you wish you could have me, I teased before slipping off the stool and sashaying toward the richly decorated lobby of the city’s most prominent hotel. I felt his eyes on me as I made my way to the elevator and smiled as I heard his footsteps behind me. 

    I pushed the button and stayed facing the elegant copper plated elevator door despite the scent of his cologne making its way to my nose. Instinctively, I inhaled deeply, barely keeping myself from letting out a groan. It had to be a crime for a man to be so damn enticing. 

    Not one to be ignored, he leaned one hand against the wall as he slid into my view. The muscles flexing under his shirt caused me to imagine how good they would feel wrapped around my waist. A man in a dress shirt and tie were never my thing, but I had to admit it gave him so much more sex appeal. Dane could be in a clown suit and he would still ooze fuck me vibes. 

    The doors opened, and I hoped he would invite me to his room instead of tiptoeing around it. I had to push a button and just hit a random floor, not paying attention to which one. He moved close to me and reached for the panel, brushing his body against my own. Which floor, my voice came out as a squeak. 

    The door closed, and we were alone, the air heady with our arousal, the dangerous game I played causing my nerves to be extra sensitive, How about if I go to your floor? 

    Hmm, I think it might be a little dangerous for a stranger to go to a single woman’s hotel room. How about your room? My practiced line, one I’d used countless times, came out smoothly, and I waited for him to inevitably take the bait. 

    I have a roommate, he replied, and the intuition that served me well in all my time on the streets flashed in bright neon lights with the word danger. The only question was if I would listen to it or not. Probably not. 

    The elevator stopped on the floor I’d chosen and the doors opened. We stared at each other for a long time before he broke the silence, his voice dripping with sex, Your floor, baby girl. 

    Fuck, if I didn’t want to take him right to my room and ride him until the sun came up. The only problem was I didn’t have a room and counted on going to his. I stayed in my spot, Pass. Like I said, it’s too dangerous. 

    Will you be here tomorrow? 

    No. I have a flight back home in the evening after my meeting, I lied. 

    I see. Well, that’s too bad. At least I’ll be able to stroke my cock in the shower while I think of you. 

    Damn, he wasn’t budging on this. I’d have to ride back down and take a cab to a different hotel to try again with some poor sucker. Enjoy, I laughed as I waited for him to leave. 

    Isn’t this your floor? he gestured to the hallway beyond the elevator doors. 

    He had my head out of the game and I was fucked, and not in a good way. Maybe. Or maybe I just hit a random floor so I wouldn’t have a devilish stranger following me. 

    I’d be happy to walk you to the front desk so you can turn me in for harassing you. I know they take security of the guests very seriously here, he seemed to mock me. But I think you love how devilish I am. 

    Why don’t you just go to your floor and then I can safely get to mine, I suggested, ignoring how right he was on that last part.  

    He pushed the button to the top floor, and as soon as the doors closed, he boxed me in against the wall. I would, but I don’t believe you have a room here, his eyes twinkled, and he brushed his lips against my neck, making me shiver. I know what you’re doing, trying to get up to my room so you can take everything of value I have. I did ruin your paltry attempt to pickpocket me, after all. 

    I laughed, though I knew my eyes betrayed me, You’re crazy. I’m just a simple businesswoman here for my job. 

    And you always bring a dress like this for short work trips? he asked as he ran his hand down my side, brushing against the side of my breast. Or did you forget you told me you just arrived, Vivian? 

    The way he lowered his voice on my name had me all out of sorts. Even if I had an answer, I thanked my luck when the elevator door opened, saving me. I could barely see over him, but what little I could make out around his broad chest revealed a lavish entry leading to a single set of double doors. This was the penthouse, not a normal suite most of my marks stayed in. While the suites here were stunning, they had nothing on this lobby. I couldn’t imagine what the rest looked like and I became excited about the treasures I’d find.

    Dane wrapped those thick arms around my back and lifted me. My short skirt rode up, and I groaned as his thick bulge rubbed against my thin panties. His lips crashed against mine and I melted into the kiss, tasting the smoky flavor of whisky lingering on his tongue as I writhed against his cock. His hands squeezed my ass tight, painful but so fucking good, and my core ached to feel him filling me up. 

    I didn’t notice we moved until he had me pressed against the door to the penthouse. I caught my breath when he released my mouth from the burning kiss that made me forget why I was there for a moment. It didn’t matter, though, because I would take every ounce of pleasure from him before pinching his belongings. There was nothing in the rules of criminals saying I couldn’t enjoy it. 

    His tongue slid up my neck and he nipped my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine in all the right ways. Baby girl, I know you aren’t staying here, his words didn’t quite register. But neither am I, so we’re even. 

    What? I asked huskily, trying to pull his mouth back to mine. 

    You don’t have a room here, Vivian. You want to fuck me and then steal from me. 

    This time it registered, and I tried to stammer out a line, but he put his finger to my lips and grinned wickedly, letting me slide down his body. I’ll let you in on a little secret. As soon as I saw you, I knew I needed to taste you. And when you took my wallet, mmm, that made me want you more. 

    He dug in his pocket and I flinched until I saw the glint of gold hanging from his fingers. It was my bracelet. Give that back, I demanded, like a petulant child. 

    You’ll have to earn it, his seductive voice lured me in as he opened the door to the penthouse. After you, baby girl. 

    Chapter 2


    MY MOUTH DROPPED WHEN I stepped into the extravagant room. Well, basically an apartment. All thoughts of ripping his clothes off were temporarily forgotten as I took in the shining marble floor, crystal chandeliers, and furniture that belonged in a gallery. The place seemed to go on forever, with rooms upon rooms, and I found myself running a finger along the swanky surfaces as I walked around. Wait, I thought you said you didn’t have a room here, my brain finally caught up once my libido was in check. 

    I don’t, he answered simply as he pulled his tie off. 

    And we are here, how? I looked at him warily, expecting the cops to show up at any moment. 

    He didn’t answer for a while. Fingers lazily unbuttoning his shirt as if we weren’t illegally in the most expensive room in the entire city. Tattoos peeked out, dark tribal patterns showing along his peck, and I forgot where I was for a moment as I tried to will his shirt off with my mind. 

    Dane’s expression morphed, his eyes dark and challenging, the corners of his mouth upturned just enough to give him a wicked look. Stalking toward me, as if I were the prey he was about to devour, my heart raced and my legs felt as if they would give out. His look was murderous, yet so fucking sexy I didn’t care if I ended up dead just as long as I could fuck him. 

    There was no doubt I was caught in his web, made even worse when his smooth voice practically growled, I know people in high places. Now, take that dress off for me, Vivian. I want to see that delicious body of yours. 

    I didn’t hesitate to wiggle out of my little black dress, giving into that calling I’d always had for risky situations. There was no doubt I was addicted to the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My mama always told me it would be my downfall, but no matter how many times I found myself in a dangerous situation, I’d always found a way out of it. 

    He was on me before I could think anymore, caging me into the dining room table, his body millimeters from mine, his hands resting on the table. Fear flashed through me, and I knew he could see it. Are you afraid of me, baby girl? his hand ran down my side and I shivered violently. 

    No, I lied as my body betrayed me, leaning back to escape the warring emotions inside. The table dug into my ass, reminding me to get myself back into character and find out what his game was. 

    I think you are, but let me see what your body has to say. 

    Dane, I gasped as his fingers swiftly slid inside my lace panties and he plunged into my greedy pussy. I bit my lip to keep from crying out as he slid in and out, hitting all the right spots. 

    Pulling out, he held them up, glistening with my slick desire, and put them in his mouth, Mmm, you taste so fucking good, Vivian. I didn’t answer as he slid my panties down and pulled them over my heels. Get up on that table. 

    Automatically, I listened, needing to feel more of whatever he gave me. He was commanding, his words dirty, the kind of man I’d follow to my demise. The wood was cold on my bare ass, and excitement thrummed through me as he took me in with a hungry look in his eyes. Spread for me, he demanded, and I did, holding my still stockinged legs wide for him. Such a pretty cunt you have. Show me how you’ll fuck yourself when you go home and think of me, all alone in that bed of yours. 

    My hands flew to my center, circling my clit before pushing two fingers inside of myself as he watched with hooded eyes. He was the master of me, pulling my strings and telling me what to do. I fucking loved the way his darkened eyes locked onto my movements and his tongue ran across his bottom lip. My hips moved and my chest heaved as the effect I had on him heightened my desire.  

    I was so damn close, right on the edge and about to fall over into oblivion when he stopped me. Grabbing my hand, he pulled it from my ministrations and brought it to my mouth, slipping my own heat between my lips, That’s right, taste your sweet cunt, Vivian.

    Shuddering at his words and his actions, I didn’t know how much more I could take. Please, Dane, I begged. 

    His deranged laugh echoed through the room before he grew serious, staring at me with an intensity that shot fear through me again, Please what, Vivian? What do you want me to do to you? I didn’t answer, my mind telling me to run but everything else telling me to stay, to tell him what my body wanted from him. 

    He stepped back, and I felt empty. Raising a brow, he stared at me, imploring me to answer. I wanted everything from him, and my jumbled mind couldn’t settle on just one answer. Averting my eyes, I tried to gather my wits. I wasn’t a scared little pearl clutcher. I was Vivian Parker, con woman extraordinaire, who never wavered in taking what I wanted. What was it about this man that caused me to question all that made me, me?

    When I heard his zipper and his dark pants flashed by my field of vision, I met his eyes and saw something missing from what had been there before. The spark, the mischievous glint; they were both gone, and I didn’t like it at all. I wanted him to want me like before, and determination pushed away every single doubt I had. 

    Lifting my chin, I became myself again. Vivian, the hustler who made men beg me for more as I stole everything from them. Dane was nothing more than an itch that needed to be scratched, and I would use him for my needs. "I want you to fuck me, Dane. Make me scream. If you can," I challenged him. 

    Oh, baby girl, you are going to be screaming my name, begging me to never stop. I’m going to fuck that pretty pussy so hard you won’t be able to walk. My body tingled with excitement at the sureness in his response, that devilish grin as he took my challenge.

    Resting a hand on my knee, he pushed my legs open further as he guided his cock to my entrance, never taking those dark, penetrating eyes off mine. As it slid in, he groaned before driving into me, not even pausing to let me get used to his girth. I threw my head back and arched as he pinched my clit, continuing to slip in and out ever so slowly. I felt every inch of him, the sensation of being so full, something I never experienced before. You’re so fucking wet for me. I love your sweet cunt wrapped around my dick, his words sending more heat to the fire already burning inside of me. 

    Shut up and fuck me harder, I ordered, wanting to take back the control he’d stolen right from under me despite how riled up his dirty talk made me. 

    Leaning forward, he filled me up with every glorious inch, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and devouring my mouth. Every nerve in my body came alive as he possessed me, my nipples so hard, scraping against his chest, and sending waves of hot, inescapable cravings for him to every part of my body. I needed him to consume me as much as I needed to devour him.

    Mmm, fuck me, I moaned as I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my heels into his ass, his chest rumbling with his approval. 

    It seemed we had a fight for control because he stopped and stared at me, his dark eyes boring into me. Oh, Vivian, I think it’s you who needs to ride me. You do plan to take from me, after all. You can at least work for my valuables. 

    I should have been offended, but he was right on one thing. I would take from him. Are you insinuating I’m a whore? my voice was sultry and filled with need. 

    "You’re my dirty little whore, he grunted, punctuating it with a thrust that sent me spiraling. He lifted me from the table, cock still buried deep inside me, and carried me to the couch. Don’t deny you don’t love it. Your wet cunt is dripping down my dick." 

    I couldn’t, and didn’t try as he sat on the couch, and I settled on his lap. My clit grinding against his pelvis felt so fucking good, and I cried out as pleasure overtook me. Words flew from my mouth as I fucked him hard and fast, taking every bit from him. His mouth ravished me, sucking on my nipples, nipping at my skin, all the while using that dirty mouth of his to bring out the carnal desires I never knew I had. 

    The orgasm ripped through me as I moaned unintelligible words, my body spasming, gripping his cock with my walls. My vision danced with black spots and I lost all ability to control my muscles, slumping against him and breathing in his musky scent. 

    Oh, I’m not done with you, baby girl, he promised, standing and taking me with him to the bedroom. I didn’t have time to look at the surroundings as he threw me on the bed and twisted me onto my stomach. The bed dipped as he climbed on and pulled my ass up in the air, thrusting into me. You’re going to cum for me all night long. You’re my little slut tonight, Vivian, he punctuated with another thrust that hit the right spot, one that sent my needs soaring again. 

    All I could do was moan as he wrapped my hair around his fingers and pulled my head up, making me arch to give him better access. My greedy pussy took all of it and begged for more, my voice as if I were another person, begging him to keep fucking me and chanting his name as if he were a god. And he sure was in the bedroom, going and going as if he’d never tire of fucking me. 

    And when he came, animalistic in his sounds, I came right along with him, thrashing against the bed as my whole body reacted to every ounce of the pleasure he gave me. Dripping wet, I didn’t think I had anything left in me, but he found it, flipping me over and pistoning into my pussy

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